The Devil Never Sleeps

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- Transcript
Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Lourdes Portillo (LAS MADRES: THE MOTHERS OF PLAZA DE MAYO) mines the complicated intersections of analysis and autobiography, evidence and hypothesis, even melodrama and police procedure in this ground-breaking work. Early one Sunday morning, the filmmaker receives a phone call informing her that her beloved Tio (Uncle) Oscar Ruiz Almeida has been found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in Chihuahua, Mexico. His widow declares his death a suicide. Most of his family, however, cry murder and point to a number of suspects that include the widow herself.
The filmmaker returns to the land of her birth to investigate her uncle's identity and death. Finding clues in old tales of betrayal, lust, and supernatural visitation, Portillo blends traditional and experimental techniques to capture the nuances of Mexican social and family order. Poetic and tragic, humorous and mythic, this film crosses the borders of personal values, cultural mores, and the discipline of filmmaking in a fascinating look at family mysteries.
THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS was funded by the Independent Television Service (ITVS) with funds provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
"A rare thrilling and as psychologically complex as a great scripted drama." Richard Brody, The New Yorker
"The visual style of The Devil Never Sleeps is striking in its simplicity and in its power to convey paradox." Olga Sanchez, Open City
"Packed with magic and realism...Portillo keeps the suspense up in a way reminiscent of The Thin Blue Line." Tim Appelo, The Oregonian
Main credits
Portillo, Lourdes (film director)
Portillo, Lourdes (film producer)
Portillo, Lourdes (screenwriter)
Valladares, Michelle (film producer)
Crawford, Olivia (screenwriter)
Del Fuego, Laura (screenwriter)
Other credits
Cinematography, Kyle Kibbe; editing, Vivien Hillgrove; music, Mark Adler.
Distributor subjects
Central America; Chicana; Latin America; Latina; Post-ColonialismKeywords
00:00:05.617 --> 00:00:08.117
(light music)
00:00:09.850 --> 00:00:11.860
- [Luli] When I dream of home,
00:00:11.860 --> 00:00:14.880
something always slips away from me.
00:00:14.880 --> 00:00:18.533
Just beneath the surface,
faces of my family,
00:00:19.380 --> 00:00:24.380
old stories, the land,
mysteries about to be revealed.
00:00:26.520 --> 00:00:29.940
And sometimes I dream of Santa Rita,
00:00:29.940 --> 00:00:33.530
patron saint of Chihuahua, my home town.
00:00:33.530 --> 00:00:36.830
She's also the patron
saint of unhappy marriages,
00:00:36.830 --> 00:00:39.403
boils, and desperate causes.
00:00:42.889 --> 00:00:44.380
(phone rattling)
00:00:44.380 --> 00:00:46.460
It all started when I received a message
00:00:46.460 --> 00:00:50.580
that my favorite uncle,
my Tio Oscar, had died.
00:00:50.580 --> 00:00:53.383
Immediately, I called his widow, Ofelia.
00:00:54.517 --> 00:00:56.018
(phone ringing)
00:00:56.018 --> 00:01:00.185
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:01:05.630 --> 00:01:08.930
(woman cries)
00:01:08.930 --> 00:01:13.097
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:01:19.045 --> 00:01:22.295
(church bells ringing)
00:01:26.520 --> 00:01:29.340
I remember visiting Tio Oscar in Guaymas.
00:01:29.340 --> 00:01:32.157
At five in the morning he
woke me up with a greeting:
00:01:32.157 --> 00:01:34.820
"Time to get up and fight," he said.
00:01:34.820 --> 00:01:37.730
For Oscar, each day was a conquest.
00:01:37.730 --> 00:01:39.123
I loved that about him.
00:01:44.720 --> 00:01:48.290
Family rumors were
spreading like wildfire.
00:01:48.290 --> 00:01:52.200
You see, a lot of intrigue
surrounded Tio Oscar's death;
00:01:52.200 --> 00:01:56.300
betrayal, revenge, devils and angels.
00:01:56.300 --> 00:01:58.080
The smell of mystery was stronger
00:01:58.080 --> 00:02:00.420
than in any of my dreams.
00:02:00.420 --> 00:02:03.230
So, of course, I had to
go to Mexico to find out
00:02:03.230 --> 00:02:05.066
what really happened.
00:02:05.066 --> 00:02:08.316
(church bells ringing)
00:02:17.914 --> 00:02:20.414
(light music)
00:02:40.703 --> 00:02:43.286
(upbeat music)
00:03:00.364 --> 00:03:04.531
(man hollers in foreign language)
00:03:11.940 --> 00:03:14.970
I'm reluctant, maybe a bit fearful,
00:03:14.970 --> 00:03:16.923
to return to my childhood home.
00:03:17.800 --> 00:03:22.663
Everything we left behind is
now gone, except my memories.
00:03:26.450 --> 00:03:28.480
After raising eight children,
00:03:28.480 --> 00:03:30.500
my grandmother, on her death bed,
00:03:30.500 --> 00:03:34.670
said to my Aunt Lus, "The only
thing I leave to you of value
00:03:34.670 --> 00:03:37.427
are my three pairs of orthopedic shoes."
00:03:38.670 --> 00:03:41.300
Aunt Lus had the shoes
bronzed and distributed
00:03:41.300 --> 00:03:43.193
amongst her brothers and sisters.
00:03:45.360 --> 00:03:48.220
I'm happy to see that some
places haven't changed.
00:03:48.220 --> 00:03:51.227
Cine Azteca, the first place I saw film.
00:03:51.227 --> 00:03:53.810
(upbeat music)
00:03:54.890 --> 00:03:58.630
All those years I would
immerse myself in melodrama.
00:03:58.630 --> 00:04:02.390
In that magical darkness I
found what would obsess me
00:04:02.390 --> 00:04:05.881
for the rest of my life: the movies.
00:04:05.881 --> 00:04:08.681
(man speaking foreign language)
00:04:08.681 --> 00:04:12.848
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:04:22.990 --> 00:04:25.810
(upbeat music)
00:04:25.810 --> 00:04:28.500
- [Luli] History is followed
like melodrama here.
00:04:28.500 --> 00:04:30.900
The passion for the great heroic legends
00:04:30.900 --> 00:04:32.899
is what people hold onto.
00:04:32.899 --> 00:04:34.150
(light music)
00:04:34.150 --> 00:04:36.710
The provinces have long
been the stronghold
00:04:36.710 --> 00:04:38.620
of conservative values.
00:04:38.620 --> 00:04:41.010
In Chihuahua, as I soon found out,
00:04:41.010 --> 00:04:44.620
these values were a thin
veneer or respectability
00:04:44.620 --> 00:04:49.383
which obscured the sordid details
of my Uncle Oscar's death.
00:04:53.148 --> 00:04:57.315
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:05:22.173 --> 00:05:25.090
(thunder rumbling)
00:05:34.717 --> 00:05:38.717
(man speaking foreign language)
00:05:40.190 --> 00:05:42.140
- [Luli] I feel disgusted looking at
00:05:42.140 --> 00:05:43.993
the police photos of my Tio Oscar.
00:05:45.260 --> 00:05:48.023
But I have to admit, I'm also fascinated.
00:05:48.937 --> 00:05:52.937
(man speaking foreign language)
00:06:09.553 --> 00:06:12.053
(light music)
00:06:15.593 --> 00:06:19.760
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:06:23.580 --> 00:06:26.240
- [Luli] In my mind, Uncle Oscar is still
00:06:26.240 --> 00:06:30.290
that young enthusiastic
man I knew as a child.
00:06:30.290 --> 00:06:33.163
It's impossible for me to
think that he killed himself.
00:06:34.412 --> 00:06:38.579
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:07:15.100 --> 00:07:17.550
- [Luli] Oscar was 12
years old when his father,
00:07:17.550 --> 00:07:22.290
Lumberto Ruiz, died, leaving
a family of eight children.
00:07:22.290 --> 00:07:24.570
It was Margarita, the eldest,
00:07:24.570 --> 00:07:27.020
who took over Oscar's upbringing.
00:07:27.020 --> 00:07:29.060
She worked as a governor's secretary
00:07:29.060 --> 00:07:31.240
to save the money it
would take to send him
00:07:31.240 --> 00:07:32.963
to the school of agriculture.
00:07:34.173 --> 00:07:38.340
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:08:14.397 --> 00:08:19.397
(machine rattling)
(light music)
00:08:20.500 --> 00:08:22.160
- [Luli] My father and Uncle Oscar
00:08:22.160 --> 00:08:25.800
had been good friends for
years, since their teens.
00:08:25.800 --> 00:08:28.193
A lot of time and a lot of trust.
00:08:30.050 --> 00:08:34.050
(man speaking foreign language)
00:08:45.990 --> 00:08:47.789
(light music)
00:08:47.789 --> 00:08:51.956
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:09:45.174 --> 00:09:47.674
(light music)
00:10:01.279 --> 00:10:05.279
(man speaking foreign language)
00:10:17.190 --> 00:10:18.080
- [Luli] For their honeymoon,
00:10:18.080 --> 00:10:20.410
Catalina and Oscar went to Los Angeles
00:10:20.410 --> 00:10:23.750
to work and make the money
they needed to buy land.
00:10:23.750 --> 00:10:26.310
At that time, desert land in Sonora
00:10:26.310 --> 00:10:29.423
was just beginning to
developed for agriculture.
00:10:30.980 --> 00:10:33.340
Oscar became one of the first exporters
00:10:33.340 --> 00:10:35.843
of vegetables to the United States.
00:10:37.281 --> 00:10:41.448
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:11:10.240 --> 00:11:12.220
- [Luli] Tio Oscar
bought his first tractor
00:11:12.220 --> 00:11:16.320
to farm the land and
load grain onto boats.
00:11:16.320 --> 00:11:18.470
They tell the story about
the time the tractor
00:11:18.470 --> 00:11:21.510
was being lifted onto
a boat and it slipped
00:11:21.510 --> 00:11:23.530
and fell into the water.
00:11:23.530 --> 00:11:25.710
The captain of the boat paid for the cost
00:11:25.710 --> 00:11:27.770
of the tractor in full.
00:11:27.770 --> 00:11:32.310
The next day, Oscar dove into
the harbor and retrieved it,
00:11:32.310 --> 00:11:35.762
and that's how he got
two tractors in one day.
00:11:35.762 --> 00:11:38.262
(light music)
00:11:39.273 --> 00:11:43.440
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:12:07.959 --> 00:12:11.959
(man speaking foreign language)
00:12:19.070 --> 00:12:21.580
- [Luli] Before the
funeral, Panchito refused
00:12:21.580 --> 00:12:24.680
to believe that Oscar
had committed suicide.
00:12:24.680 --> 00:12:27.770
But there must have been some
very convincing chit chat
00:12:27.770 --> 00:12:30.330
around the graveyard,
because on his way back
00:12:30.330 --> 00:12:34.093
from the funeral Panchito
said he had changed his mind.
00:12:35.395 --> 00:12:39.395
(man speaking foreign language)
00:12:43.704 --> 00:12:46.204
(light music)
00:12:55.750 --> 00:12:59.750
(man speaking foreign language)
00:13:30.380 --> 00:13:31.840
- [Luli] Early in their marriage,
00:13:31.840 --> 00:13:35.283
Oscar discovered he wasn't
able to have children.
00:13:36.670 --> 00:13:39.340
But that didn't stop my Aunt Catalina;
00:13:39.340 --> 00:13:41.210
they adopted two babies.
00:13:41.210 --> 00:13:45.728
First Oscar Pablo, then Ilia Catalina.
00:13:45.728 --> 00:13:49.895
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:14:19.957 --> 00:14:22.457
(light music)
00:14:24.852 --> 00:14:29.019
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:15:39.584 --> 00:15:42.084
(light music)
00:15:56.831 --> 00:16:00.831
(man speaking foreign language)
00:16:33.340 --> 00:16:34.870
- [Luli] After he built the landing strip
00:16:34.870 --> 00:16:37.907
for the movie set, Oscar told the family:
00:16:37.907 --> 00:16:40.317
"Now I'm finally a millionaire."
00:16:45.180 --> 00:16:47.630
How was it that a man
that was like a farmer
00:16:47.630 --> 00:16:50.473
into construction, how
did he become mayor?
00:16:52.230 --> 00:16:54.670
- He was a friend of the Governors.
00:16:54.670 --> 00:16:57.000
That's the way you do it in Mexico.
00:16:57.000 --> 00:17:01.500
And he also got his
reputation by making streets
00:17:01.500 --> 00:17:03.280
and contracts and things.
00:17:03.280 --> 00:17:05.368
Usually we called that
(speaking foreign language),
00:17:05.368 --> 00:17:07.240
the finger, when somebody fingers you
00:17:07.240 --> 00:17:09.710
as you're gonna be this
or that and you become it.
00:17:09.710 --> 00:17:11.260
Including the president.
00:17:11.260 --> 00:17:14.700
Whoever this president was,
he'll become the president
00:17:14.700 --> 00:17:17.121
win or lose, believe me.
00:17:17.121 --> 00:17:19.900
(woman laughs)
00:17:19.900 --> 00:17:23.900
(man speaking foreign language)
00:19:13.138 --> 00:19:15.638
(light music)
00:19:25.736 --> 00:19:29.903
(woman sings in foreign language)
00:20:17.576 --> 00:20:18.902
(light music)
00:20:18.902 --> 00:20:23.069
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:21:35.636 --> 00:21:38.136
(light music)
00:21:50.928 --> 00:21:55.095
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:22:05.131 --> 00:22:08.464
(plane engine rumbling)
00:22:14.413 --> 00:22:18.580
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:22:22.871 --> 00:22:26.871
(man speaking foreign language)
00:23:21.242 --> 00:23:25.409
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:23:54.820 --> 00:23:57.463
- [Luli] We found out that
Aunt Catalina had cancer.
00:24:00.210 --> 00:24:04.051
At her deathbed, Oscar
held her hand, whispering,
00:24:04.051 --> 00:24:07.087
(woman speaking foreign language).
00:24:07.087 --> 00:24:09.683
You and I forever.
00:24:12.368 --> 00:24:16.535
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:24:53.188 --> 00:24:55.220
- [Luli] Two months after his wife died,
00:24:55.220 --> 00:24:57.170
Oscar married Ofelia.
00:24:57.170 --> 00:24:59.420
The family was stunned.
00:24:59.420 --> 00:25:03.620
She was a former carnival
queen, and not only that,
00:25:03.620 --> 00:25:05.906
she was 20 years younger than my uncle.
00:25:05.906 --> 00:25:08.489
(upbeat music)
00:25:11.096 --> 00:25:15.096
(man speaking foreign language)
00:25:36.970 --> 00:25:38.580
- [Luli] What was the
gossip that went around
00:25:38.580 --> 00:25:39.700
at that time?
00:25:39.700 --> 00:25:40.533
- None.
00:25:41.950 --> 00:25:45.380
Even before he married Ofelia
he wasn't seen with her
00:25:45.380 --> 00:25:47.053
very much in public anywhere.
00:25:48.939 --> 00:25:50.930
He was very a discreet man, except for he
00:25:50.930 --> 00:25:52.699
lowered his pants at the office.
00:25:52.699 --> 00:25:54.190
(woman laughs)
00:25:54.190 --> 00:25:56.140
That aside, he was a very discreet man.
00:25:57.270 --> 00:25:59.520
And in a small town like
this, it's hard to keep
00:25:59.520 --> 00:26:03.170
things from being known,
especially in a business
00:26:03.170 --> 00:26:04.610
like I have in a hotel.
00:26:04.610 --> 00:26:07.706
Everything is known, and I
knew nothing, I was surprised.
00:26:07.706 --> 00:26:10.206
(light music)
00:26:13.062 --> 00:26:17.229
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:26:43.500 --> 00:26:45.827
- [Luli] Later, Oscar told my mother,
00:26:45.827 --> 00:26:48.290
"At last, I have found
someone who reminds me
00:26:48.290 --> 00:26:50.307
of our sister, Margarita."
00:26:52.730 --> 00:26:56.110
My father told me that my uncle told him
00:26:56.110 --> 00:26:58.130
that Ofelia wanted her own children,
00:26:58.130 --> 00:27:00.490
but she was planning to go to Texas
00:27:00.490 --> 00:27:02.693
to be artificially inseminated.
00:27:03.530 --> 00:27:06.653
Later, she had a baby girl and a boy.
00:27:08.330 --> 00:27:10.300
Josefina, do you think he was depressed
00:27:10.300 --> 00:27:12.820
because he couldn't he have any children?
00:27:12.820 --> 00:27:14.430
- I never saw...
00:27:14.430 --> 00:27:16.622
Oscar depressed, never.
00:27:16.622 --> 00:27:18.853
He adopted the kids, he loved them,
00:27:19.940 --> 00:27:21.492
and then if he couldn't have children
00:27:21.492 --> 00:27:23.860
because of her, you mean...
00:27:23.860 --> 00:27:25.410
- No, him, too.
- Well how come
00:27:25.410 --> 00:27:26.960
he's got kids afterwards?
00:27:26.960 --> 00:27:31.140
- [Luli] I don't they're
his natural children.
00:27:31.140 --> 00:27:31.973
- Well why not?
00:27:31.973 --> 00:27:34.040
I was the godmother.
00:27:34.040 --> 00:27:36.340
They have to be his,
they even look like him.
00:27:36.340 --> 00:27:37.660
- [Luli] No.
00:27:37.660 --> 00:27:39.000
- You mean, Ofelia after
being married to one
00:27:39.000 --> 00:27:41.121
went out and had another
guy make the babies?
00:27:41.121 --> 00:27:41.960
- [Luli] No, no, no.
00:27:41.960 --> 00:27:44.800
You know they had this
artificial insemination.
00:27:44.800 --> 00:27:46.920
- Oh bull, they didn't have
artificial insemination
00:27:46.920 --> 00:27:47.853
by that time.
00:27:48.720 --> 00:27:50.583
Oh, no, that's also his kids.
00:27:51.490 --> 00:27:54.023
- [Luli] Well, it must
have been a miracle.
00:27:55.020 --> 00:27:57.030
The only time I ever met Ofelia was right
00:27:57.030 --> 00:27:58.800
after their marriage.
00:27:58.800 --> 00:28:01.160
She was lively and lots of fun,
00:28:01.160 --> 00:28:04.303
more like my friends than
my uncle's generation.
00:28:05.652 --> 00:28:08.235
(upbeat music)
00:28:11.460 --> 00:28:13.780
There were rumors that Ofelia and my uncle
00:28:13.780 --> 00:28:16.700
had made an agreement; she would take care
00:28:16.700 --> 00:28:20.023
of him and the children
in exchange for marriage.
00:28:21.290 --> 00:28:23.730
But in her husband's circle of friends,
00:28:23.730 --> 00:28:25.573
Ofelia felt ostracized.
00:28:26.780 --> 00:28:28.920
So, after 40 years in Guaymas,
00:28:28.920 --> 00:28:32.376
my uncle decided to
move back to Chihuahua.
00:28:32.376 --> 00:28:36.376
(man speaking foreign language)
00:30:07.037 --> 00:30:09.430
- [Luli] Josefina, you were saying that
00:30:09.430 --> 00:30:12.020
perhaps Ofelia knows who might've done it.
00:30:12.020 --> 00:30:14.610
It seems to me, like if you know that
00:30:14.610 --> 00:30:17.990
you would wanna do something
about it, don't you think?
00:30:17.990 --> 00:30:21.200
- I don't know, she
might know and not want
00:30:21.200 --> 00:30:23.853
to do anymore to let him
lay in peace, you know?
00:30:23.853 --> 00:30:27.570
To rest his soul because of the kids.
00:30:27.570 --> 00:30:29.430
Or she may be afraid to.
00:30:29.430 --> 00:30:31.580
That is up to her; whichever she knows
00:30:31.580 --> 00:30:33.230
she has not discussed it with me.
00:30:34.380 --> 00:30:36.360
But just like in the States,
00:30:36.360 --> 00:30:38.370
if somebody threatens you
or threatens your children
00:30:38.370 --> 00:30:41.470
you don't do anything about it.
00:30:41.470 --> 00:30:43.300
'Cause I do know a lot
of people owed him money
00:30:43.300 --> 00:30:47.430
and never paid him
because he was not a man
00:30:47.430 --> 00:30:51.053
that was that suspicious
enough to defend himself well.
00:30:52.361 --> 00:30:54.900
A lotta people can take advantage of you.
00:30:54.900 --> 00:30:56.760
- [Luli] I was told that Senor Cavallero
00:30:56.760 --> 00:30:59.800
owed my uncle more than $200,000.
00:30:59.800 --> 00:31:02.920
For 10 years, Oscar
tried to get him to pay.
00:31:02.920 --> 00:31:06.650
In one desperate attempt, he
went to Cavallero's office
00:31:06.650 --> 00:31:08.438
and pulled a gun on him.
00:31:08.438 --> 00:31:12.438
(man speaking foreign language)
00:31:54.320 --> 00:31:56.450
- [Luli] Nothing came of the altercation,
00:31:56.450 --> 00:31:59.090
except a court order to pay the debt.
00:31:59.090 --> 00:32:01.270
So I guess Cavallero was lucky,
00:32:01.270 --> 00:32:03.313
my uncle died before he could collect.
00:32:04.708 --> 00:32:08.875
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:32:21.550 --> 00:32:23.720
- [Luli] I'm very curious
about meeting Ofelia
00:32:23.720 --> 00:32:25.233
after all this time.
00:32:26.130 --> 00:32:29.340
She probably knew my
uncle better than anyone.
00:32:29.340 --> 00:32:32.879
I'm wondering about her side of the story.
00:32:32.879 --> 00:32:37.046
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:35:04.578 --> 00:35:05.411
- Damn!
00:35:05.411 --> 00:35:07.820
And when she said "No, I
don't wanna be interviewed."
00:35:07.820 --> 00:35:10.050
- [Luli] Yeah, so there you are.
00:35:10.050 --> 00:35:11.870
- [Man] She didn't seem very surprised.
00:35:11.870 --> 00:35:13.653
- No, not at all.
- No, not at all.
00:35:17.620 --> 00:35:19.320
- So when are you gonna try again?
00:35:19.320 --> 00:35:20.220
- [Luli] Tomorrow.
00:35:21.453 --> 00:35:25.620
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:36:23.571 --> 00:36:26.427
(mysterious music)
00:36:26.427 --> 00:36:28.350
- [Luli] I wondered how anyone would know
00:36:28.350 --> 00:36:31.593
that he landed on his knees
if they weren't there.
00:36:33.272 --> 00:36:37.272
(man speaking foreign language)
00:36:57.930 --> 00:37:00.430
- [Luli] The ironic
thing is that the place
00:37:00.430 --> 00:37:05.430
where he came to die is run
by my cousin, his own nephew.
00:37:06.036 --> 00:37:10.036
(man speaking foreign language)
00:38:47.046 --> 00:38:51.046
(man speaking foreign language)
00:39:51.695 --> 00:39:54.654
(light dramatic music)
00:39:54.654 --> 00:39:58.654
(men speaking foreign language)
00:40:16.861 --> 00:40:19.361
(light music)
00:40:24.358 --> 00:40:28.525
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:41:05.560 --> 00:41:08.227
(phone humming)
00:41:19.105 --> 00:41:23.272
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:42:12.912 --> 00:42:14.350
(light dramatic music)
(gun bangs)
00:42:14.350 --> 00:42:18.517
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:43:02.270 --> 00:43:06.270
(man speaking foreign language)
00:43:52.564 --> 00:43:54.653
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:43:54.653 --> 00:43:56.986
(gun bangs)
00:44:08.640 --> 00:44:12.170
- [Luli] It's easy to have
someone killed in Mexico.
00:44:12.170 --> 00:44:15.933
Like Pancho Villa, and
more recently, Colosio.
00:44:17.161 --> 00:44:17.994
(gun bangs)
00:44:17.994 --> 00:44:20.550
I wonder if I'll ever know
what happened to my uncle.
00:44:21.482 --> 00:44:23.982
(eerie music)
00:44:25.328 --> 00:44:29.495
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:44:56.768 --> 00:45:00.768
(man speaking foreign language)
00:45:18.436 --> 00:45:22.603
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:46:51.798 --> 00:46:54.298
(light music)
00:46:56.557 --> 00:47:00.724
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:47:18.588 --> 00:47:22.588
(man speaking foreign language)
00:48:07.149 --> 00:48:08.942
(light dramatic music)
00:48:08.942 --> 00:48:12.961
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:48:12.961 --> 00:48:16.961
(man speaking foreign language)
00:48:20.500 --> 00:48:22.450
- [Luli] Right after my uncle died,
00:48:22.450 --> 00:48:24.650
my mother told me a story.
00:48:24.650 --> 00:48:27.970
My father, who was recovering
from a recent surgery,
00:48:27.970 --> 00:48:30.120
was outside with my mom.
00:48:30.120 --> 00:48:33.790
All of a sudden, there was a big bang.
00:48:33.790 --> 00:48:36.640
A man had crashed into the big tree.
00:48:36.640 --> 00:48:40.180
He flew out of his car
only two feet from them.
00:48:40.180 --> 00:48:43.190
When my father went to
look, a heavy branch
00:48:43.190 --> 00:48:46.550
fell from the tree,
hitting him on the head.
00:48:46.550 --> 00:48:49.930
He fell to the ground and crawled away.
00:48:49.930 --> 00:48:52.940
My mother ran over to
see what had happened.
00:48:52.940 --> 00:48:56.230
At first, she thought
she was seeing things.
00:48:56.230 --> 00:49:00.260
On the ground was a black man,
his matted hair in dreads.
00:49:00.260 --> 00:49:02.530
There was blood all over the place.
00:49:02.530 --> 00:49:07.140
Around his neck, a large
black snake was slithering,
00:49:07.140 --> 00:49:09.380
and live little goldfish were swarming
00:49:09.380 --> 00:49:12.110
all over his blood-spattered head.
00:49:12.110 --> 00:49:14.460
It was at that instant my mother said
00:49:14.460 --> 00:49:17.587
that the image of Ofelia
flashed before her.
00:49:17.587 --> 00:49:19.277
"But why?" I asked her.
00:49:19.277 --> 00:49:20.743
"I don't know," she said.
00:49:24.060 --> 00:49:28.227
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:49:54.608 --> 00:49:58.775
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:50:32.873 --> 00:50:36.873
(man speaking foreign language)
00:50:53.347 --> 00:50:55.847
(light music)
00:51:07.700 --> 00:51:09.930
- [Luli] One day, Oscar Pablo left home,
00:51:09.930 --> 00:51:11.690
with his only possession;
00:51:11.690 --> 00:51:14.713
a portrait of his mother
Catalina under his arm.
00:51:16.890 --> 00:51:18.593
He never saw his father again.
00:51:20.910 --> 00:51:23.370
We found out that he lives in Tijuana,
00:51:23.370 --> 00:51:25.570
and after several business attempts,
00:51:25.570 --> 00:51:28.493
he's driving a taxi
under a different name.
00:51:30.732 --> 00:51:34.899
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:52:11.043 --> 00:52:15.043
(man speaking foreign language)
00:52:46.730 --> 00:52:49.317
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:52:49.317 --> 00:52:53.677
(man speaking foreign language)
00:52:53.677 --> 00:52:57.844
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:53:18.117 --> 00:53:22.117
(man speaking foreign language)
00:53:45.161 --> 00:53:49.328
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:54:33.660 --> 00:54:35.060
- [Luli] But why on earth did Oscar
00:54:35.060 --> 00:54:38.633
not stand up for his children,
protect them from Ofelia?
00:54:39.490 --> 00:54:42.180
That's what I don't really understand.
00:54:42.180 --> 00:54:44.040
Even though I know more about him now
00:54:44.040 --> 00:54:47.610
than I ever did before,
I'm no closer to knowing
00:54:47.610 --> 00:54:48.917
who he really was.
00:54:51.218 --> 00:54:55.385
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:55:20.431 --> 00:55:23.348
(thunder rumbling)
00:55:34.814 --> 00:55:38.814
(man speaking foreign language)
00:55:52.428 --> 00:55:56.595
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:56:38.541 --> 00:56:41.698
(light dramatic music)
00:56:41.698 --> 00:56:45.698
(man speaking foreign language)
00:57:07.833 --> 00:57:12.000
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:58:26.903 --> 00:58:28.905
(Luli laughs)
00:58:28.905 --> 00:58:33.072
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:58:36.006 --> 00:58:40.006
(man speaking foreign language)
00:58:41.550 --> 00:58:45.717
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:58:51.625 --> 00:58:54.125
(light music)
00:59:00.481 --> 00:59:04.648
(woman sings in foreign language)
00:59:11.089 --> 00:59:15.256
(woman speaking foreign language)
00:59:25.834 --> 00:59:27.200
- [Luli] There's a legend that the owner
00:59:27.200 --> 00:59:31.620
of a Chihuahua bridal shop had
a daughter she dearly loved.
00:59:31.620 --> 00:59:34.823
On the day of her wedding,
the girl died in an accident.
00:59:35.710 --> 00:59:37.570
The bereaved mother, they said,
00:59:37.570 --> 00:59:40.360
had her embalmed, dressed as a bride,
00:59:40.360 --> 00:59:42.163
and displayed in her store window.
00:59:43.720 --> 00:59:46.118
A tribute to virginal love.
00:59:46.118 --> 00:59:50.285
(woman sings in foreign language)
00:59:54.944 --> 00:59:57.944
(audience clapping)
01:00:08.653 --> 01:00:12.820
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:00:14.384 --> 01:00:18.384
(man speaking foreign language)
01:01:00.232 --> 01:01:04.232
(man speaking foreign language)
01:01:47.577 --> 01:01:51.744
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:02:25.919 --> 01:02:30.086
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:03:28.527 --> 01:03:32.694
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:04:50.599 --> 01:04:54.766
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:05:11.443 --> 01:05:13.943
(light music)
01:05:16.815 --> 01:05:20.982
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:05:42.344 --> 01:05:46.511
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:05:52.521 --> 01:05:56.521
(man speaking foreign language)
01:06:38.500 --> 01:06:42.503
- [Luli] Sin, that's really
bad news for a Catholic.
01:06:43.700 --> 01:06:47.193
Even a lapse one gets
shivers up her spine.
01:06:48.380 --> 01:06:51.220
Have I crossed over the
boundary of concern,
01:06:51.220 --> 01:06:52.653
into manipulation?
01:06:55.330 --> 01:06:57.383
It is a sin to look for the truth?
01:06:59.470 --> 01:07:01.183
I've gone too far to stop.
01:07:04.940 --> 01:07:08.290
Why did my Uncle Oscar
become an acupuncturist?
01:07:08.290 --> 01:07:11.090
Was it is insatiable curiosity?
01:07:11.090 --> 01:07:13.010
Or was it just another vain attempt
01:07:13.010 --> 01:07:14.853
to forestall the inevitable?
01:07:19.086 --> 01:07:23.086
(man speaking foreign language)
01:07:59.145 --> 01:08:02.404
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:08:02.404 --> 01:08:06.404
(man speaking foreign language)
01:08:40.781 --> 01:08:44.781
(man speaking foreign language)
01:09:15.930 --> 01:09:20.097
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:10:14.582 --> 01:10:18.582
(man speaking foreign language)
01:10:25.855 --> 01:10:30.022
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:11:03.439 --> 01:11:07.439
(man speaking foreign language)
01:11:22.740 --> 01:11:25.660
- Well, a man like your
uncle does not commit suicide
01:11:25.660 --> 01:11:28.660
when he's planning to do
a lot of other things.
01:11:28.660 --> 01:11:33.660
He was running his clinic,
he did have the habit,
01:11:33.730 --> 01:11:36.140
or it was his custom
every six months to have
01:11:36.140 --> 01:11:41.140
some injections put in him
for to make him younger,
01:11:42.580 --> 01:11:44.100
he was convinced they were good for you.
01:11:44.100 --> 01:11:46.823
The embryo of cattle,
or something like that.
01:11:47.750 --> 01:11:50.846
That might've caused
cancer, we don't know.
01:11:50.846 --> 01:11:55.013
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:12:38.959 --> 01:12:42.959
(man speaking foreign language)
01:13:14.377 --> 01:13:18.544
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:13:39.766 --> 01:13:43.933
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:14:07.218 --> 01:14:11.218
(man speaking foreign language)
01:14:25.447 --> 01:14:29.614
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:15:02.159 --> 01:15:06.159
(man speaking foreign language)
01:15:37.165 --> 01:15:41.332
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:16:05.778 --> 01:16:09.778
(man speaking foreign language)
01:16:24.480 --> 01:16:27.690
- [Luli] Oscar, Oscar the farmer?
01:16:27.690 --> 01:16:29.950
Oscar the politician?
01:16:29.950 --> 01:16:31.480
The businessman?
01:16:31.480 --> 01:16:33.550
The acupuncturist?
01:16:33.550 --> 01:16:35.573
And now Oscar the homosexual?
01:16:36.730 --> 01:16:38.910
Who is this Tio Oscar that I loved?
01:16:41.255 --> 01:16:45.255
(man speaking foreign language)
01:17:46.730 --> 01:17:48.320
- [Luli] It sorta was shocking to hear
01:17:48.320 --> 01:17:49.960
that he had killed-
- Somebody's really been
01:17:49.960 --> 01:17:51.383
telling you a log of bologna.
01:17:51.383 --> 01:17:52.650
- [Luli] A lot of people
have been telling me
01:17:52.650 --> 01:17:54.530
a lot of different things.
01:17:54.530 --> 01:17:56.260
- A lot of crap, too.
01:17:56.260 --> 01:17:57.093
It's not true.
01:17:58.530 --> 01:18:02.380
Oscar was one of the, I've
known a lot of fine men,
01:18:02.380 --> 01:18:05.510
but he's among them and I have nothing
01:18:05.510 --> 01:18:06.873
but good memories of him.
01:18:07.730 --> 01:18:09.640
He liked sports, he liked good food,
01:18:09.640 --> 01:18:11.470
he'd like dancing, he'd like fun,
01:18:11.470 --> 01:18:13.280
and he'd like to work his ass off.
01:18:13.280 --> 01:18:15.500
He worked real hard and
everybody around him,
01:18:15.500 --> 01:18:16.890
he worked him, too.
01:18:16.890 --> 01:18:19.149
We all had to work real hard
when we worked with him.
01:18:19.149 --> 01:18:20.072
(light music)
01:18:20.072 --> 01:18:24.072
(man speaking foreign language)
01:18:43.336 --> 01:18:47.503
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:19:04.200 --> 01:19:08.200
(man speaking foreign language)
01:19:56.791 --> 01:20:00.958
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:20:29.791 --> 01:20:33.958
(woman speaking foreign language)
01:21:07.000 --> 01:21:09.500
(light music)
01:21:12.980 --> 01:21:16.230
- [Luli] I came back to
Mexico with a naive idea
01:21:16.230 --> 01:21:19.460
that if I pursued all
the clues and found out
01:21:19.460 --> 01:21:22.610
all the facts, I'd uncover the truth.
01:21:22.610 --> 01:21:24.660
Just like in the movies.
01:21:24.660 --> 01:21:27.160
Did Oscar commit suicide or was he killed
01:21:27.160 --> 01:21:29.220
by a hired assassin?
01:21:29.220 --> 01:21:30.523
Maybe I'll never know.
01:21:31.640 --> 01:21:35.640
The only thing I'm sure of
is that by his own choices
01:21:35.640 --> 01:21:38.550
he contributed to his destiny.
01:21:38.550 --> 01:21:42.170
The family still holds
tightly to its secrets,
01:21:42.170 --> 01:21:46.460
and once again, I realize
there are no clear answers,
01:21:46.460 --> 01:21:49.330
no simple solutions to life's mysteries.
01:21:49.330 --> 01:21:53.687
Just half glimpse truths
and tantalizing questions.
01:21:54.812 --> 01:21:57.376
(light music)
01:21:57.376 --> 01:22:01.543
(woman sings in foreign language)
01:23:15.335 --> 01:23:17.835
(light music)