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The Trial

View on the Pragda STREAM site

A tour de force of political filmmaking, The Trial serves as a chilling record of the first major prosecution of crimes against humanity since the Nuremberg Trials — a film that demands we listen, remember, and never forget.

Director Ulises de la Orden meticulously crafts the film from over 500 hours of raw material, distilling it into a gripping, layered montage. The film places viewers in the courtroom as nine former military officers — including Argentina's notorious former president, Jorge Rafael Videla — face trial. Through patient observation, the documentary showcases heart-wrenching testimonies from victims and families of the desaparecidos (the "disappeared"), painting an unflinching portrait of the atrocities they endured.

The defense justifies their actions as part of a "dirty war" against leftist terrorism, but the prosecutor’s legendary closing argument, punctuated by the powerful words ""¡Nunca más!"" (Never Again), becomes a resounding call for justice.

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