Bianca manages a precarious living as a talented but underemployed actress…
Leading Actor
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View on the Pragda STREAM site
Luis, a non-professional actor, is about to attend the international premiere of his movie in a major festival in Berlin, when he meets Azra, an Albanian cleaning lady with a mysterious scar. Luis prefers to not go to the premiere and stay with her instead. They develop an intense friendship which makes them reveal strange secrets.
Main credits
Markovitch, Paula (film director)
Markovitch, Paula (screenwriter)
Markovitch, Paula (film producer)
Valle, Mauricio (film producer)
Pineda, Geminiano (film producer)
Cerón, Marcelo (actor)
Bajraj, Vjollça (actor)
Vega, Antonio (actor)
Other credits
Cinematography, Bruno Santamaría; editor, Andrea Rabasa; music, Sergio Gurrola.
Distributor subjects
Cinema Studies; Culture + Identity; Economics + Social Class IssuesKeywords
00:04:32.833 --> 00:04:42.875
00:08:58.250 --> 00:09:02.541
After our stop at the Embassy,
you'll have a 30 minute break...
00:09:02.833 --> 00:09:05.375
...and then we're off
to prepare for the screening.
00:09:05.583 --> 00:09:08.083
There's a Q&A at the end.
00:09:08.166 --> 00:09:09.166
What's that?
00:09:09.208 --> 00:09:11.416
Questions and answers,
you will be in a panel.
00:09:11.708 --> 00:09:13.000
00:09:15.541 --> 00:09:18.166
-That's fine.
-I need you to be presentable.
00:09:18.291 --> 00:09:22.833
Not in a suit but wearing
decent clothes. And then...
00:09:22.875 --> 00:09:24.541
-You bought something for me, right?
00:09:24.583 --> 00:09:27.375
Then we'll go to he hotel
so you can change your clothes.
00:09:27.458 --> 00:09:28.833
for the reception at the Embassy.
00:09:28.875 --> 00:09:31.166
The ambassador will be there...
00:09:32.166 --> 00:09:34.041
...along with the whole
Mexican Delegation.
00:14:31.750 --> 00:14:33.750
Let me sleep here.
00:14:33.875 --> 00:14:35.125
00:17:42.208 --> 00:17:43.916
What's your name?
00:17:49.208 --> 00:17:50.458
00:21:11.958 --> 00:21:17.958
To Azra from Luis.
00:22:26.375 --> 00:22:27.791
Is this you?
00:22:29.416 --> 00:22:30.791
Is this you?
00:22:52.666 --> 00:22:54.333
And you're that one.
00:24:59.875 --> 00:25:01.500
Is he your son?
00:25:05.583 --> 00:25:07.000
Is it yours?
00:25:15.583 --> 00:25:16.708
00:25:18.000 --> 00:25:19.166
00:25:20.333 --> 00:25:21.625
00:25:40.541 --> 00:25:41.333
00:25:47.416 --> 00:25:48.750
A cat.
00:26:18.250 --> 00:26:19.666
00:26:40.791 --> 00:26:42.166
Are you going to wash that?
00:27:02.750 --> 00:27:04.416
Did it burn?
00:27:21.041 --> 00:27:22.166
00:27:25.750 --> 00:27:26.958
00:27:33.416 --> 00:27:34.583
00:27:58.416 --> 00:27:59.666
I can't see.
00:28:07.041 --> 00:28:08.875
Do it this way.
00:28:54.500 --> 00:28:55.750
Like this?
00:31:41.083 --> 00:31:43.625
The most expensive thing
I’ve stolen is a car.
00:31:44.916 --> 00:31:47.625
A red car.
It was cool.
00:31:50.791 --> 00:31:53.916
The dumbass got out to buy
something and left it running.
00:31:54.166 --> 00:31:56.333
I took advantage,
got in and took off.
00:31:57.166 --> 00:32:00.708
But a few blocks down
I realized there was a kid in the back,
00:32:00.791 --> 00:32:02.583
I think he was his son.
00:32:03.125 --> 00:32:04.875
He was about five years old...
00:32:05.666 --> 00:32:08.291
...with freckles and curls.
A redhead.
00:32:09.208 --> 00:32:11.958
I thought he would cry or scream
or something,
00:32:12.458 --> 00:32:14.041
but he smiled at me.
00:32:14.125 --> 00:32:15.791
I liked him so much
I even bought him
00:32:15.833 --> 00:32:18.125
some chocolate ice cream
at the market place.
00:32:18.208 --> 00:32:19.750
I even took him home.
00:32:21.916 --> 00:32:25.333
But when I got out of the car,
the kid began to cry.
00:32:26.375 --> 00:32:28.708
And he started yelling,
“Dad, dad!”
00:32:32.541 --> 00:32:34.458
He was calling me dad.
00:32:34.708 --> 00:32:36.416
He thought I was his dad.
00:32:37.791 --> 00:32:39.333
I never saw him again.
00:32:42.791 --> 00:32:45.500
But when he sees the movie,
he will remember me.
00:32:48.625 --> 00:32:51.000
Help me, I’m pregnant.
00:33:07.875 --> 00:33:09.583
I’m not the father.
00:33:15.833 --> 00:33:16.833
Tell me more.
00:33:16.875 --> 00:33:18.958
I’m pregnant.
00:33:19.458 --> 00:33:21.083
Of course not.
00:33:23.208 --> 00:33:25.375
Please help me.
00:33:26.708 --> 00:33:28.500
You're so silly.
00:33:30.583 --> 00:33:31.875
I english.
00:35:27.333 --> 00:35:28.458
What time is it?
00:35:31.875 --> 00:35:33.333
00:35:33.708 --> 00:35:35.208
My movie.
00:35:46.166 --> 00:35:47.500
Do you want to come?
00:35:49.166 --> 00:35:50.541
Do you want to watch it?
00:35:54.458 --> 00:35:56.208
Do you know how I got here?
00:35:58.500 --> 00:35:59.791
00:36:01.291 --> 00:36:05.125
I was stealing mirrors from cars.
00:36:06.250 --> 00:36:08.250
I stole them for money.
00:36:10.166 --> 00:36:12.708
This one time, I stole from a guy,
00:36:13.791 --> 00:36:16.750
and all of the sudden,
he came up behind me.
00:36:17.333 --> 00:36:19.916
I thought he wanted to take
me to the police...
00:36:20.416 --> 00:36:21.416
...but no,
00:36:21.583 --> 00:36:23.083
he took me to an audition.
00:36:25.041 --> 00:36:29.208
They tested me with a camera,
I'd turn around and stuff.
00:36:31.250 --> 00:36:34.041
And that's how they got me
into their movie.
00:36:42.291 --> 00:36:44.375
Yeah, that's why I'm here.
00:36:50.291 --> 00:36:53.291
The scene I enjoyed the most
was the one with the rain.
00:36:53.458 --> 00:36:55.500
They had to make it rain so...
00:36:56.541 --> 00:37:00.333
...I think they called the firefighters
so they threw some water.
00:37:00.791 --> 00:37:02.625
And it was like a romantic scene.
00:37:05.041 --> 00:37:06.541
She was like this,
00:37:07.250 --> 00:37:08.666
the water fell,
00:37:09.041 --> 00:37:10.208
but it was so cold
00:37:11.250 --> 00:37:12.791
she didn’t want to do it.
00:37:13.166 --> 00:37:15.666
She had them heat up the rain.
00:37:17.000 --> 00:37:19.291
And it was like a romantic scene.
00:37:20.000 --> 00:37:21.875
I was in front of her,
it was raining...
00:37:22.041 --> 00:37:24.541
And at the end, I had to cry.
00:37:24.958 --> 00:37:27.250
After a romantic scene...
00:37:28.083 --> 00:37:29.208
...I cry.
00:37:29.291 --> 00:37:30.916
Do you know how to cry?
00:37:31.833 --> 00:37:33.708
They taught us how to do it.
00:37:37.458 --> 00:37:38.958
00:38:29.541 --> 00:38:31.208
Can I tell you something?
00:38:35.708 --> 00:38:37.250
A long time ago...
00:38:39.333 --> 00:38:40.625
...on the street I live in
00:38:40.708 --> 00:38:42.958
there was a guy
who'd bought a new motorcycle.
00:38:43.583 --> 00:38:44.875
And its mirrors...
00:38:45.958 --> 00:38:46.958
...were expensive.
00:38:47.375 --> 00:38:49.458
About a thousand bills each.
00:38:51.833 --> 00:38:53.833
So I waited for him
outside his house,
00:38:54.208 --> 00:38:55.458
grabbed a brick,
00:38:55.750 --> 00:38:56.916
came up behind him,
00:38:56.958 --> 00:38:59.750
and hit him right in the head.
00:39:00.708 --> 00:39:03.625
But still, the guy didn’t
let go of the wheel.
00:39:04.458 --> 00:39:07.375
I looked in my backpack
and the first thing I found was a pen.
00:39:07.416 --> 00:39:09.041
So I stabbed his hand with it.
00:39:10.833 --> 00:39:12.250
And he wouldn’t let go.
00:39:13.958 --> 00:39:16.291
I didn't want to harm him
that much, but...
00:39:17.458 --> 00:39:20.125
...I had to stab him in here.
00:39:21.333 --> 00:39:24.375
I just left him there
and the next day...
00:39:25.250 --> 00:39:27.625
...somebody told me
that he passed away.
00:39:28.416 --> 00:39:30.125
That I killed him.
00:39:34.291 --> 00:39:37.416
One time I was drunk
and I told Elías...
00:39:37.708 --> 00:39:41.125
Elías is the director... of the movie.
00:39:43.833 --> 00:39:45.416
He put it in.
00:39:48.041 --> 00:39:50.125
Now everyone is going
to see how I am,
00:39:50.541 --> 00:39:53.041
everyone will find out
what I’ve done.
00:40:21.166 --> 00:40:23.500
I'm scared.
00:40:38.125 --> 00:40:40.166
You scare me.
00:41:07.416 --> 00:41:09.875
What happened to you here?
00:41:14.583 --> 00:41:16.041
What happened to you?
00:53:23.666 --> 00:53:25.166
I have to go.
00:53:29.125 --> 00:53:30.333
00:54:38.416 --> 00:54:40.083
00:54:41.125 --> 00:54:42.541
What are you doing here?
00:54:42.708 --> 00:54:44.916
You should be dressed up,
00:54:45.166 --> 00:54:48.041
Everyone... is looking for you.
00:54:57.041 --> 00:54:59.625
Motherfucker, I do not
know where we are.
00:55:05.375 --> 00:55:07.958
I'm lost, dude.
00:55:38.666 --> 00:55:40.166
00:55:53.458 --> 00:55:55.041
What was our deal?
00:56:06.333 --> 00:56:08.291
Why aren't you ready?
00:56:08.916 --> 00:56:10.333
My cellphone died.
00:56:13.041 --> 00:56:14.875
What does that have to do?
00:56:17.791 --> 00:56:19.500
What does that have to do, asshole?
00:56:22.125 --> 00:56:23.583
That's it.
00:56:23.833 --> 00:56:25.666
You don't deserve this.
00:56:28.583 --> 00:56:30.125
You're nobody.
00:56:30.791 --> 00:56:32.041
00:56:32.875 --> 00:56:34.833
Look... there's no one in the room.
00:56:35.541 --> 00:56:36.875
It's empty.
00:56:37.250 --> 00:56:38.791
I'm not even here either.
00:56:40.416 --> 00:56:42.000
There's nothing in here.
00:56:58.958 --> 00:57:00.833
Do you think I like to be here?
00:57:04.833 --> 00:57:06.875
I'm just an assistant.
00:57:14.916 --> 00:57:17.166
They never invite me to festivals.
00:57:19.375 --> 00:57:21.250
Do you know why they brought me?
00:57:24.791 --> 00:57:26.750
Because I get along with you.
00:57:30.916 --> 00:57:32.625
To take care of you.
00:57:33.250 --> 00:57:35.125
I don't even like movies.
00:57:39.333 --> 00:57:41.375
But don't think I've given up my dreams.
00:57:48.750 --> 00:57:51.250
Well, it's not like I had any dreams...
00:57:52.291 --> 00:57:54.458
Dreams my ass.
00:58:19.791 --> 00:58:22.166
You're being very unfair to the production.
00:58:23.458 --> 00:58:25.416
They even bought you a suit.
00:58:25.500 --> 00:58:27.500
Have you ever worn one of this?
00:58:28.958 --> 00:58:32.500
I bet you've never worn
anything like this in your life.
01:02:01.416 --> 01:02:03.750
Turn over there and then turn back.
01:02:04.583 --> 01:02:06.458
01:02:07.583 --> 01:02:09.291
First over here.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 75 minutes
Date: 2020
Genre: Narrative
Language: Spanish; English
Grade: Middle School, High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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