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The Women's Studies Collection

The Women's Studies Collection brings together over 160 films that present the stories of women around the world. From the experience of single mothers in Korea; to teenage girls in prison staging a musical; to films exploring women's relationship to their bodies; crimes of honor, bride kidnapping, and sex trafficking; the makeover industry; mail order brides; women and Islam; domestic violence in Cambodia and Pakistan; girls and guns; philosophers, filmmakers and scientists; women organizing and taking charge of their lives -- The Women's Studies Collection is a broad assembly exploring almost every facet of women's lives.

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The Women's Studies Collection includes the following titles:

Ama - imageAma

The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.

Bullfrog Films | 2019 | 74 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Anais Goes to War - imageAnais Goes to War

A young woman's struggle to forge her own path and start a farm.

Icarus Films | 2014 | 46 minutes
Bastards: Outcast in Morocco - imageBastards: Outcast in Morocco

Documents one woman's fight to have her sham marriage recognized and her daughter legitimized by the Moroccan judicial system.

Icarus Films | 2014 | 83 minutes
Battered Hearts - imageBattered Hearts

Domestic abuse is not always physical. Focusing on abusers as well as their victims, this documentary looks at the devastating range of physical, verbal, and emotional assaults which abusers may inflict, but also profiles successful programs which offer awareness, help and healing.

The Fanlight Collection | 2005 | 27 minutes | College/Adult/Professional
Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes - imageBeatrix Farrand's American Landscapes

Lynden B. Miller explores the life and work of America's first female landscape architect, Beatrix Farrand.

Bullfrog Films | 2020 | 62 minutes | 7 - 12, College, Adults
Beauty Parlor in Rio - imageBeauty Parlor in Rio

Meet Dr. Pitanguy, the 'Golden Scalpel' at a leading Brazilian plastic surgery clinic.

Icarus Films | 2007 | 52 minutes
Beyond Boobs - imageBeyond Boobs

Boobs. Melons. Bazookas: American director Kristen Vermilyea has large breasts, neck pain, back pain and balance issues. Her decision to get a reduction triggers questions about identity, aging and bodies. Kristen departs on a series of humorous adventures before going under the knife.

First Hand Films | 2018 | 52 minutes
Birth - imageBirth

The story of a woman caught up in a cycle of pregnancies because of social pressure to produce a male child, and two other stories of babies, in need, or absent, in Arab countries.

Icarus Films | 2001 | 26 minutes | 9-12, College, Adult
Bittersweet Joke - imageBittersweet Joke

Examines the experiences of single mothers in South Korea, where there remains a strong social taboo against single parenthood.

Icarus Films | 2011 | 52 minutes | 9-12, COLLEGE, ADULT
Black Girl in Suburbia - imageBlack Girl in Suburbia

For many Black girls raised in the suburbs, the experiences of going to school, playing on the playground, and living day-to-day life is alienating. BLACK GIRL IN SUBURBIA looks at the suburbs of America from the perspective of women of color.

Women Make Movies | 2017 | 54 minutes

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