The Faith Project, Pt. 7 - The Four Pillars

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- Transcript
Jetan Mistry is a mechanical engineer who has grown up in the Swaminarayan Hindu community in the Greater Toronto area in Ontario. The opulent temple near his home is the focal point in his life. In its halls of carved marble, he softens and lays down before sacred images of deities and gurus.
Main credits
Romeike, Christopher (film director)
Marin, Lea (film producer)
Janjua, Shiraz (screenwriter)
Distributor subjects
Hinduism; Ethics; Religion and Spirituality; World RegionsKeywords
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(Reel rattles)
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- Jetan: There's four pillars
- of Hinduism.
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- There's Dharma
- which is the code of ethics.
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Jnana which is knowledge.
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Vairagya which is detachment.
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And Bhakti which is worship.
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So these are the four -
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four areas of Hinduism
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- that we try to perfect
- ourselves in.
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- A Mandir is a Hindu place
- of worship.
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The Mandir's location itself
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- is that it's build just outside
- downtown Toronto
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- and really close
- to the airport.
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- So if you're coming from
- the north end going south,
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you will come over this ridge,
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- and all of a sudden a Mandir
- just appears.
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- To see such a structure
- in Canada,
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almost makes you believe -
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- almost makes you feel surreal
- that you are in India.
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- It's a place where
- we can feel peace.
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It's a place where the mind,
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- the body, the soul becomes
- still,
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- and peaceful and there's
- a sense of tranquility
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throughout the Mandir.
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The Mandir itself is built
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- on traditional Vedic
- scriptures.
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- We believe that the Mandir
- structure itself
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is the form of God.
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- So the steps are the feet
- of God.
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- The windows are the ears
- of God.
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- The flags is also
- the top portion,
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the head of God.
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Growing up, Mandir was...
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a central point in my life.
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All the activities that I do,
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everything that I am today,
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- is because of how I was brought
- up through Mandir.
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- When I first come into
- the Mandir,
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- the first room to my right
- is the Abhishek Mandap,
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or the Abhishek room.
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- And there we perform a sacred
- traditional ritual
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which is called Abhishek.
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As I enter in, I will -
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I will prostrate.
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I will provide obedience.
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- I will surrender myself
- from head to toe -
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mind, body and soul.
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- I will proceed
- and I will start to pour
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- the holy water on to the Murti
- of the (unclear).
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- Essentially what
- we're doing is we are
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letting out our inner wishes
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- or, as we say,
- the word (sanko).
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- And we are offering
- our devotion.
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(Singing a prayer)
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After performing the Abhishek,
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- so the pouring of the sacred
- water,
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- I will go around the image
- of Nilkanth Varni.
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And what I will try to do
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- is I will try to keep complete
- eye contact with the image.
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- And the symbolism of going
- around
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- is to realize that
- at the centre of your life,
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- no matter where you go,
- no matter what you do,
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- you are always in the presence
- of God.
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- As I am clapping I am saying
- the Somnath mantra.
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- So each clap essentially for me
- would be the Somnath mantra.
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Saying the word Swaminarayan.
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- That's almost instinctive
- for me.
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- For me it's a personal
- preference
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- where I do not like to turn
- my back
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- to any of the images that
- are in the Mandir.
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- So what I try to do is
- I back out
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- um, so I'm face first
- with the Murti.
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(Singing a prayer)
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- So coming into the Mandir
- my hands will be folded.
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- I will come to the central
- shrine.
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- And the central shrine
- that is in the Mandir itself
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is who the Mandir itself
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is actually dedicated to.
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- So in our case it is
- Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
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And with Bhagwan Swaminarayan
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- is his choicest devotee
- Gunatitanand Swami.
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I will come before the images
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- and I will perform
- prostrations.
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- I am thinking of being
- at the feet of God.
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- As I'm stretching out
- I'm trying to reach
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- the feet of God,
- I'm touching the feet of God.
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it's humbling as I'm doing it.
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I will...
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- I will perform those
- prostrations
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- to each of the shrines
- that are in the Mandir.
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- So as I'm performing
- my prayers,
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- I think the one main thing
- that you need to do
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- is to clear your mind
- of anything
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that's happening around you,
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- whether it's the meeting
- that you're going to have
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- with your boss later on
- in the day,
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- whether it's the sleepless
- night that you had,
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whether it's bill payments,
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anything that you have.
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When you're actually praying,
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- you want all that clutter,
- all the,
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- all the hustle and bustle
- in your life to not be there.
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- You want to solely focus
- your mind on God.
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So to do that,
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- one tool that I have that
- was given to me
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- by Bhagwan Swaminarayan
- is the Swaminarayan mantra
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- which I use to chant
- and to clear my mind.
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- As I go through all the sacred
- images in the Mandir,
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my Guru is one of the images
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- that I will focus on probably
- the most,
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- because I have a personal
- connection with him.
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- I have, I have met him
- in person.
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Today he's in India.
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He's 93-years-old.
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- When I'm there praying
- in front of him,
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I have my connection to God.
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I see him as my friend,
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- I see him as my mother,
- my father,
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my Guru, so my teacher.
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- When the Mandir itself
- as built,
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- it opened up doors
- to, to everything for me.
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- It allowed me to express
- myself as a Hindu.
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- It allowed me to explain
- to others
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uh, the Hindu faith,
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the Swaminarayan faith.
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- And it made it so much
- easier for me
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to talk about my religion,
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- my culture,
- the festivals we celebrate.
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- Because more people
- are beginning to see more
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about not only Hinduism
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but other religions as well.