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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 titles with a criteria of Subject is Military Dictatorship

I Owe You a Letter About Brazil

An investigation into the persistence of silence as a tool to erase memory in Brazil.

Pragda Films | 2019 | 90 minutes

I Wonder What You Will Remember Of September

Cecilia Cornejo presents a haunting personal response to the events of September 11, 2001, informed and complicated by her status as a Chilean citizen living in the U.S

Women Make Movies | 2004 | 27 minutes

Lisbon and WWII

Portugal managed to get through all of World War II without firing a single shot.

Cinétévé | 2023 | 52 minutes

Santiago, Italia

Told through the testimonies of those who were there during Chile's military coup, Santiago, Italia is a chilling depiction of living under junta rule and an ultimately inspiring expression of hope amidst dire circumstances.

Distrib Films | 2019 | 80 minutes