While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout…
Long Way Home
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Juliana moves from her hometown to a bigger city to work for the disease eradication program of the public health system. On the job, she meets new people, makes friends, and has new experiences that start little by little to change her life. At the same time, she feels she is losing touch with her husband, who she left in the backlands.
Main credits
Novais Oliveira, André (film director)
Novais Oliveira, André (screenwriter)
Novais Oliveira, André (film producer)
Passô, Grace (actor)
Ricardo, Hélio (actor)
Faria, Rejane (actor)
Apr, Russo (actor)
Other credits
Cinematography, Wilssa Esser; editor, Gabriel Martins; music, Pedro Santiago.
Distributor subjects
Women; Health + Aging; Family; Sociology; Labor StudiesKeywords
00:00:26.833 --> 00:00:31.875
This film is dedicated to Maria José
Novais Oliveira, Mrs. Zezé.
00:00:43.458 --> 00:00:48.416
00:00:58.541 --> 00:01:00.583
Alright then! Bye-bye.
00:01:00.666 --> 00:01:02.625
I'm just gonna close
this to keep the dog in.
00:01:02.708 --> 00:01:04.666
Of course! No problem.
00:01:17.500 --> 00:01:18.666
00:01:55.291 --> 00:01:57.208
Hungover, huh, Russão?!
00:04:30.916 --> 00:04:33.750
- Listen, what about the photos?
- Oh... I forgot it.
00:04:33.916 --> 00:04:36.708
That's alright. Bring them Monday
and I'll send everything together.
00:04:36.708 --> 00:04:37.708
00:04:39.583 --> 00:04:42.000
- Hi, darling. How are you?
- What's up?
00:04:42.291 --> 00:04:44.625
Don't leave, Okay?
I have to talk to you guys.
00:04:44.708 --> 00:04:46.041
- Here, Lúcia.
- Okay, Hélio?
00:04:46.125 --> 00:04:47.416
Don't leave yet.
00:04:47.875 --> 00:04:50.458
You too, Marcelina.
I gotta talk to you.
00:04:50.583 --> 00:04:52.375
Where's Russão?
00:04:52.833 --> 00:04:54.791
- Marcelina...
- Yeah?
00:04:55.458 --> 00:04:57.250
It's gotta be more legible,
alright, darling?
00:04:57.291 --> 00:04:58.583
Yes, Lúcia.
00:05:02.500 --> 00:05:05.666
Russão, don't leave yet,
I gotta talk to you, okay?
00:05:15.000 --> 00:05:20.125
Listen, people. This is Juliana,
I'd like to introduce her to you.
00:05:20.166 --> 00:05:22.750
She'll be starting
with us on Monday.
00:05:23.291 --> 00:05:25.166
- What's up?
- How are you?
00:05:25.208 --> 00:05:26.750
- How you doin'?
- Fine.
00:05:26.750 --> 00:05:28.625
- Welcome!
- Thanks.
00:05:28.708 --> 00:05:30.916
On Monday I'll introduce
you better individually,
00:05:30.958 --> 00:05:33.000
we're short on time today.
00:05:33.041 --> 00:05:35.958
But this is Russão,
I told you about him.
00:05:36.166 --> 00:05:38.166
He's been here for a while now.
00:05:38.750 --> 00:05:40.958
Okay, Juliana,
so we'll get started on Monday.
00:05:41.000 --> 00:05:43.291
- You'll be in his team, okay?
- Alright.
00:05:43.291 --> 00:05:45.625
- Me? My team?
- Yes, your team.
00:05:45.750 --> 00:05:48.208
The girl has labyrinthitis.
Isn't that what you told me?
00:05:48.208 --> 00:05:48.958
That's right.
00:05:49.000 --> 00:05:52.000
So, if she collapses on the street,
you can carry her. Okay?
00:05:52.291 --> 00:05:55.125
And I'll get the papers
to management on Monday...
00:05:55.208 --> 00:05:57.875
don't forget to
bring the photos, okay?
00:05:58.875 --> 00:06:00.708
Can we get our stuff
ready to leave, Lúcia?
00:06:00.750 --> 00:06:03.333
Yes, that was all, guys.
You can go.
00:06:13.458 --> 00:06:15.833
- Can I go too?
- Oh, yes. Yes, you can!
00:06:16.208 --> 00:06:17.375
See you Monday.
00:06:17.458 --> 00:06:19.583
- Yeah... Okay. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
00:08:34.000 --> 00:08:37.541
There are things we promise
but can’t fulfill, right?
00:08:41.500 --> 00:08:45.625
I promised I’d not
knock at your door
00:08:46.416 --> 00:08:50.416
Look at me doing so...
And breaking another promise
00:08:51.708 --> 00:08:56.000
I tried not mentioning
your name again
00:08:56.333 --> 00:09:00.875
But every three words I say
Only one really interests me
00:09:01.416 --> 00:09:05.000
You are a problem
that I want to have
00:09:05.166 --> 00:09:09.833
Even though I can’t solve it
00:09:13.250 --> 00:09:15.291
I promise I will not love you
00:09:15.375 --> 00:09:18.833
Because this is a promise
I will make sure of breaking ...
00:09:20.291 --> 00:09:24.083
I handed the documents in yesterday
and the people there seem nice...
00:09:24.875 --> 00:09:26.041
00:09:27.083 --> 00:09:28.708
Yeah, today.
00:09:29.541 --> 00:09:30.750
00:09:35.291 --> 00:09:38.333
I just don't feel like organizing
everything at once, you know?
00:09:40.208 --> 00:09:42.375
But I can do it
little by little, you know?
00:09:44.375 --> 00:09:45.458
00:09:50.125 --> 00:09:52.875
Did you speak to him? So?
00:09:55.541 --> 00:09:58.750
Really? Alright...
00:10:03.291 --> 00:10:05.666
But can't it be done
in less time?
00:10:09.875 --> 00:10:12.625
Jeez, I'll be fucked
if it takes that long...
00:10:14.416 --> 00:10:16.125
No, that's alright. Okay...
00:10:18.291 --> 00:10:19.416
00:10:23.166 --> 00:10:25.666
Well alright then!
00:10:28.750 --> 00:10:30.750
Keep me updated, okay?
00:10:36.083 --> 00:10:38.750
Send my love as well. Okay...
00:10:41.791 --> 00:10:43.375
Okay... Love ya, darling.
00:10:44.375 --> 00:10:45.416
00:10:56.500 --> 00:10:59.750
So this area... does it belong
to another regional?
00:10:59.833 --> 00:11:00.833
00:11:01.000 --> 00:11:04.000
Not this one. This is ours, Lúcia.
Remember when that changed?
00:11:04.041 --> 00:11:06.500
No, no, this is in
the South-Central, isn't it?
00:11:06.541 --> 00:11:07.791
00:11:07.916 --> 00:11:10.666
Well, goodness...
Oh, yeah! I remember now.
00:11:10.750 --> 00:11:14.000
Yes, Juliana.
You're right. It did change.
00:11:14.125 --> 00:11:15.208
And where does it end?
00:11:15.250 --> 00:11:18.416
On this block, right here.
00:11:18.625 --> 00:11:20.333
São João Street.
00:11:20.583 --> 00:11:22.000
It ends on São Pedro, Lúcia.
00:11:22.083 --> 00:11:25.250
No, São João. I'm sure.
00:11:25.250 --> 00:11:28.916
Here, look...
São João, I'm positive.
00:11:29.083 --> 00:11:31.791
Yeah, you're right. My bad.
00:11:32.333 --> 00:11:34.875
- Got that, Juliana?
- Got it.
00:11:35.833 --> 00:11:37.916
This area here is pretty chill.
00:11:38.000 --> 00:11:40.416
Soon you'll get to know
the residents...
00:11:40.416 --> 00:11:41.750
then it'll be a piece of cake.
00:11:41.791 --> 00:11:44.750
You'll be having coffee
with them and everything.
00:11:45.250 --> 00:11:47.791
Some nice hot coffee, yo.
00:11:48.500 --> 00:11:50.166
And cheese from the farms...
00:11:51.791 --> 00:11:53.333
That's awesome!
00:11:54.583 --> 00:11:57.208
- So where are you from, Juliana?
- I'm from Itaúna.
00:11:57.750 --> 00:11:59.291
Oh, I have some relatives
down there!
00:11:59.333 --> 00:12:00.333
00:12:01.000 --> 00:12:02.958
It's a big city, right?
00:12:03.375 --> 00:12:05.333
You probably don't know everyone.
00:12:05.583 --> 00:12:07.458
Yeah, you really can't.
00:12:08.333 --> 00:12:10.416
Vânio, that's my cousin.
00:12:11.125 --> 00:12:14.208
- He's in a motorcycle club there.
- Cool.
00:12:14.791 --> 00:12:19.250
So here, these little
harmless-looking plants, look...
00:12:19.750 --> 00:12:22.333
a little pot dish like this
can hold a shitload of larvae...
00:12:22.375 --> 00:12:24.166
Be careful with the little plant.
00:12:24.291 --> 00:12:27.083
No, but listen... let me show you
how to work this thing...
00:12:27.333 --> 00:12:28.333
you just turn it them...
00:12:28.375 --> 00:12:30.916
These little dishes
are not ideal for holding plants.
00:12:30.916 --> 00:12:33.791
So it's better if you can put
some sand in them, you know?
00:12:33.916 --> 00:12:36.125
If there's no sand
to contain the water,
00:12:36.166 --> 00:12:38.250
it automatically
becomes not ideal.
00:12:38.416 --> 00:12:40.375
This one has a hole
on the bottom, look.
00:12:40.416 --> 00:12:41.041
00:12:41.166 --> 00:12:43.250
When there's a hole,
you don't have to mess with it.
00:12:43.583 --> 00:12:45.833
You don't want to fuck
the plants up.
00:12:46.208 --> 00:12:50.000
This bucket here, look...
the position he's in, see... got it?
00:12:50.083 --> 00:12:54.166
Water gets in here, so you have to
turn it bottom-side up.
00:12:54.333 --> 00:12:56.041
- Got that? Here, hold this.
- Okay.
00:12:56.125 --> 00:12:57.750
This tire too, right?
00:12:57.833 --> 00:12:58.875
For sure.
00:12:58.875 --> 00:13:00.541
- But water can get in here?
- Yes!
00:13:00.583 --> 00:13:01.875
Let me tell you how this works.
00:13:01.916 --> 00:13:04.291
If it rains, water comes
in here through there.
00:13:04.375 --> 00:13:08.416
- Boy, water gets in all over.
- All over.
00:13:08.791 --> 00:13:09.875
00:13:09.958 --> 00:13:11.166
This we won't touch.
00:13:11.375 --> 00:13:13.291
Let's tell the owner
to take this
00:13:13.333 --> 00:13:15.333
and put it in a place
that's covered,
00:13:15.583 --> 00:13:18.791
in some place covered water
won’t get in anymore.
00:13:19.083 --> 00:13:20.375
Got it?
00:13:20.958 --> 00:13:24.000
If you really look at it,
it's all pretty much garbage,
00:13:24.083 --> 00:13:26.375
so they'll probably
just throw it out.
00:13:26.625 --> 00:13:28.625
You have to eliminate
the mosquito sources, see?
00:13:28.708 --> 00:13:32.125
The thing here is... like,
this is dirty as hell, right?
00:13:32.708 --> 00:13:37.125
I'm gonna ask her... just suggest
she cleans it, you know?
00:13:37.583 --> 00:13:40.375
This can be a source
for Leishmaniosis, man. Damn...
00:13:41.041 --> 00:13:43.166
And another thing:
if you have to touch it,
00:13:43.166 --> 00:13:46.541
never go for the bottom,
'cause there might be scorpions...
00:13:46.708 --> 00:13:49.750
Yeah dude, I even brought
something to show you, look...
00:13:50.208 --> 00:13:51.208
Have you seen a...
00:13:51.250 --> 00:13:53.125
These tongs here
are for catching scorpions.
00:13:53.208 --> 00:13:55.583
Has there ever been a scorpion?
00:13:55.625 --> 00:13:57.833
- For sure!
- Yeah! Sure has!
00:13:58.000 --> 00:14:00.708
- So you take this...
- It's pretty common.
00:14:01.458 --> 00:14:02.458
00:14:02.500 --> 00:14:05.166
Especially where there's rubble,
trash... there's always scorpions.
00:14:05.250 --> 00:14:07.208
These tongs here,
you think you can work them, Ju?
00:14:07.250 --> 00:14:08.375
No, I've never done it.
00:14:08.416 --> 00:14:12.000
Here's the deal: the scorpion's
out don't be scared, alright?
00:14:12.041 --> 00:14:14.541
It's gonna come out,
it's small, its legs are short.
00:14:14.791 --> 00:14:17.458
You pinch its tail
like this, alright?
00:14:17.458 --> 00:14:20.208
Look... bam! You win.
00:14:22.750 --> 00:14:25.708
You think I'm gonna grab
the scorpions' tail with that?
00:14:25.750 --> 00:14:26.958
No way, son...
00:14:27.000 --> 00:14:29.208
It's the only way... what,
you gonna catch it with your hand?
00:14:29.208 --> 00:14:31.791
But I won't have the guts to grab
its tail with that, I won't.
00:14:31.833 --> 00:14:34.833
Hey, it's far away, man.
You get in there... bam!
00:14:35.125 --> 00:14:37.458
- Gosh dang it...
- Got the scorpion...
00:14:37.583 --> 00:14:39.750
I just don't advise you
to do that to snakes.
00:14:39.791 --> 00:14:42.291
- But with scorpions you can...
- Yeah, not snakes...
00:14:42.458 --> 00:14:44.500
Keeping your distance
is the way to go with snakes.
00:14:44.541 --> 00:14:45.541
But there you have it!
00:14:45.583 --> 00:14:47.875
Let's have a word with the
owner here. It's dirty as hell.
00:14:47.958 --> 00:14:49.541
But don't be scared, man.
00:14:49.583 --> 00:14:51.791
You'll get used to
this stuff along the way.
00:14:51.833 --> 00:14:53.541
Oh, no. I don't want
to see scorpions.
00:14:53.583 --> 00:14:55.750
- No, but did you catch anything?
- No, it's fine...
00:14:55.791 --> 00:14:56.875
00:14:56.875 --> 00:14:58.916
And do you usually ask to wash
your hands in the house?
00:14:58.916 --> 00:14:59.958
- Of course, Ju.
- Sure.
00:15:00.000 --> 00:15:01.416
With these filthy hands here...
00:15:01.416 --> 00:15:02.958
And they'll normally
let you, right?
00:15:03.000 --> 00:15:04.750
Got my container
all dirty here, shit...
00:15:04.875 --> 00:15:06.625
I'm not even gonna
put it back in the bag.
00:15:06.666 --> 00:15:08.541
There's a little dish
left back there, look...
00:15:08.666 --> 00:15:11.083
- Over there, look! We missed it.
- Oh, yeah.
00:15:37.458 --> 00:15:38.291
00:15:38.333 --> 00:15:39.583
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
00:15:39.625 --> 00:15:40.958
- Having a good day, sir?
- Yes.
00:15:41.041 --> 00:15:43.208
Alright... I'm from
the endemic control initiative
00:15:43.208 --> 00:15:46.208
and would like to
take a look at your backyard.
00:15:46.291 --> 00:15:47.291
Oh, alright.
00:15:47.333 --> 00:15:49.208
- Mind if I take a quick look?
- Sure. Come in.
00:15:49.208 --> 00:15:52.125
- Make yourself at home.
- Appreciate it. Excuse me.
00:16:54.666 --> 00:16:57.041
Had a tough time today,
huh Juliana?!
00:16:58.708 --> 00:17:02.250
No... it was fine.
I like the job...
00:17:02.375 --> 00:17:05.125
Oh, yeah?
Just don't get used to it.
00:17:05.166 --> 00:17:07.916
You realize the salary
here is way low, man...
00:17:08.541 --> 00:17:12.541
This is just good for making ends
meet for a while, then you bounce.
00:17:12.750 --> 00:17:14.625
- Yeah...
- Can't get used to it...
00:17:14.666 --> 00:17:18.125
That's right...
Hélio's been here for a while now.
00:17:18.125 --> 00:17:21.083
Me, I'm basically
on the same track, you dig?
00:17:21.583 --> 00:17:24.625
Each passing day you stay,
and it's fucked up, yo.
00:17:25.125 --> 00:17:27.625
But the thing is
it's a tenured job,
00:17:27.666 --> 00:17:31.500
so you can't get fired.
But the money sucks...
00:17:31.916 --> 00:17:33.708
And how long have you
worked there?
00:17:33.791 --> 00:17:36.750
I'm six going
on seven years, yo...
00:17:36.833 --> 00:17:38.208
I got about four already...
00:17:38.750 --> 00:17:43.875
- What about Hélio?
- Hélio? A dinosaur. T-Rex.
00:17:45.250 --> 00:17:47.083
Hélio's got some
fifteen years already...
00:17:47.125 --> 00:17:48.333
- Fifteen?
- Yeah.
00:17:49.833 --> 00:17:52.375
That's a long time,
right? Jesus...
00:17:54.750 --> 00:17:57.458
- Dinosaur!
- T-Rex...
00:18:06.666 --> 00:18:09.708
Carlos... I just called,
you didn't pick up,
00:18:09.750 --> 00:18:12.125
I called you yesterday at night,
you didn't answer either...
00:18:12.166 --> 00:18:14.625
Listen, we have to
discuss the furniture.
00:18:14.958 --> 00:18:17.625
There's a shelf sale,
I saw it in the newspaper...
00:18:17.833 --> 00:18:20.125
I've got some ideas also...
00:18:20.750 --> 00:18:23.000
Call me when you can. Okay?
00:18:23.125 --> 00:18:25.458
Have a good day.
Love you, honey.
00:18:35.000 --> 00:18:37.041
Hey, you alright over there?
00:18:37.125 --> 00:18:38.333
What do you mean?
00:18:38.458 --> 00:18:40.416
How many houses
have you done today?
00:18:40.708 --> 00:18:44.166
Yeah... 22 open ones already...
00:18:44.375 --> 00:18:47.416
22? Are you nuts?
It's 20 a day.
00:18:47.583 --> 00:18:49.375
- 20?
- Yeah, man.
00:18:49.500 --> 00:18:50.916
Oh, I thought it was 25...
00:18:50.958 --> 00:18:54.083
No, 25 is only when
the Health Department says so.
00:18:54.083 --> 00:18:56.208
When things are going
from bad to worse, you know?
00:18:56.208 --> 00:18:59.833
Oh, that's better then.
So what should I do now?
00:18:59.958 --> 00:19:04.041
Go back to the school, hang around
until five, then you can leave.
00:19:04.125 --> 00:19:06.375
- Until five?
- 5 p.m.
00:19:06.458 --> 00:19:07.583
Can't I just leave?
00:19:07.625 --> 00:19:09.250
You can't.
Or you might get in trouble...
00:19:09.291 --> 00:19:10.958
- Oh, Jesus...
- That's fucked up...
00:19:11.083 --> 00:19:12.708
- Damn right...
- Yeah...
00:19:17.583 --> 00:19:20.416
- Hey... are you through with yours?
- Yeah, I kind of am.
00:19:20.458 --> 00:19:22.583
But I ain't going back
there now, you know?
00:19:22.625 --> 00:19:24.541
I'm gonna drop
by my house first.
00:19:24.666 --> 00:19:26.000
00:19:27.708 --> 00:19:29.750
- Catch you later then.
- Later.
00:19:29.833 --> 00:19:31.083
Appreciate it, Russão.
00:19:31.166 --> 00:19:33.208
Hey, do you want to come over?
00:19:33.208 --> 00:19:36.833
Hang around for a bit...
until it's time and stuff...
00:19:37.916 --> 00:19:39.916
- Well... you think?
- Yeah, come on...
00:19:40.000 --> 00:19:42.000
Do you play Playstation?
00:19:45.791 --> 00:19:47.000
Do you?
00:19:49.000 --> 00:19:50.625
Shall we?
00:19:58.125 --> 00:20:00.625
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
00:20:01.375 --> 00:20:03.541
Is your house that way?
00:20:03.625 --> 00:20:05.041
Yeah... across the way
over there.
00:20:07.000 --> 00:20:08.166
- There.
- My pick?
00:20:08.208 --> 00:20:11.333
Your pick. Press down here...
pick your player.
00:20:11.375 --> 00:20:13.750
- So this is me?
- Yeah.
00:20:16.833 --> 00:20:18.333
I can see it already...
00:20:18.625 --> 00:20:20.083
Do you have one
of these back home?
00:20:20.125 --> 00:20:23.458
No, my husband does.
He's way addicted to this stuff.
00:20:23.541 --> 00:20:24.875
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
00:20:26.250 --> 00:20:27.750
You gotta bring him
to play with us.
00:20:27.791 --> 00:20:29.750
Yeah... he'll be here
in a couple of days.
00:20:30.875 --> 00:20:32.208
Is he out of town?
00:20:32.625 --> 00:20:34.541
So... here's what happened...
00:20:34.583 --> 00:20:37.291
I was back there last week
00:20:38.625 --> 00:20:42.625
and they told me my admission
would be made official, you know?
00:20:45.208 --> 00:20:47.125
And you didn't know?
00:20:47.416 --> 00:20:50.333
No... I took the admissions test
like two years ago...
00:20:50.375 --> 00:20:53.375
I wasn't even expecting
to be summoned anymore, you know?
00:20:54.708 --> 00:20:58.000
I thought it had
expired or something,
00:20:58.041 --> 00:21:00.416
but then they called me...
00:21:00.666 --> 00:21:01.791
00:21:02.208 --> 00:21:04.958
Oh, I came running, right?
00:21:06.166 --> 00:21:12.000
My cousin who lives here
helped me find a shed and stuff...
00:21:12.708 --> 00:21:16.708
And Carlos, my husband,
he couldn't just come 'cause he,
00:21:16.750 --> 00:21:20.708
like, hadn't planned
anything, you know?
00:21:22.041 --> 00:21:26.291
But he's gonna quit his job,
he kinda already wanted to.
00:21:26.750 --> 00:21:29.875
So he'll just serve
the notice period,
00:21:30.166 --> 00:21:34.041
and soon he'll come
and we'll live together.
00:21:34.958 --> 00:21:37.083
What a beautiful
love story you have.
00:21:37.166 --> 00:21:39.666
But your playing is garbage.
00:21:41.208 --> 00:21:43.375
No, but... no, I play better,
00:21:43.708 --> 00:21:46.625
I was telling you the story
and I got distracted...
00:21:46.708 --> 00:21:48.791
So hey, are you tired already?
Wanna play one more?
00:21:51.000 --> 00:21:54.875
Russão, sorry to ask,
but could I have a glass of water?
00:21:54.958 --> 00:21:57.583
You want it natural, chilled?
00:21:57.750 --> 00:22:00.208
- Chilled is fine.
- You got it.
00:22:05.666 --> 00:22:07.916
Jeez, I apologize.
I forgot to offer you.
00:22:08.041 --> 00:22:09.875
No, that's fine.
00:22:15.458 --> 00:22:17.416
My mother gives me a hard time
00:22:17.833 --> 00:22:20.250
if I go two days
without calling her.
00:22:20.333 --> 00:22:22.541
Two days and
she starts bothering me.
00:22:22.583 --> 00:22:23.583
00:22:23.625 --> 00:22:25.666
She thinks I should call
her every day.
00:22:25.750 --> 00:22:27.958
She wishes...
00:22:28.375 --> 00:22:29.375
Can you imagine?
00:22:29.375 --> 00:22:31.541
Sometimes I'm so busy running
around I can't remember.
00:22:31.583 --> 00:22:34.250
- Dear God...
- She gives me a hard time...
00:22:34.291 --> 00:22:35.875
You should be thankful, you know?
00:22:36.166 --> 00:22:38.750
My mother,
if she saw this mess...
00:22:38.958 --> 00:22:43.083
she would destroy me.
She was kind of a neat freak...
00:23:27.000 --> 00:23:28.791
Yeah, cous...
00:23:33.125 --> 00:23:35.583
it ain't easy losing
your mother, you know?
00:23:36.916 --> 00:23:38.625
I know, Juliana.
00:23:39.375 --> 00:23:42.708
I haven't lost my mother. But
I also never had a father, right?
00:23:43.833 --> 00:23:47.041
Although losing your mother
is probably worse.
00:23:48.458 --> 00:23:52.041
Sometimes I stop and think:
00:23:52.458 --> 00:23:55.083
Goddammit, that was so stupid!
00:23:55.750 --> 00:23:59.583
If only she were more careful,
she'd be here...
00:24:01.083 --> 00:24:02.875
but what do I know, right?
00:24:03.166 --> 00:24:05.375
Yeah, what do we know?
00:24:05.500 --> 00:24:07.666
Yeah, I know.
00:24:09.500 --> 00:24:11.291
You know what I mean.
00:24:12.083 --> 00:24:14.625
I just keep thinking
about this fate thing,
00:24:15.708 --> 00:24:18.583
if her time arrived...
00:24:19.916 --> 00:24:21.916
I don't know....
00:24:22.958 --> 00:24:25.875
It's just that some things
I think are carved in stone
00:24:29.250 --> 00:24:33.375
But what if it wasn't her time and
because she didn't realize something
00:24:34.458 --> 00:24:37.833
she's not around anymore...
you know?
00:24:38.291 --> 00:24:39.500
I know.
00:24:42.500 --> 00:24:47.291
But there are also
the things that we do ourselves.
00:24:47.833 --> 00:24:50.833
That we control.
I don't know... I don't know.
00:24:51.000 --> 00:24:53.208
How do you feel about that?
Do you agree?
00:24:53.250 --> 00:24:54.666
- I think so too.
- Yeah...
00:24:54.750 --> 00:24:57.458
It's just like
my neighbor Vani, right?
00:24:57.791 --> 00:25:00.250
Her doctor said
she couldn't drink anymore.
00:25:00.958 --> 00:25:04.083
And she kept at it.
She and her husband owned a bar...
00:25:05.083 --> 00:25:07.083
and she drank herself
to death, you know?
00:25:07.125 --> 00:25:08.375
00:25:08.750 --> 00:25:10.125
- So sad.
- Yeah...
00:25:17.708 --> 00:25:19.708
But hey, thank you so much.
00:25:19.958 --> 00:25:22.250
For finding this place for us.
00:25:23.916 --> 00:25:26.125
- I really appreciate it!
- Please...
00:25:28.125 --> 00:25:31.416
- Did you know the owner?
- My brother-in-law knows her.
00:25:31.500 --> 00:25:33.916
Oh, I see. Alright...
00:25:36.750 --> 00:25:40.666
- But... do you like it?
- Yeah... no, I do.
00:25:42.916 --> 00:25:47.250
There's some infiltrations to
take care of, the toilet flush...
00:25:48.208 --> 00:25:49.833
Have you talked to her?
00:25:49.916 --> 00:25:52.791
Yeah... I have, it's all good.
00:25:56.500 --> 00:26:00.708
There's also Carlos,
he's very nitpicky.
00:26:04.000 --> 00:26:06.208
00:26:06.625 --> 00:26:11.666
And we lived in
a much better house there, so...
00:26:12.000 --> 00:26:13.750
But this is fine for now.
00:26:13.833 --> 00:26:16.916
I'm very happy here, everything's
just fine, no worries...
00:26:17.041 --> 00:26:18.208
00:26:19.291 --> 00:26:21.416
But cous,
how are things with him?
00:26:23.333 --> 00:26:26.083
00:26:29.541 --> 00:26:31.375
It's complicated, you know?
00:26:32.666 --> 00:26:35.166
We're fine, but we're not.
You know how it goes, right?
00:26:35.583 --> 00:26:37.916
Oh yeah, I know how it goes.
00:26:38.833 --> 00:26:41.000
Yeah... it has been
eight years, right, cous?
00:26:41.166 --> 00:26:43.916
- I thought it was less.
- No, eight years...
00:26:44.041 --> 00:26:47.250
- three years dating.
- Oh Okay, three dating...
00:26:52.833 --> 00:26:56.166
Cous, if I tell you something,
you won't tell anyone, right?
00:26:56.833 --> 00:26:58.333
Of course.
00:27:05.458 --> 00:27:08.750
- Do you want a little something?
- Mmm-hmm.
00:27:36.000 --> 00:27:37.750
But what is it?
00:27:43.375 --> 00:27:44.750
You can say...
00:27:52.333 --> 00:27:55.250
A while ago I got pregnant.
00:27:56.125 --> 00:27:59.166
Yeah... it's...
00:28:04.666 --> 00:28:06.666
it's been almost two years now.
00:28:07.000 --> 00:28:09.166
But it feels like yesterday.
00:28:10.375 --> 00:28:14.583
Carlos was so overjoyed.
Got all excited.
00:28:16.083 --> 00:28:19.583
I was unemployed then, you know?
But I got excited too.
00:28:19.666 --> 00:28:23.083
He was already
at this job he's at now,
00:28:24.500 --> 00:28:26.375
but he was happy.
00:28:27.875 --> 00:28:32.375
Making very little money,
trouble with the rent,
00:28:32.458 --> 00:28:34.541
bills to pay and all...
00:28:34.541 --> 00:28:37.708
But he went cuckoo,
like a child.
00:28:39.791 --> 00:28:43.541
Me too. I was scared,
you know? Of course.
00:28:44.166 --> 00:28:46.625
But... did you get an abortion?
00:28:46.708 --> 00:28:49.000
No, wait...
00:28:49.791 --> 00:28:52.000
So, I was...
00:28:53.333 --> 00:28:56.500
six months pregnant, big belly
00:28:57.000 --> 00:28:58.625
and all...
00:28:58.791 --> 00:29:00.583
I don't know why,
00:29:01.250 --> 00:29:04.083
but I didn't really talk
to anyone about the pregnancy.
00:29:05.416 --> 00:29:09.333
Then we went to the doctor
00:29:10.333 --> 00:29:12.833
and he told us it was a girl.
00:29:13.458 --> 00:29:16.916
Carlos was over the moon,
got so ecstatic!
00:29:18.333 --> 00:29:21.500
He told his mother,
who lives in Vitória da Conquista,
00:29:21.583 --> 00:29:25.833
he had a surprise
but would only tell her in person.
00:29:28.041 --> 00:29:31.375
We were so happy... so happy.
00:29:33.083 --> 00:29:38.875
Then one day
he was leaving work, by car,
00:29:40.583 --> 00:29:42.833
he stopped by
downtown to pick me up.
00:29:42.916 --> 00:29:49.333
Cruising, man, just cruising...
going slow on the main avenue.
00:29:50.333 --> 00:29:53.458
Really slow,
just cruising. For real.
00:29:53.958 --> 00:29:56.458
Then the car in front of us
suddenly hit the brake,
00:29:57.541 --> 00:29:59.541
because of a pedestrian.
00:30:00.791 --> 00:30:03.041
So Carlos hit the brakes too,
00:30:03.250 --> 00:30:05.291
but he crashed into the rear
of the other car.
00:30:05.333 --> 00:30:07.041
And I was holding a box.
00:30:07.250 --> 00:30:10.083
I flew towards the front
and hit my belly.
00:30:11.416 --> 00:30:14.708
Just hit it...
Oh, I felt so much pain!
00:30:15.041 --> 00:30:18.916
Gosh, it hurt so much.
00:30:24.583 --> 00:30:27.166
I never felt
so much pain in my life, really.
00:30:29.625 --> 00:30:32.125
So we flew to the hospital.
00:30:35.625 --> 00:30:38.500
I kept throwing up...
00:30:39.375 --> 00:30:42.083
felt really sick. Never
threw up like that in my life.
00:30:42.208 --> 00:30:46.416
So when I got to the hospital the
doctor said I should get an exam...
00:30:51.375 --> 00:30:54.500
Then, I'm not sure how, I fell
asleep, don't even remember...
00:30:56.916 --> 00:30:58.625
And then...
00:31:07.416 --> 00:31:11.333
The other day I woke up and the
doctor said we'd lost the baby.
00:31:16.333 --> 00:31:20.208
God... I don't know
what to say.
00:31:27.666 --> 00:31:29.416
Carlos went crazy...
00:31:32.250 --> 00:31:34.250
desperate, really.
00:31:34.541 --> 00:31:37.333
I did too,
but he took it harder.
00:31:37.916 --> 00:31:40.291
Yeah, he took it the hardest...
00:31:41.041 --> 00:31:43.375
and so, since then,
00:31:45.958 --> 00:31:50.708
our relationship
sort of broke, you know?
00:31:52.958 --> 00:31:55.500
Turned to shit, that's what.
00:33:06.708 --> 00:33:07.958
Maria Luiza!
00:33:08.041 --> 00:33:11.125
You don't go walking inside
people's homes like that!
00:33:11.166 --> 00:33:12.958
Bad girl!
00:33:13.625 --> 00:33:16.666
Juliana... I'm coming in, okay?
00:33:17.416 --> 00:33:21.208
Listen, you know that toilet flush
problem you complained about?
00:33:21.291 --> 00:33:22.375
00:33:22.458 --> 00:33:27.000
The handyman is coming to check
that running flush for you.
00:33:28.375 --> 00:33:30.375
No, I have to leave
for work soon.
00:33:30.458 --> 00:33:32.875
Well, hun,
did you not complain?
00:33:33.333 --> 00:33:35.291
I'm sorry,
but he'll be right here.
00:33:35.291 --> 00:33:37.583
After that I don't know
when he can come back.
00:33:37.666 --> 00:33:39.875
Then I won't be able to do anything
about it, you hear, Juliana?!
00:33:39.916 --> 00:33:41.458
- Right, alright.
- Alright then.
00:33:41.541 --> 00:33:44.416
I'm gonna go wait
for him, okay? Thank you.
00:33:44.750 --> 00:33:45.791
Thank you.
00:34:38.833 --> 00:34:40.708
Look, there's nothing here.
00:34:41.583 --> 00:34:44.125
I think the problem
might be on the roof.
00:34:44.750 --> 00:34:46.833
It's been a while
since I've been up there,
00:34:46.875 --> 00:34:48.708
it's probably filled with junk.
00:34:48.833 --> 00:34:50.875
But do we have to
go up this ladder?
00:34:51.333 --> 00:34:52.500
00:34:52.625 --> 00:34:54.750
There's no way up from
inside the house?
00:34:54.958 --> 00:34:57.250
No, it's blocked.
00:34:57.333 --> 00:34:59.708
Well, it's gonna be hard then...
00:35:01.333 --> 00:35:02.875
Are you afraid?
00:35:03.375 --> 00:35:04.916
Yeah, I am.
00:35:05.791 --> 00:35:08.125
I'll help you out, look!
I can hold this steady, it's safe.
00:35:08.166 --> 00:35:09.458
No, no...
00:35:11.083 --> 00:35:12.750
So what then?
00:35:13.250 --> 00:35:16.458
How can you work this
Dengue thing and not climb ladders?
00:35:19.416 --> 00:35:21.666
Maybe I can come back later...
00:35:21.916 --> 00:35:24.208
Will you be here all day?
00:35:25.083 --> 00:35:27.833
I will, but... you're
gonna have to go up, right?
00:35:28.458 --> 00:35:31.666
I can climb up there
and have a look, like...
00:35:31.875 --> 00:35:33.916
but you're gonna have
to go up anyway, right?
00:35:33.916 --> 00:35:35.583
No, alright... alright!
00:35:36.291 --> 00:35:38.750
I'll hold this. Go ahead.
00:35:39.500 --> 00:35:41.750
Oh dear lord...
00:35:43.500 --> 00:35:45.000
Go ahead, man.
00:35:47.083 --> 00:35:48.541
It's safe.
00:37:01.500 --> 00:37:03.083
Nice view, huh?
00:37:03.916 --> 00:37:06.750
From here, right? Very nice.
00:37:14.166 --> 00:37:15.958
Have you lived here long?
00:37:16.708 --> 00:37:18.791
About thirty years.
00:37:19.958 --> 00:37:21.666
Long time, huh?
00:37:22.416 --> 00:37:24.916
Yeah... a long time.
00:37:25.583 --> 00:37:28.083
But it didn't use to be like this,
the neighborhood.
00:37:28.166 --> 00:37:32.583
There were half
of these houses here.
00:37:35.541 --> 00:37:38.541
- The city grows so fast, right?
- Yeah...
00:37:40.041 --> 00:37:42.625
especially the last ten years.
00:37:46.666 --> 00:37:50.125
None of this businesses
up the avenue existed.
00:37:51.958 --> 00:37:53.916
We had to go buy bread
00:37:53.958 --> 00:37:55.541
all the motherfucking
way over there!
00:37:55.541 --> 00:37:57.416
All the way up there...
00:37:57.625 --> 00:37:59.750
Look, that's my brother-in-law
00:38:00.500 --> 00:38:01.916
Hey, Vandinho!
00:38:02.750 --> 00:38:05.791
- Is that your brother-in-law?
- Yeah... didn't see me.
00:38:07.041 --> 00:38:10.166
Part of the people here came from
the Lunch-Bucket Workers Village,
00:38:11.208 --> 00:38:13.791
where the expressway
is now, you know?
00:38:14.333 --> 00:38:16.833
Yeah, no... I don't know, really.
Don't know where that is.
00:38:17.958 --> 00:38:21.250
My father says those folks
were thrown out of there.
00:38:21.625 --> 00:38:23.916
City Hall came and threw
them all out on the street,
00:38:24.333 --> 00:38:27.208
and so they came
on foot, by wagon...
00:38:27.958 --> 00:38:29.083
00:38:30.416 --> 00:38:31.833
Fucked up, right?
00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:37.250
- It's so many people!
- Damn right it is!
00:38:39.875 --> 00:38:42.875
Now I have to see how I'm gonna
climb down from here, right?
00:38:43.958 --> 00:38:46.375
You're fine, man.
You afraid to go down?
00:38:46.666 --> 00:38:48.583
No, no... I'm fine.
00:38:50.416 --> 00:38:52.625
The way down is easier, right?
00:39:03.833 --> 00:39:06.375
Honey, I'd like to go to dinner
some place expensive today.
00:39:06.416 --> 00:39:07.416
00:39:08.833 --> 00:39:10.375
You come home,
make some coffee,
00:39:10.416 --> 00:39:12.583
sit in front of the TV
and there's no one to talk to...
00:39:12.666 --> 00:39:15.000
If that's loneliness
or freedom it's up to you.
00:39:44.791 --> 00:39:46.583
00:39:46.791 --> 00:39:49.791
Go knock on someone else's door
at this hour, motherfucker!
00:39:57.750 --> 00:39:58.958
- I apologize, ma'am.
- What is it?
00:39:59.000 --> 00:40:00.041
I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
00:40:00.083 --> 00:40:03.083
I work for the Dengue combat force.
I need to take a look at your house.
00:40:03.083 --> 00:40:05.041
Shit! At this hour?
00:40:05.250 --> 00:40:08.166
I was sleeping. You boys...
couldn't even tell the lady.
00:40:08.166 --> 00:40:11.541
You little fuckers! Why didn't
you tell her I work at night?
00:40:11.583 --> 00:40:15.666
Nevermind then... Okay. I'm sorry.
I'll come back later. Okay?
00:40:15.916 --> 00:40:18.916
Listen, lady, you should come back
some other time, you know why?
00:40:18.958 --> 00:40:21.333
I was sleeping here!
00:40:21.458 --> 00:40:23.250
But there are no little plants,
00:40:23.291 --> 00:40:24.958
little pots with water,
none of that.
00:40:25.000 --> 00:40:27.666
There's no Dengue mosquito
or anything here, alright?
00:40:27.666 --> 00:40:30.833
But hey, I apologize.
I'm gonna go ahead and close this
00:40:30.875 --> 00:40:32.791
and you'll come back some
other time, alright? Good day.
00:40:32.833 --> 00:40:33.958
Good day.
00:41:01.333 --> 00:41:03.875
Don't mind her, lady.
That woman is really stressed out.
00:41:03.916 --> 00:41:05.000
00:41:05.833 --> 00:41:08.666
Look, lady, what should I do
to get work like yours?
00:41:08.791 --> 00:41:11.125
- You have to take a test.
- Does it pay well?
00:41:11.291 --> 00:41:13.541
- It doesn't.
- So why do you do it?
00:41:13.625 --> 00:41:16.041
Because I have to pay my bills.
00:41:17.250 --> 00:41:19.333
Listen, lady, what's
the name of that friend of yours
00:41:19.416 --> 00:41:21.208
who passed by here,
with the green pants?
00:41:21.291 --> 00:41:22.916
Green pants?
00:41:23.541 --> 00:41:25.083
That's Jaque. Why?
00:41:25.166 --> 00:41:27.916
Tell her my friend here
thinks she's hot.
00:41:28.166 --> 00:41:31.500
Quit it, man!
Grow up, you're such a clown.
00:41:33.250 --> 00:41:35.333
Alright. I'll talk to her.
00:41:35.541 --> 00:41:38.458
Hey, miss, do you see
that white gate over there?
00:41:38.916 --> 00:41:40.958
- Yeah.
- Don't go there, alright?
00:41:41.000 --> 00:41:43.083
They'll come out shooting
if it's the Dengue crew.
00:41:43.125 --> 00:41:45.083
Stop it, man.
You messing with Paulo's girl?
00:41:45.166 --> 00:41:48.458
Man. Those people are creepy.
Didn't you see the other day?
00:43:34.041 --> 00:43:35.791
- Hey, Ju...
- Yeah.
00:43:38.666 --> 00:43:41.041
What are you doing
the Saturday after this?
00:43:42.541 --> 00:43:43.791
Nothing, I guess. Why?
00:43:43.833 --> 00:43:45.583
Come by my house, man.
00:43:45.958 --> 00:43:48.666
Around seven...
I'm celebrating my birthday.
00:43:49.083 --> 00:43:51.833
Oh, cool. Alright.
00:43:52.125 --> 00:43:55.416
I'll try to stop by.
Give me the address later.
00:43:55.500 --> 00:43:57.125
I'll do it at the end
of the shift, Okay?
00:43:57.125 --> 00:43:59.541
- Cool. Cool...
- When I'm leaving.
00:44:00.583 --> 00:44:03.583
- Alright. Thanks, Hélio.
- You got it. Later.
00:44:28.833 --> 00:44:30.708
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
00:44:30.750 --> 00:44:32.291
You too.
00:44:32.291 --> 00:44:34.500
Hélio... Come here!
Come here, Jaque!
00:44:34.750 --> 00:44:36.416
Come fast, you guys!
00:44:37.041 --> 00:44:38.458
00:44:39.416 --> 00:44:41.041
Everyone's here, right?
00:44:41.125 --> 00:44:43.916
Look, we're wrapping
this up now, okay? Right now!
00:44:44.000 --> 00:44:45.791
What is it, Lúcia,
is something going on?
00:44:45.833 --> 00:44:47.916
A police car just flew by me
00:44:47.958 --> 00:44:49.875
I think there's something
going down here.
00:44:49.875 --> 00:44:52.791
Take it easy, Lúcia, this is
how it is. Could be some incident.
00:44:52.875 --> 00:44:54.250
That's right, yo, chill.
00:44:54.250 --> 00:44:56.916
These people know
we work here, they know us, see?
00:44:56.958 --> 00:44:59.000
Guys! "Take it easy",
"chill", how?
00:44:59.000 --> 00:45:02.041
You think I'm gonna leave my crew
here? Are you out of your mind?
00:45:02.083 --> 00:45:04.541
In the middle of a shootout?
No way!
00:45:05.625 --> 00:45:08.208
I'll shut up now.
Not another word...
00:45:08.500 --> 00:45:10.958
You better, Hélio! You better.
00:45:11.416 --> 00:45:12.958
Is Luciano
coming to pick us up?
00:45:13.041 --> 00:45:15.791
I'm waiting for his answer.
I've already texted him.
00:45:17.083 --> 00:45:19.583
What do the cops have to do
with our work, brother?
00:45:19.625 --> 00:45:21.625
If we start worrying
about the cops, man,
00:45:21.625 --> 00:45:23.416
going up and down
that community every day.
00:45:23.458 --> 00:45:25.041
And everybody
knows us there, dude.
00:45:25.083 --> 00:45:27.000
- They know us, Hélio...
- Come on...
00:45:27.041 --> 00:45:31.000
Any place we go there, man.
They respect us.
00:45:31.041 --> 00:45:33.708
We're like a concept
to the community, man.
00:45:33.708 --> 00:45:35.833
Hey, man... gotta keep
an eye on that woman, man.
00:45:35.916 --> 00:45:37.125
Hey, man, I'm pretty sure
00:45:37.125 --> 00:45:39.666
that she's trying to bump us
to another regional, Hélio.
00:45:39.750 --> 00:45:41.666
She can bump this
to another regional, right?
00:45:41.666 --> 00:45:43.250
- Right, my man?
- For real.
00:45:43.291 --> 00:45:45.666
- Have you felt that too?
- Hey, a whole lot.
00:45:45.708 --> 00:45:48.541
I'm sure, man, she's trying to
send us to another regional.
00:45:48.583 --> 00:45:51.083
But you know what,
I'm starting to figure her out.
00:45:51.125 --> 00:45:54.958
You know what's bothering her,
my man? It's our glow, brother.
00:45:55.541 --> 00:45:59.000
We come, man, we steal the show.
00:45:59.083 --> 00:46:02.041
Just feel the energy.
Can you feel it? You feel it?
00:46:02.083 --> 00:46:05.208
The glow, man, it's intense.
It's an intense glow.
00:46:05.250 --> 00:46:06.750
Come on, man.
After this, I'm leaving.
00:46:06.833 --> 00:46:08.375
Seriously? No, man. Don't.
00:46:08.416 --> 00:46:10.166
- Be cool, brother.
- After this, I'm out.
00:46:10.208 --> 00:46:12.666
You really out, man?
Don't be silly, man.
00:46:12.958 --> 00:46:16.333
Think straight, Hélio.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
00:46:19.541 --> 00:46:22.458
Look. Pull your pants
out of your ass, Hélio!
00:46:36.333 --> 00:46:39.833
But, Ju, I'm laughing here,
but I'm hella worried.
00:46:40.125 --> 00:46:41.875
Worried, why?
00:46:42.208 --> 00:46:44.750
I think I'm gonna,
like, be a dad.
00:46:44.833 --> 00:46:47.541
- A dad?
- I'm not sure, you know?
00:46:47.625 --> 00:46:49.000
- You're not?
- No.
00:46:49.041 --> 00:46:51.833
This girl I was with
a while back,
00:46:51.875 --> 00:46:54.083
she asked for
a D.N.A. test, you know?
00:46:54.166 --> 00:46:57.750
So I'm freaking out.
00:46:57.958 --> 00:47:00.958
- My goodness!
- Just picture the situation.
00:47:01.208 --> 00:47:04.916
I'm a broke dude, you know that.
Never had a thing in my life, man.
00:47:04.958 --> 00:47:06.916
- Oh...
- Working my ass off,
00:47:06.958 --> 00:47:10.750
always on this daily
struggle and stuff,
00:47:11.083 --> 00:47:14.208
and suddenly
I find out I'm a dad?
00:47:14.750 --> 00:47:15.916
- Damn...
- You understand?
00:47:16.000 --> 00:47:19.583
It's gonna be hard, man.
And it was a fling, you know?
00:47:19.708 --> 00:47:20.625
It was?
00:47:20.625 --> 00:47:22.750
I was with this girl
a while back and all.
00:47:22.750 --> 00:47:25.666
It was, like, unexpected.
00:47:26.416 --> 00:47:29.208
We did it. We were
hanging out and stuff.
00:47:29.208 --> 00:47:32.625
And so now
she comes back, right?
00:47:33.250 --> 00:47:35.708
All this time's passed
and she asks for a test.
00:47:35.708 --> 00:47:38.291
- So now I have to take it, right?
- Yeah, you have to take it.
00:47:38.291 --> 00:47:40.458
You gotta know, right?
00:47:40.708 --> 00:47:42.250
Are you a mom?
Do you have children?
00:47:42.291 --> 00:47:43.791
- No.
- No?
00:47:44.083 --> 00:47:46.083
Yeah, I hear ya.
00:47:46.166 --> 00:47:49.166
And now I gotta...
Gotta do it, right?
00:47:49.250 --> 00:47:52.000
So what do you think? I'm living
in this reality now that,
00:47:52.000 --> 00:47:54.000
just have to face it,
right? Head on.
00:47:54.041 --> 00:47:57.250
Yeah, gotta face it.
Do it. But it'll be fine, man.
00:47:57.708 --> 00:48:00.541
Take it easy. It'll be fine.
00:48:00.750 --> 00:48:02.250
I'm hella worried, man.
00:48:02.250 --> 00:48:05.125
But I think I'll live.
It's worse in the war, right?
00:48:05.416 --> 00:48:08.708
And I heard the kid's,
like, three already.
00:48:09.125 --> 00:48:10.666
- Three years old?
- It's a boy. Yeah.
00:48:10.708 --> 00:48:12.250
- A boy?
- Yeah!
00:48:12.666 --> 00:48:15.541
- Talking already...
- Talking, pooping, walking,
00:48:15.583 --> 00:48:17.791
almost going out by himself.
00:48:20.041 --> 00:48:23.041
It'll be a pretty
big responsibility. But...
00:48:23.958 --> 00:48:25.291
can you imagine?
00:48:26.500 --> 00:48:28.208
- Right...
- Little Russão.
00:48:29.083 --> 00:48:30.583
Little Russão...
00:49:06.791 --> 00:49:09.458
Carlos, what's going on?
00:49:12.375 --> 00:49:14.791
For God's sake!
00:49:15.125 --> 00:49:16.541
00:49:16.708 --> 00:49:19.083
I tried to reach someone in
Vitória da Conquista today,
00:49:19.083 --> 00:49:21.208
your mom didn't pick up,
your sister didn't pick up,
00:49:21.208 --> 00:49:23.583
I can't get a hold of them...
00:49:26.125 --> 00:49:30.416
I left Pablo a message,
but he didn't read it.
00:49:31.083 --> 00:49:33.375
What is going on, man?
00:49:35.166 --> 00:49:39.083
Tell me, call me,
text me, something.
00:49:39.625 --> 00:49:42.125
Give me a sign. I'm worried...
00:49:42.708 --> 00:49:44.791
I'm worried. Okay?
00:50:36.291 --> 00:50:38.791
Hi, Suzana. It's me.
00:50:39.541 --> 00:50:41.250
What's up?
00:50:48.583 --> 00:50:50.458
Dear Lord...
00:50:55.750 --> 00:50:57.833
00:51:01.375 --> 00:51:04.416
No, no, no
I'll figure something out.
00:51:05.583 --> 00:51:06.875
00:51:08.333 --> 00:51:10.166
00:51:11.416 --> 00:51:14.041
Alright. Appreciate it.
00:51:15.375 --> 00:51:16.750
00:51:18.375 --> 00:51:19.500
00:52:23.125 --> 00:52:26.333
Juliana is here
and she wants to talk to you.
00:52:34.000 --> 00:52:35.583
- Hey, Juliana.
- Hi, Mauricio.
00:52:35.666 --> 00:52:38.458
- Everything okay?
- Oh, not really, right?
00:52:38.958 --> 00:52:41.625
I don't know what's
going on, Carlos is missing.
00:52:42.541 --> 00:52:45.041
Yeah, Suzana
said you called earlier.
00:52:45.125 --> 00:52:48.666
I was caught up. I'm sorry
I couldn't return the call.
00:52:49.458 --> 00:52:52.833
He packed up his stuff
and left, didn't even quit.
00:52:53.583 --> 00:52:56.125
People say he went out of town.
00:52:57.041 --> 00:53:00.000
I found it strange when Suzana
said you didn't know anything.
00:53:00.250 --> 00:53:02.958
My goodness!
What happened?
00:53:03.666 --> 00:53:05.958
That's what
I want to know, right?
00:53:06.166 --> 00:53:07.833
Such lack of
responsibility from Carlos.
00:53:07.833 --> 00:53:10.333
He's just gone, left a bunch of
unfinished work behind.
00:53:19.791 --> 00:53:22.791
I don't even know
what to tell you. Honestly.
00:53:23.875 --> 00:53:26.750
If he doesn't come back, we're gonna
have to get someone to replace him.
00:53:26.791 --> 00:53:28.166
No way around it...
00:56:02.666 --> 00:56:03.958
00:56:06.208 --> 00:56:07.375
Hi, dad.
00:56:10.166 --> 00:56:11.916
Everything alright with you?
00:56:12.916 --> 00:56:15.958
I'm just here doing my things.
00:56:17.833 --> 00:56:19.958
What are you doing here?
00:56:21.458 --> 00:56:24.000
I'm just dropping by real quick.
00:56:26.791 --> 00:56:28.708
Came to get some stuff...
00:56:30.750 --> 00:56:32.791
Well... Alright.
00:56:39.041 --> 00:56:41.250
- Bye.
- Bye.
00:58:18.375 --> 00:58:19.750
00:58:21.250 --> 00:58:22.875
00:58:24.166 --> 00:58:26.500
Jeez, my bad.
00:58:28.541 --> 00:58:30.583
No, I'll be right there.
00:58:32.250 --> 00:58:34.333
I am. I'll be right there.
00:58:35.041 --> 00:58:36.833
Okay. Bye.
00:58:38.125 --> 00:58:39.708
00:58:48.916 --> 00:58:51.625
So, Juliana, you think
that's worth two days off?
00:58:51.750 --> 00:58:53.625
00:58:53.666 --> 00:58:56.166
It sucks working
on Saturdays, right?
00:58:57.041 --> 00:59:01.458
- If only there was money in it...
- You’re right about that.
00:59:53.958 --> 00:59:55.458
I'll be right there!
01:00:00.208 --> 01:00:03.583
Cous! I'm sorry. I was sorting
some stuff out back at the house
01:00:03.625 --> 01:00:05.791
- and I lost track of time.
- Okay.
01:00:08.708 --> 01:00:09.958
- Come here...
- Okay.
01:00:10.000 --> 01:00:12.375
Sorry I can't invite you in,
but my mother-in-law's here.
01:00:12.375 --> 01:00:14.666
- She'll start asking questions...
- Okay, it's fine.
01:00:15.500 --> 01:00:17.166
Okay? Here.
01:00:17.625 --> 01:00:19.291
01:00:21.083 --> 01:00:23.708
This is it. Oh boy.
01:00:23.958 --> 01:00:25.875
You don't have to
worry, I won't...
01:00:26.000 --> 01:00:28.583
- It won't be long. Okay?
- Okay. I'll need it.
01:00:29.791 --> 01:00:32.125
- You really can't take too long.
- No, no. I've got this.
01:00:32.166 --> 01:00:33.833
But take your time,
whenever you can.
01:00:33.875 --> 01:00:36.000
- Alright?
- Alright.
01:00:36.500 --> 01:00:40.291
So... Okay, then. I still
have a lot to do back home.
01:00:40.333 --> 01:00:44.125
Me too... I gotta run, got a bunch
of stuff to do as well.
01:00:59.333 --> 01:01:01.625
Hey Lúcia, does this pump go?
01:01:01.833 --> 01:01:03.541
No, not that one.
01:01:03.875 --> 01:01:06.208
- Should we take the filing cabinet?
- Yes, that goes.
01:01:08.000 --> 01:01:10.291
What about this gallon?
01:01:10.666 --> 01:01:12.458
That one's not...
no, that goes.
01:01:12.500 --> 01:01:13.666
- It goes?
- Yes.
01:01:13.708 --> 01:01:15.625
Watch out for
the contents, you hear?
01:01:16.416 --> 01:01:19.333
Hélio, can you grab
those boxes for me, please?
01:01:21.166 --> 01:01:24.458
Jaque, afterwards you can
help Hélio with the cabinet, okay?
01:01:24.458 --> 01:01:26.125
It's on the heavier side.
01:01:27.583 --> 01:01:29.958
- Okay. Are we taking this as well?
- Those I'll...
01:01:30.000 --> 01:01:31.958
Just a minute, okay?
01:01:32.166 --> 01:01:33.875
Are you taking
down the posters, Juliana?
01:01:33.875 --> 01:01:36.083
- Careful not to tear them.
- Okay.
01:03:13.541 --> 01:03:17.833
01:03:35.875 --> 01:03:39.166
You be careful, Juliana! Marcelina,
put those boxes against the wall,
01:03:39.208 --> 01:03:40.916
they're fragile.
01:03:42.375 --> 01:03:45.000
Oh, you coming this way?
Let me get that.
01:03:54.000 --> 01:03:56.291
Could I put on some music?
01:03:56.333 --> 01:03:58.291
- Just so we can groove a little.
- Well... Okay.
01:03:58.333 --> 01:04:00.708
But keep the volume down.
01:04:03.458 --> 01:04:05.166
Listen, Jaqueline...
01:04:05.333 --> 01:04:08.958
connect this phone afterwards,
I'm gonna put it on my desk, okay?
01:04:09.208 --> 01:04:11.500
I'll put it over there then.
01:04:12.708 --> 01:04:14.916
Juliana, there's some
stuff in the bathroom...
01:04:14.958 --> 01:04:16.791
Okay, I'll be there in a minute.
01:04:57.625 --> 01:05:00.291
"I'm gonna be a dad".
01:05:05.583 --> 01:05:08.208
"I'll talk to you later, alright?"
01:05:58.041 --> 01:06:00.291
- So you're from Itaúna?
- Yeah.
01:06:00.958 --> 01:06:03.416
- Awesome.
- So you know the city well then?
01:06:03.625 --> 01:06:05.375
I know enough.
01:06:05.583 --> 01:06:07.041
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
01:06:09.250 --> 01:06:10.583
What do you know there?
01:06:10.625 --> 01:06:13.541
- Oh, is that a challenge?
- Challenge! I wanna know...
01:06:14.250 --> 01:06:16.583
Let's see... Sandoval.
01:06:16.583 --> 01:06:19.583
You really know Itaúna.
01:06:20.166 --> 01:06:24.208
Oh, the food at Sandoval,
goddammit, it's good...
01:06:24.250 --> 01:06:26.916
Get there at 3 a.m.,
you can get a full meal.
01:06:27.000 --> 01:06:28.916
01:06:31.708 --> 01:06:35.166
- What else?
- Well... Ritz.
01:06:35.458 --> 01:06:38.708
Ritz? You really know
your way around.
01:06:41.500 --> 01:06:44.041
- Have you ever been to Ritz?
- Oh, no. I didn't...
01:06:44.500 --> 01:06:46.125
My cousin used to go there
all the time.
01:06:46.166 --> 01:06:47.708
- Yeah?
- All the time.
01:06:48.375 --> 01:06:51.416
I don't know,
I was a little scared...
01:06:52.083 --> 01:06:54.958
- Didn't really go there, you know?
- Yeah, I gotcha.
01:06:55.458 --> 01:06:58.083
Ritz was always
a heat-packing spot.
01:06:59.708 --> 01:07:02.208
"Heat-packing", that's good...
01:07:02.375 --> 01:07:04.666
01:07:19.625 --> 01:07:21.125
So, take a look.
01:07:22.041 --> 01:07:24.416
- Hmm.
- Dope, right?
01:07:25.458 --> 01:07:26.750
01:07:27.458 --> 01:07:30.583
Here's the deal:
I'm gonna be a dad now, right?
01:07:30.625 --> 01:07:34.208
So the idea is
to open a salon, see?
01:07:34.208 --> 01:07:36.208
I'm thinking about
opening a salon right here.
01:07:36.250 --> 01:07:37.875
Oh, a salon? Wow...
01:07:38.208 --> 01:07:41.791
It's actually
gonna be a barbershop
01:07:41.791 --> 01:07:43.875
that's really
trending right now.
01:07:43.958 --> 01:07:46.375
- Right, a barbershop...
- It'll be a top barbershop.
01:07:46.416 --> 01:07:48.791
We're gonna take over
this area, you know?
01:07:48.833 --> 01:07:49.833
That's awesome.
01:07:49.875 --> 01:07:53.333
This money we make here at Endemics'
Control is pocket change, right?
01:07:53.375 --> 01:07:56.583
- It's not enough for two people.
- Damn right.
01:07:56.583 --> 01:07:59.291
- So... that's the idea now.
- Nice.
01:07:59.500 --> 01:08:01.625
But have you ever
cut hair before?
01:08:02.041 --> 01:08:05.250
That's the thing, man.
I've never actually cut hair.
01:08:05.375 --> 01:08:09.583
In fact,
I once cut my cousin's hair.
01:08:09.583 --> 01:08:12.708
But I shaved it. But...
01:08:12.833 --> 01:08:16.166
That's the thing, man. You catch on
to it real quick and all...
01:08:16.208 --> 01:08:17.500
It's practice, right?
01:08:17.541 --> 01:08:21.125
And I'm thinking I'll open it
work nights and weekends.
01:08:22.125 --> 01:08:23.958
- Oh... weekends?
- Weekends.
01:08:23.958 --> 01:08:26.625
Oh, you'll be so tired, Russão.
Weekends? Damn...
01:08:26.625 --> 01:08:29.541
Let me tell you something, Ju:
I gotta bring home the bacon!
01:08:31.333 --> 01:08:34.583
Am I right?
I'm a penniless father.
01:08:34.625 --> 01:08:36.750
Gotta work my butt off.
01:08:36.791 --> 01:08:39.458
You got that right. But where are
you gonna learn to cut hair, man?
01:08:39.500 --> 01:08:42.791
Dude, there's a friend of mine
who knows about a school,
01:08:42.833 --> 01:08:45.000
and he's gonna get
me a discount, see?
01:08:45.083 --> 01:08:49.125
At a class they have downtown.
That's why I called you here.
01:08:49.208 --> 01:08:51.375
How would you like to come
down there with me today?
01:08:51.416 --> 01:08:53.416
In fact, right now.
01:08:53.750 --> 01:08:55.750
So we can just go,
get the hang of it
01:08:55.833 --> 01:08:58.250
and get started
on this new business?
01:08:59.833 --> 01:09:02.125
- Well...
- Come on! You game?
01:09:02.166 --> 01:09:03.750
- I am...
- Power, baby!
01:09:03.791 --> 01:09:05.833
- Alright.
- Let's do this.
01:09:09.875 --> 01:09:11.583
What's up, Ju!
How you doing?
01:09:11.666 --> 01:09:13.541
- Me?
- Yeah.
01:09:15.500 --> 01:09:17.166
I'm just fine. Why?
01:09:17.291 --> 01:09:19.416
You don't really share much.
01:09:19.500 --> 01:09:22.375
Yeah, I'm... That's me.
01:09:25.458 --> 01:09:27.416
Is your husband here?
01:09:31.083 --> 01:09:34.583
- I don't know about my husband.
- What do you mean?
01:09:39.583 --> 01:09:42.958
- Does this bus take long, Russão?
- Usually no.
01:09:46.208 --> 01:09:48.500
- It's about to arrive.
- It's coming?
01:09:49.250 --> 01:09:51.000
Thank God!
01:10:03.958 --> 01:10:05.708
- What up, Leozim?
- Hey, Russão!
01:10:05.750 --> 01:10:07.791
- How are you, little buddy?
- Doing good, brother?
01:10:07.791 --> 01:10:09.875
- This is my friend Juliana.
- Hey, Juliana. How are you?
01:10:09.958 --> 01:10:11.833
Am I too early?
We said we'd go there...
01:10:11.833 --> 01:10:14.041
No, brother.
I was just waiting for you.
01:10:14.041 --> 01:10:16.500
- Oh, yeah? So can we go?
- Yeah.
01:10:16.541 --> 01:10:17.583
Let's go then.
01:10:17.625 --> 01:10:19.791
- Mimi, can I go now?
- Alright.
01:10:19.833 --> 01:10:21.166
Thank you.
01:10:22.208 --> 01:10:24.875
Crazy stuff, right?
You like those?
01:10:29.291 --> 01:10:32.708
Damn, Leozin. That boss of yours
seems real nice, bro.
01:10:32.833 --> 01:10:36.541
She's cool, but she's
always pretty silent like that,
01:10:36.583 --> 01:10:40.333
'cause she doesn't really
understand Portuguese.
01:10:40.375 --> 01:10:43.000
- Oh, yeah?
- It's kinda hard to talk to her.
01:10:43.333 --> 01:10:47.000
She's got a real hot niece,
I'm kind of in love, you know?
01:10:47.041 --> 01:10:48.916
- Oh, yeah?
- For real.
01:10:49.000 --> 01:10:51.833
- Platonic love?
- Very platonic.
01:10:54.541 --> 01:10:58.458
But that's 'cause she's way too hot.
For real. She's so fucking hot.
01:10:58.500 --> 01:11:00.416
- Awesome.
- For real.
01:11:00.458 --> 01:11:01.833
That's nice.
01:11:08.083 --> 01:11:10.875
- What's up, Denilson? My brother!
- Hey, Leozim, brother.
01:11:10.916 --> 01:11:13.333
Doing good?
I haven't seen you much.
01:11:13.416 --> 01:11:14.666
- What's up?
- Doing fine...
01:11:14.708 --> 01:11:17.291
This is Russão, that brother
I told you about, remember?
01:11:17.333 --> 01:11:18.750
Hey, what's up?
This is Juliana...
01:11:18.791 --> 01:11:20.333
Yeah, you said something.
'Sup, Russão?
01:11:20.375 --> 01:11:23.041
He's about to open
a barbershop, you know?
01:11:23.125 --> 01:11:26.291
And I wanted to see if you could,
like, get him a nice discount.
01:11:26.333 --> 01:11:29.958
- Cool. You said that.
- If you could help him out.
01:11:30.166 --> 01:11:33.166
- He needs to learn ASAP, you know?
- Yeah, I got you. Let's see.
01:11:33.250 --> 01:11:36.250
Russão, have you had any
experience using an electric shaver,
01:11:36.250 --> 01:11:37.875
a razor, that sort of stuff?
01:11:37.958 --> 01:11:40.750
You know, man... not really.
01:11:40.791 --> 01:11:45.250
But... like, dude... Actually
I once cut my cousin's hair,
01:11:45.250 --> 01:11:46.708
with a shaver and all,
01:11:46.750 --> 01:11:49.166
and I've been watching
some videos on Youtube,
01:11:49.208 --> 01:11:51.750
some tutorials and stuff. I think
I'll catch on fast, you know?
01:11:51.875 --> 01:11:53.958
Yeah, I got you.
You'll see that...
01:11:54.083 --> 01:11:56.166
here at the school things
are a little different.
01:11:56.208 --> 01:11:58.916
But come on, let me show
you around. You got a minute?
01:11:58.958 --> 01:12:01.416
- For sure, man...
- Cool. Wanna go?
01:12:01.458 --> 01:12:03.291
Alright, brother.
I'm gonna take off then...
01:12:03.333 --> 01:12:05.208
- You leaving, my man?
- I gotta run.
01:12:05.250 --> 01:12:06.833
- Well, come back later, man.
- Alright.
01:12:06.875 --> 01:12:08.416
- So we can talk some more.
- Alright.
01:12:08.458 --> 01:12:10.208
Alright, Leozim.
Really appreciate it, man.
01:12:10.250 --> 01:12:13.166
- You got it, Russão. See ya.
- Bye, Leozim.
01:12:13.791 --> 01:12:15.416
- Bye.
- Thank you.
01:12:15.666 --> 01:12:17.791
So, Ju.
Can you hang on a little bit?
01:12:17.875 --> 01:12:20.250
First class is probably
not too long, right? I think.
01:12:20.250 --> 01:12:21.375
Yeah, that's okay.
01:12:21.416 --> 01:12:23.875
Afterwards we can chill, we'll go to
Cheap Eats and grab some lunch...
01:12:23.916 --> 01:12:25.625
- Alright. That's cool.
- Then we'll head home.
01:12:25.666 --> 01:12:26.958
- Is that cool?
- Yeah. Alright.
01:12:27.000 --> 01:12:29.416
- So where is it, brother?
- This room right here. Come on.
01:12:29.500 --> 01:12:31.666
Thank you, man.
Damn, so cool.
01:12:56.083 --> 01:12:57.375
What's up?
01:12:57.583 --> 01:12:59.416
What about
that hair? Wanna cut it?
01:12:59.541 --> 01:13:02.291
No, no. I'm just
waiting for Russão.
01:13:02.708 --> 01:13:05.500
You're not doing anything, man.
Russão's gonna be a while.
01:13:05.541 --> 01:13:08.000
Since you're here,
you could get your hair cut.
01:13:08.000 --> 01:13:09.833
No, no. Not today, no.
01:13:09.916 --> 01:13:14.000
Listen, let me tell you. Cuts here,
done by students, are much cheaper.
01:13:14.166 --> 01:13:16.791
Besides, I've got
a hairdresser here.
01:13:16.916 --> 01:13:19.208
A girl who really knows
how to work ladies' hairs,
01:13:19.250 --> 01:13:21.541
maybe she could
give you some tips,
01:13:21.583 --> 01:13:24.000
come up with something
different for you and all.
01:13:27.458 --> 01:13:29.250
Oh, no, I think I'm alright.
01:13:29.291 --> 01:13:32.791
Look, the cut's
really affordable here.
01:13:33.083 --> 01:13:35.916
I usually charge 20 bucks,
01:13:36.041 --> 01:13:39.291
but for you, since it's your first
time here, you're with Russão,
01:13:39.375 --> 01:13:42.166
- I'll charge you 15.
- No, it's not that.
01:13:50.041 --> 01:13:51.666
Come on, man.
01:13:56.333 --> 01:13:58.541
- Hi.
- Hey.
01:13:59.041 --> 01:14:01.208
Could you weight
a chicken breast for me?
01:14:01.250 --> 01:14:02.666
Of course.
01:14:08.250 --> 01:14:10.541
That smaller one's fine.
01:14:19.458 --> 01:14:22.208
- That'll be 4,72.
- Okay.
01:15:04.541 --> 01:15:06.708
- How are you doing, Hélio?
- What's up?
01:15:06.750 --> 01:15:08.750
What are you
doing here all by yourself?
01:15:08.875 --> 01:15:11.000
How about that new hair?
01:15:11.875 --> 01:15:13.833
What about it? New hair...
01:15:14.625 --> 01:15:16.583
I'm just enjoying the view.
01:15:17.791 --> 01:15:19.333
The view?
01:15:20.083 --> 01:15:22.416
Why don't you go
to Lake Pampulha?
01:15:23.666 --> 01:15:25.916
You're in the middle
of the sewer...
01:15:28.875 --> 01:15:31.708
- I've caught fish here, man.
- Fish?
01:15:31.791 --> 01:15:33.458
I'm telling you.
01:15:34.583 --> 01:15:37.333
You mean those trash-eating
little catfish, right?
01:15:40.750 --> 01:15:42.666
To each his own, Ju.
01:15:43.125 --> 01:15:47.041
You think I'm gonna go all the way
to that motherfucking Pampulha,
01:15:47.458 --> 01:15:49.916
that bean-smelling lagoon?
01:15:50.875 --> 01:15:52.750
That's sewer too, man.
01:15:54.458 --> 01:15:57.333
Well, sit down. Pull up a chair
and sit on the floor.
01:16:06.791 --> 01:16:10.250
But what is it?
What's going on?
01:16:12.000 --> 01:16:15.583
Oh, nothing. Same old shit.
01:16:17.416 --> 01:16:20.416
This job fucking sucks, man.
01:16:21.333 --> 01:16:25.041
My sisters are all up in my face
about finding a new job,
01:16:25.541 --> 01:16:27.500
my mom's ill.
01:16:28.416 --> 01:16:30.458
- Shit's hard... ...
- Jeez.
01:16:30.916 --> 01:16:33.208
That's too bad, man. Shit...
01:16:34.791 --> 01:16:36.916
Yeah, but it's all good.
01:16:37.625 --> 01:16:40.541
- That's the way it is.
- Yeah, don't even get me started.
01:16:44.458 --> 01:16:46.875
But hey,
how did you like the party?
01:16:46.958 --> 01:16:49.416
It was good.
01:16:50.125 --> 01:16:52.375
I drank so much!
01:16:53.541 --> 01:16:55.666
It was fun, right?
01:16:56.583 --> 01:16:59.166
- I forgot to tell you...
- What?
01:16:59.416 --> 01:17:01.791
- Jairo liked you.
- Oh yeah?
01:17:02.083 --> 01:17:03.375
01:17:04.291 --> 01:17:06.833
It took him a while
to say it, but...
01:17:07.000 --> 01:17:09.208
What about you?
Did you like him?
01:17:10.083 --> 01:17:11.875
I did, I did.
01:17:13.000 --> 01:17:15.000
That dude's
fucking great, man.
01:17:15.041 --> 01:17:17.250
Yeah, he's cool...
01:17:17.500 --> 01:17:19.291
Nice guy.
01:17:21.333 --> 01:17:23.333
He plays handball...
01:17:26.916 --> 01:17:28.333
But I don't know, my head's
01:17:28.375 --> 01:17:30.375
not really in
that right now, Hélio...
01:17:30.458 --> 01:17:33.333
I'm going through some things
that I'm still processing, you know?
01:17:37.958 --> 01:17:39.791
It's like they say:
01:17:40.250 --> 01:17:42.333
If I told you
what I'm going through,
01:17:42.375 --> 01:17:44.791
you'd bend over
and let me fuck you right now.
01:17:46.708 --> 01:17:48.541
I know how it is.
01:17:50.583 --> 01:17:52.083
01:17:54.541 --> 01:17:56.458
Oh, but...
01:17:58.375 --> 01:17:59.666
I don't know.
01:18:02.833 --> 01:18:06.291
I'm also going through things
I would never have imagined.
01:18:07.833 --> 01:18:10.416
Meeting you guys,
01:18:10.833 --> 01:18:13.083
all of you,
01:18:15.166 --> 01:18:17.916
doing my own things.
01:18:18.833 --> 01:18:21.333
That's really
fucking good, you know?
01:18:24.250 --> 01:18:27.041
But there's also
some fucked up shit...
01:18:30.083 --> 01:18:31.750
It's hard.
01:18:34.958 --> 01:18:37.916
It's just, I've never really
had friends, Hélio.
01:18:38.333 --> 01:18:40.083
You know?
01:18:40.666 --> 01:18:41.833
01:18:43.875 --> 01:18:45.500
01:18:46.125 --> 01:18:47.833
Tough, man.
01:18:49.250 --> 01:18:53.333
But, I don't know. I guess
some things had to change.
01:18:55.833 --> 01:18:58.375
Or not. I don't know.
01:18:58.666 --> 01:19:02.708
Who knows. I don't really know
what I'm talking about.
01:19:06.208 --> 01:19:08.500
Speaking of change...
01:19:09.333 --> 01:19:10.916
- it reeks, here.
- Yeah.
01:19:10.958 --> 01:19:13.041
- Wanna bounce?
- Yeah, come on.
01:19:17.875 --> 01:19:21.083
- Want a hand with that?
- No, no. I got it.
01:19:27.750 --> 01:19:31.000
01:19:47.916 --> 01:19:50.666
- Crazy weather, right?
- Who can figure it out, huh?
01:19:51.333 --> 01:19:53.500
Jesus, look at this.
01:19:54.166 --> 01:19:56.125
Hey, Juliana.
I don't know if the guys told you,
01:19:56.166 --> 01:19:58.833
but we don't go out on the street
when it's pouring like this.
01:19:59.000 --> 01:20:01.250
There's no way, right?
01:20:01.708 --> 01:20:04.833
We do stuff inside,
or else we just wait.
01:20:12.708 --> 01:20:14.375
Look, Jaque.
01:20:14.708 --> 01:20:16.625
- Who's that?
- Little Cassiano.
01:20:16.875 --> 01:20:19.625
- My goodness, he's huge.
- Yeah.
01:20:19.791 --> 01:20:21.708
Sixteen already, girl.
01:20:21.750 --> 01:20:23.333
- Your son?
- My son.
01:20:23.375 --> 01:20:25.000
- Time flies, right?
- Jeez, so much!
01:20:25.041 --> 01:20:26.750
I didn't even see it, really.
01:20:26.791 --> 01:20:29.041
- Which one is he?
- The one in the yellow shirt.
01:20:30.500 --> 01:20:31.833
01:20:32.541 --> 01:20:34.375
It's 'cause his
father's white, you see?
01:20:34.416 --> 01:20:35.833
Got it.
01:20:38.708 --> 01:20:41.875
- Are you back together, Lúcia?
- No, are you crazy?
01:20:42.166 --> 01:20:46.416
No, this last time was for real.
I couldn't take it anymore.
01:20:49.625 --> 01:20:52.541
- Twenty years, Juliana...
- Twenty!
01:20:52.833 --> 01:20:54.458
- Twenty years.
- That's a lot.
01:20:54.583 --> 01:20:56.666
Yeah, it's no joke.
01:20:56.833 --> 01:20:58.666
I was so young
when I started dating him.
01:20:59.250 --> 01:21:03.250
So in love, he kept saying
he loved me, he loved me...
01:21:03.458 --> 01:21:05.250
How it always is
in the beginning, right?
01:21:05.291 --> 01:21:07.250
Everything's beautiful, right?
01:21:08.125 --> 01:21:12.791
But he had some friends, very
weird dudes, you know? Jerks...
01:21:13.791 --> 01:21:18.000
and they had an influence on him.
His family did, too.
01:21:19.166 --> 01:21:21.375
There were
no black people in his family.
01:21:22.458 --> 01:21:25.250
They treated me
well and everything,
01:21:25.750 --> 01:21:28.333
but I don't know,
something felt strange.
01:21:28.583 --> 01:21:31.041
Every once in a while
something weird happened
01:21:31.083 --> 01:21:33.875
- that made me wonder, you know?
- Yeah, gotcha.
01:21:38.083 --> 01:21:40.083
And there was this thing...
01:21:41.000 --> 01:21:43.666
we were at a party...
I've never forgotten.
01:21:43.666 --> 01:21:46.958
You know those things
that hurt you deep down?
01:21:48.166 --> 01:21:50.375
I went to a party
with him, a wedding,
01:21:50.541 --> 01:21:53.291
and these friends
I was talking about were there.
01:21:53.750 --> 01:21:56.875
I was right by his side
and they kept telling him:
01:21:56.916 --> 01:22:00.666
"Man, you can get
any girl you want...
01:22:00.916 --> 01:22:03.583
and you choose her?".
01:22:04.125 --> 01:22:06.625
- To my face, to my face!
- That's awful.
01:22:07.291 --> 01:22:10.375
I was so hurt.
But you know what I did?
01:22:10.833 --> 01:22:13.500
Kept my mouth shut.
Not a word.
01:22:14.750 --> 01:22:17.375
- And him?
- He realized, you know?
01:22:17.500 --> 01:22:19.083
He felt the punch.
01:22:19.208 --> 01:22:22.791
So he distanced himself from
these friends, from his family.
01:22:22.916 --> 01:22:25.916
That's when we got married.
And you know who came soon after?
01:22:26.083 --> 01:22:28.208
Little Cassiano.
01:22:30.083 --> 01:22:33.916
Oh, girls... But after a while
it started going sour,
01:22:34.458 --> 01:22:36.458
we started fighting,
until it just ended.
01:22:36.500 --> 01:22:40.375
- That old story.
- Yeah, marriage, right?
01:22:42.208 --> 01:22:45.583
So now I'm hanging on, right?
Hanging out with my boo.
01:22:48.666 --> 01:22:50.958
So delicious, girls.
01:22:51.250 --> 01:22:54.375
- Six feet hot.
- Six feet?
01:22:56.541 --> 01:22:57.625
Do you have a pic?
01:22:57.666 --> 01:23:00.000
Yeah, wanna see?
Let me find it. Hold on...
01:23:01.750 --> 01:23:03.250
01:23:05.041 --> 01:23:07.041
Look at this shirtless one.
01:23:14.791 --> 01:23:16.791
You're too tall.
01:23:18.583 --> 01:23:21.166
I even had to climb
this little ramp.
01:24:54.041 --> 01:24:56.583
- Sorry.
- No, it's alright.
01:28:09.166 --> 01:28:11.583
Ma'am. Excuse me?
01:28:12.791 --> 01:28:14.250
Coming in.
01:28:14.708 --> 01:28:17.125
I need to fill your form.
01:28:18.625 --> 01:28:20.833
Yes, darling, of course.
Make yourself at home.
01:28:20.833 --> 01:28:23.958
Have a seat on the couch,
I'm making us some coffee.
01:28:24.375 --> 01:28:27.375
There's no need for
coffee, please. I'm fine.
01:28:27.458 --> 01:28:30.583
Yes, there is. You're
gonna have some of my coffee.
01:28:34.458 --> 01:28:36.250
I'll be right there.
01:29:05.041 --> 01:29:08.125
- Oh, you didn't have to.
- Please, darling.
01:29:08.541 --> 01:29:12.541
Of course I did. You're gonna
like my coffee. You'll see.
01:29:14.541 --> 01:29:16.291
Thank you.
01:29:17.791 --> 01:29:20.416
- How do you take your coffee?
- Sugar.
01:29:20.583 --> 01:29:23.125
Oh, thank God.
I put some sugar in already.
01:29:23.291 --> 01:29:26.250
- What a beautiful cup.
- It is, isn't it?
01:29:26.375 --> 01:29:28.583
I think so too.
01:29:31.375 --> 01:29:34.708
So... now, while you drink your
coffee, I'm gonna go get the cake.
01:29:34.791 --> 01:29:36.708
- No, there's no need for cake.
- Yes, there is.
01:29:36.750 --> 01:29:39.916
- There's no need.
- Yes, there is.
01:29:40.250 --> 01:29:42.916
- Can't you smell it?
- Yes.
01:29:43.958 --> 01:29:45.875
It's sweet cornmeal and cheese.
01:29:46.000 --> 01:29:48.125
- Sweet cornmeal and cheese?
- Can you imagine...
01:29:48.291 --> 01:29:51.875
You're not leaving here
without eating. I know how it is.
01:29:52.000 --> 01:29:56.666
You're up early,
walking around under this sun
01:29:57.000 --> 01:30:00.166
without having proper food.
And you know,
01:30:00.458 --> 01:30:02.500
"an empty belly hears nobody".
01:30:04.000 --> 01:30:08.750
So, you can just relax
and I'll bring you some cake.
01:30:08.833 --> 01:30:11.041
- Alright. Thank you so much.
- Okay? I'm gonna go get it.
01:30:11.125 --> 01:30:12.708
No need to thank me.
01:30:32.083 --> 01:30:34.833
Listen, darling,
I wanted to ask you.
01:30:36.708 --> 01:30:41.708
It's been a while since you came
here about the Dengue stuff.
01:30:41.875 --> 01:30:44.916
In fact, my front neighbor...
01:30:45.500 --> 01:30:47.458
I asked her:
"Listen, Teresinha,
01:30:47.458 --> 01:30:49.458
haven't the Dengue
kids been around?".
01:30:49.708 --> 01:30:52.875
She said: "It's funny, they
haven't been at my place as well".
01:30:54.875 --> 01:30:57.958
So we were worried.
01:30:58.333 --> 01:31:01.750
'Cause I practically
haven't been out.
01:31:02.333 --> 01:31:05.375
I fell down and hurt my leg.
01:31:06.208 --> 01:31:10.166
I've been home alone,
'cause the boys are all working.
01:31:11.125 --> 01:31:14.291
Thank goodness they have jobs.
01:31:15.416 --> 01:31:18.291
But I stay here
all alone, so...
01:31:19.750 --> 01:31:21.500
I don't really know
what's going on.
01:31:21.583 --> 01:31:26.583
My youngest is very close
with that Dengue fellow Hélio,
01:31:26.625 --> 01:31:28.250
I don't know if
you know him...
01:31:36.750 --> 01:31:41.375
Guys. I just came from the bank
and our paycheck was just credited.
01:31:41.541 --> 01:31:44.666
- Sweet!
- Praise the Lord Almighty.
01:31:44.708 --> 01:31:46.500
01:31:48.000 --> 01:31:50.208
Oh boy,
I can hardly believe it.
01:32:00.375 --> 01:32:01.625
01:32:02.541 --> 01:32:04.625
- What about Hélio?
- What about him?
01:32:04.666 --> 01:32:06.708
There's something going on
between you two, right?
01:32:06.833 --> 01:32:08.750
Jeez, Ju. Can you tell?
01:32:09.083 --> 01:32:11.416
Well, I watched
you guys at the party,
01:32:11.458 --> 01:32:12.833
it felt like there
was something.
01:32:12.875 --> 01:32:15.625
- I don't know, I'm not sure.
- Did you seriously see something?
01:32:17.416 --> 01:32:19.541
Actually, it wasn't me
who realized.
01:32:19.958 --> 01:32:21.916
Someone told me, you know?
01:32:22.208 --> 01:32:23.958
- You're joking...
- They did, man.
01:32:24.041 --> 01:32:25.541
Who told you?
01:32:27.541 --> 01:32:30.333
- I'm kidding.
- Jeez, Juliana.
01:32:30.541 --> 01:32:32.250
I'm kidding.
01:32:32.708 --> 01:32:35.625
Listen, rest assured
I won't tell anyone.
01:32:35.666 --> 01:32:36.875
- Please don't, Juliana.
- Okay?
01:32:36.958 --> 01:32:38.750
Alright. Are you going
across the street?
01:32:38.791 --> 01:32:40.541
Yeah. I'm gonna
check something out.
01:32:40.583 --> 01:32:42.791
Give me a hug then.
01:32:43.000 --> 01:32:46.666
Jaque and Hélio
sitting in a tree!
01:32:46.708 --> 01:32:50.583
Stop it, Juliana! Stop!
Jesus. What are you, eight?
01:34:57.208 --> 01:35:00.500
Memories of our
vacation in Pedro Leopoldo.
01:35:00.583 --> 01:35:02.625
Love you.
01:35:04.291 --> 01:35:06.666
Don't worry,
there are no dogs here, okay?
01:35:08.875 --> 01:35:11.333
You can see everything's
very clean, look.
01:35:12.000 --> 01:35:14.000
There's no Dengue here.
01:35:14.458 --> 01:35:17.291
- What about this pool?
- It's not being used.
01:35:18.041 --> 01:35:20.208
Yes, but is it empty?
01:35:20.458 --> 01:35:23.291
If there is water in there,
it's rain water.
01:35:23.625 --> 01:35:25.416
- Mind if I check?
- Sure. Be my guest.
01:35:25.500 --> 01:35:27.041
Just to be safe...
01:35:31.666 --> 01:35:33.541
01:35:38.250 --> 01:35:41.916
Mister! Throw
that tarp back on!
01:35:47.375 --> 01:35:48.708
01:36:32.000 --> 01:36:33.916
It's Dengue combat day
in Contagem,
01:36:34.000 --> 01:36:36.166
located in the suburbs
of Belo Horizonte,
01:36:36.166 --> 01:36:37.583
state of Minas Gerais.
01:36:37.583 --> 01:36:41.208
The Health Department
promoted a local campaign
01:36:41.250 --> 01:36:44.791
to inform the population
about the risks of the disease.
01:36:45.000 --> 01:36:48.083
Residents exchanged probable
sources of mosquito reproduction
01:36:48.083 --> 01:36:49.833
for school supplies.
01:36:50.000 --> 01:36:54.666
Turns out sometimes we
do have possible sources at home.
01:36:54.666 --> 01:36:58.875
And since it has spread this year,
everybody's afraid, right?
01:36:59.000 --> 01:37:04.958
So I decided to get rid of these
things that were just lying there.
01:37:05.208 --> 01:37:07.958
Kids have already learned
that this small gesture
01:37:07.958 --> 01:37:10.833
can avoid bigger problems
to a lot of people.
01:37:11.166 --> 01:37:15.875
It's helping people to not
get Dengue and die, right?
01:37:15.916 --> 01:37:20.708
We have to help...
we have to save people.
01:37:21.291 --> 01:37:23.791
During the action,
the Health Department
01:37:23.833 --> 01:37:27.708
presented a new weapon against
the disease. A large delivery of...
01:38:17.833 --> 01:38:20.708
There was a time I really wanted
to do ambulance work, you know?
01:38:22.541 --> 01:38:23.791
But are you
a certified nurse?
01:38:23.875 --> 01:38:25.291
No. It was just
something I wanted,
01:38:25.333 --> 01:38:26.958
but I didn't study
for it or anything.
01:38:26.958 --> 01:38:28.541
To do that kind of
work you at least
01:38:28.541 --> 01:38:30.000
need some training
as a nurse, right?
01:38:30.000 --> 01:38:31.125
01:38:31.250 --> 01:38:33.000
I'm not sure it's
a license you need.
01:38:33.041 --> 01:38:34.541
Is it licensed or certified?
01:38:34.541 --> 01:38:37.250
- I don't even know anymore...
- Oh, I don't know, guys.
01:38:37.291 --> 01:38:38.666
I wanted to work
in an ambulance.
01:38:38.666 --> 01:38:40.666
Who knows if
it's licensed, certified...
01:38:40.958 --> 01:38:42.916
I don't know shit about that.
01:38:44.833 --> 01:38:46.791
But the fire brigade
is awesome. Man!
01:38:46.916 --> 01:38:49.041
Yeah. Really cool.
01:38:49.083 --> 01:38:51.916
And you can make
some extra money.
01:38:52.458 --> 01:38:55.208
Yeah, I'll probably have a little
dough saved by the end of this year.
01:38:55.291 --> 01:38:58.125
- Maybe get a car, huh?
- I'm thinking about that.
01:38:58.125 --> 01:38:59.666
- Really?
- Yeah...
01:39:27.333 --> 01:39:28.916
01:39:30.416 --> 01:39:31.708
01:39:32.166 --> 01:39:34.458
I hope you're doing okay.
01:39:37.541 --> 01:39:39.666
First of all, I'm sorry,
01:39:41.291 --> 01:39:43.708
but I don't think
you'll forgive me...
01:39:44.208 --> 01:39:46.333
Ever, actually.
01:39:47.416 --> 01:39:48.958
I know that.
01:39:51.375 --> 01:39:54.458
I know I'm being a jerk...
01:39:57.333 --> 01:40:00.083
It's complicated. But...
01:40:02.416 --> 01:40:04.666
I'm doing it because I...
01:40:25.166 --> 01:40:29.500
Man, I get really pissed when
I try to solve things and I can't.
01:40:29.625 --> 01:40:31.625
But what happened
with the bank thing?
01:40:31.708 --> 01:40:33.875
Well, I had a problem
with my card,
01:40:33.958 --> 01:40:37.083
so I went there to try and talk with
the manager. There was a huge line
01:40:37.166 --> 01:40:39.166
and when my turn came,
the guy just took off.
01:40:39.250 --> 01:40:41.541
Left me hanging
and I couldn't settle it.
01:40:41.583 --> 01:40:44.583
Banks are so fucked up. You know
I opened an account here, right?
01:40:44.708 --> 01:40:46.583
But there's no manager.
01:40:46.625 --> 01:40:48.833
Man... I'm mad as hell.
01:40:48.958 --> 01:40:52.000
For God's sake. If there's a bank,
there should be a manager.
01:40:52.000 --> 01:40:54.125
And the thing is I'm really
short on money, you know?
01:40:54.208 --> 01:40:56.375
I only have a couple of bucks on me,
I can barely pay for my ticket.
01:40:56.458 --> 01:40:59.041
Oh, Russão... I'm telling you,
if I had it, I'd help you out,
01:40:59.083 --> 01:41:00.916
- but I don't.
- Look who's here!
01:41:00.958 --> 01:41:02.416
01:41:11.791 --> 01:41:15.250
Come on, Enzo.
Come on, come on... Look at this!
01:41:15.250 --> 01:41:17.958
Now let's do the finger.
What's that finger thing again?
01:41:21.750 --> 01:41:23.416
Bye, Russão.
01:41:24.083 --> 01:41:26.000
Bye, Juliana.
01:42:14.958 --> 01:42:17.041
- You okay there?
- Yeah.
01:42:55.291 --> 01:42:57.625
- Now dive!
- No way.
01:42:57.958 --> 01:42:59.791
Come on!
01:43:24.666 --> 01:43:26.500
- Were you a bully at school?
- No.
01:43:26.541 --> 01:43:29.583
- You look like you were a bully.
- I wasn't. The boys were.
01:43:29.750 --> 01:43:32.583
Talking was my thing.
Chatting galore.
01:43:32.708 --> 01:43:35.750
I liked having lots of
friends at school.
01:43:36.083 --> 01:43:37.541
Oh, I wasn't like that.
01:43:37.583 --> 01:43:39.333
- You weren't?
- No.
01:43:41.166 --> 01:43:44.041
I was quiet, you know?
Real quiet.
01:43:45.750 --> 01:43:49.125
Did you know
when I was seven I just...
01:43:50.041 --> 01:43:51.250
stopped talking?
01:43:51.375 --> 01:43:52.666
- Really?
- Yeah.
01:43:52.750 --> 01:43:55.208
I went like three years
without speaking.
01:43:55.333 --> 01:43:58.250
Jeez, that's a long time.
01:43:58.500 --> 01:44:00.791
I have no idea what happened.
01:44:02.791 --> 01:44:05.166
Boy, my parents
were so worried.
01:44:06.208 --> 01:44:07.625
I can imagine.
01:44:07.875 --> 01:44:10.375
- You didn't say a word?
- Not a word, nothing.
01:44:10.625 --> 01:44:12.916
They even got a Psychologist
01:44:13.208 --> 01:44:16.791
from the Public Health
Center to see me.
01:44:17.000 --> 01:44:18.500
01:44:18.666 --> 01:44:21.250
But he was no help.
01:44:23.958 --> 01:44:24.958
My goodness...
01:44:25.000 --> 01:44:29.250
And the teachers at school
went beserk as well.
01:44:29.416 --> 01:44:31.750
But time started passing
01:44:32.916 --> 01:44:35.500
and they all just
got used to it...
01:44:38.208 --> 01:44:40.625
The kids that were
my friends started
01:44:40.625 --> 01:44:42.833
talking to me
using gestures...
01:44:44.333 --> 01:44:46.625
I took oral exams in writing.
01:44:48.125 --> 01:44:50.333
Everyone got used to it.
01:44:52.458 --> 01:44:55.000
My mom, my dad...
01:44:55.375 --> 01:44:57.708
Nobody expected me
to speak again, you know?
01:44:57.916 --> 01:44:59.666
Not even me.
01:45:02.541 --> 01:45:04.791
- And you know how it happened?
- Hmm.
01:45:05.500 --> 01:45:09.083
I had a neighbor
I was really fond of.
01:45:09.666 --> 01:45:14.125
She was so nice.
She was like 80, lived alone.
01:45:16.000 --> 01:45:17.500
When she heard
I stopped talking,
01:45:17.500 --> 01:45:20.916
she started coming over
every day to read me stories.
01:45:20.958 --> 01:45:23.083
- You know?
- Mmm
01:45:23.708 --> 01:45:28.083
She said:
"try to babble some of the story",
01:45:28.125 --> 01:45:30.208
just to try and get me
to talk, you know?
01:45:30.250 --> 01:45:31.291
And you didn't, right?
01:45:31.333 --> 01:45:33.666
She was sure there was
nothing wrong with me,
01:45:33.750 --> 01:45:35.958
that I just needed
to get started.
01:45:37.208 --> 01:45:40.916
So one day I was
home alone, sleeping,
01:45:43.458 --> 01:45:46.625
and I started to smell
something burning, you know?
01:45:47.666 --> 01:45:51.583
I pulled up a little stepladder,
looked over the wall,
01:45:52.416 --> 01:45:56.333
and saw a ton of smoke
coming out of her kitchen.
01:45:56.416 --> 01:45:58.208
01:45:58.416 --> 01:46:00.750
And the burning smell
was really strong.
01:46:01.000 --> 01:46:04.416
I thought the whole house
was gonna burn down.
01:46:04.875 --> 01:46:06.875
So I started screaming.
01:46:07.250 --> 01:46:11.708
I screamed,
and I screamed, and I screamed.
01:46:12.958 --> 01:46:15.750
- And so I spoke, you know?
- You started...
01:46:15.958 --> 01:46:18.625
Then she showed up.
She wasn't home...
01:46:19.958 --> 01:46:22.500
She must have been happy, right?
That you started talking again.
01:46:22.541 --> 01:46:26.000
Yeah... she was sad,
she'd left a pan on the stove,
01:46:26.250 --> 01:46:28.125
something like that.
01:46:28.625 --> 01:46:31.541
But then she looked at me
and said: "Look, she’s speaking!”.
01:46:35.375 --> 01:46:37.916
- Thank God!
- Crazy stuff, right?
01:46:38.750 --> 01:46:40.291
Yeah, intense.
01:46:42.208 --> 01:46:43.541
01:46:47.875 --> 01:46:49.500
Jeez. This is hard.
01:46:49.541 --> 01:46:51.625
Yeah. We're screwed, right?
01:46:52.416 --> 01:46:54.583
I don't think it's gonna work.
01:46:55.000 --> 01:46:56.916
So what now?
01:46:58.083 --> 01:47:01.666
- Yeah, man. We're fucked.
- It's not gonna happen.
01:47:03.208 --> 01:47:04.833
Yeah, it's dead.
01:47:06.875 --> 01:47:08.166
01:47:10.083 --> 01:47:12.708
- So?
- So we're fucked, man.
01:47:13.041 --> 01:47:14.583
- Fucked?
- Fucked.
01:47:14.625 --> 01:47:16.916
Guys. The car won't start.
01:47:19.666 --> 01:47:20.875
So what now?
01:47:21.000 --> 01:47:23.916
Now we push it.
01:47:24.041 --> 01:47:25.625
Oh no, not pushing.
01:47:25.625 --> 01:47:28.000
I so don't feel like
pushing a car right now.
01:47:28.083 --> 01:47:29.250
For the love of G od...
01:47:29.291 --> 01:47:30.791
Listen, Edu,
will you let me drive?
01:47:30.791 --> 01:47:32.291
Go for it.
01:47:32.666 --> 01:47:34.291
- Can you drive?
- Well...
01:47:34.333 --> 01:47:37.041
It's not like I have
a license, but...
01:47:37.708 --> 01:47:39.708
- come on, guys!
- Come on.
01:47:39.875 --> 01:47:41.708
What else...
01:47:50.208 --> 01:47:52.416
- Can we go?
- Hold on.
01:47:57.708 --> 01:48:00.291
- You ready, Ju?
- Go ahead.
01:48:00.666 --> 01:48:02.250
Come on...
01:48:02.791 --> 01:48:05.208
Push, push, push...
01:48:07.666 --> 01:48:10.125
Come on, come on,
come on, Hélio...
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 113 minutes
Date: 2018
Genre: Narrative
Language: Portuguese
Grade: High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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