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Caregiver: A Love Story

CAREGIVER: A LOVE STORY is the tale of one man struggling to care for his dying wife. After four years of battling cancer that has now gone metastatic, 60-year-old Bambi Fass has had enough. Despite being a natural fighter and optimist, she decides to start focusing on maximizing quality of life instead of just prolonging it. Bambi will forego additional radiation treatment in order to live out her final weeks at home surrounded by her family and friends in Oakland. Although reluctant to let go of a woman he had met only three years earlier, her husband Rick supports her choice. An emotional journey that begins with song-filled friends and family gatherings soon becomes deeply challenging as Rick is left alone to care for Bambi in her final weeks, juggling the day-to-day demands of in-home hospice, the custody of his two-year old granddaughter, and the devastating realities of Bambi’s decline.