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The Fanlight Collection

The Fanlight Collection has a special focus on healthcare, mental health, professional ethics, aging and gerontology, disabilities, the workplace, and gender and family issues.

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The Fanlight Collection includes the following titles:

Tikinagan - imageTikinagan

Reveals the challenges faced by a native run child care agency in northwestern Ontario.

Icarus Films | 1991 | 59 minutes | 9-12, College, Adult
Toward Daylight - imageToward Daylight

Tells the stories of five people struggling to cope with the suicide of a loved one or their own suicide attempt.

The Fanlight Collection | 2010 | 18 minutes | 8-12, COLLEGE, ADULT
Two Films on Challenges in Nursing - imageTwo Films on Challenges in Nursing

Explores an innovative clinical affilitation between nursing homes and universities.

The Fanlight Collection | 1990 | 57 minutes
Two Worlds - One Planet - imageTwo Worlds - One Planet

This documentary brings Autism syndrome out of the shadows, stressing that young people with developmental disabilities can learn and grow, if their individual needs, styles, and abilities are respected.

The Fanlight Collection | 2008 | 62 minutes
Uncoupled - imageUncoupled

Profiles four people at varying stages of dealing with the death of a spouse, as they explain what worked and did not work for them during the months and years after their loss.

The Fanlight Collection | 2006 | 24 minutes
Untold Desires - imageUntold Desires

Men and women with disabilities speak candidly and often humorously about their sexuality and their struggle to be recognized as sexual beings.

The Fanlight Collection | 1994 | 57 minutes
When the Brain Goes Wrong - imageWhen the Brain Goes Wrong

A provocative series of portraits of individuals with a range of brain dysfunctions.

The Fanlight Collection | 1992 | 45 minutes | College/Adult/Professional
Worlds Apart - imageWorlds Apart

A series on cross-cultural healthcare. These four unique trigger films raise awareness about how cultural barriers affect patient-provider communication and other aspects of care for patients of diverse backgrounds.

The Fanlight Collection | 2003 | 47 minutes | College/Adult/Professional

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