Genetically engineered food crops are seeping into our diets, frequently without our even being aware of it. This film reveals the connections between multinational chemical companies and the food they want us to eat. Why are these chemical companies buying up all the seed companies in the world? Can hunger and third world farmers' debts be solved by genetically modified seeds? Is this new hope or false promises?
Forty years ago 'seeds of hope' were planted in the Third World, the seeds of the Green Revolution. With the help of improved wheat, corn and rice varieties, enough food could finally be produced to feed the starving masses. Norman Borlaug received a Nobel Peace Prize for the 'miracle seeds' he developed.
What happened? Yields did increase, but only for those who could afford the irrigation and agricultural chemicals that the improved varieties required. Exporting modern agricultural methods has been good business for the multinationals, but economic dependence, the erosion of genetic diversity in food crops, and environmental poisoning are the prices that the farmer has to pay.
'Dramatic and beautiful - Recommended for any collection with a strong emphasis in ecological and agricultural issues.' **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries
'This thought-provoking critique of the Green Revolution - (implies) that the genetic revolution will fail just as the Green one has - Draw(s) several conclusions, which include the need to emphasize regenerative agriculture, to use soft technologies rather than rely on high tech, and emphasize biological diversity.' Choice
Main credits
Gunnarsson, Peter (filmmaker)
Bourque, Judith (filmmaker)
Other credits
Photography, Lennart Malmer, Peter Gunnarsson; film editing, Judith Bourque, Nina Wedberg; music, Lito Abad.
Agriculture; Asian Studies; Biotechnology; Development; Ecology; Economics; Environment; Genetically Modified Foods; Genetics; Globalization; Humanities; International Studies; International Trade; Sustainable Agriculture
genetically engineered foods, multinationals, third world farmers, agriculture, seeds, Green Revolution, Pat Mooney; "Sowing for Need or Sowing for Greed?"; Bullfrog Films
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 56 minutes
Date: 1990
Genre: Expository
Language: Not available
Grade: Grades 9-12, College Adult
Closed Captioning: Not available
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