
- Description
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- Transcript
Tagged introduces us to the raging debate over the ubiquitous Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip, touted as a tool with invaluable medical applications by its supporters and denounced as the death knell for civil liberties by privacy advocates. This playfully smart short doc lets the audience decide: Is it hip to be chipped, as a proposed marketing slogan claimed, or could RFID implants accelerate a slide down the slippery slope from surveillance society to totalitarian nightmare?
Main credits
Cohen, Shawney (film director)
Cohen, Shawney (screenwriter)
Cohen, Shawney (film producer)
Gallay, Mike (film director)
Gallay, Mike (screenwriter)
Gallay, Mike (film producer)
Marin, Lea (film producer)
Other credits
Director of photography, Chris Mably; original score, Jim Guthrie; editing, Shawney Cohen, Mike Gallay, Dev Singh.
Distributor subjects
No distributor subjects provided.Keywords
00:00:22.542 --> 00:00:25.166
Yeah, that\"s a little bit larger
than I expected,
00:00:25.167 --> 00:00:29.000
but I guess it makes sense that
that has to be bigger
00:00:29.125 --> 00:00:32.999
than the actual chip,
so I \"m sure it won\" t hurt.
00:00:33.000 --> 00:00:36.334
It\"s just a poke,
but look at the size of that.
00:00:41.125 --> 00:00:43.959
So we have 3 identical chips.
00:00:44.334 --> 00:00:47.459
All right, here\"s the
disclaimer, all right.
00:00:49.417 --> 00:00:50.000
00:00:50.001 --> 00:00:52.833
So the first thing that they put
on the disclaimer here is that
00:00:52.834 --> 00:00:56.249
they don\"t sell tags
to be implant tags.
00:00:56.250 --> 00:01:00.417
\"We do not advise or encourage
users to implant our ID tags.\"
00:01:03.626 --> 00:01:06.291
These tags are not sold as
medical products
00:01:06.292 --> 00:01:09.250
and are not sanitized
for medical use.
00:01:13.292 --> 00:01:15.083
It\"s a Trossen robotics sticker
00:01:15.209 --> 00:01:17.208
reminding me
that they actually...
00:01:17.209 --> 00:01:19.750
The applications of this product
are for robotics
00:01:19.751 --> 00:01:21.958
and not for
implanting into humans.
00:01:21.959 --> 00:01:25.875
Well, I\"m sorry Trossen, that\"s
exactly what we\"re doing today.
00:01:25.876 --> 00:01:28.125
00:01:33.501 --> 00:01:36.500
As far as putting
an implant in for people,
00:01:36.501 --> 00:01:39.958
it certainly well beyond the
scope of my expertise.
00:01:39.959 --> 00:01:42.833
I can\"t imagine it would be very
much different though,
00:01:42.834 --> 00:01:46.750
as mammals are mammals and
medicine in very many
00:01:46.751 --> 00:01:50.333
respects are very similar
between veterinary medicine and
00:01:50.334 --> 00:01:52.918
human medicine.
00:01:57.709 --> 00:01:59.249
Is it going
to hurt him?
00:01:59.250 --> 00:02:00.833
Well, he might notice it,
00:02:00.834 --> 00:02:02.791
but usually when they\"re
a little bit nervous,
00:02:02.792 --> 00:02:03.958
that is to our advantage,
00:02:03.959 --> 00:02:05.958
so they usually don\"t
really react at all.
00:02:05.959 --> 00:02:07.167
I can just pinch his fur
00:02:07.292 --> 00:02:09.792
and you can think
about something else.
00:02:09.918 --> 00:02:11.917
(Dog whining)
00:02:11.918 --> 00:02:12.626
There, it\"s in.
00:02:12.627 --> 00:02:13.958
So he did cry a little bit,
00:02:13.959 --> 00:02:18.958
but really, he didn\"t
even really react that much.
00:02:18.959 --> 00:02:21.417
Eh, what a good boy, eh?
00:02:23.709 --> 00:02:24.958
Anybody who has this transponder
00:02:24.959 --> 00:02:26.833
will call
the 1-800 number
00:02:26.834 --> 00:02:30.541
to find out who\"s dog
belongs to this number.
00:02:30.542 --> 00:02:34.584
What a good girl.
00:02:34.709 --> 00:02:35.958
00:02:35.959 --> 00:02:36.999
That\"s her tag number.
00:02:37.000 --> 00:02:38.625
Oh, let\"s do it again.
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00:02:41.959 --> 00:02:42.918
My cat has an RF ID chip.
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I chipped my cat
because my cat can\"t talk.
00:02:46.918 --> 00:02:48.958
And so I want,
if my cat is lost,
00:02:48.959 --> 00:02:51.958
someone will be able to run a
reader over her neck
00:02:51.959 --> 00:02:54.792
and find out, you know,
my name, my phone number
00:02:54.918 --> 00:02:55.792
so I can be contacted.
00:02:55.918 --> 00:02:58.959
All right, it\"s real different
doing it within people.
00:02:59.959 --> 00:03:04.166
About 20 years ago, we invented
the implantable RF chip.
00:03:04.167 --> 00:03:06.708
Today, in humans
you know it as Verichip.
00:03:06.709 --> 00:03:10.208
Verichip Corporation brands
itself in the marketplace
00:03:10.209 --> 00:03:12.958
as the RF ID company for people.
00:03:12.959 --> 00:03:16.083
RF ID stands for radio frequency
identification technology.
00:03:41.626 --> 00:03:42.791
What we hope
is standard protocol,
00:03:42.792 --> 00:03:46.667
just like it is in the
clinic or vet clinics.
00:03:46.792 --> 00:03:49.459
They run this over the arm,
just like I did,
00:03:49.584 --> 00:03:52.958
it pulls up that unique
16 digit identification number
00:03:52.959 --> 00:03:54.708
and through a port
on the bottom,
00:03:54.709 --> 00:03:55.958
it would connect to a laptop
00:03:55.959 --> 00:03:58.876
and immediately pull up
all of my records.
00:03:58.959 --> 00:04:02.125
What inspired the idea
is when the firemen
00:04:02.250 --> 00:04:05.333
and first responders
at 911 were literally
00:04:05.334 --> 00:04:06.917
going into
the World Trade Centers
00:04:06.918 --> 00:04:09.958
and taking markers and writing
either their badge number
00:04:09.959 --> 00:04:11.958
or Social Security number on
their arms.
00:04:11.959 --> 00:04:14.125
One of the people
on our staff called me up
00:04:14.250 --> 00:04:17.542
and said hey, you know,
this is exactly what Verichip...
00:04:17.667 --> 00:04:19.125
We didn\"t call it Verichip
at that point...
00:04:19.250 --> 00:04:21.751
But this is exactly what
Verichip can do to help first
00:04:21.876 --> 00:04:24.542
responders and then we started
to talk about medical
00:04:24.667 --> 00:04:25.375
applications as well.
00:04:25.376 --> 00:04:29.292
So in disaster was really
the origins for the product.
00:04:32.375 --> 00:04:33.958
I suck!
00:04:33.959 --> 00:04:36.958
I\"m actually wondering about
recovery time with my hand.
00:04:36.959 --> 00:04:38.958
Apparently if
it\"s inserted correctly,
00:04:38.959 --> 00:04:39.876
you never feel it.
00:04:39.877 --> 00:04:42.291
Like, you actually
have to search for it, right?
00:04:42.292 --> 00:04:44.041
Like, you know, after, you know,
00:04:44.042 --> 00:04:46.751
whatever your little scar
and stuff goes away,
00:04:46.876 --> 00:04:48.708
you would never
notice it was there.
00:04:48.709 --> 00:04:50.958
Like, you can\"t
find it on someone.
00:04:50.959 --> 00:04:52.249
I still might want
to do the light thing
00:04:52.250 --> 00:04:53.958
because it is cool
to walk in the room
00:04:53.959 --> 00:04:56.958
and everything turns on,
but definitely the safe...
00:04:56.959 --> 00:04:58.958
I like the safe idea
because I do have some stuff
00:04:58.959 --> 00:04:59.959
I\"d like to put in there
00:05:00.042 --> 00:05:01.750
and the front door for sure too
00:05:01.751 --> 00:05:04.626
and probably computer login.
00:05:11.125 --> 00:05:11.959
Finally got this.
00:05:11.959 --> 00:05:12.959
This is Amal Graafstra\"s book
00:05:12.960 --> 00:05:16.333
about all the different RF ID
toys and applications.
00:05:16.334 --> 00:05:17.958
I was speaking
with Amal on the phone
00:05:17.959 --> 00:05:22.958
about what would actually be a
reasonable or a good usage
00:05:22.959 --> 00:05:23.959
for the RF ID thing.
00:05:23.960 --> 00:05:25.417
I was asking him about the
amount of time it takes
00:05:25.542 --> 00:05:28.791
from, you know, you getting in
range of the RF ID reader
00:05:28.792 --> 00:05:31.958
to it opening and he said it\"s
instant. It\"s like...
00:05:31.959 --> 00:05:32.584
(Snaps fingers)
00:05:32.585 --> 00:05:34.791
You know. I guess speed of
sound, pretty much.
00:05:34.792 --> 00:05:37.958
He was saying that he pulled
apart his motorcycle
00:05:37.959 --> 00:05:39.958
and pretty much rebuilt
the whole steering column
00:05:39.959 --> 00:05:42.958
and everything and I think I\"m
going to do the same thing
00:05:42.959 --> 00:05:44.458
for a bike lock.
So basically, you know,
00:05:44.459 --> 00:05:46.834
instead of fumbling for a key,
which oddly enough,
00:05:46.959 --> 00:05:49.958
I actually always do,
you know, you\"re in the rain or something,
you can just physically wrap
00:05:49.959 --> 00:05:53.834
your hand around it and actually
just get close to it.
00:05:53.959 --> 00:05:54.959
It would unlock.
00:05:54.959 --> 00:05:55.959
Mostly it\"s novelties today
00:05:55.960 --> 00:05:58.458
where people do it as an
authentication mechanism
00:05:58.459 --> 00:06:01.958
and you can wave your wrist at a
door and it opens, right?
00:06:01.959 --> 00:06:04.625
I mean, that\"s kind of cool.
You think that\"s neat.
00:06:04.626 --> 00:06:07.958
But unfortunately, that does
enable people to track you.
00:06:07.959 --> 00:06:10.501
Understand something
about the RF ID issue.
00:06:10.626 --> 00:06:11.209
All the privacy issues.
00:06:11.210 --> 00:06:14.249
They have nothing
to do with technology.
00:06:14.250 --> 00:06:15.958
The technology is passive.
00:06:15.959 --> 00:06:16.918
It just sits there.
00:06:16.919 --> 00:06:19.959
It can be used any way you
choose to use it.
00:06:20.417 --> 00:06:21.042
This one was different.
00:06:21.043 --> 00:06:23.041
This one was 3x13,
so it was a scalpel
00:06:23.042 --> 00:06:26.708
and that was a different
type of injection
00:06:26.709 --> 00:06:27.833
but the same thing.
00:06:27.834 --> 00:06:29.958
Injected it with
a numbing agent and,
00:06:29.959 --> 00:06:32.666
you know, made the cut
and I was like, \"oh, wow\"
00:06:32.667 --> 00:06:33.958
and they jammed it in there
00:06:33.959 --> 00:06:37.458
and forced it and kind of
had to wiggle it
00:06:37.459 --> 00:06:38.417
around a little bit.
00:06:38.417 --> 00:06:39.209
And then you felt that?
00:06:39.210 --> 00:06:41.501
Well, I felt it,
but it wasn\"t painful.
00:06:41.626 --> 00:06:43.146
Just weird because
something\"s in you?
00:06:43.209 --> 00:06:44.959
Yeah, it was a lot
of grinding around
00:06:45.000 --> 00:06:46.708
and then finally they
kind of closed it
00:06:46.709 --> 00:06:48.208
with skin glue,
which was super glue,
00:06:48.209 --> 00:06:50.958
and then I figured oh,
this is going to be bruised,
00:06:50.959 --> 00:06:52.958
this is going to hurt.
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You can kind of see it
come up a little bit
00:06:55.626 --> 00:06:56.501
when I grab stuff.
00:06:56.502 --> 00:06:58.709
Have you rode a
bike with it in your hand?
00:06:58.834 --> 00:06:59.501
Oh yeah.
00:06:59.502 --> 00:07:02.958
I start my motorcycle with it.
00:07:02.959 --> 00:07:04.679
I\"m kind of exploring
the whole concept of,
00:07:04.709 --> 00:07:08.166
like, privacy and personal
identification in this
00:07:08.167 --> 00:07:10.375
kind of new society, I guess.
00:07:10.501 --> 00:07:13.750
You know, like,
because when you\"re born
00:07:13.751 --> 00:07:16.166
you get all your fingers and
toes printed,
00:07:16.167 --> 00:07:17.167
you get a blood test
00:07:17.168 --> 00:07:21.999
and it would be no small leap
to get a DNA sample from that
00:07:22.000 --> 00:07:23.958
and, you know, where does it...
00:07:23.959 --> 00:07:25.333
I mean, do you get
entered into the system
00:07:25.334 --> 00:07:27.454
right when you\"re born? MARK:
You\"re freaking
me out.
00:07:27.501 --> 00:07:28.417
You want to scan a barcode
00:07:28.418 --> 00:07:29.750
but there is consent
there because...
00:07:29.751 --> 00:07:30.584
You know what\"s happening.
00:07:30.585 --> 00:07:31.959
Yeah. You have to put it up
there and it\"s done.
00:07:32.083 --> 00:07:34.124
Well, RF ID can be
read without consent.
00:07:34.125 --> 00:07:35.125
So it\"s all about consent and
00:07:35.126 --> 00:07:37.375
that actually kind of,
there\"s the same vein
00:07:37.501 --> 00:07:39.958
as what people
are concerned about
00:07:39.959 --> 00:07:40.959
with RF ID and clothing.
00:07:40.960 --> 00:07:42.958
It\"s not necessarily
the government
00:07:42.959 --> 00:07:44.208
that they\"re worried about.
00:07:44.209 --> 00:07:46.374
They\"re worried
about uncontrolled,
00:07:46.375 --> 00:07:47.584
wild, wild west, you know,
00:07:47.709 --> 00:07:49.999
retailers that you buy Nikes
00:07:50.000 --> 00:07:52.208
in a Nike store and you
walk into Footlocker,
00:07:52.209 --> 00:07:54.917
they read the tag and go
\"this guy buys Nikes
00:07:54.918 --> 00:07:57.751
and he\"s
been here before.\"
00:08:03.959 --> 00:08:06.458
Nice. Check it out.
00:08:06.459 --> 00:08:08.166
It\"s like they really
do have everything.
00:08:08.167 --> 00:08:09.416
Yeah, it\"s pretty amazing.
00:08:09.417 --> 00:08:13.958
It\"s one of
those places too,
if you come all the time,
you\"ll see all the new shit. AMAL:
Yeah. I\"ll just look
for like a spool of wire
00:08:13.959 --> 00:08:18.208
and soldering iron
if there\"s a cheap one around.
00:08:18.209 --> 00:08:18.959
00:08:18.960 --> 00:08:22.291
Soldering iron would be...
00:08:22.292 --> 00:08:25.459
It would be on this aisle.
00:08:25.584 --> 00:08:27.958
Spool of wire.
Spool of wire.
00:08:27.959 --> 00:08:30.666
What could you want
to put on this bottle?
00:08:30.667 --> 00:08:33.584
You know, essential oils.
00:08:34.042 --> 00:08:35.917
I need some tea tree now.
00:08:35.918 --> 00:08:37.459
Hey, hey.
00:08:37.584 --> 00:08:38.000
Eh, oh?
00:08:38.001 --> 00:08:39.958
We\"re going to
put it in with this.
00:08:39.959 --> 00:08:42.209
00:08:44.792 --> 00:08:45.667
I had a huge key ring
00:08:45.792 --> 00:08:48.416
with tons of keys
and I just hated the fact
00:08:48.417 --> 00:08:51.876
I was looking at the keys and
I\"m going this is retarded.
00:08:51.959 --> 00:08:54.666
This is, you know,
18th century technology.
00:08:54.667 --> 00:08:58.958
Dungeon Master. AMAL:
Yeah, it\"s pieces of metal that
are carved in a specific shape
00:08:58.959 --> 00:09:00.791
that identify me.
That\"s all they do.
00:09:00.792 --> 00:09:03.500
With all this technology,
know that it\"s me.
00:09:03.501 --> 00:09:05.958
Just know that it\"s me
and let me in.
00:09:05.959 --> 00:09:07.541
And so I looked at biometrics
00:09:07.542 --> 00:09:08.750
and I looked at
all these other options
00:09:08.751 --> 00:09:10.542
and I said well,
RF ID is great because,
00:09:10.667 --> 00:09:13.374
you know, boom, you\"re in
and I thought well, pet chips.
00:09:13.375 --> 00:09:14.250
They\"re RF ID
00:09:14.251 --> 00:09:16.458
and I kind of read around
and of course Verichip
00:09:16.459 --> 00:09:17.959
was already getting
people implanted.
00:09:18.042 --> 00:09:19.958
I worked with a bunch of doctors
at the time
00:09:19.959 --> 00:09:22.458
and I said \"hey, anybody
interested in
00:09:22.459 --> 00:09:23.750
doing this procedure?\"
00:09:23.751 --> 00:09:25.374
and a cosmetic surgeon was like,
00:09:25.375 --> 00:09:26.292
\"sure, I\'ll do it. No problem.\"
00:09:26.293 --> 00:09:28.541
And I\"ll even say
right on your tape there,
00:09:28.542 --> 00:09:30.583
there those in our company that
four and five years ago
00:09:30.584 --> 00:09:32.500
tried to convince me
that we should
00:09:32.501 --> 00:09:35.750
start a marketing campaign like,
it\"s hip to be chipped,
00:09:35.751 --> 00:09:38.291
you know, related to tattoos or
piercings or things
00:09:38.292 --> 00:09:41.500
to that effect,
and I said absolutely not.
00:09:41.501 --> 00:09:43.125
This is a medical device
that is approved
00:09:43.250 --> 00:09:45.374
in order to save people\"s lives.
00:09:45.375 --> 00:09:47.750
This is not some fad
that\"s going to
00:09:47.751 --> 00:09:50.500
run through the country. Although it could,
that \"s not what we\" re about.
00:09:50.501 --> 00:09:55.959
We\"re about a medical device and
we\"re going to focus on that.
00:09:56.167 --> 00:09:57.791
Their technology
is extremely unpopular.
00:09:57.792 --> 00:09:59.458
People don\"t want
a microchip in their arms,
00:09:59.459 --> 00:10:03.751
they don\"t want a hypodermic
syringe coming at them,
00:10:03.876 --> 00:10:05.750
they instinctively,
I think, feel
00:10:05.751 --> 00:10:06.958
that there is something wrong
00:10:06.959 --> 00:10:08.666
with the idea
of becoming scannable
00:10:08.667 --> 00:10:09.542
like a barcoded package of meat.
00:10:09.667 --> 00:10:11.041
Whenever you\"re looking
at a new technology,
00:10:11.042 --> 00:10:13.249
you have to ask yourself
what is the potential
00:10:13.250 --> 00:10:15.708
of this technology
and do I trust the people
00:10:15.709 --> 00:10:18.959
who are deploring it and using
it to remain within bounds.
00:10:20.292 --> 00:10:21.958
No one\"s forcing you
to get a chip.
00:10:21.959 --> 00:10:23.875
You\"re only getting a chip if
you want to have a chip
00:10:23.876 --> 00:10:25.458
and just as with any other
medical device,
00:10:25.459 --> 00:10:29.166
you as the patient will
decide if that medical device
00:10:29.167 --> 00:10:31.958
is useful with you.
00:10:31.959 --> 00:10:35.500
MAN: It only took about 10 minutes. I went in there,
they gave me a shot of linocaine right here in my arm
00:10:35.501 --> 00:10:38.333
and the doctor brought
out this large sized syringe
00:10:38.334 --> 00:10:39.958
and I was a little panicky
when I saw that.
00:10:39.959 --> 00:10:41.583
But then he showed me the size
of the chip, he says
00:10:41.584 --> 00:10:43.958
\"you won\"t feel a thing.\"
And within 10 seconds,
00:10:43.959 --> 00:10:46.124
it was in and I didn\"t even
know he had it.
00:10:46.125 --> 00:10:48.458
He had put it in.
He had put it in.
00:10:48.459 --> 00:10:51.083
Didn\"t feel a thing.
00:10:51.959 --> 00:10:54.458
The chief of police, John
Schmiddick knew I had diabetes.
00:10:54.459 --> 00:10:56.041
He said \"Bill, it would be
a good idea if you had it
00:10:56.042 --> 00:10:57.958
put in because of your
medical condition.\"
00:10:57.959 --> 00:10:59.708
And he had the chip
implanted in himself
00:10:59.709 --> 00:11:03.999
and it really became a life
saving tool for me
00:11:04.000 --> 00:11:06.333
on May 31st, 2006.
00:11:06.334 --> 00:11:09.208
I wound up in pursuit of a
stolen motor vehicle
00:11:09.209 --> 00:11:11.958
and I was wandering through the
streets of Teaneck, New Jersey
00:11:11.959 --> 00:11:14.958
and the brakes
on the police car failed.
00:11:14.959 --> 00:11:15.959
I wound up hitting a tree,
00:11:15.960 --> 00:11:19.249
probably about 50 to 60 miles an
hour. The airbag did not deploy
00:11:19.250 --> 00:11:23.416
and I sustained neck, head and
back injuries
00:11:23.417 --> 00:11:24.125
as a result of that.
00:11:24.126 --> 00:11:27.209
I wasn\"t unconscious, but I was
in a state where I really
00:11:27.334 --> 00:11:30.333
couldn\"t speak and they rushed
me over to Hackensack
00:11:30.334 --> 00:11:32.583
University Medical Center and in
the emergency room, they kept
00:11:32.584 --> 00:11:35.541
trying to talk to me and I
really couldn\"t explain to them
00:11:35.542 --> 00:11:39.791
exactly what was going on so I
just pointed to my arm and then
00:11:39.792 --> 00:11:41.999
they scanned my arm and it
pulled all my information up.
00:11:42.000 --> 00:11:45.417
They had all the medications I
was on, my medical condition,
00:11:45.542 --> 00:11:46.750
next of kin information,
00:11:46.751 --> 00:11:48.791
They were able to call people
and let everybody know
00:11:48.792 --> 00:11:50.791
what was going on and it
definitely aided
00:11:50.792 --> 00:11:51.542
the way I was treated,
00:11:51.543 --> 00:11:52.958
because they realized
that I had diabetes
00:11:52.959 --> 00:11:54.249
and they were giving me a
glucose drip
00:11:54.250 --> 00:11:56.333
that they had to monitor my
blood sugar.
00:11:56.334 --> 00:11:59.417
Well, I think the first thing
that anybody who is considering
00:11:59.542 --> 00:12:02.083
a microchip implant should be
familiar with is the literature
00:12:02.209 --> 00:12:06.958
that links those devices with
aggressive malignant tumours,
00:12:06.959 --> 00:12:08.333
sarcomas, in animals.
00:12:08.334 --> 00:12:12.082
The animals actually developed
a tumour around the microchip
00:12:12.083 --> 00:12:13.625
so if you envision
a mouse or a rat,
00:12:13.626 --> 00:12:16.501
you remove a tumour in some
cases the size of a plum from
00:12:16.626 --> 00:12:19.875
their bodies, slice it open and
right within the middle of the
00:12:19.876 --> 00:12:21.541
tumour is the gleaming
microchip implant.
00:12:21.542 --> 00:12:24.708
Obviously, when the AP article
came out in September of last
00:12:24.709 --> 00:12:29.041
year saying that our chips
caused cancer, we had a major
00:12:29.042 --> 00:12:32.541
problem around this office and
we faced the problem and we
00:12:32.542 --> 00:12:36.041
looked into that problem and
there is no proof whatsoever
00:12:36.042 --> 00:12:37.958
that these chips cause cancer in
human beings.
00:12:37.959 --> 00:12:41.458
There are several thousand human
beings around the world
00:12:41.459 --> 00:12:42.959
that have it, including myself.
00:12:43.000 --> 00:12:47.041
We have no complaints whatsoever
of any type of cancer
00:12:47.042 --> 00:12:48.958
that has been caused as a result
of our chips.
00:12:48.959 --> 00:12:52.541
In fact, once the AP article
came out, which was fuelled,
00:12:52.542 --> 00:12:55.875
by the way, by a woman named
Katherine Albrecht
00:12:55.876 --> 00:12:57.709
who is completely against
RF technology
00:12:57.834 --> 00:12:59.958
and has written books
on how RF technology
00:12:59.959 --> 00:13:01.082
is going to ruin the world.
00:13:01.083 --> 00:13:03.958
The FDA, when they were
asked about it,
00:13:03.959 --> 00:13:05.917
stated the same thing
that I just stated,
00:13:05.918 --> 00:13:07.166
that they\"ve received no
negative reports
00:13:07.167 --> 00:13:10.375
and they stand behind the
approval of the product.
00:13:15.709 --> 00:13:18.375
The next number is O-71!
00:13:21.292 --> 00:13:23.208
You know,
I was in denial myself.
00:13:23.209 --> 00:13:27.167
I didn\"t want to admit
that he needed help.
00:13:27.292 --> 00:13:31.958
Bob has dementia.
It\"s fairly advanced.
00:13:31.959 --> 00:13:35.208
He\"s had it now
for about 12 years.
00:13:35.209 --> 00:13:37.958
He was a former
judge in Michigan.
00:13:37.959 --> 00:13:41.958
One morning we were getting
ready to go to daycare
00:13:41.959 --> 00:13:43.917
and we got out in the driveway
00:13:43.918 --> 00:13:45.958
and at that time he had
a little scooter,
00:13:45.959 --> 00:13:50.166
one of those scooters
that the older people use,
00:13:50.167 --> 00:13:52.833
and we were in the driveway,
00:13:52.834 --> 00:13:54.750
I was getting him in the car.
00:13:54.751 --> 00:13:55.958
He got on the scooter,
00:13:55.959 --> 00:13:58.750
he had my car keys
around his neck
00:13:58.751 --> 00:14:01.083
and off he went.
00:14:05.792 --> 00:14:09.459
They numbed it up and put it in.
It was extremely quick.
00:14:09.584 --> 00:14:11.958
When we\"d been
to the emergency room,
00:14:11.959 --> 00:14:14.959
it was right before
they put the chip in.
00:14:16.459 --> 00:14:21.041
Bob had passed out
and he was unresponsive.
00:14:21.042 --> 00:14:24.042
We got to the hospital
and I was so flustered,
00:14:24.167 --> 00:14:26.459
I couldn\"t his...
00:14:26.584 --> 00:14:29.374
I couldn\"t remember his meds
00:14:29.375 --> 00:14:30.999
and at that time, I sure wish
00:14:31.000 --> 00:14:32.166
we would have had it in.
00:14:32.167 --> 00:14:33.625
Sure, it\'s 1 o\'clock.
00:14:33.626 --> 00:14:39.041
Yes. Well, I think for many millions
of people around the globe...
00:14:39.042 --> 00:14:40.666
There are lots of reasons
to resist
00:14:40.667 --> 00:14:42.833
getting a microchip implant that
are philosophical,
00:14:42.834 --> 00:14:45.625
that have to do with human
dignity and for many millions
00:14:45.626 --> 00:14:47.833
of people around the globe there
is an additional reason
00:14:47.834 --> 00:14:50.082
and that has to do with sort of
the march that society
00:14:50.083 --> 00:14:52.875
seems to be taking towards
something that was prophesized
00:14:52.876 --> 00:14:55.291
2000 years ago in the book of
00:14:55.292 --> 00:14:57.958
And in there is a reference to
the mark of the beast,
00:14:57.959 --> 00:15:00.583
same as when you hear about
music and literature,
00:15:00.584 --> 00:15:03.334
and it talks about the time when
all people will be forced
00:15:03.459 --> 00:15:06.666
to get a mark in their right
hand or their forehead
00:15:06.667 --> 00:15:08.708
without which they will be
unable to buy or sell.
00:15:08.709 --> 00:15:10.666
One parent ahs just
e-mailed me and was like,
00:15:10.667 --> 00:15:12.958
\"you\"re the
devil\"s mouthpiece.\"
00:15:12.959 --> 00:15:16.291
And I\"m like, \"What?\" I thought
it was a religious thing, right?
00:15:16.292 --> 00:15:19.958
Because I\"ve got a lot of
those... So I\"m like...
00:15:19.959 --> 00:15:21.751
And I always respond very
00:15:21.876 --> 00:15:24.958
and I try to engage in a
conversation, because they never want
to you know, converse,
00:15:24.959 --> 00:15:27.334
they just want to blast
and then scurry away
00:15:27.459 --> 00:15:29.791
and so you, they\"re like
\"you\"re the devil\"s mouthpiece.\"
00:15:29.792 --> 00:15:32.958
and, like, \"What do you mean?
Let\"s have a talk about it.\"
00:15:32.959 --> 00:15:34.666
and it turned out to be a parent
that was angry
00:15:34.667 --> 00:15:37.958
because their kid... They thought
their kid was going to hell
00:15:37.959 --> 00:15:41.041
because they got
the mark of the beast
00:15:41.042 --> 00:15:43.917
and they were under ageand they just
got it because it was cool, right?
00:15:43.918 --> 00:15:46.541
And they said, \"Well, I\"m a
parent. I should be in control
of this, not you.\"
00:15:46.542 --> 00:15:48.958
I\"m like,
\"I\"m not in control of your kid.
00:15:48.959 --> 00:15:50.958
You should be
in control of your kid.
00:15:50.959 --> 00:15:52.458
Like, but why are you talking to
me? It \"s misdirected.\"
00:15:52.459 --> 00:15:56.249
Before the team implanted an RF
ID tag into one unlucky
00:15:56.250 --> 00:16:00.958
volunteer and scanned them with
an MRI to see if the implant
00:16:00.959 --> 00:16:01.667
00:16:01.668 --> 00:16:05.584
I\"m freaking out at this stuff.
It seems so stupid.
00:16:05.959 --> 00:16:08.208
Look at this.
Look at this.
00:16:08.209 --> 00:16:12.334
That, you know,
was in him for over a minute.
00:16:14.125 --> 00:16:16.834
Look at that.
Two minutes.
00:16:16.959 --> 00:16:20.875
As far as like, a hobbyist level, it will be
something I look back when no one has them anymore
00:16:20.876 --> 00:16:23.041
in 30 years and say,
\"yeah, I was one of those people
00:16:23.042 --> 00:16:25.958
with the silly
RF ID chip in.\"
00:16:25.959 --> 00:16:29.958
So you do think it\"s cool? MARK:
I do think it\"s cool but it\"s...
00:16:29.959 --> 00:16:32.625
I don \"t know, I think it\" s one
of those kind of...
00:16:32.626 --> 00:16:37.374
It would be kind of a good line
in the sand that\"s drawn.
00:16:37.375 --> 00:16:38.750
I remember when I
was a little kid,
00:16:38.751 --> 00:16:41.750
I read it in Omni magazine
and I think it was Ray Bradbury
00:16:41.751 --> 00:16:42.584
that had this quote that said,
00:16:42.585 --> 00:16:45.625
\"by the time that we\" re smart
enough to know how to put things
00:16:45.626 --> 00:16:47.834
like chips in ourselves
or have, you know,
00:16:47.959 --> 00:16:48.959
have mechanical modifications,
00:16:48.960 --> 00:16:50.958
we\"ll be smart
enough also to know
00:16:50.959 --> 00:16:54.834
that we should never do it.\" And
I think that\"s probably true.
00:17:07.667 --> 00:17:10.124
It was an attempt to try and
extrapolate from things
00:17:10.125 --> 00:17:13.291
that are known in the
surveillance studies literature
00:17:13.292 --> 00:17:17.249
or the privacy literature and
reaching a mass audience
00:17:17.250 --> 00:17:20.958
and sort of saying look at it,
this is what\"s going on
00:17:20.959 --> 00:17:22.833
and this is how it happens.
00:17:22.834 --> 00:17:24.500
We\"re really at the cusp of,
you know,
00:17:24.501 --> 00:17:28.666
what I\"ve argued is world
historical transformation
00:17:28.667 --> 00:17:31.709
in the use of information
for monitoring.
00:17:31.959 --> 00:17:36.958
There will be no 3 AM knock on
the door by storm troopers
00:17:36.959 --> 00:17:39.958
come to force implants
into our bodies.
00:17:39.959 --> 00:17:42.959
The process will be more subtle
and cumulative.
00:17:46.334 --> 00:17:48.918
Prisons have emerged sort of as
a testing ground for new
00:17:48.959 --> 00:17:52.917
technologies, regimes to detect
drugs, for example.
00:17:52.918 --> 00:17:56.500
Metal detectors, CCTV cameras
were first used
00:17:56.501 --> 00:17:58.959
in penitentiaries.
00:18:01.083 --> 00:18:03.082
There\"s a long history of all
kinds of new types
00:18:03.083 --> 00:18:07.416
of monitoring regimes being used
on a lesser-able population
00:18:07.417 --> 00:18:11.374
or stigmatized groups such as
inmates or stigmatized groups
00:18:11.375 --> 00:18:12.959
such as welfare recipients.
00:18:13.083 --> 00:18:16.166
It\"s harder to work up public
sympathy for them,
00:18:16.167 --> 00:18:19.334
it\"s harder for them to
essentially resist.
00:18:26.959 --> 00:18:28.082
From cooks to commandos,
00:18:28.083 --> 00:18:31.583
every one of the more than 1
million U.S. military personnel
00:18:31.584 --> 00:18:36.291
will see microchips replace
their dog tags.
00:18:36.292 --> 00:18:39.333
There\"s a huge literature on the
place of warfare in
00:18:39.334 --> 00:18:40.958
scientific innovation.
00:18:40.959 --> 00:18:42.958
The military, particularly the
United States,
00:18:42.959 --> 00:18:45.375
they\"re at the forefront of
what\"s been termed
00:18:45.501 --> 00:18:48.625
\"cyber war\",
\"informational warfare.\"
00:18:48.626 --> 00:18:52.167
They\"ve really embraced the
template of using information
00:18:52.292 --> 00:18:53.333
and communication technologies
00:18:53.334 --> 00:18:56.334
to give them battle field
00:18:58.959 --> 00:19:01.374
Business and government have
their own agendas
00:19:01.375 --> 00:19:04.667
and I think that\"s how
you have to understand
00:19:04.792 --> 00:19:08.082
how microchips will become
more pervasive
00:19:08.083 --> 00:19:11.374
is that they solve a whole
series of local problems
00:19:11.375 --> 00:19:15.500
to capitalise on certain issues,
to create profit.
00:19:15.501 --> 00:19:16.875
That is how they will evolve
00:19:16.876 --> 00:19:18.999
through a whole series of
localized decisions
00:19:19.000 --> 00:19:21.416
about, well, this will allow us
to keep better track of
00:19:21.417 --> 00:19:23.249
wandering Alzheimer\"s patients,
00:19:23.250 --> 00:19:25.958
or this might allow me to keep
better track of my son,
00:19:25.959 --> 00:19:27.958
you know, who\"s playing
in the front yard.
00:19:27.959 --> 00:19:30.666
Now I\"ll know if he wanders out
of the front yard.
00:19:30.667 --> 00:19:33.374
It\"s those continuing
localized decisions
00:19:33.375 --> 00:19:37.416
of localized benefits
that will cumulatively lead
00:19:37.417 --> 00:19:38.042
in this direction.
00:19:38.043 --> 00:19:40.374
You know, we don\"t want to make
too much about microchips.
00:19:40.375 --> 00:19:43.416
It could be something else
that would allow
00:19:43.417 --> 00:19:45.208
for real-time monitoring.
00:19:45.209 --> 00:19:50.042
But whatever happens will unfold
roughly the way I set out,
00:19:50.167 --> 00:19:51.291
that it will occur
in the military
00:19:51.292 --> 00:19:53.082
and it would become a condition
of your job,
00:19:53.083 --> 00:19:57.374
that you will trade off certain
privacy rights
00:19:57.375 --> 00:19:58.500
for greater access.
00:19:58.501 --> 00:20:00.791
Those dynamics,
whatever the endpoint,
00:20:00.792 --> 00:20:03.959
those dynamics I think will
continue to play.
00:20:08.667 --> 00:20:09.958
That\"s really weird.
Did it shock you?
00:20:09.959 --> 00:20:10.959
I\"m kind of surprised.
00:20:10.960 --> 00:20:12.249
I wasn\"t shocked actually.
00:20:12.250 --> 00:20:12.959
00:20:12.960 --> 00:20:14.080
I kind of expected something
00:20:14.167 --> 00:20:16.500
like that to happen. But why wouldn\"t
they just say that upfront before?
00:20:16.501 --> 00:20:17.292
I don\"t know.
00:20:17.293 --> 00:20:20.082
It\"s because,
you know, at the last minute
there\"s cold feet.
00:20:20.083 --> 00:20:21.500
Everyone pulls out, yeah.
00:20:21.501 --> 00:20:23.667
It\"s really strange.
00:20:23.792 --> 00:20:24.375
It happens a lot.
00:20:24.376 --> 00:20:26.096
I get a lot of e-mails
about it from people.
00:20:26.167 --> 00:20:28.416
I guess I should
have expected it.
00:20:28.417 --> 00:20:29.375
00:20:29.376 --> 00:20:30.958
We just went into
the tattoo parlour
00:20:30.959 --> 00:20:32.291
and they don\"t want to do it.
00:20:32.292 --> 00:20:33.958
One of the owners
isn\"t cool with it at all
00:20:33.959 --> 00:20:36.625
and he, I guess,
doesn\"t believe the technology
00:20:36.626 --> 00:20:38.958
is very good for us, like the
government is going to
00:20:38.959 --> 00:20:40.374
be watching us
or something like that.
00:20:40.375 --> 00:20:41.833
So they don\"t want to be
involved at all.
00:20:41.834 --> 00:20:43.666
Luckily, the tattoo artist still
wants to do it
00:20:43.667 --> 00:20:45.999
but you can tell we\"re down the
walk from there,
00:20:46.000 --> 00:20:47.374
they don\"t want to see me in
front of there,
00:20:47.375 --> 00:20:49.041
but the tattoo artist
still wants to do it so...
00:20:49.042 --> 00:20:51.042
The piercing artist, so we\"re
going to go back to my place
00:20:51.167 --> 00:20:55.374
and do it there I think. So that\"s two
doctors that backed out at the last minute
00:20:55.375 --> 00:20:57.999
and now a piercing artist
backing out
00:20:58.000 --> 00:21:00.667
so three people in general.
00:21:00.792 --> 00:21:01.792
Take your finger and feel it.
00:21:01.793 --> 00:21:03.500
It feels like a natural
little channel.
00:21:03.501 --> 00:21:04.791
00:21:04.792 --> 00:21:06.959
00:21:08.959 --> 00:21:12.333
It\"s around here.
It hurts less if you watch.
00:21:12.334 --> 00:21:14.959
It\"s our look at it is our
sensory perception
00:21:15.042 --> 00:21:18.708
is a movable pain, right?
00:21:18.709 --> 00:21:21.166
And how much of each
you get in there
00:21:21.167 --> 00:21:23.542
depends on which ones
you\"re focusing on.
00:21:23.667 --> 00:21:25.500
So if you focus
on your sense of touch,
00:21:25.501 --> 00:21:28.125
it just goes bang, right?
00:21:36.751 --> 00:21:37.875
Are you ready?
00:21:37.876 --> 00:21:38.667
I\"m ready.
00:21:38.668 --> 00:21:40.708
I\"m just not sure whether
I\"m going to watch
00:21:40.709 --> 00:21:41.542
or not so we\"ll see.
00:21:41.543 --> 00:21:44.250
That\"s up to you.
00:21:48.959 --> 00:21:51.125
I\"ve tagged my pets.
00:21:51.250 --> 00:21:52.250
I don\"t see a problem with that.
00:21:52.251 --> 00:21:54.959
I don\"t know anybody who does
see a problem with that.
00:21:55.042 --> 00:21:58.124
But you take the same action and
you tag a human being
00:21:58.125 --> 00:21:59.042
and now it becomes emotional.
00:21:59.043 --> 00:22:02.208
It\"s the same technology which a
second ago wasn\"t an issue,
00:22:02.209 --> 00:22:04.791
but when we start talking about
doing it to human beings,
00:22:04.792 --> 00:22:08.124
sentient beings,
then it becomes a real issue.
00:22:08.125 --> 00:22:10.209
It is always a people issue.
00:22:10.334 --> 00:22:11.458
It\"s an emotional issue.
00:22:11.459 --> 00:22:13.958
It is not an issue about
00:22:13.959 --> 00:22:15.666
You know, RF ID
is getting all the press,
00:22:15.667 --> 00:22:18.208
but there are lots and lots of
these mechanisms.
00:22:18.209 --> 00:22:19.958
You can be tracked through your
cell phone.
00:22:19.959 --> 00:22:22.958
Or the Bluetooth mechanism can
be used to track you
00:22:22.959 --> 00:22:25.416
individually as you walk around.
00:22:25.417 --> 00:22:28.124
The WiFi signature on your
computer if your computer
00:22:28.125 --> 00:22:30.958
is on can be used to track you.
00:22:30.959 --> 00:22:32.166
Face recognition will work.
00:22:32.167 --> 00:22:34.791
It doesn\"t work today but give
it 10 or 15 years.
00:22:34.792 --> 00:22:37.333
So RF ID is important but,
you know,
00:22:37.334 --> 00:22:39.417
don\"t lose the forest
for the tree.
00:22:39.542 --> 00:22:42.583
This is just one of the many,
many surveillance technologies
00:22:42.584 --> 00:22:45.541
that\"s either been developed or
is drawing organically just
00:22:45.542 --> 00:22:46.209
because of technology.
00:22:46.210 --> 00:22:48.374
So what\"s going to happen if we
throw RF ID out in the world?
00:22:48.375 --> 00:22:51.834
What\"s going to happen if we
make human implants available?
00:22:51.959 --> 00:22:55.958
It doesn\"t take rocket science
to say that they will be used
00:22:55.959 --> 00:22:57.750
for marketing purposes by
00:22:57.751 --> 00:22:59.834
to closely watch you
and take your money
00:22:59.959 --> 00:23:02.875
and they will be used by
governments to closely surveil and more
tightly control you.
00:23:02.876 --> 00:23:05.918
I think people are mistaken
if they think that privacy
00:23:05.959 --> 00:23:09.458
is some sort of a line in the
sand beyond which
00:23:09.459 --> 00:23:10.292
nobody shall pass.
00:23:10.293 --> 00:23:13.500
Essentially what privacy has
become, I would say,
00:23:13.501 --> 00:23:14.125
is a commodity.
00:23:14.126 --> 00:23:16.708
It\"s something that
we sort of own a bit of
00:23:16.709 --> 00:23:21.708
and we give away slices of it
for greater access
00:23:21.709 --> 00:23:24.958
through customs.
Discounts at the mall,
00:23:24.959 --> 00:23:25.876
faster Internet.
00:23:25.877 --> 00:23:28.958
Surveillance essentially is a
cost that we pay
00:23:28.959 --> 00:23:31.999
for engaging with contemporary
00:23:32.000 --> 00:23:35.833
If you didn\"t give up
00:23:35.834 --> 00:23:37.292
the number of things
that you couldn\"t do
00:23:37.417 --> 00:23:39.833
would essentially
make you a hermit.
00:23:39.834 --> 00:23:43.958
You could not exist in any
meaningful way...
00:23:43.959 --> 00:23:47.083
As a contemporary
modern citizen.
00:23:53.042 --> 00:23:53.959
You ready?
00:23:54.000 --> 00:23:56.501
Yup. Upgrade me.
00:24:24.918 --> 00:24:27.209
And here we go.
00:24:37.959 --> 00:24:41.291
You weren\"t kidding
about that suction.
00:24:41.292 --> 00:24:42.374
I can feel that.
00:24:42.375 --> 00:24:42.959
The suction?
00:24:42.960 --> 00:24:46.583
Yeah, that\"s when I push it
all the way through
00:24:46.584 --> 00:24:49.375
and get something to stop it.
00:24:50.334 --> 00:24:52.959
I\"m shaking like crazy.
00:24:54.501 --> 00:24:56.416
So here we go.
Scanner\"s ready.
00:24:56.417 --> 00:24:58.917
Now, one of the most
important things to do
00:24:58.918 --> 00:25:01.958
before getting an implant is to test
it to make sure the implant works.
00:25:01.959 --> 00:25:03.374
00:25:03.375 --> 00:25:04.791
And I already tested it.
00:25:04.792 --> 00:25:05.250
00:25:05.251 --> 00:25:07.875
I added you to the reader.
00:25:07.876 --> 00:25:10.501
So that\"s powered up...
00:25:10.959 --> 00:25:13.501
And do your thing.
00:25:13.959 --> 00:25:15.249
So there it is.
00:25:15.250 --> 00:25:15.792
00:25:15.793 --> 00:25:18.584
It burned a lot
when it happened.
00:25:18.959 --> 00:25:19.999
Well, that\"s pretty cool.
00:25:20.000 --> 00:25:21.291
I can turn lights on now.
00:25:21.292 --> 00:25:22.250
00:25:22.250 --> 00:25:22.959
00:25:22.960 --> 00:25:24.416
Cool. All right,
well that works.
00:25:24.417 --> 00:25:26.082
I\"m so happy
that it actually works
00:25:26.083 --> 00:25:27.958
through a layer of skin.
00:25:27.959 --> 00:25:28.626
00:25:28.627 --> 00:25:32.166
So with 18 to 20 years
from now,
00:25:32.167 --> 00:25:34.708
you\'re sick of hearing
\"why don\'t chip?\"
00:25:34.709 --> 00:25:35.250
00:25:35.375 --> 00:25:36.999
Do have a chip in your arm?
00:25:37.000 --> 00:25:38.958
You know, you could see it
00:25:38.959 --> 00:25:40.208
You could really see it happen.
00:25:40.209 --> 00:25:43.708
I had a graduate course
yesterday in surveillance
00:25:43.709 --> 00:25:45.666
and all the students were
packing up.
00:25:45.667 --> 00:25:47.458
One of the students
says to the other,
00:25:47.459 --> 00:25:49.416
\"So are you going to join
Facebook or not?
00:25:49.417 --> 00:25:52.042
I want to put you on my
Facebook sort of friends.\"
00:25:52.167 --> 00:25:54.459
He goes \"Yeah, God.
I guess I\"d better.\"
00:25:54.584 --> 00:25:58.500
It\"s that kind of
resigned fatalism,
00:25:58.501 --> 00:26:00.667
that \"I may as well,
I\"m going to have to,
00:26:00.792 --> 00:26:01.792
everyone else is doing it,
00:26:01.793 --> 00:26:03.041
I\"m going to miss out on
00:26:03.042 --> 00:26:06.291
I\"m essentially not exist
as a social individual
00:26:06.292 --> 00:26:06.959
unless I do it\"
00:26:06.960 --> 00:26:11.917
that you could see how even
someone sort of as gloomy as I
00:26:11.918 --> 00:26:14.959
could end up with
something like this.
00:26:17.334 --> 00:26:18.958
We just put the relay,
00:26:18.959 --> 00:26:20.958
connect it right to that button
00:26:20.959 --> 00:26:22.124
and that\"s pretty much it.
00:26:22.125 --> 00:26:24.458
Once we get the cover on,
we\"ll hook up the power
00:26:24.459 --> 00:26:26.082
and give it a go.
00:26:26.083 --> 00:26:27.042
00:26:27.042 --> 00:26:27.959
00:26:27.960 --> 00:26:29.958
I\"m excited.
00:26:29.959 --> 00:26:30.959
I\"m not actually excited.
00:26:30.960 --> 00:26:32.958
I\"m a little excited. I\"m kidding,
I\"m totally excited.
00:26:32.959 --> 00:26:34.791
(Beeping and whirring)
00:26:34.792 --> 00:26:35.542
00:26:35.667 --> 00:26:36.334
00:26:36.459 --> 00:26:38.583
We\"re going to need Baily.
00:26:38.584 --> 00:26:40.959
Help us.
00:26:41.959 --> 00:26:44.125
00:26:44.959 --> 00:26:45.959
00:26:45.959 --> 00:26:46.959
Yes, guy.
00:26:46.960 --> 00:26:49.501
Good to go.
00:26:49.959 --> 00:26:52.958
(Whirring and beeping)
00:26:52.959 --> 00:26:53.667
00:26:53.667 --> 00:26:54.584
(Beeping and whirring)
00:26:54.585 --> 00:26:57.958
Oh, that\"s the sound you want.
00:26:57.959 --> 00:27:00.501
(Beeping and whirring)
00:27:01.292 --> 00:27:09.292