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The Architecture Collection

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The Architecture Collection includes the following titles:

Santiago Calatrava's Travels - imageSantiago Calatrava's Travels

A fascinating portrait of world famous artist, engineer, architect and urban studies scholar Santiago Calatrava, and an interdisciplinary reflection on the perception and impact of architecture.

Icarus Films | 1999 | 77 minutes | 9-12, College, Adult
The Absent House - imageThe Absent House

Sustainable design in the tropics. The story of a Puerto Rican architect pioneering locally-suited green buildings for over thirty years.

Icarus Films | 2013 | 55 minutes | 8-12, COLLEGE, ADULT
The Greening of Southie - imageThe Greening of Southie

The story of Boston's first LEED-certified residential green building, and the people who made it possible.

Bullfrog Films | 2008 | 72 minutes | Grades 7 - 12, College, Adult
The Human Scale - imageThe Human Scale

Acclaimed architect Jan Gehl and his team are on a humanistic mission to reclaim public space in mega cities for pedestrians (and cyclists) rather than cars.

KimStim | 2012 | 77 minutes
The Lincoln School Story - imageThe Lincoln School Story

The Lincoln School Story follows the heroic fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and their children in 1954.

Bullfrog Films | 2023 | 27 minutes | 7-12, College, Adults
The Next Industrial Revolution - imageThe Next Industrial Revolution

Architect Bill McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart bring together ecology and human design.

Bullfrog Films | 2001 | 55 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Unfinished Spaces - imageUnfinished Spaces

Multi-layered story of Cuba's National Art Schools project, designed by three young artists in the wake of Castro's Revolution.

Bullfrog Films | 2012 | 86 minutes | Grades 9-12, College, Adults
Waste = Food - imageWaste = Food

Based on the theories of William McDonough and Michael Braungart, major corporations embrace environmentally sustainable architecture and production in an ecologically-inspired industrial revolution.

Icarus Films | 2006 | 51 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult

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