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The African Studies Collection

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The African Studies Collection includes the following titles:

Life 8 - Moments of Truth - imageLife 8 - Moments of Truth

Charles Stewart, whose 1984 film alerted the world to the Ethiopian famine, returns to check whether the people he filmed then are now free from danger.

Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 25 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Life 8 - Reclaim the Condom - imageLife 8 - Reclaim the Condom

Trained advice columnist Sheila launches a campaign in Mozambique to promote condoms as sexy contraceptives - not weapons in the fight against HIV and disease.

Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 26 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Life 8 - Scent of the Streets - imageLife 8 - Scent of the Streets

Nigeria has had some success in getting more women into government and business. But what about in the crowded and often violent slums of Lagos?

Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 27 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Life 8 - Sorie K and the MDGs - imageLife 8 - Sorie K and the MDGs

Blind musician, Sorie Kondi, from Sierra Leone looks at what's happening with girls' education in his country 10 years after civil war.

Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 27 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Life 8 - The Elephants' Dream of Peace - imageLife 8 - The Elephants' Dream of Peace

In Ivory Coast the national soccer team, the Elephants, helped stop a civil war in 2005. Can the efforts of their top players avert disaster this time?

Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 26 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Life 8 - Trawler Girl - imageLife 8 - Trawler Girl

A female trawler captain in Namibia exemplifies goals set forth for women in the Millennium Development Goals.

Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 27 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Magic Radio - imageMagic Radio

In Niger, where more than 80% of the population is illiterate, radio is the main means of mass communication.

Icarus Films | 2007 | 54 minutes
Mali Blues - imageMali Blues

Four dynamic Malian musicians use their music to stand up to religious extremism.

Icarus Films | 2016 | 93 minutes
Mama Colonel - imageMama Colonel

A portrait of Colonel Honorine Manyole, commonly known as 'Mama Colonel,' who works for the Congolese police force and heads the unit for the protection of minors and the fight against sexual violence

Icarus Films | 2017 | 72 minutes
Mammy Water - imageMammy Water

A gentle portrait by Jean Rouch of the spiritual traditions of a fishing village in the Gulf of Guinea.

Icarus Films | 1956 | 18 minutes | 8-12, COLLEGE, ADULT

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