Let's Face It-Women Explore Their Aging Faces

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'Let's Face It' is a touching and honest glimpse into the intimate self-explorations of several women in their 40's, 50's, and 60's. As they face the natural reality of sags and bags, lines and wrinkles, they reflect on the impact these physical changes have on not only their bodies, but also on their attitudes about themselves, and on the way they are perceived by society. As these women look deeply at themselves, they wrestle with many powerful issues, including, self-esteem, resentment, face-lift considerations, societal pressures, and coming to terms with themselves 'as-is'. Viewers will benefit from the self reflective insights in this film. A sure-fire discussion starter on the aging process itself, and how we 'learn' to view ourselves as we grow older.
Main credits
Oser, Wendy (Producer)
Oser, Wendy (Director)
Oser, Wendy (Narrator)
Levinson, Joan (Producer)
Levinson, Joan (Director)
Spencer, Beverley (Producer)
Spencer, Beverley (Director)
Other credits
Producers-directors, Wendy Oser, Joan Levinson, Beverley Spencer.
Distributor subjects
Positive Images of Aging; Attitudes about Aging; Women's StudiesKeywords
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You filming Wendy. Yeah, but I.
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You got the light on. Oh! Dear. You know, if I get my
picture taken, I\'m lean… I\'m leaning back you know,
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this I said that was not a sgood picture.
I rather had my picture taken this way.
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Probably I\'m (inaudible) and I got all
these lines are gonna be even deeper.
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Why don\'t I just look a
little better if you know,
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if I just had a little lift here. I have less
wrinkles when I look up. Oh, it\'s not aging
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that I mind. It… it\'s the decay.
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These women are my friends. We dance
together every week for years now.
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Sauna together,
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eat together, and talk…
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and talk… and talk.
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Even talking about aging is so difficult
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and there is like this conspiracy around
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not really addressing what it means.
Oh, you look so great.
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You can\'t be a grandmother. Oh, you don\'t look (inaudible). So much younger. I hope,
I look that good when I\'m your age. You never change. (inaudible) not getting old.
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I have these wrinkles. You think
you have wrinkles. My wrinkles.
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We wanted to go deeper and
come out of the (inaudible)
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with our mixed feelings about our
aging faces. I\'m (inaudible)
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I want to see myself on video
at this stage. So we spent
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a day just looking.
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When I saw myself on film,
I was really surprised.
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It just how much
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of me showed,
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my vulnerability, my
testiness and guardedness,
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and it made me very sad and very
compassionate. For some reason,
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I saw my own face and said
you know, I want to tell
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this woman that everything
will be all right.
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To actually see an image as probably been projected
towards the world you know, as I saw it on video
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shocked me quite a bit. There
was something that was gone,
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it was sort of past.
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It showed things that I probably
wouldn\'t show about myself.
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Right they\'re on the surface.
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We never look at each other
in that way, really look.
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I dance with them but I never
really see their faces.
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I don\'t think I ever saw myself.
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I just saw the flaws. I
was my skin with pimples
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and I saw a forehead that I didn\'t
like and a nose that I didn\'t like.
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I think if my face is rather plain, sometimes
I pretend it doesn\'t matter at all.
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But it really,
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sometimes I want to be beautiful.
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I watch these women, who I love and care about so much.
Face themselves and I think there are so beautiful
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and were so hard on themselves
and so push away… push away…
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push away that something in me shifted.
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In my… in my warning to wake them up
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to how beautiful they were
and how this was a burden
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that they\'re carrying around.
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How much more free we could be.
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There is definitely
something in our culture
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about looking young that I obviously
integrated into my own psyche.
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My sister, who was blonde you know,
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it was in the era of Lady (inaudible) and blondes
having more fun and that went right into
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who I am and then I never felt
like I was as pretty as she was.
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When I go to Paris, I feel that I\'m
in… I feel very challenged in Paris.
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It\'s very competitive and I
did become such a pressure
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and depressing and I hate it and I\'m always
thrilled to leave Paris after two weeks,
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it\'s too much. Before I had
passed through menopause,
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I think before all the little bags and
things started and wrinkles and you know,
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all those things started, I think people saw
me the way at least I wanted them to see me.
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Just in that sort of like halfway between
Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner.
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The older people are
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the more range there is and how we look. There
is a huge range of how people look at 70.
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Nothing like the narrow little
band of how people look at one
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or even 20 or 50, youth is for the young
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and probably I\'m not the first one to notice that but
you know, its appropriate that a little children
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look like puppies, they are and its
appropriate that the young ones
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getting ready to burst with their babies and looking
forward to their adult like how (inaudible) look
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and that is not the look that I\'m
interested in having. (inaudible)
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I\'m a grandmother now and I think
that that\'s had a strong influence
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on how I feel about age
appropriate appearance.
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I\'m not… I\'m not a stranger to
sadness or to suffering or to pain,
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so wasn\'t a revelation like oh! My
God, I didn\'t know you suffered.
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So I\'ve had my share like just everybody
else. But what was surprising
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which to see it somewhat edged. When my father
died that was like a… a tremendous blow.
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My first divorce was a
tremendous sadness you know,
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learning how to be a mother
was an incredible struggle
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and all those things you know, they\'re
pains. I very much don\'t like hearing
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women get wrinkles and men get character.
No, we have our character
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on our faces and we have
our experience here too
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and there is something about women wanting
to take it away. There is something very
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sad about it.
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When I was a little girl, umm…
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Is was the eldest of uh….
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Five girls and I was not prettiest
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and I got that message right away
you know, as soon as I had siblings
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the others were prettier. There was the
pretty the very pretty one and less pretty,
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but still very pretty and
then I was gonna third
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or fourth you know, in prettiness
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and I never felt really ugly but
I never felt pretty at all.
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And I think that\'s when I kind of rose to the occasion and
taught well I don\'t have to be pretty I will be unconventional
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and special and different and kind
of looked for a wave you know,
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surviving with having a different style.
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Because now I don\'t feel that way anymore,
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I feel actually that I grew
better than all of them.
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I\'ve had positive feelings about myself
as a person probably for my whole life
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and I think that it\'s a reflection
of all the positive feelings
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I receive from my family. I
always felt good about my body.
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I didn\'t always feel good about my
face, I felt like my nose was too big.
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My mother use to say, your hair is your
crowning glory. I use to feel that
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if anything happen to my hair, I\'d be
very ugly. And even I had nightmares
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about having my haircut
often then losing my looks.
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So very early on there was a lot
of focus about looking good,
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looking right you know, I got my
period when I was nine and a half.
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So I went through that budding adolescence
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when I was… when I wasn\'t 10 yet.
There was a lot of
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sort of harsh criticism like what
you have (inaudible). I was 10.
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A lot of this (inaudible) image
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was threaded throughout everything.
Yeah, they called my aunt a silver fox.
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Yeah, not bad.
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She is the one who also said face it Hope,
you have a horse face just like me.
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So my hair started to…
to get white, she said,
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(inaudible) why didn\'t color it. I said well,
we don\'t do that in Berkeley, we have a choice
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and she said well, why
would you wanna be ugly
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and I thought okay you know, my
mom lives in Southern California
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and there is a (inaudible) with different cultures
in terms of what we think is beautiful and ugly.
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I could stay in old day not wear makeup and feel
perfectly fine until I can\'t look in the mirror
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and then I go (inaudible) but once
I go out uh… specially to work
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and I really like to dress up and impress.
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If I really have time in the (inaudible) stuck at the
Dumbarton Bridge, I play with it like I\'m doing (inaudible)
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and see what happens with it and bad commute
day (inaudible) coming with lip liner.
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Not bad commute day I don\'t have time. When I think about the
time I spend just plucking the hair just out of my chin,
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if I could spend that time reading I would
probably have read a lot more books.
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I try to use the amount of will make it seem
like I\'m not using makeup. I put on lipstick.
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I do that almost everyday
and what else do I do,
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massage myself so I\'m not tense.
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I would think and breathe, yeah.
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It\'s harder if you are looking for a
partner and you kind of out there
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in the market. I order to get a partner,
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you think everything you do could help.
I wouldn\'t (inaudible)
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to have a few less wrinkles to look young for your
age. For about six months, I did exercises for this.
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When I got married eight years
ago, I stopped doing those things.
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I stopped using face creams.
But look at my lips,
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what do you notice? See I have secrets.
(inaudible). It\'s tattooed on,
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its permanent makeup. I learned,
I will put up with pain
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this doesn\'t feel good to do.
So she did my eyes.
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It\'s tattooed (inaudible) tiny needles
and she makes this line underneath it.
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It wasn\'t worth then I wouldn\'t do it
again it was too… too… too… too painful
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and I made her stop, \"The price
of beauty.\" My entire facelift.
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How I ever considered a facelift.
Well, you know,
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when I\'m ask the question, I ask myself but I
don\'t think I\'ve ever considered seriously, no.
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It\'s such a paradox,
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you have to cut a piece of yourself
in order to like yourself,
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no doesn\'t make sense to me.
Yes, I have considered you know,
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all those things and I have considered and I talk.
You know, let\'s go in a group join for facelifts
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and get Mexico vacation at the same time. If it was snap
and then caused anything it happened with a wave of one,
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what I would do is…
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Oh, you look so much better. See.
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So much younger. I wouldn\'t do. I
don\'t think I could ever do it,
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because having had two
surgeries fairly recently
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after accident really I had
a very… very bad reaction
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to the anesthetic and the
whole process of surgery
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was so devastating to me that I can\'t
imagine doing unintentionally.
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I\'m 52 now,
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but when I was 41, I got breast cancer
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and went through the whole
treatment the surgery intense…
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intense chemotherapy and radiation therapy,
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and when it was over,
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I… my skin tone was just devastated,
I really aged really quickly.
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So, I decided that I was gonna get a facelift.
I went through a lot about doing that.
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It wasn\'t an easy thing to do. I felt that
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at some level I was betraying values, it
was I mean, all this other stuff is fun
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and it literally just cosmetic on the surface. But this was
something that was really serious. Giving my soul away
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to this idea that I… I need to look a certain
way and how far am I willing to go to confirm
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to what this expectation is of how I\'m suppose
to look. I don\'t wanna give up the good ease
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of being a fairly attractive woman in the society
and I could see it was starting to happen quickly
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and I resented it I mean, I just
resented that I was as vulnerable
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to all that as I really was when I was honest
with myself. I would have like to thought
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I had that sort of inner integrity and inner character
where it start mattering. But it mattered terribly…
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it mattered terribly and I felt like it
destroyed my health, it destroyed my marriage,
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it destroyed my hopes to have a child, but it
also destroyed my looks, and if the four of them
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there was nothing I could do about one, two and
three, but I could do something about four.
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I have no regrets. Not this much regret
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about having gone for it.
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There\'s a wave of seeing
the cycle happening
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and that I\'m just a cog in that wheel
that goes round and round and round.
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There is a lot for
pressure from the society
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to not have a sense of humor about this.
If I gloat a little bit about
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enjoying myself that I\'m almost sort
of going against the (inaudible).
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When I was about I don\'t know 15 years
younger, I observed some older women,
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who were blatantly sexual I mean,
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their… their presentation included the
fact that they were juicy and fruitacious
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and they knew it, you know, they had a juicy life.
You didn\'t know what they did or if they did
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anything but was juicy, and I said oh, I want
that and so I made a point of having that.
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I much more interested in the
changes I\'m going through
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as an adventure like it\'s an adventure that
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I\'ve never had. I will never have
again, it is well have it too you know,
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its like youth is an
adventure, old age to me
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is probably the most interesting
adventure including deaf.
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In my kitchen, I have got this big mirror
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and I end of looking at myself
that\'s what I\'m confronted
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with right away, and I look at
my face and I look at my eyes
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and I see they\'re puffy and
I have bags under my eyes,
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and I start worrying like (inaudible)
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they\'re going to get back
to normal again and,
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you know, that\'s it. I mean,
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sometimes I feel devastated
and sometimes I feel
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just curious or
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sometimes I just think well so be it
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that\'s what it looks like.
But I tell you that\'s not
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what it feels like. Even
if I have old baggy eyes,
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I don\'t feel as an old bag at all.
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Well, so that you know, if you end
up not having sex when you are 16,
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you can experience ecstasy in
your own body just out of moving
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and dancing to your inner lives.
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I\'m finding
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my face a little unfamiliar at this age.
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Getting older though is part
of the challenge for me
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in terms of excepting because there
are aspects of my face that I…
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that I regret I would say.
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When people tell me,
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you don\'t look your age that use to
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really upset me as if
aging was something wrong
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and not to look my age was much better
than to look my age and you know,
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I had kind of um… stance about that like what
do you mean? 60 this is what 60 looks like.
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There is nothing wrong with being
60 and this is what it looks like.
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Two years later
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and two years older, we wanted to see
where this attention to our aging faces
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had brought us. Two years ago when we started
the video, I felt pretty comfortable
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with how I looked and I was feeling like oh,
good I\'m okay now. It doesn\'t matter how I look,
00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:24.999
I like it. And now I\'ve gained a lot of weight
and I\'m back in the same position again
00:20:25.000 --> 00:20:29.999
I feel like something is not right about
me you know, as much as I tried it
00:20:30.000 --> 00:20:34.999
to come from the place that were all okay,
how we are, it doesn\'t matter you know,
00:20:35.000 --> 00:20:39.999
I still have that sense that now my stomach
00:20:40.000 --> 00:20:44.999
is too big. Now, I have to lose some weight, now
and I think when am I gonna walk in the world
00:20:45.000 --> 00:20:49.999
just as myself and comfortable
and not worry about it.
00:20:50.000 --> 00:20:54.999
I just want to say that I\'m so glad
I had my facelift and I\'m so sorry,
00:20:55.000 --> 00:20:59.999
I got breast cancer and because I think it
should be anybody\'s choice and you don\'t need a…
00:21:00.000 --> 00:21:04.999
a good reason. Maybe, I think I was
afraid of looking at older women before.
00:21:05.000 --> 00:21:09.999
I was… I was afraid of looking
as you know, thinking well,
00:21:10.000 --> 00:21:14.999
is that where I\'m going. Do I want to
think about this yet and I wasn\'t ready
00:21:15.000 --> 00:21:19.999
and since then I\'ve been
kind of excited about it
00:21:20.000 --> 00:21:24.999
become very interesting and juicy. But
I was looking at some photographs
00:21:25.000 --> 00:21:29.999
and I thought, who\'s that old woman
and then… and then I looked at it
00:21:30.000 --> 00:21:34.999
and it was me, I keep saying to
myself okay, this is how I look now
00:21:35.000 --> 00:21:39.999
and I better appreciate it because
when I\'m 60 I\'m gonna look back it
00:21:40.000 --> 00:21:44.999
when I\'m this age 50 and say oh, I
looked so good then. That\'s it like
00:21:45.000 --> 00:21:49.999
when you look back into your 30 year old picture now.
And it\'s like time to appreciate who we are right now.
00:21:50.000 --> 00:21:54.999
I do care how I look for
my own satisfaction.
00:21:55.000 --> 00:21:59.999
Well, I feel (inaudible) feel inside.
What you feel like inside
00:22:00.000 --> 00:22:04.999
and how you self identify and then that
image of there that says an older woman,
00:22:05.000 --> 00:22:09.999
I still feel like I did in my 30s. It
seems so increasingly distressing.
00:22:10.000 --> 00:22:14.999
I\'m just reminded of
00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:19.999
how vulnerable we are as
women when we age, you know,
00:22:20.000 --> 00:22:24.999
do I try do keep looking much younger so
I can keep the currency of being young
00:22:25.000 --> 00:22:29.999
or slowly come to grips with
that basic vulnerability.
00:22:30.000 --> 00:22:34.999
So the vulnerability is
00:22:35.000 --> 00:22:39.999
kind of a big opening for me and
I think it came because I aged.
00:22:40.000 --> 00:22:44.999
If I had died when I was 45, I
would probably never experience
00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:49.999
all the benefits of being vulnerable.
00:22:50.000 --> 00:22:54.999
As I get older I have more of a
sense that it\'s okay to just be
00:22:55.000 --> 00:22:59.999
that is won\'t always have to be producing,
00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:04.999
doing good deals you know, making creative
things or taking care of someone.
00:23:05.000 --> 00:23:09.999
I can just watch a tree
leaf out or drop its leaves
00:23:10.000 --> 00:23:14.999
or a baby grow.
00:23:15.000 --> 00:23:19.999
I think that this is a very
painful right of passage
00:23:20.000 --> 00:23:24.999
that women go through in particularly in this culture
you know, that just values youth and beauty and…
00:23:25.000 --> 00:23:29.999
If I could keep staying deeper
or going deeper into myself
00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:34.999
and going to the nice parts of myself,
generosity and all that maybe it will keep
00:23:35.000 --> 00:23:39.999
me from dying.
00:23:40.000 --> 00:23:44.999
I wanted to sit right next to this rug.
00:23:45.000 --> 00:23:49.999
It\'s an old (inaudible)
rug and its (inaudible)
00:23:50.000 --> 00:23:54.999
how do you say worn, it\'s lost its fluff
00:23:55.000 --> 00:23:59.999
but as a result, the colors come out
00:24:00.000 --> 00:24:04.999
and lines and the detail
show and I think its…
00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:09.999
its becoming more and more
beautiful as its betting older.
00:24:10.000 --> 00:24:14.999
This is way I feel that the older
00:24:15.000 --> 00:24:19.999
I get the more interesting
it looks and beautiful too.
00:24:20.000 --> 00:24:24.999
And I think aging is that,
it\'s the fluff disappearing
00:24:25.000 --> 00:24:29.999
and the essence showing. Hey!
How do you like that?
00:24:30.000 --> 00:24:34.999
I\'m 62 years old.
00:24:35.000 --> 00:24:39.999
I\'m 50. I\'m 47. I\'m 57…
00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:44.999
57 um… I\'m 55 years old.
00:24:45.000 --> 00:24:49.999
I\'m 54. 65 years old. 65…
00:24:50.000 --> 00:24:55.000
Well, you know, I\'m amazed about it.