Debunks the pseudo-scientific reasoning behind the dangerous theories…
A Dangerous Idea
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- Transcript
There is a dangerous idea that has threatened the American Dream from the very beginning. It is a strong current of biological determinism which views some groups, races and individuals as inherently superior to others and more deserving of fundamental rights. Despite the founders' assertion that 'all are created equal,' this idea was used to justify disenfranchising women, blacks and Native Americans from the earliest days of the Republic.
A DANGEROUS IDEA: EUGENICS, GENETICS AND THE AMERICAN DREAM reveals how this dangerous idea gained new traction in the 20th century with an increasing belief in the concept of an all-powerful 'gene' that predetermines who is worthy and who is not. The film reveals how this new genetic determinism provided an abhorrent rationale for state sanctioned crimes committed against America's poorest, most vulnerable citizens and for violations of the fundamental civil rights of untold millions.
Featuring interviews with social thinkers including Van Jones and Robert Reich as well as prominent scientists in many fields, A DANGEROUS IDEA is a radical reassessment of the meaning, use and misuse of gene science. Like no other film before it, this documentary brings to light how false scientific claims have rolled back long fought for gains in equality, and how powerful interests are poised once again to use the gene myth to unravel the American Dream.
'Yes, this is a dangerous idea--and if you want to better understand why, watch this film and see the history, development and presentation of this idea that there is a book of life, a program that determines, from the moment of conception, all that we are and can be. It is indeed one of the more dangerous ideas humans have come up with.' Barbara Katz Rothman, Professor of Sociology, City University of New York, Author, The Book of Life: A Personal and Ethical Guide to Race, Normality and the Implications of the Human Genome Project
'The never-ending challenge with eugenics is making that abhorrent history relevant to a contemporary audience. A Dangerous Idea meets that challenge by showing how the very same biological justifications of inequality that were used in the past to justify involuntary sterilization, slavery, and genocide are employed in the 21st century to justify anti-immigration policies, the gender pay gap, and racial health disparities. As modern science and modern medicine focus more and more on genetics, A Dangerous Idea reminds viewers that this obsession with genetics is employed by many to promote a vision of society made up of biological 'haves' and 'have nots'.' Dr. James Tabery, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, University of Utah, Author, Beyond Versus: The Struggle to Understand the Interaction of Nature and Nurture
'An essential and engaging work that I would like to see on the curriculum of every high school, and played in every library, in the United States. It highlights a shameful side of our society, the devaluation of racial minorities and the poor with supportive pseudoscience, which was mainstream policy for much of the nation's history...These corrosive ideas, accompanied by newer, equally bad science, are now back in full force. This film has appeared at the right time to help turn back this poisonous tide.' Stuart Newman, Professor of Cell Biology and Anatomy, New York Medical College, Founding Member, Council for Responsible Genetics
'An exceptionally important film. The scientific world is much too DNA centric and when this world view is sold to the public by the scientific elite, it could lead to the destruction of democratic societies. With the ability to manipulate and then sequence DNA, many scientists assumed that this information would lead to curing most diseases and making genetically modified plants that would feed the world...More complex diseases such as Alzheimer's and traits such as intelligence are not the result of simple genetics, but of the complex interactions between individuals, social, and environmental factors. Making policy decisions based upon genetics is not only dangerous, but also not scientifically valid.' Dr. Dave Schubert, Professor and Head, Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
'A Dangerous Idea is not only rich historic storytelling but an important reminder about the connection between science and equality; a subject that couldn't be more relevant. This film should be shown in schools as it is ripe for intense discussion and needs to be seen by as wide an audience as possible.' Aaron Leventman, Director of Programming, Santa Fe Film Festival
'An effective dissection of the genetic determinist worldview, rising again in new garb and aided by the Trump Administration. This documentary provides a timely rebuttal to those who continue to embrace this dogma, and offers a critique that both Liberals and Conservatives can readily converge behind.' Ralph Nader, political activist, author, lecturer, and attorney
'Extremely timely because of the new Trump administration and the threat of a new biologically determined politics. Trump takes an almost social Darwinian view of immigrants, women, people living in poverty and others. And that's dangerous.' Robert Reich, Professor of Public Policy, University of California - Berkeley, Former U.S. Secretary of Labor
Main credits
Welch, Stephanie (editor of moving image work)
Welch, Stephanie (screenwriter)
Welch, Stephanie (film producer)
Welch, Stephanie (film director)
Kimbrell, Andrew (screenwriter)
Riffe, N. Jed (film producer)
Harvey, Neil (narrator)
Other credits
Editors, Maureen Gosling, Sara Maamouri, Stephanie Welch; composer, Jonathan Zalben; camera, Waldemar Hauschild [and 16 others].
Distributor subjects
African-American Studies; American Democracy; American Studies; Anthropology; Biology; Civil Rights; Ethics; Genetics; Health; History; History of Science; Human Rights; Indigenous Peoples; Law; Native Americans; Psychology; Race and Racism; Reproductive Rights; Science, Technology, Society; Social Psychology; Sociology; Women's StudiesKeywords
00:00:05.125 --> 00:00:07.792
(air swooshing)
00:00:15.167 --> 00:00:19.334
(gentle music)
(fireworks crackling)
00:00:25.167 --> 00:00:28.375
- For the entire span of recorded history,
00:00:28.375 --> 00:00:32.959
the assumption has always
been that biology is destiny.
00:00:32.959 --> 00:00:34.918
It\'s all predetermined,
00:00:34.918 --> 00:00:37.876
and there\'s nothing you could do about it.
00:00:37.876 --> 00:00:42.501
We crystallized the new
idea of the 18th century,
00:00:42.501 --> 00:00:46.501
which was people could
make their own destinies.
00:00:48.375 --> 00:00:50.501
- \"We hold these truths to be self-evident
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\"that all are created equal.\"
00:00:52.792 --> 00:00:54.792
On the other hand, you\'ve
got a lot of people
00:00:54.792 --> 00:00:56.209
who are left out.
00:00:57.626 --> 00:00:58.751
At the start of the Republic,
00:00:58.751 --> 00:01:02.709
you had this very
unequal founding reality.
00:01:02.709 --> 00:01:05.417
People of color effectively
weren\'t even humans.
00:01:05.417 --> 00:01:06.292
If you don\'t own property,
00:01:06.292 --> 00:01:08.834
your rights are in the garbage can.
00:01:08.834 --> 00:01:11.292
Women didn\'t have the
right to vote in America.
00:01:11.292 --> 00:01:12.626
It was horrible.
00:01:13.918 --> 00:01:15.000
What it means to be an American
00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:16.417
is to be a part of this project
00:01:16.417 --> 00:01:19.709
of trying to get that ugly unequal reality
00:01:19.709 --> 00:01:22.125
closer and closer to
the beauty of the dream.
00:01:22.125 --> 00:01:25.667
(gentle music)
00:01:25.667 --> 00:01:29.375
Our internal quest to
live up to this promise
00:01:29.375 --> 00:01:30.375
changed the whole world.
00:01:30.375 --> 00:01:34.459
It changed the entire view
of humanity of itself,
00:01:35.292 --> 00:01:38.959
and yet you have these people
who didn\'t get the memo.
00:01:38.959 --> 00:01:40.042
They just seemed to have missed
00:01:40.042 --> 00:01:41.876
the whole point of the country,
00:01:41.876 --> 00:01:45.083
and they actually think
that the founding reality
00:01:45.083 --> 00:01:48.501
of profound inequality is fine with them,
00:01:49.375 --> 00:01:52.709
and that view even tries
to masquerade as science.
00:01:52.709 --> 00:01:55.209
(tense music)
00:01:56.375 --> 00:01:57.834
- [Interviewer] I\'m merely
drawing attention to the fact
00:01:57.834 --> 00:02:02.000
that you believe that poor
people are genetically different.
00:02:02.918 --> 00:02:03.751
- Yes.
00:02:07.125 --> 00:02:09.792
- For a century or more,
scholars have known
00:02:09.792 --> 00:02:12.751
that the differences among
people in intelligence
00:02:12.751 --> 00:02:14.459
is largely inherited.
00:02:16.501 --> 00:02:19.542
- When you extract the general
factor of intelligence,
00:02:19.542 --> 00:02:22.250
males, on average, score
00:02:22.250 --> 00:02:25.417
3.6, four IQ points higher than women.
00:02:26.542 --> 00:02:28.709
- [Reporter] Even Rushton
admits that\'s tiny
00:02:28.709 --> 00:02:32.876
but says it explains why you
see fewer women in top jobs.
00:02:34.375 --> 00:02:36.042
- You see where this takes us in some
00:02:36.042 --> 00:02:38.709
very, very dangerous directions.
00:02:39.918 --> 00:02:42.626
Biologically determined politics.
00:02:46.083 --> 00:02:50.167
- Dysgenic immigration,
Hispanics in particular,
00:02:50.167 --> 00:02:53.042
but also other peoples with low IQs
00:02:53.042 --> 00:02:57.167
will clearly have an effect
on reducing the intelligence
00:02:57.167 --> 00:03:01.334
of the host populations that
have to absorb these people.
00:03:03.083 --> 00:03:07.250
- We are back to blood as a
determination of character.
00:03:08.959 --> 00:03:11.167
We\'ve learned nothing from the Holocaust,
00:03:11.167 --> 00:03:15.959
nothing from Darfur, nothing
from emergent capacity of evil
00:03:15.959 --> 00:03:17.667
that people do to each
other on the grounds
00:03:17.667 --> 00:03:21.334
of someone being different
from them by birth,
00:03:21.334 --> 00:03:24.626
so that person is not only
talking biological nonsense,
00:03:24.626 --> 00:03:27.209
he\'s talking dangerous
biological nonsense.
00:03:27.209 --> 00:03:29.709
(tense music)
00:03:47.834 --> 00:03:50.501
(horns honking)
00:03:59.626 --> 00:04:04.042
- There\'s a strong belief that
the differences in society,
00:04:04.042 --> 00:04:05.542
those who are poor, those who are rich,
00:04:05.542 --> 00:04:09.375
those who are smart,
everything is in the genes.
00:04:09.375 --> 00:04:11.292
That it\'s the internal
00:04:11.292 --> 00:04:13.584
that determines everything,
not the external.
00:04:13.584 --> 00:04:16.542
The external is something you
do with politics or society,
00:04:16.542 --> 00:04:18.709
but biology is internal.
00:04:18.709 --> 00:04:21.667
And so, every view of the gene is,
00:04:21.667 --> 00:04:25.083
it is the determiner because it\'s inside.
00:04:27.876 --> 00:04:31.417
- I think it\'s important
to explode the gene myth,
00:04:31.417 --> 00:04:34.250
a false belief that makes us think
00:04:36.000 --> 00:04:39.542
that genes can do anything and everything
00:04:39.542 --> 00:04:43.334
and are responsible for
anything and everything
00:04:43.334 --> 00:04:46.375
that we do and that happens in our lives.
00:04:46.375 --> 00:04:48.125
(tense music)
00:04:48.125 --> 00:04:50.584
- [Reporter] A new study
claims that a genetic variant
00:04:50.584 --> 00:04:54.167
is responsible for cheating
and promiscuous behavior.
00:04:54.167 --> 00:04:56.584
- Are you a Liberal or a Conservative?
00:04:56.584 --> 00:04:58.918
Either way you may have
been born predisposed
00:04:58.918 --> 00:05:01.417
to leaning one way or the other.
00:05:01.417 --> 00:05:03.000
- According to your genes,
00:05:03.000 --> 00:05:05.709
you guys are actually
extremely sexually compatible.
00:05:05.709 --> 00:05:08.667
00:05:08.667 --> 00:05:10.250
- [Reporter] Is there
something in their DNA--
00:05:10.250 --> 00:05:12.918
- We tested each of you
for the Warrior gene.
00:05:12.918 --> 00:05:14.542
- [Reporter] that causes them to rage?
00:05:14.542 --> 00:05:16.125
- And the results are in.
00:05:16.125 --> 00:05:17.417
- Do we believe in the gene thing?
00:05:17.417 --> 00:05:18.584
I mean, I do.
00:05:18.584 --> 00:05:21.000
Winning is somewhat, maybe innate,
00:05:21.000 --> 00:05:22.417
you know you have the winning gene.
00:05:22.417 --> 00:05:24.792
- [Reporter] The horror movie gene.
00:05:24.792 --> 00:05:26.334
- [Reporter] The God gene.
00:05:26.334 --> 00:05:29.167
- Could there be a terrorist gene?
00:05:31.000 --> 00:05:34.501
- There is no evidence for
any genes for these things,
00:05:34.501 --> 00:05:37.501
but it is a kind of unfounded belief
00:05:39.375 --> 00:05:43.000
and molecular biology has
become a religion in a sense
00:05:43.000 --> 00:05:46.918
that people accept it
without questioning it,
00:05:46.918 --> 00:05:51.626
and the people who are doing
it at the highest level
00:05:51.626 --> 00:05:55.375
are its prophets, and when
they tell you something,
00:05:55.375 --> 00:05:57.417
you should believe what the prophets
00:05:57.417 --> 00:05:58.834
or the disciples tell you.
00:05:58.834 --> 00:06:01.584
(ethereal music)
00:06:13.542 --> 00:06:14.667
- [Narrator] Ever since
he helped to discover
00:06:14.667 --> 00:06:17.459
the structure of DNA in 1953,
00:06:17.459 --> 00:06:20.417
biologist James Watson has
been the leading evangelist
00:06:20.417 --> 00:06:23.501
for the belief in the power of genes.
00:06:25.918 --> 00:06:30.042
- Genes, because they are the
script for life, have power.
00:06:31.542 --> 00:06:33.167
We\'d like to think
00:06:33.167 --> 00:06:35.751
we could be anything we wanted,
00:06:37.584 --> 00:06:39.334
but I think we can\'t.
00:06:44.334 --> 00:06:47.417
- [Narrator] In Watson\'s view,
inequality is unavoidable
00:06:47.417 --> 00:06:50.959
and written into our DNA,
so it\'s naive to imagine
00:06:50.959 --> 00:06:54.834
that we can achieve a truly equal society.
00:06:54.834 --> 00:06:57.042
- It\'s just evolution happening.
00:06:57.042 --> 00:07:00.000
This evolution, it
depends on random changes
00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:04.250
in genetic messages
which makes some organism
00:07:04.250 --> 00:07:09.000
better able to survive
and others not that able.
00:07:09.000 --> 00:07:11.792
Once you start thinking
in terms of evolution,
00:07:11.792 --> 00:07:16.709
you\'re not surprised by
seeing a lot of inequality.
00:07:16.709 --> 00:07:19.542
You know, that all men are created equal,
00:07:19.542 --> 00:07:23.709
we know is a political statement
not a scientific statement.
00:07:28.042 --> 00:07:29.626
- [Narrator] Biologist Edward O. Wilson
00:07:29.626 --> 00:07:31.709
shares Watson\'s view.
00:07:31.709 --> 00:07:35.334
He\'s well known for his vigorous
defense of biodiversity,
00:07:35.334 --> 00:07:37.751
but he\'s also a leading
advocate of the theory
00:07:37.751 --> 00:07:39.417
that we are essentially imprisoned
00:07:39.417 --> 00:07:44.292
by paleolithic genes encoded
in our DNA 100,000 years ago
00:07:44.292 --> 00:07:48.375
when modern humans evolved
from more primitive species.
00:07:48.375 --> 00:07:50.167
- If I can simplify and
tell me if I\'m wrong,
00:07:50.167 --> 00:07:52.667
behavior comes from genes.
00:07:52.667 --> 00:07:55.167
- Ultimately from genes, yeah.
00:07:56.584 --> 00:07:59.375
- [Narrator] Wilson believes
there are biological barriers
00:07:59.375 --> 00:08:01.667
that prevent us from having free will
00:08:01.667 --> 00:08:04.292
because we\'re unconsciously
directed by genes
00:08:04.292 --> 00:08:06.459
that predispose us to aggression,
00:08:06.459 --> 00:08:10.375
tribalism, male dominance,
and other behaviors.
00:08:11.417 --> 00:08:13.125
- We have, what I like to call,
00:08:13.125 --> 00:08:15.959
the genetic leash on culture
00:08:15.959 --> 00:08:19.125
that is absolutely unique
to the human species.
00:08:19.125 --> 00:08:23.125
There\'s a different link
and kind of genetic leash
00:08:23.125 --> 00:08:27.042
for every category or
subcategory of behavior.
00:08:27.042 --> 00:08:29.083
(cheerful music)
00:08:29.083 --> 00:08:31.334
- [Narrator] Looking
through the lens of biology,
00:08:31.334 --> 00:08:35.834
Wilson described how humans
got their human nature.
00:08:35.834 --> 00:08:38.375
Male humans were originally hunters,
00:08:38.375 --> 00:08:40.000
they evolved to be aggressive
00:08:40.000 --> 00:08:42.542
and are still innately violent.
00:08:42.542 --> 00:08:44.792
Males are driven to multiply their genes
00:08:44.792 --> 00:08:48.000
and are not, by nature, monogamous.
00:08:48.000 --> 00:08:50.250
They have evolved to think analytically
00:08:50.250 --> 00:08:51.751
and are more likely than females
00:08:51.751 --> 00:08:55.918
to end up with jobs in
business, politics, or science.
00:08:57.375 --> 00:08:59.292
Female humans are genetically programmed
00:08:59.292 --> 00:09:01.459
to have maternal feelings.
00:09:01.459 --> 00:09:05.292
They have evolved strategies
to catch and to keep males.
00:09:05.292 --> 00:09:09.626
They are, by nature, coy
and faithful homemakers.
00:09:09.626 --> 00:09:12.751
Although females have
superior verbal abilities,
00:09:12.751 --> 00:09:15.626
their brains are less equipped
to think analytically,
00:09:15.626 --> 00:09:19.459
allowing them to perform
repetitive domestic tasks.
00:09:19.459 --> 00:09:23.209
For Wilson, our evolutionary
past was still with us,
00:09:23.209 --> 00:09:25.626
living on in specific patterns of behavior
00:09:25.626 --> 00:09:27.626
controlled by our genes.
00:09:31.792 --> 00:09:33.375
- [Narrator] E.O. Wilson writes that
00:09:33.375 --> 00:09:35.250
\"even with identical education
00:09:35.250 --> 00:09:37.584
\"and equal access to all professions,
00:09:37.584 --> 00:09:41.042
\"men are likely to continue to
play a disproportionate role
00:09:41.042 --> 00:09:44.626
\"in political life,
business, and science.\"
00:09:46.626 --> 00:09:50.501
- That\'s a very important
justifying ideology.
00:09:50.501 --> 00:09:53.709
If you believe that all
these characteristics,
00:09:53.709 --> 00:09:55.584
first of all are universal,
00:09:55.584 --> 00:09:57.709
and secondly that they\'re in the genes,
00:09:57.709 --> 00:09:59.959
then you would be forced to say
00:09:59.959 --> 00:10:02.584
we must have society as it is now.
00:10:02.584 --> 00:10:04.334
So, it destroys any question
00:10:04.334 --> 00:10:07.334
of political morality to change things
00:10:07.334 --> 00:10:11.125
and it also destroys any claim
that we could change things.
00:10:11.125 --> 00:10:12.959
So it has tremendous importance.
00:10:12.959 --> 00:10:15.876
(gentle music)
00:10:15.876 --> 00:10:17.042
- [Narrator] Biological determinism
00:10:17.042 --> 00:10:19.542
didn\'t begin with genetics.
00:10:19.542 --> 00:10:22.334
Rulers throughout history
claimed their divine right
00:10:22.334 --> 00:10:25.667
to wield power over others was hereditary,
00:10:25.667 --> 00:10:28.542
based in their noble blood.
00:10:28.542 --> 00:10:30.834
Even though the United States
was the first modern republic
00:10:30.834 --> 00:10:34.125
to reject aristocracy based on biology,
00:10:34.125 --> 00:10:36.125
soon after, the nation\'s founding,
00:10:36.125 --> 00:10:38.042
craniometry was being used
00:10:38.042 --> 00:10:40.667
to defend the enslavement of Africans
00:10:40.667 --> 00:10:44.167
and the genocide of Native Americans.
00:10:44.167 --> 00:10:46.125
Prominent scientists dug up skulls
00:10:46.125 --> 00:10:48.959
from native burial grounds
and slave cemeteries,
00:10:48.959 --> 00:10:51.751
measured them, and falsely
claimed that these groups
00:10:51.751 --> 00:10:55.125
had smaller skulls on
average than Caucasians,
00:10:55.125 --> 00:10:59.292
were inferior in intelligence,
and even a lower species.
00:11:01.292 --> 00:11:04.042
The same pseudoscience was
used to oppose women\'s demands
00:11:04.042 --> 00:11:07.375
for equal education and
their right to vote.
00:11:07.375 --> 00:11:09.959
Doctors and anatomists told
women that their brains
00:11:09.959 --> 00:11:13.334
were smaller than men\'s,
making them less intelligent
00:11:13.334 --> 00:11:15.542
and warned them that the
strain of higher learning
00:11:15.542 --> 00:11:18.209
would lead to infertility.
00:11:18.209 --> 00:11:22.209
It took decades to discredit
these false claims.
00:11:23.709 --> 00:11:25.834
- Every century, every decade,
00:11:25.834 --> 00:11:29.626
every year you\'ve gotta
contest this thing.
00:11:29.626 --> 00:11:32.125
It just turns out that, you think,
00:11:32.125 --> 00:11:34.501
oh well after the
Emancipation Proclamation
00:11:34.501 --> 00:11:36.167
we resolved this question, oh well no,
00:11:36.167 --> 00:11:38.000
after Women\'s Suffrage
we resolved the question,
00:11:38.000 --> 00:11:40.709
well after the Civil Rights
Movement, after the, no,
00:11:40.709 --> 00:11:43.501
you\'re gonna have this tug of war,
00:11:43.501 --> 00:11:45.918
but it\'s a fight that has to be had.
00:11:45.918 --> 00:11:50.083
(indistinct chanting)
(gentle music)
00:12:03.501 --> 00:12:05.167
- American exceptionalism I think,
00:12:05.167 --> 00:12:07.584
conceals to women the fact,
00:12:07.584 --> 00:12:09.876
\'cause we\'re always being
told how lucky we are,
00:12:09.876 --> 00:12:11.792
that we are way, way down the list
00:12:11.792 --> 00:12:15.959
in political representation,
in childcare, healthcare,
00:12:17.292 --> 00:12:21.459
equal pay, by almost any
measure we\'re way down the list.
00:12:22.959 --> 00:12:23.792
- [Narrator] When it comes to
00:12:23.792 --> 00:12:26.250
the most powerful positions in society,
00:12:26.250 --> 00:12:29.417
women continue to be a small minority,
00:12:29.417 --> 00:12:31.375
far behind many countries that the U.S.
00:12:31.375 --> 00:12:35.209
often criticizes for
their treatment of women.
00:12:39.501 --> 00:12:42.792
Women remain unequal in
value at the workplace,
00:12:42.792 --> 00:12:44.959
facing discrimination, lower wages,
00:12:44.959 --> 00:12:48.042
and less opportunity for advancement.
00:12:50.542 --> 00:12:51.959
- [Reporter] Harvard
president Larry Summers
00:12:51.959 --> 00:12:54.751
floated the idea that when
it comes to math and science,
00:12:54.751 --> 00:12:58.918
there may be an innate
difference between men and women.
00:12:59.751 --> 00:13:03.334
- [Narrator] Larry Summers
ignited a controversy in 2005,
00:13:03.334 --> 00:13:05.876
when he gave talk as university president
00:13:05.876 --> 00:13:08.918
and suggested that biology
was the primary reason
00:13:08.918 --> 00:13:13.667
for a lack of women in
powerful positions in society.
00:13:13.667 --> 00:13:15.542
- So what he said was, I\'m gonna tell you
00:13:15.542 --> 00:13:17.667
why there aren\'t any women
at the top of anything.
00:13:17.667 --> 00:13:21.125
It\'s not just the academic
world, it\'s law, it\'s medicine,
00:13:21.125 --> 00:13:24.292
it\'s business, they\'re not
at the top of anything.
00:13:24.292 --> 00:13:25.792
- [Narrator] As a faculty
member at Harvard,
00:13:25.792 --> 00:13:29.375
Nancy Hopkins walked out of Summer\'s talk.
00:13:29.375 --> 00:13:32.834
Years before, she\'d helped to
expose how bias against women
00:13:32.834 --> 00:13:35.584
stalled their advancement at MIT,
00:13:35.584 --> 00:13:38.542
which prompted MIT to
make things more equal,
00:13:38.542 --> 00:13:41.042
so she was angry to hear
the president of Harvard
00:13:41.042 --> 00:13:44.876
giving credence to a
biological explanation.
00:13:44.876 --> 00:13:47.083
- These attitudes really have consequences
00:13:47.083 --> 00:13:49.626
in the workplace and
they hold people back.
00:13:49.626 --> 00:13:51.709
And as a leader of students,
00:13:51.709 --> 00:13:53.292
you want to encourage people to achieve
00:13:53.292 --> 00:13:55.083
at the highest level,
not make them believe
00:13:55.083 --> 00:13:56.792
that they could never
reach the highest level
00:13:56.792 --> 00:14:00.334
because their aptitude is not sufficient.
00:14:00.334 --> 00:14:02.959
- I think, you know, the
Larry Summers statement
00:14:02.959 --> 00:14:06.501
was probably correct and his
big mistake was apologizing.
00:14:06.501 --> 00:14:08.375
- Oh no, not at all.
00:14:08.375 --> 00:14:10.334
- Oh no, I, okay.
00:14:10.334 --> 00:14:12.584
00:14:12.584 --> 00:14:14.459
- [Narrator] Claims that
biological differences
00:14:14.459 --> 00:14:16.042
are at the root of inequality
00:14:16.042 --> 00:14:20.125
between men and women
continue to make headlines.
00:14:21.834 --> 00:14:25.000
But anthropologist Agustin
Fuentes and others have shown
00:14:25.000 --> 00:14:28.834
that such claims are
based on unsound science.
00:14:31.459 --> 00:14:33.792
- The problem is people
often confuse gender
00:14:33.792 --> 00:14:35.834
with what we call sex, right?
00:14:35.834 --> 00:14:37.209
So, sex is a biological term,
00:14:37.209 --> 00:14:40.125
gender is this very complex historical,
00:14:40.125 --> 00:14:42.751
political, social reality.
00:14:42.751 --> 00:14:47.250
The question is, how do we
understand unequal gender access?
00:14:47.250 --> 00:14:50.209
How do we understand the
histories of voting rights,
00:14:50.209 --> 00:14:52.667
of abilities to appear in public or not,
00:14:52.667 --> 00:14:54.334
of abilities to own land,
00:14:54.334 --> 00:14:57.334
of whether or not you\'re
called property or not?
00:14:57.334 --> 00:15:00.250
That\'s not biology,
that\'s not in your DNA,
00:15:00.250 --> 00:15:03.626
that\'s in our social, political
and economic histories.
00:15:03.626 --> 00:15:04.959
But, it\'s taking advantage of biology,
00:15:04.959 --> 00:15:06.876
that is, I can identify you as a female
00:15:06.876 --> 00:15:09.292
and you as a male and
we\'re gonna work with that.
00:15:09.292 --> 00:15:11.417
So biology can be co-opted,
00:15:11.417 --> 00:15:14.209
but it does not explain gender difference,
00:15:14.209 --> 00:15:17.167
gender inequality, and it
doesn\'t help us understand
00:15:17.167 --> 00:15:19.751
the future of gender relations.
00:15:22.667 --> 00:15:24.792
- [Narrator] The belief
that genes and evolution
00:15:24.792 --> 00:15:28.959
determine where we end up in
society reaches beyond gender.
00:15:31.375 --> 00:15:34.709
In today\'s economic system,
most people in the United States
00:15:34.709 --> 00:15:36.667
will fall below the poverty line
00:15:36.667 --> 00:15:38.417
at some point in their life,
00:15:38.417 --> 00:15:40.334
often because they become unemployed,
00:15:40.334 --> 00:15:44.000
lose a spouse, or develop
a serious illness.
00:15:44.000 --> 00:15:46.959
Congress continues to cut the safety net,
00:15:46.959 --> 00:15:49.751
while the three richest
Americans own more wealth
00:15:49.751 --> 00:15:53.918
than the poorest half of the
country, 150 million people.
00:15:57.250 --> 00:16:00.959
As economic inequality
reaches record proportions,
00:16:00.959 --> 00:16:03.959
the ostentatious lifestyles
of the economic elite
00:16:03.959 --> 00:16:08.125
has led historians to call
this the Second Gilded Age.
00:16:13.167 --> 00:16:15.792
- There are two completely
different competing ways
00:16:15.792 --> 00:16:18.042
of looking at the world in America today.
00:16:18.042 --> 00:16:19.626
One is the American Dream,
00:16:19.626 --> 00:16:22.417
the idea that it\'s within your
power to be anyone you want,
00:16:22.417 --> 00:16:23.834
is the American Dream,
00:16:23.834 --> 00:16:26.792
is completely contradicted
by Social Darwinist idea
00:16:26.792 --> 00:16:28.751
that you\'re either born
one way or you\'re not
00:16:28.751 --> 00:16:31.000
and that basically if you\'re
born into the upper classes,
00:16:31.000 --> 00:16:31.918
you\'ve got the right genes
00:16:31.918 --> 00:16:33.417
and if you\'re born into the lower classes,
00:16:33.417 --> 00:16:34.876
you\'re part of the genetic sludge
00:16:34.876 --> 00:16:37.000
that has gone to the
bottom of the gene pool.
00:16:37.000 --> 00:16:40.042
And you\'ve got the media cranking out
00:16:40.042 --> 00:16:44.417
these completely bogus
stories that actually
00:16:44.417 --> 00:16:48.792
significant slices of the
population have the poverty gene.
00:16:48.792 --> 00:16:50.542
- [Reporter] Many hope to erase the divide
00:16:50.542 --> 00:16:53.876
between the haves and the have nots,
00:16:53.876 --> 00:16:58.417
but what if nature demands
winners and losers in life?
00:16:58.417 --> 00:17:00.459
Could poverty be genetic?
00:17:04.501 --> 00:17:07.042
- If you believe that inequality,
00:17:07.042 --> 00:17:09.250
that someone\'s ability to do well
00:17:09.250 --> 00:17:11.667
as a captain of industry
and someone doing poorly
00:17:11.667 --> 00:17:14.751
and living a life on a
substandard factory line,
00:17:14.751 --> 00:17:16.626
if you believe that
that\'s written in the DNA
00:17:16.626 --> 00:17:19.709
in some way or another, then
you have no responsibility
00:17:19.709 --> 00:17:21.792
and things can stay the way they are,
00:17:21.792 --> 00:17:24.125
and that\'s really dangerous.
00:17:25.417 --> 00:17:27.209
- Are you saying that the underclass
00:17:27.209 --> 00:17:29.876
could be genetically determined?
00:17:31.125 --> 00:17:33.501
- Genetically determined
is way too strong a term.
00:17:33.501 --> 00:17:34.626
- [Interviewer] Well you see, you say
00:17:34.626 --> 00:17:36.250
that poverty is genetically determined,
00:17:36.250 --> 00:17:37.959
it will become evident that the population
00:17:37.959 --> 00:17:39.584
below the poverty line in the U.S.
00:17:39.584 --> 00:17:42.584
has a configuration of the
relevant genetic makeup
00:17:42.584 --> 00:17:45.250
significantly different
from the configuration
00:17:45.250 --> 00:17:47.709
of the population above the poverty line,
00:17:47.709 --> 00:17:51.876
this is not unimaginable,
it is almost certainly true.
00:17:54.417 --> 00:17:58.334
- Charles Murray came up with
data that purported to show
00:17:58.334 --> 00:18:01.459
a relationship between IQ and poverty.
00:18:04.042 --> 00:18:06.876
The IQ itself became a kind of symbol
00:18:06.876 --> 00:18:10.626
for native, intrinsic,
inherent intelligence.
00:18:11.792 --> 00:18:14.918
You\'re, you\'re genetic predisposition,
00:18:14.918 --> 00:18:18.125
your genetic endowment, and
there was something fatalistic
00:18:18.125 --> 00:18:20.042
and deterministic about it.
00:18:20.042 --> 00:18:22.250
- Unless you have the kinds of skills
00:18:22.250 --> 00:18:25.250
that enable you to score
pretty well on an IQ test,
00:18:25.250 --> 00:18:27.709
you are not going to
be a first-rate lawyer,
00:18:27.709 --> 00:18:30.292
you are not going to be
a first-rate physician,
00:18:30.292 --> 00:18:33.334
you aren\'t going to be
first-rate professor,
00:18:33.334 --> 00:18:34.501
you aren\'t going to be a first-rate
00:18:34.501 --> 00:18:37.000
lot of things in this society.
00:18:38.209 --> 00:18:40.542
- [Narrator] Critics like
psychologist Jay Joseph
00:18:40.542 --> 00:18:43.918
have studied claims
about IQ for many years.
00:18:43.918 --> 00:18:46.667
He\'s convinced that there
are fundamental problems
00:18:46.667 --> 00:18:48.167
with IQ tests
00:18:48.167 --> 00:18:52.417
that completely undermine
Murray\'s conclusions.
00:18:52.417 --> 00:18:53.751
- Test creators can create
00:18:53.751 --> 00:18:56.918
any kind of test distribution they desire.
00:18:56.918 --> 00:18:59.375
They can create a test that
show the races are equal.
00:18:59.375 --> 00:19:00.375
They could create a test
00:19:00.375 --> 00:19:02.792
that show that women are
more intelligent than men.
00:19:02.792 --> 00:19:05.542
They could create test that
show that the working class
00:19:05.542 --> 00:19:08.417
is more intelligent
than professional class.
00:19:08.417 --> 00:19:11.667
But they choose questions
that get the results.
00:19:11.667 --> 00:19:14.626
It doesn\'t matter necessarily
how obviously biased
00:19:14.626 --> 00:19:17.751
the question is, which many
of them are very biased.
00:19:17.751 --> 00:19:19.626
They\'re designed to reflect
00:19:19.626 --> 00:19:21.918
the existing inequalities in society
00:19:21.918 --> 00:19:25.918
and in many cases to
justify those inequalities.
00:19:27.334 --> 00:19:29.334
- [Narrator] Most controversial
was Murray\'s claim
00:19:29.334 --> 00:19:31.042
that black people and Latinos
00:19:31.042 --> 00:19:34.209
are less intelligent
on average than whites
00:19:34.209 --> 00:19:38.209
and that this explained
unequal social outcomes.
00:19:39.292 --> 00:19:42.042
- I thought we had killed
this kinda stuff off,
00:19:42.042 --> 00:19:44.626
and yet here it comes
back outta the grave,
00:19:44.626 --> 00:19:46.918
dressed up in scientific garb,
00:19:46.918 --> 00:19:49.709
but the last time we saw it,
it was wearing a Klans robe,
00:19:49.709 --> 00:19:51.459
and it\'s the same set of ideas.
00:19:51.459 --> 00:19:55.125
(indistinct singing)
00:19:55.125 --> 00:19:57.542
00:20:01.042 --> 00:20:02.626
- So, I don\'t accept any of this data
00:20:02.626 --> 00:20:05.209
that they\'re presenting because--
00:20:05.209 --> 00:20:08.626
- Alvin Pouissaint, a professor
of psychology at Harvard
00:20:08.626 --> 00:20:11.083
challenged Murray in
debates at universities
00:20:11.083 --> 00:20:13.334
around the country.
00:20:13.334 --> 00:20:16.667
- Scientifically, they wanted to compare
00:20:16.667 --> 00:20:21.125
so-called genetic differences
between blacks and whites.
00:20:21.125 --> 00:20:24.334
Then they would have to
take a group of white people
00:20:24.334 --> 00:20:26.042
that had similar experiences
00:20:26.042 --> 00:20:28.209
to black Americans here in America.
00:20:28.209 --> 00:20:30.709
That is, they would have to
find a group of white people
00:20:30.709 --> 00:20:33.417
that experienced 250 years of slavery,
00:20:33.417 --> 00:20:35.959
100 years of Jim Crow segregation,
00:20:35.959 --> 00:20:38.417
constant on-going discrimination,
00:20:38.417 --> 00:20:40.542
and let\'s compare their IQs
00:20:40.542 --> 00:20:44.542
and see how they come out on these tests.
00:20:44.542 --> 00:20:46.667
- If you tell people over
and over and over again
00:20:46.667 --> 00:20:48.250
that they are inferior,
00:20:48.250 --> 00:20:50.626
then some of them will
come to believe that
00:20:50.626 --> 00:20:53.000
and then behave accordingly.
00:20:53.000 --> 00:20:56.167
A lotta time that I
spend in things that I do
00:20:56.167 --> 00:21:00.334
is trying to get black
students, parents, children
00:21:01.167 --> 00:21:05.209
to overcome these feelings of inferiority
00:21:05.209 --> 00:21:07.125
that have to stem from this society.
00:21:07.125 --> 00:21:09.000
It\'s not innate, right?
00:21:09.000 --> 00:21:12.334
It\'s not innate or genetic
that you feel inside
00:21:12.334 --> 00:21:13.250
that you are inferior.
00:21:13.250 --> 00:21:15.918
It\'s because messages
that are being sent to you
00:21:15.918 --> 00:21:19.542
from society in all kinds
of overt and subtle ways.
00:21:19.542 --> 00:21:22.542
(tense music)
00:21:22.542 --> 00:21:25.167
- [Narrator] More than 20
years after the Bell Curve,
00:21:25.167 --> 00:21:28.792
pseudo-scientific claims about IQ and race
00:21:28.792 --> 00:21:31.542
continue to generate controversy.
00:21:32.626 --> 00:21:35.709
- The London Science Museum
has canceled a lecture
00:21:35.709 --> 00:21:38.042
by a Nobel Prize winning geneticist
00:21:38.042 --> 00:21:42.584
because of remarks he made
about race and intellect.
00:21:42.584 --> 00:21:45.125
- [Reporter] Dr. James Watson
is quoted as saying he is
00:21:45.125 --> 00:21:48.250
\"inherently gloomy about
the prospect of Africa
00:21:48.250 --> 00:21:50.792
\"because all of our
social policies are based
00:21:50.792 --> 00:21:53.584
\"on the fact that their
intelligence is the same as ours,
00:21:53.584 --> 00:21:56.667
\"whereas all the testing says not really.\"
00:21:56.667 --> 00:21:58.918
Although, his hope is
that everyone is equal,
00:21:58.918 --> 00:22:01.834
quote, \"people who have to
deal with black employees
00:22:01.834 --> 00:22:03.834
\"find this is not true.\"
00:22:09.876 --> 00:22:12.584
(sullen music)
00:22:12.584 --> 00:22:13.959
- [Narrator] Opinions like Watson\'s
00:22:13.959 --> 00:22:16.167
have never been based in science,
00:22:16.167 --> 00:22:18.501
but they\'re even more
discredited in light of evidence
00:22:18.501 --> 00:22:22.250
confirming that there are no
biologically distinct groups
00:22:22.250 --> 00:22:27.083
that we call races to
compare in the first place.
00:22:27.083 --> 00:22:28.626
- There is no genetic definition
00:22:28.626 --> 00:22:31.709
of white or black or Asian or Latino.
00:22:32.542 --> 00:22:35.334
You can\'t actually identify a gene,
00:22:35.334 --> 00:22:37.918
a sequence of DNA, or any component
00:22:37.918 --> 00:22:41.000
that is ubiquitous in
any of those populations.
00:22:41.000 --> 00:22:43.667
There\'s very, very deep
ingrained tradition
00:22:43.667 --> 00:22:46.292
of thinking that there are
distinct categories of humans
00:22:46.292 --> 00:22:50.000
and those categories
have a biological basis,
00:22:50.000 --> 00:22:51.834
but it\'s actually wrong.
00:22:51.834 --> 00:22:54.334
There are tens of
thousands of populations.
00:22:54.334 --> 00:22:58.083
Biological variation
is enormous in humans,
00:22:58.083 --> 00:23:01.501
but it does not group into races.
00:23:01.501 --> 00:23:03.334
So, if you recognize that
00:23:03.334 --> 00:23:05.000
there is no biological basis for race,
00:23:05.000 --> 00:23:06.209
that race is a real social,
00:23:06.209 --> 00:23:08.000
political, and historical reality,
00:23:08.000 --> 00:23:10.375
but it\'s not underpinned by biology,
00:23:10.375 --> 00:23:13.167
then you\'re stuck with a moral dilemma.
00:23:13.167 --> 00:23:15.042
Inequality based on something
00:23:15.042 --> 00:23:17.000
that is not biology is out there,
00:23:17.000 --> 00:23:18.751
so either you do something about it
00:23:18.751 --> 00:23:20.501
or feign ignorance and don\'t.
00:23:20.501 --> 00:23:23.000
(tense music)
00:23:25.167 --> 00:23:28.167
- [Narrator] Race,
poverty, IQ, and genetics
00:23:28.167 --> 00:23:30.751
are coming together in a surprising arena,
00:23:30.751 --> 00:23:34.167
the national crisis of lead poisoning.
00:23:34.167 --> 00:23:35.751
Parents are suing the lead industry
00:23:35.751 --> 00:23:38.000
for the devastating impacts the neurotoxin
00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:39.876
has had on their children.
00:23:39.876 --> 00:23:41.876
The stakes are high.
00:23:41.876 --> 00:23:44.083
To avoid a precedent that
would make them liable
00:23:44.083 --> 00:23:47.083
for billions in damages and cleanup costs,
00:23:47.083 --> 00:23:49.709
the industry is blaming young victims,
00:23:49.709 --> 00:23:52.125
claiming they have bad genes.
00:23:55.626 --> 00:23:58.167
- My law firm has been involved
in representing children
00:23:58.167 --> 00:24:00.792
with lead poisoning for a few decades now
00:24:00.792 --> 00:24:05.000
and never once through this
day has this industry ever
00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:08.751
taken any steps at all to get lead paint
00:24:08.751 --> 00:24:11.918
out of the dwellings where
our children are living today,
00:24:11.918 --> 00:24:14.000
where our children
continue to get poisoned,
00:24:14.000 --> 00:24:17.584
and where they recognized
back in 1957 that children
00:24:17.584 --> 00:24:20.626
were dying and becoming
permanently brain damaged.
00:24:20.626 --> 00:24:23.626
(sullen music)
00:24:23.626 --> 00:24:27.209
- Steven was born here in
Milwaukee in June of 1990.
00:24:27.209 --> 00:24:30.250
Between age one and age three,
00:24:30.250 --> 00:24:33.417
he ingested lead paint in his home,
00:24:33.417 --> 00:24:34.667
which caused him to be poisoned.
00:24:34.667 --> 00:24:38.834
He was poisoned so severely
that he had to be hospitalized.
00:24:38.834 --> 00:24:40.834
- [Narrator] Even after medical treatment,
00:24:40.834 --> 00:24:43.709
Steven suffered permanent brain damage.
00:24:43.709 --> 00:24:46.334
His mother Carol decided
to take legal action
00:24:46.334 --> 00:24:48.584
against those responsible.
00:24:48.584 --> 00:24:50.000
- She fought for this case.
00:24:50.000 --> 00:24:52.000
She wanted the lead pigment industry
00:24:52.000 --> 00:24:53.792
to account for what they did to her child,
00:24:53.792 --> 00:24:56.209
not only because of her
love for her own child,
00:24:56.209 --> 00:25:00.751
but she really was concerned
about all the other children
00:25:00.751 --> 00:25:03.375
who\'d been poisoned by
these manufacturers.
00:25:03.375 --> 00:25:05.959
(sullen music)
00:25:08.292 --> 00:25:10.626
- The industry staked out a defense
00:25:10.626 --> 00:25:13.042
where they blamed the victim.
00:25:14.501 --> 00:25:17.167
They blamed Steven,
they blamed his mother,
00:25:17.167 --> 00:25:18.542
they blamed his family,
00:25:18.542 --> 00:25:21.250
and one of their favorite
defenses in this suit
00:25:21.250 --> 00:25:24.417
was to say, this is genetics.
00:25:24.417 --> 00:25:26.918
(tense music)
00:25:28.375 --> 00:25:29.334
- [Lawyer] Doctor Hebben, would you agree
00:25:29.334 --> 00:25:31.626
you\'re not a neurologist?
00:25:31.626 --> 00:25:33.000
- No, I\'m not a neurologist.
00:25:33.000 --> 00:25:34.083
- [Lawyer] You\'re not a physician?
00:25:34.083 --> 00:25:35.918
- I\'m not a physician.
00:25:35.918 --> 00:25:37.000
- [Lawyer] You\'re not a geneticist?
00:25:37.000 --> 00:25:39.709
- I\'m not a geneticist.
00:25:39.709 --> 00:25:42.042
- There is a neuropsychologist
out of Boston
00:25:42.042 --> 00:25:43.792
whose name is Nancy Hebben,
00:25:43.792 --> 00:25:45.959
and she\'s made her living testifying
00:25:45.959 --> 00:25:50.709
on behalf of the lead industry
and on behalf of landlords
00:25:50.709 --> 00:25:53.709
who are defending lead poisoning cases.
00:25:53.709 --> 00:25:57.375
She would take full
siblings, half siblings,
00:25:59.375 --> 00:26:01.000
cousins, cousins three times removed,
00:26:01.000 --> 00:26:03.542
anybody that they could
find that came within
00:26:03.542 --> 00:26:07.417
any kind of genetic
relationship to Steven at all
00:26:07.417 --> 00:26:09.334
and would scour their report cards.
00:26:09.334 --> 00:26:10.167
- [Lawyer] Medical records.
00:26:10.167 --> 00:26:13.834
- [Fidelma] She would ignore
every A and every B and every C
00:26:13.834 --> 00:26:14.751
on that report card.
00:26:14.751 --> 00:26:16.000
- [Lawyer] Have you seen any evidence--
00:26:16.000 --> 00:26:17.918
- This is Pauline, and we see
00:26:17.918 --> 00:26:19.209
that when she was in ninth grade
00:26:19.209 --> 00:26:20.417
and she had a grade point average
00:26:20.417 --> 00:26:23.083
of 0.0, which is a pretty low F.
00:26:26.375 --> 00:26:29.792
- Hebben failed to mention
that Steven\'s sister Pauline
00:26:29.792 --> 00:26:33.292
wasn\'t able to attend
school regularly that year.
00:26:33.292 --> 00:26:35.417
Hebben simply used any low grades
00:26:35.417 --> 00:26:37.959
and IQ test scores she could find
00:26:37.959 --> 00:26:39.501
to lead the jury to believe
00:26:39.501 --> 00:26:43.834
that the Thomas family was
genetically unintelligent.
00:26:43.834 --> 00:26:46.584
- Jennifer, this is Steven\'s--
00:26:46.584 --> 00:26:47.876
- That was horrible.
00:26:47.876 --> 00:26:48.834
I already had a good idea
00:26:48.834 --> 00:26:50.542
that these people were not my friend,
00:26:50.542 --> 00:26:54.250
but when I got in there, some
of the things they were saying
00:26:54.250 --> 00:26:55.709
was just like so untrue.
00:26:55.709 --> 00:26:59.334
They pulled report cards I
didn\'t even remember I had,
00:26:59.334 --> 00:27:02.167
report cards I forgot all about
00:27:02.167 --> 00:27:04.751
because I have got, I
picked myself back up
00:27:04.751 --> 00:27:06.626
and overcame all of that.
00:27:06.626 --> 00:27:08.792
What did my report card have to do with
00:27:08.792 --> 00:27:12.167
the things you did to my little brother?
00:27:12.167 --> 00:27:14.709
- And she eventually concluded
that it didn\'t really matter
00:27:14.709 --> 00:27:17.959
even if lead had affected Steven
00:27:17.959 --> 00:27:21.918
because he wasn\'t gonna
be anything anyhow.
00:27:21.918 --> 00:27:23.167
- [Narrator] The lead pigment industry
00:27:23.167 --> 00:27:27.292
dragged out the Thomas trial
for more than eight years.
00:27:27.292 --> 00:27:29.876
Carol Thomas was deposed six times.
00:27:29.876 --> 00:27:31.751
- [Interviewer] He\'s never been
exposed to a single product
00:27:31.751 --> 00:27:34.083
made by my people at
Sherwin-Williams, isn\'t that right?
00:27:34.083 --> 00:27:35.209
- I can\'t say.
00:27:35.209 --> 00:27:38.042
- Hour after hour after hour of questions
00:27:38.042 --> 00:27:39.709
designed to humiliate the family,
00:27:39.709 --> 00:27:41.626
designed to intimidate the family
00:27:41.626 --> 00:27:44.375
only because these lawyers
wanna lay the predicates
00:27:44.375 --> 00:27:46.542
for their genetic defense.
00:27:48.334 --> 00:27:49.667
- [Narrator] Carol Thomas never knew
00:27:49.667 --> 00:27:51.876
the outcome of her son\'s case.
00:27:51.876 --> 00:27:55.792
She died of lung cancer
before the trial ended.
00:27:59.834 --> 00:28:01.792
- Unfortunately at the end of the day,
00:28:01.792 --> 00:28:03.876
this phony genetic excuse
00:28:05.751 --> 00:28:08.167
that was invented by the defendants
00:28:08.167 --> 00:28:09.459
resonated with the jury
00:28:09.459 --> 00:28:12.959
and the jury really seemed to be persuaded
00:28:14.042 --> 00:28:16.501
by a lot of the argument that we think
00:28:16.501 --> 00:28:20.292
was completely inappropriate
and completely impermissible.
00:28:20.292 --> 00:28:23.792
- We need to expose the fact
that this is junk science.
00:28:23.792 --> 00:28:26.292
There is no foundation for
this kind of an argument,
00:28:26.292 --> 00:28:29.709
and some day, hopefully,
science will make that clear.
00:28:29.709 --> 00:28:33.834
These are shameful acts of
defense to avoid responsibility.
00:28:35.042 --> 00:28:37.000
- [Narrator] The water
crisis in Flint Michigan
00:28:37.000 --> 00:28:40.042
and other cities reveals
how widespread a problem
00:28:40.042 --> 00:28:42.292
lead remains throughout the country,
00:28:42.292 --> 00:28:44.918
especially in low income neighborhoods.
00:28:44.918 --> 00:28:48.292
Every day, millions of
children are being exposed,
00:28:48.292 --> 00:28:50.626
even though the Centers
for Disease Control
00:28:50.626 --> 00:28:53.417
say there is no safe level of exposure
00:28:53.417 --> 00:28:56.459
to this dangerous neurotoxin.
00:28:56.459 --> 00:28:58.042
Meanwhile, the lead pigment industry
00:28:58.042 --> 00:29:02.250
continues to use the gene defense
as hundreds of these cases
00:29:02.250 --> 00:29:05.667
make their way through the courts.
00:29:05.667 --> 00:29:06.667
- And this is America.
00:29:06.667 --> 00:29:10.125
That is not way that
our society should work.
00:29:10.125 --> 00:29:12.000
This is not the way science should work.
00:29:12.000 --> 00:29:14.876
It allows people to just write off
00:29:14.876 --> 00:29:18.083
and say, these kids don\'t count,
00:29:18.083 --> 00:29:19.375
they shouldn\'t get education,
00:29:19.375 --> 00:29:20.876
they shouldn\'t get opportunities,
00:29:20.876 --> 00:29:23.292
they shouldn\'t be allowed to move ahead
00:29:23.292 --> 00:29:27.459
simply because of who they
are and where they come from.
00:29:28.792 --> 00:29:32.334
- Can you imagine having
an ideology or a worldview
00:29:32.334 --> 00:29:34.959
where you knew as soon
as somebody was born
00:29:34.959 --> 00:29:37.834
what they were gonna be and
what they were gonna be good for
00:29:37.834 --> 00:29:39.542
and whether they should be invested in
00:29:39.542 --> 00:29:41.918
and whether they should
be given an opportunity?
00:29:41.918 --> 00:29:43.417
Nobody in the last century
00:29:43.417 --> 00:29:46.667
who thought that way is lifted up.
00:29:46.667 --> 00:29:48.876
Dr. King was not a Social Darwinist.
00:29:48.876 --> 00:29:51.375
Dr. King believed in a beloved community
00:29:51.375 --> 00:29:54.584
in which people helped each other.
00:29:54.584 --> 00:29:57.125
- [Narrator] Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. called on America
00:29:57.125 --> 00:29:59.584
to live up to its promise of equality
00:29:59.584 --> 00:30:03.375
and many social advocates are
still fighting those battles.
00:30:03.375 --> 00:30:06.334
Equality of condition and
fair and safe housing,
00:30:06.334 --> 00:30:10.042
equality of justice under
the law and equal education,
00:30:10.042 --> 00:30:11.250
and most importantly,
00:30:11.250 --> 00:30:14.584
that every individual is equally valued.
00:30:15.626 --> 00:30:17.417
(tense music)
00:30:17.417 --> 00:30:19.626
But many genetic determinists say
00:30:19.626 --> 00:30:23.542
the solution to inequality
doesn\'t lie in public policy.
00:30:23.542 --> 00:30:26.417
In their view, whole
segments of our population
00:30:26.417 --> 00:30:28.918
are simply genetically inferior,
00:30:28.918 --> 00:30:31.584
so the key to creating
a more equal society
00:30:31.584 --> 00:30:35.584
must lie in eugenics, the
attempt to improve the population
00:30:35.584 --> 00:30:39.751
through genetic engineering
and controlled reproduction.
00:30:42.083 --> 00:30:44.209
- [Reporter] This is the
biomolecular revolution.
00:30:44.209 --> 00:30:47.209
It promises the almost god-like ability
00:30:47.209 --> 00:30:51.042
to manipulate life at the
most fundamental level.
00:30:51.042 --> 00:30:55.083
It will enable us to change
our genetic heritage,
00:30:55.083 --> 00:30:59.209
enhance our abilities, even
shape the evolution of mankind.
00:31:00.792 --> 00:31:04.667
(anticipatory music)
00:31:04.667 --> 00:31:06.959
- A lot of scientists carry with them
00:31:06.959 --> 00:31:10.667
this myth of the gene almost
to its furthest extent,
00:31:10.667 --> 00:31:12.083
that there is a thing called the gene
00:31:12.083 --> 00:31:13.667
and once we understand that,
00:31:13.667 --> 00:31:15.209
we\'re gonna be able to
manipulate it and modify it
00:31:15.209 --> 00:31:17.626
to explain why people are unequal
00:31:17.626 --> 00:31:20.209
and to make some people better.
00:31:21.209 --> 00:31:22.292
- So according to this worldview,
00:31:22.292 --> 00:31:24.000
that\'s where you have to go
00:31:24.000 --> 00:31:26.292
because if you wanna change society,
00:31:26.292 --> 00:31:27.959
you\'ve gotta change the genes.
00:31:27.959 --> 00:31:32.125
That\'s where their worldview
inevitably leads them.
00:31:33.292 --> 00:31:37.209
- The lower 10%, who
really have difficulty
00:31:37.209 --> 00:31:41.375
even in elementary school
-- what\'s the cause of it?
00:31:42.959 --> 00:31:44.250
A lot of people would like to say, oh,
00:31:44.250 --> 00:31:47.334
this was poverty and things like that,
00:31:47.334 --> 00:31:49.125
but it probably isn\'t.
00:31:51.501 --> 00:31:55.667
So, I\'d like to get rid of,
you know, help that lower 10%.
00:31:56.501 --> 00:31:59.000
(tense music)
00:32:01.918 --> 00:32:03.417
- Suppose we have a gene therapy
00:32:03.417 --> 00:32:06.250
which will raise IQs by 15 points,
00:32:07.209 --> 00:32:09.042
I think parents, it\'s
okay if they the right
00:32:09.042 --> 00:32:13.209
to introduce those kinds of
changes in their own children.
00:32:15.083 --> 00:32:19.209
- Molecular genetics has
been area full of promises.
00:32:19.209 --> 00:32:22.542
We were told that this going to allow us
00:32:23.501 --> 00:32:27.417
to design babies any way we want them,
00:32:27.417 --> 00:32:32.167
to decide whether we want
smart kids, tall kids,
00:32:32.167 --> 00:32:34.626
short kids, what have you.
00:32:34.626 --> 00:32:38.334
We now know that it\'s
built on false promises
00:32:39.626 --> 00:32:44.417
because the theory that
gave rise to it is wrong.
00:32:44.417 --> 00:32:47.042
(gentle music)
00:32:47.042 --> 00:32:48.709
- [Narrator] Scientists
have actually shown
00:32:48.709 --> 00:32:53.250
that genetic excuses for
inequality are unscientific,
00:32:53.250 --> 00:32:55.959
but the story hasn\'t been told very often.
00:32:55.959 --> 00:32:59.542
It puts the very notion
of a gene into question
00:32:59.542 --> 00:33:02.709
and reveals that the concept
itself may never have been
00:33:02.709 --> 00:33:06.876
more than a figment of our
collective imagination.
00:33:09.417 --> 00:33:11.834
- The gene was never discovered.
00:33:11.834 --> 00:33:14.667
It was not a discovery that somebody did,
00:33:14.667 --> 00:33:18.792
looked down a microscope and
said, ha, behold the gene.
00:33:18.792 --> 00:33:22.125
Instead of that, the gene was a concept
00:33:22.125 --> 00:33:24.792
and so we can see
throughout the 20th century
00:33:24.792 --> 00:33:29.584
how different discoveries
in science were fitted
00:33:29.584 --> 00:33:33.751
into the box, the pre-made
conceptual box of the gene.
00:33:34.876 --> 00:33:37.459
(gentle music)
00:33:39.709 --> 00:33:42.000
- [Narrator] The Austrian
monk Gregor Mendel
00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:44.000
never knew that his garden experiments
00:33:44.000 --> 00:33:45.000
would eventually be used
00:33:45.000 --> 00:33:48.751
to explain human heredity and behavior.
00:33:48.751 --> 00:33:50.792
His work on sweet peas convinced him
00:33:50.792 --> 00:33:54.000
that plants carried
discreet biological elements
00:33:54.000 --> 00:33:55.834
from one generation to the next
00:33:55.834 --> 00:33:58.542
in a mathematical, predictable way
00:33:58.542 --> 00:34:01.459
and that traits, such
as the color of a flower
00:34:01.459 --> 00:34:05.542
could not be changed by
changing the environment.
00:34:06.709 --> 00:34:08.542
- So, they translated immediately,
00:34:08.542 --> 00:34:11.250
without really having to test it,
00:34:11.250 --> 00:34:13.792
the work on the peas that Mendel had done
00:34:13.792 --> 00:34:16.751
and they just assumed
that the same principle
00:34:16.751 --> 00:34:20.918
would apply in all other
organisms, especially humans.
00:34:22.083 --> 00:34:26.250
It allows you to separate
anything that is biological
00:34:27.250 --> 00:34:30.584
from anything that is
so-called environment
00:34:30.584 --> 00:34:34.876
in such a way that you
are born with instructions
00:34:34.876 --> 00:34:37.125
of who you\'re going to be,
00:34:37.125 --> 00:34:39.626
and there\'s nothing you
can do to change that.
00:34:39.626 --> 00:34:41.876
(dramatic music)
00:34:41.876 --> 00:34:43.959
- The word was coined with the expectation
00:34:43.959 --> 00:34:46.959
that there existed a hereditary unit
00:34:48.000 --> 00:34:51.250
that would have certain properties.
00:34:51.250 --> 00:34:55.292
It was to determine the
traits of an organism.
00:34:55.292 --> 00:34:59.292
It was to pilot life\'s
journey, if you will.
00:34:59.292 --> 00:35:03.250
And the question for the
first half of the 20th century
00:35:03.250 --> 00:35:07.417
was what kind of an entity
would have these properties.
00:35:09.459 --> 00:35:12.751
- The race was on when
very many different labs
00:35:12.751 --> 00:35:16.709
start chasing their own favorite molecule,
00:35:16.709 --> 00:35:19.334
and these biologists and
physicists and chemists
00:35:19.334 --> 00:35:21.834
are all scrambling to come up with some
00:35:21.834 --> 00:35:24.876
physical embodiment of the gene.
00:35:24.876 --> 00:35:27.626
(dramatic music)
00:35:33.751 --> 00:35:36.834
- And in 1953 with Watson and Crick\'s
00:35:37.667 --> 00:35:41.834
identification of the double
helix, a candidate appeared.
00:35:43.209 --> 00:35:45.709
(eerie music)
00:35:48.918 --> 00:35:51.667
- Could this complicated
substance with the long name
00:35:51.667 --> 00:35:55.834
be Mendel\'s particle of
heredity, the gene itself?
00:35:58.125 --> 00:36:01.209
- [Narrator] Watson and
Crick\'s team had focused on DNA
00:36:01.209 --> 00:36:04.209
and they felt they\'d won the race.
00:36:04.209 --> 00:36:07.167
Four chemicals made up the DNA molecule
00:36:07.167 --> 00:36:09.959
and they believed different
sequences of these chemicals
00:36:09.959 --> 00:36:12.292
determined different traits.
00:36:16.292 --> 00:36:18.626
To explain how it all
worked, Francis Crick
00:36:18.626 --> 00:36:22.876
created the famous
central dogma of genetics.
00:36:22.876 --> 00:36:25.709
Crick\'s theory was much
like the chain of command
00:36:25.709 --> 00:36:28.792
in a typical 1950s\' corporation.
00:36:28.792 --> 00:36:32.959
DNA was the gene, the CEO,
in total control of heredity.
00:36:34.334 --> 00:36:37.167
DNA gave orders in the
form of the genetic code
00:36:37.167 --> 00:36:38.792
to middle management.
00:36:38.792 --> 00:36:41.083
RNA transcribed that message
00:36:41.083 --> 00:36:44.125
and passed it on to the
workers the proteins.
00:36:44.125 --> 00:36:46.501
Then the proteins
translated the unique code
00:36:46.501 --> 00:36:49.083
of each living thing and constructed them
00:36:49.083 --> 00:36:51.375
according to the blueprint.
00:36:51.375 --> 00:36:53.918
Under Crick\'s dogma,
more complex organisms,
00:36:53.918 --> 00:36:57.209
like human beings, must
have millions of genes,
00:36:57.209 --> 00:36:59.125
unlike simpler creatures.
00:36:59.125 --> 00:37:01.626
(baby crying)
00:37:02.959 --> 00:37:05.542
- We need to remember
that when Watson, Crick
00:37:05.542 --> 00:37:07.792
presented all this theory,
00:37:07.792 --> 00:37:11.459
they said flat out that
it was a hypothesis.
00:37:12.626 --> 00:37:15.042
There was no evidence for it.
00:37:15.959 --> 00:37:17.584
- [Narrator] Biologist Barry Commoner
00:37:17.584 --> 00:37:20.792
immediately dismissed the central dogma.
00:37:20.792 --> 00:37:24.959
- It offended my sense of the
uniqueness of living things
00:37:26.667 --> 00:37:29.834
because here was a paper that insisted
00:37:32.000 --> 00:37:35.167
that something quite dead, a chemical,
00:37:36.250 --> 00:37:39.667
was the source of the uniqueness of life.
00:37:40.792 --> 00:37:43.626
- That notion of a magical double helix
00:37:43.626 --> 00:37:45.626
mapped so perfectly onto this idea
00:37:45.626 --> 00:37:49.083
that at our core there\'s
a biological unit,
00:37:49.083 --> 00:37:53.000
a thing right there that
I pass to my children,
00:37:53.000 --> 00:37:54.709
that you pass to your children,
00:37:54.709 --> 00:37:57.417
that that thing is
identifiable and knowable
00:37:57.417 --> 00:38:00.459
as a single entity and that entity is DNA.
00:38:00.459 --> 00:38:03.792
That\'s not the case, but
it\'s a powerful metaphor
00:38:03.792 --> 00:38:05.626
and a really good story.
00:38:05.626 --> 00:38:08.375
(dramatic music)
00:38:17.000 --> 00:38:18.542
- Will radically change the way
00:38:18.542 --> 00:38:20.876
we think about ourselves as persons
00:38:20.876 --> 00:38:23.209
and also eventually people in society,
00:38:23.209 --> 00:38:26.209
and I think this is a scientific
revolution that is coming.
00:38:26.209 --> 00:38:29.501
(gentle music)
00:38:29.501 --> 00:38:30.918
- [Narrator] The mythology of the gene
00:38:30.918 --> 00:38:34.751
allowed DNA to be imbued
with more and more power.
00:38:34.751 --> 00:38:36.876
Some scientists believed
it was the mechanism
00:38:36.876 --> 00:38:38.626
they\'d been looking for to explain
00:38:38.626 --> 00:38:43.083
Charles Darwin\'s theory of
evolution by natural selection.
00:38:43.083 --> 00:38:45.584
Random mutations in DNA sequences
00:38:45.584 --> 00:38:48.083
could be the source of changes in traits
00:38:48.083 --> 00:38:50.667
that made some organisms
better able to adapt,
00:38:50.667 --> 00:38:54.834
survive, and pass those traits
on to the next generation.
00:38:56.542 --> 00:38:59.876
By the 1980s, the gene
myth reached its pinnacle
00:38:59.876 --> 00:39:01.709
when Richard Dawkins introduced
00:39:01.709 --> 00:39:04.125
the concept of the selfish gene.
00:39:05.083 --> 00:39:08.918
This popular theory puts
genes in charge of us,
00:39:08.918 --> 00:39:12.834
body and mind, using us
as temporary vehicles
00:39:12.834 --> 00:39:15.834
in their selfish pursuit to survive.
00:39:18.459 --> 00:39:21.083
- I was wanting to conjure
up in the mind of the reader
00:39:21.083 --> 00:39:23.751
the image of the organism,
including ourselves,
00:39:23.751 --> 00:39:26.083
as a machine for passing on genes.
00:39:26.083 --> 00:39:28.334
I wanted to shift the focus away from
00:39:28.334 --> 00:39:31.250
the idea of the organism as being the,
00:39:31.250 --> 00:39:35.542
the agent in life to
the immortal replicator,
00:39:35.542 --> 00:39:36.375
which is the gene
00:39:36.375 --> 00:39:37.709
because that was the logic
of natural selection,
00:39:37.709 --> 00:39:40.959
that is the logic of natural selection.
00:39:42.125 --> 00:39:43.292
- [Narrator] But the notion that DNA
00:39:43.292 --> 00:39:46.042
held the secret of heredity
was seriously challenged
00:39:46.042 --> 00:39:49.792
when scientists found that
only 2% of DNA sequences
00:39:49.792 --> 00:39:52.876
were associated with creating proteins.
00:39:52.876 --> 00:39:56.709
The majority of DNA appeared
to have no purpose at all.
00:39:56.709 --> 00:40:00.876
So, they referred to the
remaining 98% as junk DNA.
00:40:01.709 --> 00:40:05.876
How could only 2% of a molecule
hold the blueprint for life?
00:40:09.000 --> 00:40:11.459
The discovery came at
an inconvenient time.
00:40:11.459 --> 00:40:14.918
University and government
labs had gone molecular,
00:40:14.918 --> 00:40:18.000
spending millions on DNA research.
00:40:18.000 --> 00:40:20.417
Rapid developments in
sequencing technology
00:40:20.417 --> 00:40:24.209
laid the ground for
the supreme gene dream,
00:40:24.209 --> 00:40:27.250
to construct a map of the
entirety of human DNA,
00:40:27.250 --> 00:40:31.292
junk and all, the Human Genome Project.
00:40:31.292 --> 00:40:34.584
- [Reporter] Locating the 100,000 genes
00:40:34.584 --> 00:40:37.042
that are blueprints for humanity.
00:40:37.042 --> 00:40:39.626
- [Reporter] The Genome Project
and this effort to identify
00:40:39.626 --> 00:40:42.751
the 100,000 genes that
make us what we are--
00:40:42.751 --> 00:40:45.626
- [Narrator] Dr. Francis
Collins directed the project,
00:40:45.626 --> 00:40:47.459
coordinating thousands of university
00:40:47.459 --> 00:40:50.584
and government labs that participated.
00:40:50.584 --> 00:40:53.459
- This, in fact, eclipses
splitting the atom
00:40:53.459 --> 00:40:54.834
or going to the moon.
00:40:54.834 --> 00:40:57.501
This is an adventure into ourselves.
00:40:57.501 --> 00:41:01.667
We\'re embarked on this effort
to read our own blueprint.
00:41:07.250 --> 00:41:08.792
(tense music)
00:41:08.792 --> 00:41:11.876
- The purpose of the
project was to find out
00:41:11.876 --> 00:41:14.459
all about human genetic structure
00:41:15.626 --> 00:41:18.792
and as a consequence, we\'d
know all about health,
00:41:18.792 --> 00:41:21.209
but within a very short
time it became clear
00:41:21.209 --> 00:41:23.125
that crime and alcoholism
00:41:23.125 --> 00:41:26.125
and intelligence were on the agenda.
00:41:29.959 --> 00:41:31.250
- [Interviewer] How far are we
00:41:31.250 --> 00:41:35.709
from discovering the genetic
causes of human nature?
00:41:35.709 --> 00:41:37.375
- Very close.
00:41:37.375 --> 00:41:40.542
What it\'s going to do is to blow apart
00:41:41.459 --> 00:41:45.959
a lot of the egalitarian
dogma that we have now.
00:41:45.959 --> 00:41:49.250
That whole way of looking
at the world has to change.
00:41:49.250 --> 00:41:52.626
(somber music)
00:41:52.626 --> 00:41:54.584
- [Narrator] Hype about the Genome Project
00:41:54.584 --> 00:41:56.709
also excited private investors.
00:41:56.709 --> 00:41:59.125
Scientist J. Craig Venter attracted
00:41:59.125 --> 00:42:02.042
billions in venture capital
when he began his own effort
00:42:02.042 --> 00:42:03.918
to map the human genome
00:42:03.918 --> 00:42:06.542
and became the government\'s
heated competitor.
00:42:06.542 --> 00:42:08.375
A race was on to stake claims
00:42:08.375 --> 00:42:11.083
on virtually any stretch of DNA
00:42:11.083 --> 00:42:15.000
with the promise of
profitable patents on genes.
00:42:15.000 --> 00:42:16.501
- [Reporter] Think of the possibilities.
00:42:16.501 --> 00:42:17.542
Think of the profits.
00:42:17.542 --> 00:42:20.000
A lot of people are, the 300 companies
00:42:20.000 --> 00:42:24.083
already in billion-dollar
biotechnology business.
00:42:25.000 --> 00:42:26.709
(cheerful music)
00:42:26.709 --> 00:42:28.626
(indistinct yelling)
00:42:28.626 --> 00:42:32.542
- The Human Genome Project
reaches this incredible climax
00:42:32.542 --> 00:42:35.250
on the cusp of the millennium,
and that, of course,
00:42:35.250 --> 00:42:38.542
is metaphorically incredibly significant
00:42:38.542 --> 00:42:42.709
because this idea that this
whole vast new area of knowledge
00:42:44.209 --> 00:42:48.792
and what becomes available
just at this historic moment
00:42:48.792 --> 00:42:52.542
as one moves from one
millennium to the next.
00:42:54.459 --> 00:42:57.501
- [Reporter] Today\'s main
story is a story for the ages
00:42:57.501 --> 00:43:01.709
that will affect the lives
of every human being.
00:43:01.709 --> 00:43:04.042
- Without a doubt, this
is the most important,
00:43:04.042 --> 00:43:07.876
most wondrous map ever
produced by humankind.
00:43:07.876 --> 00:43:09.417
00:43:09.417 --> 00:43:12.000
- [James] And so, we
have this great publicity
00:43:12.000 --> 00:43:14.209
and this big press conference,
00:43:14.209 --> 00:43:18.918
and there was this great,
enormous sense of optimism.
00:43:18.918 --> 00:43:21.250
- It is humbling for me and awe-inspiring
00:43:21.250 --> 00:43:23.375
to realize that we have
caught the first glimpse
00:43:23.375 --> 00:43:25.417
of our own instruction book
00:43:25.417 --> 00:43:27.709
previously known only to God.
00:43:27.709 --> 00:43:30.459
(ethereal music)
00:43:34.417 --> 00:43:37.042
- [Narrator] Scientists
began delving into their data
00:43:37.042 --> 00:43:38.709
searching for genes.
00:43:41.709 --> 00:43:43.876
- And there\'s big scientific news today.
00:43:43.876 --> 00:43:46.584
If your DNA is the book of who you are,
00:43:46.584 --> 00:43:49.501
it turns out to be
closer to a short story.
00:43:49.501 --> 00:43:52.250
New studies suggest that
some past assumptions
00:43:52.250 --> 00:43:55.542
about our genetic makeup were off base.
00:43:55.542 --> 00:43:58.125
(anticipatory music)
00:43:58.125 --> 00:44:00.459
- As soon as they
cracked the human genome,
00:44:00.459 --> 00:44:02.209
immediately, it\'s obvious that there is
00:44:02.209 --> 00:44:05.292
some very anomalous things about it.
00:44:05.292 --> 00:44:08.000
- One of the people who was instrumental
00:44:08.000 --> 00:44:12.167
in working out the genome
is quoted as having said
00:44:13.042 --> 00:44:17.209
that we don\'t know shit
about how the genome works.
00:44:18.584 --> 00:44:20.209
- Our understanding of the human genome
00:44:20.209 --> 00:44:23.542
has changed in the most fundamental ways.
00:44:23.542 --> 00:44:26.209
The small number genes supports the notion
00:44:26.209 --> 00:44:29.125
that we\'re not hardwired.
00:44:30.125 --> 00:44:31.375
- [Interviewer] Dr.
Collins, were you surprised
00:44:31.375 --> 00:44:34.751
at the relatively small number
of human genes that we carry?
00:44:34.751 --> 00:44:35.918
- I certainly was.
00:44:35.918 --> 00:44:37.334
I was one of those that expected
00:44:37.334 --> 00:44:40.083
the count to be around
100,000 and what do you know,
00:44:40.083 --> 00:44:42.083
we turn out to have, oh, slightly less
00:44:42.083 --> 00:44:46.042
than twice as many genes as
a roundworm or a fruit fly.
00:44:46.042 --> 00:44:48.250
Oh well, I guess we\'re still complicated
00:44:48.250 --> 00:44:52.417
and that complication must
come from other features.
00:44:53.584 --> 00:44:55.501
- [Narrator] Francis
Collins didn\'t elaborate
00:44:55.501 --> 00:44:59.167
on what he meant by other features.
00:44:59.167 --> 00:45:00.918
He was faced with the shocking evidence
00:45:00.918 --> 00:45:03.709
that human beings had fewer than 20,000
00:45:03.709 --> 00:45:08.292
of these important DNA
sequences called genes,
00:45:08.292 --> 00:45:11.834
not too different than the humble housefly
00:45:11.834 --> 00:45:16.417
and less than a tomato,
which had over 30,000.
00:45:16.417 --> 00:45:20.667
Pinot noir grapes and
rabbits had twice as many,
00:45:20.667 --> 00:45:23.375
and wheat had five times as many.
00:45:24.792 --> 00:45:27.959
- So, this was sort of like,
Houston, we have a problem
00:45:27.959 --> 00:45:30.459
because if these sequences of DNA
00:45:30.459 --> 00:45:31.918
that they were calling genes
00:45:31.918 --> 00:45:34.459
were really the
Mendelian-like determinates
00:45:34.459 --> 00:45:37.417
of all of our traits and
all of our complexity,
00:45:37.417 --> 00:45:39.542
we would, of course, have
to have a lot more of them
00:45:39.542 --> 00:45:41.876
than much simpler creatures.
00:45:43.959 --> 00:45:45.459
- [Narrator] Not only
does simpler creatures
00:45:45.459 --> 00:45:49.375
often have more of these
important DNA sequences,
00:45:49.375 --> 00:45:54.167
the sequences themselves
are basically the same,
00:45:54.167 --> 00:45:58.334
50% the same as bananas, 70%
the same as a sea urchin,
00:46:00.250 --> 00:46:03.918
and we share virtually all
of our sequences with mice.
00:46:03.918 --> 00:46:05.083
(mouse squeaks)
00:46:05.083 --> 00:46:05.918
- I mean, mice are very nice
00:46:05.918 --> 00:46:09.000
but they certainly don\'t write
novels or compose symphonies,
00:46:09.000 --> 00:46:13.125
so it couldn\'t be that
small difference in DNA
00:46:13.125 --> 00:46:17.167
that creates the enormous
differences in physiology,
00:46:17.167 --> 00:46:20.042
in behavior, and development
00:46:20.042 --> 00:46:21.709
between a human being and a banana
00:46:21.709 --> 00:46:23.083
or a human being and sea urchin
00:46:23.083 --> 00:46:25.375
or a human being and a mouse.
00:46:25.375 --> 00:46:27.459
So, at that moment, we really see
00:46:27.459 --> 00:46:30.792
this 50-year sort of delusion shattered.
00:46:30.792 --> 00:46:32.501
(dramatic music)
00:46:32.501 --> 00:46:33.918
- [Narrator] And if DNA can\'t account
00:46:33.918 --> 00:46:35.959
for the differences between organisms,
00:46:35.959 --> 00:46:40.125
how can it be the mechanism of
Darwin\'s evolutionary theory?
00:46:40.125 --> 00:46:43.417
- Up until very recently,
there is an evolutionary story
00:46:43.417 --> 00:46:46.209
about natural selection acting
on random mutation of genes.
00:46:46.209 --> 00:46:48.083
Which genes, what are they?
00:46:48.083 --> 00:46:50.876
Tell us, you know, I\'d be
very interested to know.
00:46:50.876 --> 00:46:55.125
So, they\'re really,
they\'re really in trouble.
00:46:55.125 --> 00:46:55.918
- [Narrator] In the years since
00:46:55.918 --> 00:46:57.918
the conclusion of the genome project,
00:46:57.918 --> 00:46:59.375
scientists have been reeling
00:46:59.375 --> 00:47:02.709
from the downfall of
their long-held gene myth.
00:47:02.709 --> 00:47:04.417
Behind the scenes, it\'s clear
00:47:04.417 --> 00:47:07.751
they can\'t even agree on what a gene is.
00:47:10.000 --> 00:47:11.042
- What\'s the gene these days?
00:47:11.042 --> 00:47:14.584
Ha ha ha, I think a
gene is like art, right?
00:47:14.584 --> 00:47:16.667
It\'s up to your interpretation.
00:47:16.667 --> 00:47:18.042
- You\'ll ask 10 different people
00:47:18.042 --> 00:47:20.959
and they\'ll describe it differently.
00:47:20.959 --> 00:47:22.334
- There\'s gonna be debate
00:47:22.334 --> 00:47:25.626
about what a gene is, probably forever.
00:47:25.626 --> 00:47:28.459
- When people talk about this
problem of defining a gene,
00:47:28.459 --> 00:47:30.250
there\'s some hand wringing that goes on
00:47:30.250 --> 00:47:31.459
about, oh my gosh,
00:47:31.459 --> 00:47:33.334
the whole science of
genetics is in trouble.
00:47:33.334 --> 00:47:35.292
Not at all, it\'s only when you try to do
00:47:35.292 --> 00:47:39.667
the Webster\'s dictionary
thing that you get in trouble.
00:47:39.667 --> 00:47:41.292
(playful music)
00:47:41.292 --> 00:47:43.083
- So in a sense, what one has found
00:47:43.083 --> 00:47:45.000
with the Human Genome Project
00:47:45.000 --> 00:47:49.626
is the exact reverse of
that which was anticipated.
00:47:49.626 --> 00:47:52.042
It was going to make everything clear.
00:47:52.042 --> 00:47:54.876
In fact, this was not the Holy Grail.
00:47:54.876 --> 00:47:57.626
This was not the bible of who we are,
00:47:57.626 --> 00:48:00.834
that you only had to read
it and understand things.
00:48:00.834 --> 00:48:03.667
It only highlights how incredibly,
00:48:05.542 --> 00:48:08.792
incredibly complex biology is.
00:48:08.792 --> 00:48:11.375
(gentle music)
00:48:13.209 --> 00:48:16.626
- Strictly speaking, the
DNA doesn\'t act at all.
00:48:16.626 --> 00:48:17.959
The DNA is inert.
00:48:17.959 --> 00:48:20.709
The DNA has to be acted upon.
00:48:20.709 --> 00:48:22.250
It doesn\'t replicate itself.
00:48:22.250 --> 00:48:26.667
It has to be uncurled in order
to be able to be expressed.
00:48:26.667 --> 00:48:30.626
There are a zillion agents around the cell
00:48:30.626 --> 00:48:34.626
that are operating on this
quite passive but stable
00:48:36.918 --> 00:48:38.000
piece of DNA.
00:48:41.375 --> 00:48:44.501
And what\'s so exciting about
the present moment in biology
00:48:44.501 --> 00:48:48.375
has been looking at the cell as a system
00:48:48.375 --> 00:48:52.918
in which there are many
actors and many components,
00:48:52.918 --> 00:48:55.042
that DNA is an absolutely critical one,
00:48:55.042 --> 00:48:58.626
but it\'s not the orchestra leader,
00:48:58.626 --> 00:49:00.083
it\'s not the whole orchestra.
00:49:00.083 --> 00:49:01.667
It\'s one component.
00:49:02.667 --> 00:49:05.375
(tense music)
00:49:05.375 --> 00:49:07.709
- [Narrator] While DNA
isn\'t the master molecule
00:49:07.709 --> 00:49:09.501
that biologists imagined,
00:49:09.501 --> 00:49:11.792
it is a critical molecule in the cell
00:49:11.792 --> 00:49:15.792
that the organism uses in
the production of proteins.
00:49:15.792 --> 00:49:18.918
DNA is also a sort of
cellular fingerprint.
00:49:18.918 --> 00:49:20.542
Certain sequences are unique enough
00:49:20.542 --> 00:49:23.375
that people who have been
wrongly convicted of a crime
00:49:23.375 --> 00:49:25.584
can be exonerated.
00:49:25.584 --> 00:49:27.918
And we can often match pieces of our DNA
00:49:27.918 --> 00:49:29.709
with family members,
00:49:29.709 --> 00:49:34.250
but DNA doesn\'t determine
our physical traits.
00:49:34.250 --> 00:49:37.751
- I don\'t think we\'ll
ever be able to predict
00:49:37.751 --> 00:49:41.000
who\'s gonna look similar and who isn\'t.
00:49:42.042 --> 00:49:45.209
We can have two children
of the same parents
00:49:45.209 --> 00:49:48.209
and they can look vastly different,
00:49:48.209 --> 00:49:51.709
but they can also look very similar.
00:49:51.709 --> 00:49:53.167
- [Narrator] And although we continue
00:49:53.167 --> 00:49:55.375
to hear that heredity plays a major role
00:49:55.375 --> 00:49:57.792
in determining our personalities,
00:49:57.792 --> 00:50:02.375
these claims have never been
based in molecular biology.
00:50:02.375 --> 00:50:05.584
They\'re based on conclusions
of psychological studies,
00:50:05.584 --> 00:50:07.792
primarily of twins.
00:50:07.792 --> 00:50:10.459
When researchers
interview identical twins,
00:50:10.459 --> 00:50:14.000
they often find more similarities
in behavior and talent
00:50:14.000 --> 00:50:16.542
than they find in fraternal twins,
00:50:16.542 --> 00:50:20.042
and they assume that the
reason is biological,
00:50:20.042 --> 00:50:24.083
but psychologist Jay
Joseph says this assumption
00:50:24.083 --> 00:50:28.083
is at the heart of the
problem with twin studies.
00:50:28.083 --> 00:50:29.501
- Twin studies have been used frequently
00:50:29.501 --> 00:50:32.250
to argue the point of genetic determinism,
00:50:32.250 --> 00:50:33.834
and there\'s a theoretical assumption
00:50:33.834 --> 00:50:35.000
underlying the twin method,
00:50:35.000 --> 00:50:36.667
which is that the environments
00:50:36.667 --> 00:50:39.792
of identical and fraternal
twins are the same,
00:50:39.792 --> 00:50:42.501
that identical twins are not more similar
00:50:42.501 --> 00:50:45.459
because their environment is more similar,
00:50:45.459 --> 00:50:47.417
but this assumption is false.
00:50:47.417 --> 00:50:49.542
They look alike, they\'re
treated more alike.
00:50:49.542 --> 00:50:51.709
They\'re socialized to be more similar.
00:50:51.709 --> 00:50:54.125
They have a much stronger emotional bond
00:50:54.125 --> 00:50:56.751
and connection with each
other than fraternal twins.
00:50:56.751 --> 00:50:58.626
They\'re much more likely to see themselves
00:50:58.626 --> 00:51:00.542
as two halves of the same whole.
00:51:00.542 --> 00:51:04.167
So, it\'s very natural that
they would be more alike
00:51:04.167 --> 00:51:07.709
in their behavior and
abilities than fraternal twins
00:51:07.709 --> 00:51:11.626
for reasons having nothing
to do with genetics.
00:51:12.584 --> 00:51:14.459
- [Narrator] For those who
claim that it\'s worthwhile
00:51:14.459 --> 00:51:17.000
to continue to search
for a biological basis
00:51:17.000 --> 00:51:19.667
to our personalities and abilities,
00:51:19.667 --> 00:51:23.417
the burden of proof
remains in their hands.
00:51:23.417 --> 00:51:26.083
Not only do they face the
dynamic complex nature
00:51:26.083 --> 00:51:30.334
of our biology but also the
infinitely dynamic reality
00:51:30.334 --> 00:51:34.501
of how each of us develops
individually as human beings,
00:51:34.501 --> 00:51:37.209
how we interact with
our families and others
00:51:37.209 --> 00:51:39.083
to create a society,
00:51:39.083 --> 00:51:42.375
and how our society feeds
back and influences us
00:51:42.375 --> 00:51:44.125
throughout our lives.
00:51:47.209 --> 00:51:51.125
- When this kind of interaction
and this kind of complexity
00:51:51.125 --> 00:51:53.959
plays itself out before we are born
00:51:53.959 --> 00:51:57.626
and goes right on after we are born.
00:51:57.626 --> 00:52:01.334
I mean, where we live, how we live,
00:52:01.334 --> 00:52:04.250
how active we are, what
our opportunities are
00:52:04.250 --> 00:52:06.375
as children, as grownups,
00:52:06.375 --> 00:52:09.459
our education, our parents\' marriage,
00:52:10.959 --> 00:52:15.000
all of this is involved
in shaping who we are
00:52:15.000 --> 00:52:19.167
in complicated, interactive,
and unpredictable ways,
00:52:21.000 --> 00:52:23.501
and people change over time.
00:52:23.501 --> 00:52:26.626
I think we have to face the
fact that we are complicated,
00:52:26.626 --> 00:52:30.626
as are all organisms, and
that you can\'t predict
00:52:31.501 --> 00:52:34.751
behavior on the basis of biology
00:52:34.751 --> 00:52:38.918
or on the basis of simple,
single environmental reasons.
00:52:42.042 --> 00:52:44.000
(gentle music)
00:52:44.000 --> 00:52:45.501
(baby cooing)
00:52:45.501 --> 00:52:48.792
- That is huge, huge implications
00:52:48.792 --> 00:52:50.667
in terms of political economics.
00:52:50.667 --> 00:52:54.834
It suggests that if you get
the childhood history right,
00:52:54.834 --> 00:52:58.918
if you get the society
right, people will thrive.
00:52:59.792 --> 00:53:01.918
For a long time, you know,
people like Charles Murray
00:53:01.918 --> 00:53:06.125
propounded this view of
why society\'s like it is
00:53:06.125 --> 00:53:10.250
and the Human Genome Project
has proved that they are wrong.
00:53:11.918 --> 00:53:14.501
(gentle music)
00:53:17.751 --> 00:53:19.751
- [Narrator] So, we now know that the gene
00:53:19.751 --> 00:53:24.459
is not a biological reality,
but rather an abstract concept
00:53:24.459 --> 00:53:27.918
scientists mistakenly placed on DNA.
00:53:27.918 --> 00:53:29.751
The long-held belief
that there\'s a discreet
00:53:29.751 --> 00:53:33.125
unit of heredity can no longer hold.
00:53:33.125 --> 00:53:35.417
Heredity is still a mystery, a complex,
00:53:35.417 --> 00:53:39.918
unpredictable process
not controlled by DNA.
00:53:39.918 --> 00:53:41.459
- Getting ready to hit
the bars and the clubs--
00:53:41.459 --> 00:53:42.876
- [Narrator] Though it may be a while
00:53:42.876 --> 00:53:45.959
before textbooks and the media catch up.
00:53:45.959 --> 00:53:47.542
- [Tony] Researchers at
a genetic testing firm
00:53:47.542 --> 00:53:51.334
say that one gene can predict
your child\'s athletic ability.
00:53:51.334 --> 00:53:54.459
- We\'ve established that
this is not about science.
00:53:54.459 --> 00:53:57.834
This is about PR, this is about buzzwords,
00:53:57.834 --> 00:54:01.334
this is about keeping a paradigm going
00:54:01.334 --> 00:54:04.834
that doesn\'t seem to want to go away.
00:54:04.834 --> 00:54:07.167
(dramatic music)
00:54:07.167 --> 00:54:08.501
- We still see scientists convincing
00:54:08.501 --> 00:54:10.167
public and private investors to spend
00:54:10.167 --> 00:54:11.584
tens of billions of dollars,
00:54:11.584 --> 00:54:16.042
not only looking for genes for
intelligence or alcoholism,
00:54:16.042 --> 00:54:19.918
but saying, then we can
develop drugs or gene therapies
00:54:19.918 --> 00:54:21.626
that will cure those problems
00:54:21.626 --> 00:54:23.250
or perhaps increase intelligence
00:54:23.250 --> 00:54:26.834
and whoever does that is
gonna be making billions.
00:54:26.834 --> 00:54:30.000
- It\'s been called the scientific
breakthrough of the year.
00:54:30.000 --> 00:54:34.751
It\'s all about a way of
editing genes known as CRISPR.
00:54:34.751 --> 00:54:37.751
- If we say that there is a gene
00:54:37.751 --> 00:54:40.375
that can make somebody brighter
00:54:40.375 --> 00:54:42.542
or a gene for criminality,
00:54:44.751 --> 00:54:48.918
that gives the illusion
that you could deal with it
00:54:50.083 --> 00:54:53.000
by identifying that gene and either
00:54:54.209 --> 00:54:58.375
predicting it in embryos or
fetuses and not let them be born
00:55:01.375 --> 00:55:05.542
or maybe find treatment
with so-called gene therapy.
00:55:07.792 --> 00:55:09.792
- They predict that about
1% of the population
00:55:09.792 --> 00:55:12.501
has these violence or bad behavior genes,
00:55:12.501 --> 00:55:13.751
which is fascinating.
00:55:13.751 --> 00:55:14.918
The real goal, according to the doctors
00:55:14.918 --> 00:55:16.334
that we spoke with about this
00:55:16.334 --> 00:55:18.167
is to eventually develop treatments
00:55:18.167 --> 00:55:21.542
to counteract those genes
and get rid of violence.
00:55:21.542 --> 00:55:23.626
Really interesting stuff.
00:55:24.709 --> 00:55:25.834
- Now, we know because of the science,
00:55:25.834 --> 00:55:27.626
that\'s just not gonna work,
00:55:27.626 --> 00:55:30.459
but what concerns me is
even the attempt to do so
00:55:30.459 --> 00:55:33.626
would mean genetically
engineering human biology
00:55:33.626 --> 00:55:34.918
in a state of ignorance,
00:55:34.918 --> 00:55:37.250
not knowing really what you\'re changing,
00:55:37.250 --> 00:55:38.584
so they won\'t be successful
00:55:38.584 --> 00:55:40.918
in making a more intelligent child,
00:55:40.918 --> 00:55:43.209
but they could do a lot
of damage on the way.
00:55:43.209 --> 00:55:46.042
00:55:46.042 --> 00:55:48.626
- I sense the tide has changed.
00:55:50.292 --> 00:55:54.626
Genetic manipulation will
be more and more accepted.
00:55:54.626 --> 00:55:57.959
Our people say, well, we\'re playing god.
00:55:59.667 --> 00:56:02.167
I have a straightforward answer,
00:56:02.167 --> 00:56:04.751
if we don\'t play god, who will?
00:56:09.876 --> 00:56:12.000
(gentle music)
00:56:12.000 --> 00:56:14.709
- [Narrator] The demise of
the gene clearly isn\'t enough
00:56:14.709 --> 00:56:18.876
to deter Watson and others
from fantasies of playing god.
00:56:20.083 --> 00:56:22.918
The question is, will they
ignore the tragic lessons
00:56:22.918 --> 00:56:26.334
of the past century when pseudoscience
00:56:26.334 --> 00:56:28.501
claimed the minds of many Americans
00:56:28.501 --> 00:56:30.959
and state governments stripped generations
00:56:30.959 --> 00:56:33.250
of their most fundamental rights,
00:56:33.250 --> 00:56:37.417
contributing to the greatest
crime of the 20th century.
00:56:41.292 --> 00:56:42.125
00:56:42.125 --> 00:56:42.959
- Now.
00:56:43.918 --> 00:56:48.083
Okay, this is Lauren\'s
first plane ride right here.
00:56:50.042 --> 00:56:53.375
We was raised in a very
rural area of North Carolina
00:56:53.375 --> 00:56:56.292
where there was hardly jobs or any work
00:56:56.292 --> 00:57:00.876
and the only form of work
that was there was farming.
00:57:00.876 --> 00:57:02.667
We used to go in to pick cotton
00:57:02.667 --> 00:57:05.959
or potatoes or beans or something like.
00:57:05.959 --> 00:57:08.375
Instead of us being in school,
00:57:08.375 --> 00:57:11.375
sometimes we had to be in the field.
00:57:12.250 --> 00:57:14.834
I remember, my hair was unkept.
00:57:15.918 --> 00:57:18.876
I used to wear the same
thing over and over and over
00:57:18.876 --> 00:57:21.334
to school at least three times a week.
00:57:21.334 --> 00:57:24.250
I was really an unkept little girl.
00:57:25.667 --> 00:57:27.042
- [Narrator] Like many people growing up
00:57:27.042 --> 00:57:30.125
in North Carolina in the \'50s and \'60s,
00:57:30.125 --> 00:57:32.792
Elaine Riddick Jessie never
had the real opportunities
00:57:32.792 --> 00:57:36.167
she\'d been guaranteed
as an American citizen.
00:57:36.167 --> 00:57:38.417
Her fate was bound up with a state built
00:57:38.417 --> 00:57:42.167
on a system of segregation
and Jim Crow laws.
00:57:44.042 --> 00:57:47.042
The Winfall community
suffered an extreme poverty.
00:57:47.042 --> 00:57:49.918
Elaine watched her parents\'
marriage fall apart,
00:57:49.918 --> 00:57:51.501
eventually leading social workers
00:57:51.501 --> 00:57:55.250
to send her to live with her grandmother.
00:57:55.250 --> 00:57:58.918
Then Elaine\'s life took
another tragic turn.
00:58:00.292 --> 00:58:02.375
- I was a victim of rape.
00:58:03.250 --> 00:58:06.626
I was molested when I was 13 years old,
00:58:06.626 --> 00:58:09.626
and the guy that raped me told me
00:58:09.626 --> 00:58:13.667
if I told anybody that
he was gonna kill me.
00:58:13.667 --> 00:58:16.584
So, I had to keep it to myself.
00:58:16.584 --> 00:58:19.584
(somber music)
00:58:19.584 --> 00:58:21.125
- [Narrator] Eventually,
the social worker noticed
00:58:21.125 --> 00:58:24.834
that Elaine was pregnant,
assumed that she was promiscuous,
00:58:24.834 --> 00:58:26.792
and recommended that Elaine be examined
00:58:26.792 --> 00:58:28.876
the state Eugenics Board.
00:58:29.751 --> 00:58:32.667
- The Eugenics Board
was a board of five men
00:58:32.667 --> 00:58:33.792
that sat around a table,
00:58:33.792 --> 00:58:35.876
and of course, they were white men too.
00:58:35.876 --> 00:58:38.751
They sat around a table and
they just marked the paper
00:58:38.751 --> 00:58:40.918
anybody that the social worker
00:58:40.918 --> 00:58:45.042
would deem feebleminded or
slow or havin\' a problem.
00:58:47.792 --> 00:58:49.584
This social worker would come in and say,
00:58:49.584 --> 00:58:51.667
I want this person sterilized,
00:58:51.667 --> 00:58:55.417
and boom, they stamped it and that was it.
00:58:55.417 --> 00:58:56.417
- [Narrator] The Board was presented
00:58:56.417 --> 00:58:58.709
with an evaluation from the social worker
00:58:58.709 --> 00:59:01.834
who insisted that there
was no hope for Elaine,
00:59:01.834 --> 00:59:03.918
that she got along poorly
with other children,
00:59:03.918 --> 00:59:08.584
and that an IQ test showed
that she was feebleminded.
00:59:08.584 --> 00:59:11.250
- No one asked me, what\'s wrong?
00:59:12.584 --> 00:59:14.501
Can I help you?
00:59:14.501 --> 00:59:16.250
Are you hungry?
00:59:16.250 --> 00:59:17.334
Are you cold?
00:59:18.167 --> 00:59:20.167
Maybe I\'m sick.
00:59:20.167 --> 00:59:24.334
No one took the time to find
out what was the problem.
00:59:25.876 --> 00:59:27.209
- [Narrator] Elaine discovered the Board
00:59:27.209 --> 00:59:30.042
had completely ignored another evaluation
00:59:30.042 --> 00:59:32.125
they received by a psychologist
00:59:32.125 --> 00:59:35.292
who said her chief problem
was her environment.
00:59:35.292 --> 00:59:38.125
She was doing above average work in school
00:59:38.125 --> 00:59:40.751
and any difficulties she had
getting along with others
00:59:40.751 --> 00:59:41.959
was likely due to the fact
00:59:41.959 --> 00:59:44.792
that she was always being
bullied by other students
00:59:44.792 --> 00:59:46.876
and was generally hungry.
00:59:48.083 --> 00:59:52.250
The Board favored the social
worker\'s recommendation.
00:59:53.459 --> 00:59:57.626
- I had my son and I woke up in bandages,
00:59:57.626 --> 00:59:59.959
not knowin\' what it was for.
01:00:01.250 --> 01:00:03.459
They went inside of me and sterilized me
01:00:03.459 --> 01:00:05.125
without my knowledge
01:00:06.125 --> 01:00:10.292
because I was black, poor,
and my mother was in a prison,
01:00:11.918 --> 01:00:14.667
my dad was runnin\' around,
he was an alcoholic,
01:00:14.667 --> 01:00:15.834
my mother was an alcoholic,
01:00:15.834 --> 01:00:17.792
so they automatically assumed
01:00:17.792 --> 01:00:19.751
that I was gonna become an alcoholic
01:00:19.751 --> 01:00:22.501
and then without even my son as a baby,
01:00:22.501 --> 01:00:25.792
automatically assumin\' that
he was a third generation
01:00:25.792 --> 01:00:28.209
and that he was gonna
be an alcoholic also.
01:00:28.209 --> 01:00:31.209
What they wanted to do was
nip it in the bud right then,
01:00:31.209 --> 01:00:32.626
stop this family tree.
01:00:32.626 --> 01:00:34.792
They wanna cut the tree down.
01:00:34.792 --> 01:00:36.501
And I wanna know who in the world
01:00:36.501 --> 01:00:38.167
give these people the right to go
01:00:38.167 --> 01:00:41.083
and do these sort of things
to another human being,
01:00:41.083 --> 01:00:43.083
even in Germany, you don\'t have the,
01:00:43.083 --> 01:00:45.167
Hitler didn\'t have the right to do this.
01:00:45.167 --> 01:00:47.042
We\'re the ones that educated Hitler
01:00:47.042 --> 01:00:49.876
on this stuff here, sterilization.
01:00:50.834 --> 01:00:53.417
(mellow music)
01:01:07.542 --> 01:01:11.250
- My interest in eugenics
certainly comes in part
01:01:11.250 --> 01:01:15.042
from the experience of myself being
01:01:15.042 --> 01:01:19.125
a refugee from Hitler
01:01:19.876 --> 01:01:23.125
and being keenly aware of what was done
01:01:24.792 --> 01:01:26.626
in the name of science
01:01:26.626 --> 01:01:29.876
and specifically in the name of genetics,
01:01:29.876 --> 01:01:32.834
but that happened in this
country as well, of course,
01:01:32.834 --> 01:01:34.542
in a certain sense.
01:01:34.542 --> 01:01:38.250
The Nazis imported it
from the United States,
01:01:38.250 --> 01:01:41.584
which had a flourishing eugenics movement.
01:01:41.584 --> 01:01:43.459
(somber music)
01:01:43.759 --> 01:01:45.592
- [Narrator] At the turn
of the 20th century,
01:01:45.592 --> 01:01:48.467
eugenics was widely accepted
in the United States
01:01:48.467 --> 01:01:52.259
as solid science among the
country\'s top psychologists,
01:01:52.259 --> 01:01:56.009
scientists, politicians,
and social thinkers.
01:01:58.801 --> 01:02:00.509
During this first Gilded Age,
01:02:00.509 --> 01:02:03.550
it was the creation of
the gene concept itself
01:02:03.550 --> 01:02:07.717
that ignited what became a
powerful eugenics movement.
01:02:09.176 --> 01:02:10.926
- So, one reason that
the eugenics movement
01:02:10.926 --> 01:02:13.759
was so influential at the time
01:02:13.759 --> 01:02:17.717
was because it provided
a scientific solution
01:02:17.717 --> 01:02:21.842
or a supposedly scientific
solution to a political problem.
01:02:23.550 --> 01:02:26.134
(mellow music)
01:02:27.509 --> 01:02:31.509
- The Gilded Age was the
first time in American history
01:02:31.509 --> 01:02:33.425
in which you had people
01:02:35.009 --> 01:02:38.259
sitting on top of the entire economy.
01:02:38.259 --> 01:02:41.926
Vast fortunes made on the
backs of average people,
01:02:41.926 --> 01:02:44.176
at the same, a new wave of immigrants
01:02:44.176 --> 01:02:46.134
coming into this country with nothing,
01:02:46.134 --> 01:02:48.967
and our cities became fitted slums
01:02:50.509 --> 01:02:52.967
in contrast to the extraordinary wealth
01:02:52.967 --> 01:02:56.717
that the robber barons, as we
called them, were enjoying.
01:02:56.717 --> 01:02:58.884
We were in danger of losing our economy
01:02:58.884 --> 01:03:00.383
and our democracy.
01:03:02.176 --> 01:03:04.383
- People forget, in 1900,
01:03:04.383 --> 01:03:06.300
there was no middle class in America.
01:03:06.300 --> 01:03:08.759
In 1900, there was no weekend in America.
01:03:08.759 --> 01:03:11.259
There\'s not one single paid holiday.
01:03:11.259 --> 01:03:15.967
We had this extreme laissez
faire Social Darwinist reality,
01:03:15.967 --> 01:03:18.009
and the vast majority of Americans
01:03:18.009 --> 01:03:20.259
were fighting to change it.
01:03:22.092 --> 01:03:23.884
- [Narrator] People took to the streets,
01:03:23.884 --> 01:03:26.425
held massive general strikes,
01:03:26.425 --> 01:03:29.092
demanded better living
and working conditions,
01:03:29.092 --> 01:03:33.259
and an end to laissez faire,
unregulated capitalism.
01:03:34.467 --> 01:03:37.634
- If that\'s the explanation,
then the true way to fix that
01:03:37.634 --> 01:03:40.801
is to pay higher wages and to give people
01:03:40.801 --> 01:03:43.009
a better environment in which to live,
01:03:43.009 --> 01:03:46.884
and it was clear which
explanation would be preferable
01:03:46.884 --> 01:03:50.051
to the captains of capitalist industry
01:03:50.051 --> 01:03:51.675
in the early 20th century,
01:03:51.675 --> 01:03:53.842
and that is the biological explanation.
01:03:53.842 --> 01:03:56.425
(sullen music)
01:04:00.467 --> 01:04:02.383
- [Narrator] The wealthiest
families in the country
01:04:02.383 --> 01:04:05.675
provided millions in research
funding to scientists
01:04:05.675 --> 01:04:08.176
in an attempt to prove
that social problems
01:04:08.176 --> 01:04:12.634
were primarily a result
of defective genetics.
01:04:12.634 --> 01:04:15.218
At the prestigious Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory
01:04:15.218 --> 01:04:18.675
in New York, Harry
Laughlin, an animal breeder
01:04:18.675 --> 01:04:21.176
directed the eugenics records office.
01:04:21.176 --> 01:04:22.675
He claimed they could predict
01:04:22.675 --> 01:04:24.926
who would inherit good or bad traits
01:04:24.926 --> 01:04:29.009
by using a mathematical
formula from Mendel.
01:04:29.009 --> 01:04:31.884
They were also firm
believers in Charles Darwin,
01:04:31.884 --> 01:04:34.967
who clearly applied his
theory of natural selection
01:04:34.967 --> 01:04:36.842
to human society.
01:04:36.842 --> 01:04:39.967
Eugenicists saw themselves
as agents of evolution,
01:04:39.967 --> 01:04:44.134
during their duty to ensure
that fittest Americans survived.
01:04:46.092 --> 01:04:48.592
- They said, we have to find a way
01:04:48.592 --> 01:04:52.300
to have people who are more
evolved make more babies.
01:04:52.300 --> 01:04:54.801
We have to find a way to
have people who are poor
01:04:54.801 --> 01:04:56.550
and who have all these diseases
01:04:56.550 --> 01:05:01.051
and all this bad genetic
structure produce less.
01:05:01.051 --> 01:05:03.634
(mellow music)
01:05:05.926 --> 01:05:07.967
- [Narrator] Laughlin organized
exhibits in communities
01:05:07.967 --> 01:05:11.884
across the country to educate
the public about eugenics.
01:05:11.884 --> 01:05:15.134
Families underwent detailed
physical and mental examinations
01:05:15.134 --> 01:05:19.300
as they competed to win the
prize for the best heredity.
01:05:24.509 --> 01:05:27.842
But eugenicists disagreed
on what should be done
01:05:27.842 --> 01:05:30.383
with people they considered unfit.
01:05:30.383 --> 01:05:32.884
(tense music)
01:05:35.009 --> 01:05:37.592
Some argued that laissez
faire economic policies
01:05:37.592 --> 01:05:39.592
might be severe enough to eliminate
01:05:39.592 --> 01:05:42.926
so-called defectives from the gene pool.
01:05:44.467 --> 01:05:48.342
- Society should not coddle,
in any way, the poor.
01:05:48.342 --> 01:05:49.509
Don\'t help them.
01:05:49.509 --> 01:05:50.801
Don\'t help them through charity.
01:05:50.801 --> 01:05:53.218
Don\'t help them through legislation.
01:05:53.218 --> 01:05:54.342
You see, if you help them,
01:05:54.342 --> 01:05:55.842
according to the Social Darwinists,
01:05:55.842 --> 01:05:59.967
you would only enable them
to reproduce more of them.
01:05:59.967 --> 01:06:01.259
Society would be better off
01:06:01.259 --> 01:06:04.592
if we instituted survival of the fittest.
01:06:04.592 --> 01:06:07.634
We could get stronger, just
as species become stronger
01:06:07.634 --> 01:06:09.675
when their weakest members die off
01:06:09.675 --> 01:06:13.759
and their strongest members
live on to reproduce.
01:06:14.926 --> 01:06:16.300
- [Narrator] But it would take decades
01:06:16.300 --> 01:06:19.675
before this Social Darwinian
approach would be effective,
01:06:19.675 --> 01:06:23.092
so many eugenicists
considered a quicker solution,
01:06:23.092 --> 01:06:27.259
one that would eventually be
used by the Nazis, euthanasia.
01:06:29.467 --> 01:06:32.884
Some called for outright
execution of the unfit,
01:06:32.884 --> 01:06:34.509
as well as lethal neglect
01:06:34.509 --> 01:06:37.675
of newborns they considered defective.
01:06:46.051 --> 01:06:48.759
But in the end, they
agreed that euthanasia
01:06:48.759 --> 01:06:52.092
would be used at too dear a moral price.
01:06:54.009 --> 01:06:57.509
Sterilization was the favored alternative.
01:06:59.926 --> 01:07:02.842
Biologist Harry Laughlin
wrote the model law
01:07:02.842 --> 01:07:05.051
that North Carolina eventually used
01:07:05.051 --> 01:07:07.759
to sterilize Elaine Riddick.
01:07:07.759 --> 01:07:10.675
He called for millions of
people he considered defective
01:07:10.675 --> 01:07:13.592
to be forcibly sterilized,
as well as relatives
01:07:13.592 --> 01:07:16.467
who might be carrying
supposed recessive genes
01:07:16.467 --> 01:07:18.675
for inferior traits.
01:07:18.675 --> 01:07:21.176
(tense music)
01:07:24.634 --> 01:07:29.134
In 1927, the Supreme Court
upheld Harry Laughlin\'s model law
01:07:29.134 --> 01:07:31.592
and ruled eight to one
that the Constitution
01:07:31.592 --> 01:07:35.759
permitted U.S. citizens
to be forcibly sterilized.
01:07:50.218 --> 01:07:53.842
Congress never passed a
federal sterilization law,
01:07:53.842 --> 01:07:56.592
but it\'s estimated that by
the end of World War II,
01:07:56.592 --> 01:08:00.092
under state laws, at
least 80,000 Americans
01:08:00.092 --> 01:08:02.425
had been forced to undergo hysterectomies,
01:08:02.425 --> 01:08:06.092
tubal ligation,
vasectomies, and castration.
01:08:15.675 --> 01:08:18.759
- It was only in 1933
after the Nazis took over
01:08:18.759 --> 01:08:21.342
that Germany had any eugenic laws at all.
01:08:21.342 --> 01:08:22.926
The first law they passed was
01:08:22.926 --> 01:08:25.218
for the heredity of future generations,
01:08:25.218 --> 01:08:27.425
and that was their sterilization law,
01:08:27.425 --> 01:08:30.926
and they modeled it off
Laughlin\'s model law.
01:08:30.926 --> 01:08:33.425
In fact, they were so grateful to Laughlin
01:08:33.425 --> 01:08:35.092
for his leadership in this area
01:08:35.092 --> 01:08:38.884
that they gave him an
honorary medical degree
01:08:38.884 --> 01:08:42.051
from Heidelberg in 1936 for research
01:08:42.051 --> 01:08:45.926
on purifying the germ plasm
of the human population.
01:08:45.926 --> 01:08:47.967
(tense music)
01:08:47.967 --> 01:08:52.592
- Laughlin was an enthusiastic
supporter of the Third Reich.
01:08:52.592 --> 01:08:55.218
The Eugenical News, which Laughlin edited
01:08:55.218 --> 01:08:59.009
just fawned over Germany
and its progressive policies
01:08:59.009 --> 01:09:02.842
and in fact, there was a certain envy.
01:09:02.842 --> 01:09:04.801
Germany is getting too far ahead of us
01:09:04.801 --> 01:09:07.176
in applying the conclusions of science
01:09:07.176 --> 01:09:09.509
to the structure of society.
01:09:11.009 --> 01:09:12.675
The most significant similarity
01:09:12.675 --> 01:09:15.509
was the emphasis on racial purity.
01:09:17.801 --> 01:09:19.759
- [Narrator] Strict control of immigration
01:09:19.759 --> 01:09:22.717
was crucial to eugenic goals.
01:09:22.717 --> 01:09:24.884
In the 1920s, Congress debated
01:09:24.884 --> 01:09:27.051
whether to impose racial quotas
01:09:27.051 --> 01:09:29.759
and hired Harry Laughlin
as a special agent
01:09:29.759 --> 01:09:33.717
to investigate the subject
and offer his recommendations.
01:09:33.717 --> 01:09:35.383
Laughlin particularly wanted to shut out
01:09:35.383 --> 01:09:37.967
Eastern and Southern Europeans.
01:09:39.300 --> 01:09:42.884
- Immigrants were being
castigated as low-level people,
01:09:42.884 --> 01:09:44.967
as the dregs of humanity.
01:09:44.967 --> 01:09:47.342
Words like this were used in publications
01:09:47.342 --> 01:09:49.967
as prestigious as the
Saturday Evening Post,
01:09:49.967 --> 01:09:53.134
and the call was very strong politically
01:09:53.134 --> 01:09:56.884
and economically to restrict immigration.
01:09:56.884 --> 01:10:00.259
What Harry Laughlin
provided was charts of data
01:10:00.259 --> 01:10:02.300
that he took to the
Congressional Committee
01:10:02.300 --> 01:10:05.425
purporting to show that people from Italy,
01:10:05.425 --> 01:10:08.509
from Poland, from the Slavic countries
01:10:08.509 --> 01:10:12.009
were genetically inferior
to the Northern European,
01:10:12.009 --> 01:10:14.842
to the Nordic, the Aryan, the Anglo-Saxon
01:10:14.842 --> 01:10:16.884
and that this genetic inferiority
01:10:16.884 --> 01:10:19.176
was going to have a major impact
01:10:19.176 --> 01:10:22.342
on future generations
in the United States.
01:10:22.342 --> 01:10:23.884
(tense music)
01:10:23.884 --> 01:10:25.009
- [Narrator] Laughlin presented data
01:10:25.009 --> 01:10:28.425
from supposedly objective
IQ tests that immigrants
01:10:28.425 --> 01:10:32.801
were forced to take at Ellis
Island upon their arrival.
01:10:32.801 --> 01:10:35.592
Laughlin neglected to
mention that many of them
01:10:35.592 --> 01:10:38.342
were reeling from the
crowded, two-week journey
01:10:38.342 --> 01:10:41.300
they\'d just made across the Atlantic,
01:10:41.300 --> 01:10:43.509
trips that were often marked by sickness,
01:10:43.509 --> 01:10:46.218
sleeplessness, and hunger.
01:10:46.218 --> 01:10:48.176
If they didn\'t do well on math problems
01:10:48.176 --> 01:10:50.926
or abstract image or writing tests,
01:10:50.926 --> 01:10:52.801
immigrants were marked with an X,
01:10:52.801 --> 01:10:55.218
declared feebleminded, and deported.
01:10:55.218 --> 01:10:58.051
(somber music)
01:10:58.051 --> 01:11:01.092
- And they used eugenics arguments
01:11:01.092 --> 01:11:04.342
that people who were coming
here had these bad genes.
01:11:04.342 --> 01:11:07.051
The Congress passed
overwhelming legislation
01:11:07.051 --> 01:11:10.092
to limit the capacity of
these groups to come in.
01:11:10.092 --> 01:11:12.675
(somber music)
01:11:18.509 --> 01:11:20.592
- [Narrator] Even when it
was clear that Jewish people
01:11:20.592 --> 01:11:23.092
were being persecuted by the Nazis,
01:11:23.092 --> 01:11:25.634
they were a central target
of the racial quotas
01:11:25.634 --> 01:11:28.759
and were denied entry
into the United States.
01:11:28.759 --> 01:11:31.342
In some estimates, up to two
million Jewish immigrants
01:11:31.342 --> 01:11:34.509
who died in the Holocaust
might have escaped their fate
01:11:34.509 --> 01:11:37.926
if Congress hadn\'t passed the racist law.
01:11:40.634 --> 01:11:44.467
In 1939, nearly 1,000 refugees escaped
01:11:44.467 --> 01:11:46.259
and sailed all the way to Cuba
01:11:46.259 --> 01:11:50.134
hoping to eventually
enter the United States.
01:11:50.134 --> 01:11:52.634
They were stranded in
the waters off Havana,
01:11:52.634 --> 01:11:56.218
as they awaited news of their fate.
01:11:56.218 --> 01:11:58.051
Families rode out to the ship
01:11:58.051 --> 01:12:01.842
hoping to get a glimpse
of their loved ones.
01:12:01.842 --> 01:12:04.134
But the Cuban government turned them away
01:12:04.134 --> 01:12:06.717
and the White House was silent.
01:12:07.634 --> 01:12:10.717
The refugees were forced
to return to Europe
01:12:10.717 --> 01:12:13.967
as the Nazis expanded their occupation.
01:12:16.342 --> 01:12:18.509
The same year a bill was introduced
01:12:18.509 --> 01:12:20.634
that would have allowed 20,000 children,
01:12:20.634 --> 01:12:23.926
most of them Jewish, to
come to the United States.
01:12:23.926 --> 01:12:27.509
Foster families were
ready to take them in,
01:12:35.884 --> 01:12:39.092
but Laughlin and other members
of an anti-Semitic coalition
01:12:39.092 --> 01:12:43.218
lobbied against relaxing the
racial quotas for any reason.
01:12:45.051 --> 01:12:47.550
The bill was defeated,
leaving the children
01:12:47.550 --> 01:12:50.717
no escape from the hands of the Nazis.
01:12:53.009 --> 01:12:55.550
The widespread rejection
of Jewish refugees
01:12:55.550 --> 01:12:57.842
convinced the Nazis that other nations
01:12:57.842 --> 01:13:01.842
shared their views of
Jewish racial inferiority.
01:13:03.550 --> 01:13:05.550
- Since being Jewish was considered to be
01:13:05.550 --> 01:13:09.759
an inherited thing, you
couldn\'t convert away from it.
01:13:09.759 --> 01:13:12.550
The only thing to do
to rid the body politic
01:13:12.550 --> 01:13:15.176
of that burden was kill people.
01:13:15.176 --> 01:13:18.592
And that makes that worst crime of history
01:13:18.592 --> 01:13:22.176
a piece of bad science among other things.
01:13:22.176 --> 01:13:24.759
When Hitler was elected in
1933 in a free election,
01:13:24.759 --> 01:13:28.926
one of his slogans was, all
politics is applied biology.
01:13:29.967 --> 01:13:33.884
And that\'s the red light that
one has to see on the road
01:13:33.884 --> 01:13:36.467
and not go down that road ever.
01:13:37.717 --> 01:13:40.300
(somber music)
01:13:58.342 --> 01:14:00.842
(tense music)
01:14:03.926 --> 01:14:05.759
- [Narrator] By the end of World War II,
01:14:05.759 --> 01:14:10.717
sterilization continued but
rates diminished in most states.
01:14:11.017 --> 01:14:14.101
Organizations and journals
changed the word eugenics
01:14:14.101 --> 01:14:16.101
in their names to genetics
01:14:16.101 --> 01:14:20.184
to avoid association with
the unpopular movement.
01:14:21.559 --> 01:14:23.434
But many prominent scientists,
01:14:23.434 --> 01:14:25.934
encouraged by the discovery of DNA,
01:14:25.934 --> 01:14:27.809
continue to believe in the gene
01:14:27.809 --> 01:14:30.392
and to advocate for eugenics,
01:14:30.392 --> 01:14:33.892
including the two
co-discoverers themselves.
01:14:33.892 --> 01:14:35.892
In a speech to his fellow scientists,
01:14:35.892 --> 01:14:39.683
Francis Crick offered
his own eugenic vision.
01:14:39.683 --> 01:14:42.184
(baby crying)
01:14:44.267 --> 01:14:45.683
- [Francis] We have to
ask, do people have a right
01:14:45.683 --> 01:14:47.767
to have children or to have at least
01:14:47.767 --> 01:14:51.059
as many children as they please,
01:14:51.059 --> 01:14:53.642
and it seems to me that we
have to begin to consider
01:14:53.642 --> 01:14:55.892
that the answer to this
question might be no,
01:14:55.892 --> 01:14:58.184
they don\'t have a right,
01:14:58.184 --> 01:15:00.142
but the child is handicapped,
01:15:00.142 --> 01:15:02.850
wouldn\'t it be better
to let that child die
01:15:02.850 --> 01:15:05.392
than to have another one?
01:15:05.392 --> 01:15:08.683
And what about a child
that\'s born incurably blind?
01:15:08.683 --> 01:15:12.850
Is there any reason nowadays
for keeping such a child alive?
01:15:14.434 --> 01:15:15.975
In other words, should we not
01:15:15.975 --> 01:15:19.059
have an acceptance test for children?
01:15:25.809 --> 01:15:28.559
- [Narrator] James Watson
also regrets that eugenics
01:15:28.559 --> 01:15:31.392
has been tainted by the Nazi legacy.
01:15:31.392 --> 01:15:33.267
He says it\'s our responsibility to prevent
01:15:33.267 --> 01:15:35.683
the birth of those he deems unfit
01:15:35.683 --> 01:15:39.059
as long as families
themselves make the decisions.
01:15:39.059 --> 01:15:42.226
Watson believes in the unlimited
use of genetic engineering
01:15:42.226 --> 01:15:44.351
to enhance future generations
01:15:44.351 --> 01:15:46.559
and isn\'t worried such eugenic measures
01:15:46.559 --> 01:15:49.809
would be taken to the extreme.
01:15:49.809 --> 01:15:51.809
- Hitler\'s got us twice.
01:15:53.809 --> 01:15:56.518
We\'re a hostage to what Hitler did
01:15:56.518 --> 01:16:00.934
and that things which we
might say are sensible,
01:16:02.683 --> 01:16:04.267
we can\'t do because people say,
01:16:04.267 --> 01:16:08.642
well, Hitler would\'ve done
exactly the same thing.
01:16:08.642 --> 01:16:11.392
(tense music)
01:16:11.392 --> 01:16:13.725
- [Narrator] The DNA
discovery helped to obscure
01:16:13.725 --> 01:16:17.725
the country\'s eugenic past,
but the battle continued
01:16:17.725 --> 01:16:19.725
between those who claim that inequality
01:16:19.725 --> 01:16:21.642
is natural and inevitable
01:16:21.642 --> 01:16:23.892
and those who fought
to expand equal rights
01:16:23.892 --> 01:16:26.559
to everyone who\'d been left out.
01:16:31.850 --> 01:16:35.059
- So will you join in the battle
01:16:35.059 --> 01:16:37.392
to give every citizen the full equality
01:16:37.392 --> 01:16:40.642
which God enjoins and the law requires,
01:16:40.642 --> 01:16:44.309
whatever his belief or race
or the color of his skin.
01:16:44.309 --> 01:16:45.809
01:16:45.809 --> 01:16:47.809
- [Narrator] Lyndon
Johnson\'s Great Society
01:16:47.809 --> 01:16:51.725
represented a total rejection
of the eugenic worldview.
01:16:51.725 --> 01:16:54.434
It was the most ambitious effort
in the government\'s history
01:16:54.434 --> 01:16:58.059
to deliver on the American promise.
01:16:58.059 --> 01:16:59.226
Among the hundreds of pieces
01:16:59.226 --> 01:17:01.892
of the Johnson
administration\'s legislation
01:17:01.892 --> 01:17:04.725
was the Immigration
Reform Act which abolished
01:17:04.725 --> 01:17:08.892
racial quotas encouraged by
Harry Laughlin in the 1920s.
01:17:10.059 --> 01:17:11.642
Other laws banned discrimination
01:17:11.642 --> 01:17:13.434
against people with disabilities
01:17:13.434 --> 01:17:17.184
who had also been targets of eugenics.
01:17:17.184 --> 01:17:21.683
- So there is a kind of
dominant theme that\'s going to
01:17:21.683 --> 01:17:24.683
take over American
political intellectual life
01:17:24.683 --> 01:17:26.809
that people can and should mobilize
01:17:26.809 --> 01:17:29.267
to change their condition.
01:17:29.267 --> 01:17:30.101
01:17:30.101 --> 01:17:33.351
- We will walk until we are free,
01:17:33.351 --> 01:17:34.934
until we can walk to any school
01:17:34.934 --> 01:17:37.892
and take our children to any
school in the United States.
01:17:37.892 --> 01:17:39.767
01:17:39.767 --> 01:17:41.309
- [Narrator] Social movements mobilized
01:17:41.309 --> 01:17:43.267
under the banner of equality
01:17:43.267 --> 01:17:45.309
and created the pressure Johnson needed
01:17:45.309 --> 01:17:49.600
to push through bills that
addressed racial discrimination.
01:17:49.600 --> 01:17:52.518
(gentle music)
01:17:52.518 --> 01:17:55.309
- Not only did the Great Society defeat
01:17:55.309 --> 01:17:58.683
centuries-long beliefs in
biological, genetic determinism
01:17:58.683 --> 01:18:00.476
of poverty and inequality,
01:18:00.476 --> 01:18:02.476
it said that those could be conquered
01:18:02.476 --> 01:18:05.767
through social programs,
and then it did that.
01:18:05.767 --> 01:18:08.351
- [Narrator] Johnson
was a New Deal Democrat.
01:18:08.351 --> 01:18:10.142
He intended to use his presidency
01:18:10.142 --> 01:18:12.476
to go further than Franklin Roosevelt
01:18:12.476 --> 01:18:16.226
and to reach millions who
still languished in poverty.
01:18:16.226 --> 01:18:18.683
He reminded Americans that genetics
01:18:18.683 --> 01:18:21.975
was not the route of the problem.
01:18:21.975 --> 01:18:25.518
- [Narrator] Poverty is
not a trait of character.
01:18:25.518 --> 01:18:28.101
It is created anew in each generation
01:18:28.101 --> 01:18:31.267
but not by heredity, by circumstances.
01:18:33.017 --> 01:18:35.184
Today, millions of American families
01:18:35.184 --> 01:18:39.267
are caught in circumstances
beyond their control.
01:18:40.101 --> 01:18:43.142
- People are interested in
being treated as human beings.
01:18:43.142 --> 01:18:45.725
They\'re interested in having
other people treat them
01:18:45.725 --> 01:18:49.226
as the Declaration of
Independence says, as equals.
01:18:49.600 --> 01:18:51.434
That\'s the first thing that\'s needed
01:18:51.434 --> 01:18:54.101
in the war against poverty.
01:18:54.101 --> 01:18:56.226
- [Narrator] There was no
better person to represent
01:18:56.226 --> 01:19:00.975
the view that biology was not
destiny than Sargent Shriver.
01:19:00.975 --> 01:19:04.518
As director of OEO, the Office
of Economic Opportunity,
01:19:04.518 --> 01:19:07.476
he knew he could pass concrete legislation
01:19:07.476 --> 01:19:10.351
that would tackle poverty head on.
01:19:10.351 --> 01:19:13.642
With Johnson\'s help, Shriver
convinced Congress to approve
01:19:13.642 --> 01:19:17.809
$700 million to launch a
remarkable set of programs.
01:19:18.892 --> 01:19:21.392
- This is Dick Van Dyke here
to tell you about an army
01:19:21.392 --> 01:19:25.434
America is using in this
all-out war against poverty.
01:19:25.434 --> 01:19:26.892
- [Narrator] Thousands of Americans
01:19:26.892 --> 01:19:29.975
seeking equality of opportunity
enlisted in programs
01:19:29.975 --> 01:19:32.850
such as Volunteers in Service to America,
01:19:32.850 --> 01:19:37.017
Job Corps, Upward Bound,
Teacher Corps, and Youth Corps.
01:19:38.392 --> 01:19:41.559
Shriver also created the
Legal Services Program
01:19:41.559 --> 01:19:43.059
to provide lawyers to people
01:19:43.059 --> 01:19:45.518
who couldn\'t afford representation.
01:19:45.518 --> 01:19:48.725
Thousands of communities
were now able to sue cities
01:19:48.725 --> 01:19:52.017
for discrimination, to fight evictions,
01:19:52.017 --> 01:19:56.184
and to hold landlords accountable
for housing violations.
01:19:57.725 --> 01:20:00.975
(cheerful music)
01:20:00.975 --> 01:20:03.559
In an effort to advance
equality of condition,
01:20:03.559 --> 01:20:05.934
communities in remote
areas were given access
01:20:05.934 --> 01:20:08.226
to healthcare for the first time,
01:20:08.226 --> 01:20:11.101
as well as grants for
adult literacy programs
01:20:11.101 --> 01:20:13.892
and to improve infrastructure.
01:20:13.892 --> 01:20:16.184
- I think people have the wrong ideas
01:20:16.184 --> 01:20:17.892
about the poverty program,
01:20:17.892 --> 01:20:20.059
that it\'s sort of a handout,
that you\'re goin\' around
01:20:20.059 --> 01:20:22.642
giving money to people and
as soon as the money\'s spent,
01:20:22.642 --> 01:20:24.184
it\'s not gonna do any good.
01:20:24.184 --> 01:20:27.934
What I\'ve seen today indicates
that what you are doing
01:20:27.934 --> 01:20:30.351
is training people and
you\'re giving people
01:20:30.351 --> 01:20:32.351
an opportunity to do for themselves,
01:20:32.351 --> 01:20:34.809
and it takes the action of government.
01:20:34.809 --> 01:20:38.309
(children chattering)
01:20:38.309 --> 01:20:40.434
- [Narrator] One of Shriver\'s
most successful programs
01:20:40.434 --> 01:20:43.559
was Head Start, which
provided early education,
01:20:43.559 --> 01:20:46.850
nutrition, and medical
services to compensate
01:20:46.850 --> 01:20:50.392
for the lack of opportunities
that held poor children back.
01:20:50.392 --> 01:20:52.059
- [Doctor] Take a deep breath.
01:20:52.559 --> 01:20:53.976
- [Narrator] Head Start programs allowed
01:20:53.976 --> 01:20:56.225
millions of children to thrive.
01:20:56.225 --> 01:20:58.976
(peaceful music)
01:21:00.392 --> 01:21:01.934
The success of these programs
01:21:01.934 --> 01:21:05.225
disrupted power relations
across the country,
01:21:05.225 --> 01:21:07.059
prompting city and state officials
01:21:07.059 --> 01:21:10.809
to pressure Shriver to cut off funding.
01:21:10.809 --> 01:21:13.434
Shriver didn\'t back down.
01:21:13.434 --> 01:21:15.018
- For the first in the
history of this country,
01:21:15.018 --> 01:21:17.183
poor people actually have a place
01:21:17.183 --> 01:21:20.059
and a way in which to express themselves.
01:21:20.059 --> 01:21:22.142
We\'re creating life at
the community level,
01:21:22.142 --> 01:21:23.517
when you got life, you got movement,
01:21:23.517 --> 01:21:27.684
you got dissention, you got
action, that\'s what we want.
01:21:27.684 --> 01:21:30.350
- [Narrator] By 1970, War On Poverty
01:21:30.350 --> 01:21:32.642
and other Great Society programs
01:21:32.642 --> 01:21:35.809
led to the fastest and
sharpest decrease in poverty
01:21:35.809 --> 01:21:39.142
in the country\'s history, over 40%.
01:21:40.392 --> 01:21:42.059
- And that goes completely
against the genetic theory,
01:21:42.059 --> 01:21:44.434
no one was changing genes at this time.
01:21:44.434 --> 01:21:47.309
This was done through social programs.
01:21:47.309 --> 01:21:49.309
And that\'s when we begin
to see this very strong
01:21:49.309 --> 01:21:51.642
counter revolution begin to take shape.
01:21:51.642 --> 01:21:54.392
(dramatic music)
01:21:56.809 --> 01:21:59.767
- [Narrator] By 1969, new
leadership at the White House
01:21:59.767 --> 01:22:02.225
radically shifted the
direction of the country
01:22:02.225 --> 01:22:06.392
away from Johnson\'s egalitarian
vision of a Great Society.
01:22:09.475 --> 01:22:12.100
- [Richard] Black Africans,
most of them basically
01:22:12.100 --> 01:22:13.517
are just out of the trees.
01:22:13.517 --> 01:22:16.601
Now let\'s face it, they are.
01:22:16.601 --> 01:22:19.225
- [Narrator] Secret tapes
recorded in the Oval Office
01:22:19.225 --> 01:22:22.475
revealed Nixon\'s racist view
that certain groups of people
01:22:22.475 --> 01:22:25.392
were less evolved than others.
01:22:25.392 --> 01:22:27.684
Pseudoscientific papers
came out at the time
01:22:27.684 --> 01:22:30.100
that bolstered Nixon\'s prejudices
01:22:30.100 --> 01:22:33.100
and revived eugenic claims about IQ.
01:22:34.809 --> 01:22:38.267
- And it was the center
of the counter attack,
01:22:38.267 --> 01:22:41.183
the resistance to widening equality
01:22:42.183 --> 01:22:45.267
and widening equality of opportunity.
01:22:46.517 --> 01:22:48.601
- And the argument was
programs like Head Start
01:22:48.601 --> 01:22:53.309
were essentially not workable
because the difference
01:22:53.309 --> 01:22:56.726
between inner city black kids\' IQs
01:22:56.726 --> 01:22:59.642
and white Caucasian IQs was genetic
01:23:00.851 --> 01:23:04.475
and that because of genetic determinism,
01:23:04.475 --> 01:23:06.976
there\'s nothing you can
do in the environment
01:23:06.976 --> 01:23:08.309
and the educational process
01:23:08.309 --> 01:23:10.934
that will make up for that difference.
01:23:10.934 --> 01:23:15.100
- 15% of the blacks are
above the average white.
01:23:16.100 --> 01:23:17.684
85% are below.
01:23:19.517 --> 01:23:21.517
- [Narrator] Like eugenicists before him,
01:23:21.517 --> 01:23:24.851
Jensen believed black people
should limit their birthrate
01:23:24.851 --> 01:23:28.392
in order to phase out
bad intelligence genes
01:23:28.392 --> 01:23:30.267
and he felt the policies allowing them
01:23:30.267 --> 01:23:34.517
to receive welfare benefits
only exacerbated the problem.
01:23:34.517 --> 01:23:39.225
Nixon was also disturbed by
continuing the current policies.
01:23:39.225 --> 01:23:42.392
- First, we cannot delay longer
01:23:42.392 --> 01:23:47.309
in accomplishing a total
reform of our welfare system.
01:23:47.309 --> 01:23:49.642
We\'re gonna put more of
these little Negro bastards
01:23:49.642 --> 01:23:53.726
on welfare rolls at $2,400.00 a family.
01:23:53.726 --> 01:23:55.601
I have the greatest affection for them,
01:23:55.601 --> 01:23:58.142
but I know they ain\'t gonna
make it for 500 years.
01:23:58.142 --> 01:23:59.142
They aren\'t.
01:24:01.183 --> 01:24:03.392
- As Daniel Moynihan put it,
01:24:03.392 --> 01:24:06.559
at the time that the Nixon
budget was being planned,
01:24:06.559 --> 01:24:09.892
the winds of Jensenism
were gusting through
01:24:09.892 --> 01:24:12.183
the White House with gale force.
01:24:12.183 --> 01:24:13.892
How convenient for the Nixon budget
01:24:13.892 --> 01:24:17.100
that just at the time that he
wanted to cut back on programs
01:24:17.100 --> 01:24:20.309
he could cite the scientists\' findings
01:24:21.684 --> 01:24:23.809
as a rational justification
01:24:23.809 --> 01:24:27.809
for what is truly based
on different motives.
01:24:27.809 --> 01:24:29.851
- We did wanna dismantle the OEO,
01:24:29.851 --> 01:24:31.809
but we knew that the
Congress wouldn\'t do it,
01:24:31.809 --> 01:24:34.018
so instead of just declaring one day
01:24:34.018 --> 01:24:35.684
that OEO was out of business,
01:24:35.684 --> 01:24:38.309
we resorted to all kinds
of trick and artifice
01:24:38.309 --> 01:24:39.767
to try and strangle it.
01:24:39.767 --> 01:24:41.350
01:24:41.350 --> 01:24:44.934
- I have no intention of sitting idly by
01:24:44.934 --> 01:24:48.642
and watching my husband\'s
dream turn into a nightmare.
01:24:48.642 --> 01:24:51.601
01:24:51.601 --> 01:24:53.267
- And so the forces appear to be joined.
01:24:53.267 --> 01:24:56.475
The poor people declaring
that they have declared war
01:24:56.475 --> 01:24:58.350
on the administration\'s efforts
01:24:58.350 --> 01:25:00.392
to cut off the War on Poverty.
01:25:00.392 --> 01:25:02.976
01:25:02.976 --> 01:25:04.601
- [Narrator] Despite the controversy,
01:25:04.601 --> 01:25:07.642
the administration was able
to move many War on Poverty
01:25:07.642 --> 01:25:10.642
programs out of the Office
of Economic Opportunity
01:25:10.642 --> 01:25:15.601
to other agencies and cut
funding by more than 50%.
01:25:15.601 --> 01:25:18.059
(tense music)
01:25:20.434 --> 01:25:22.851
However, Nixon did expand federal support
01:25:22.851 --> 01:25:27.225
for a War on Poverty program
he felt very strongly about,
01:25:27.225 --> 01:25:29.475
birth control for the poor.
01:25:30.767 --> 01:25:34.517
- [Richard] The people
in what we call our class
01:25:34.517 --> 01:25:36.475
control their populations.
01:25:36.475 --> 01:25:38.601
The people who don\'t
control their families
01:25:38.601 --> 01:25:41.892
are the people that shouldn\'t have kids.
01:25:43.726 --> 01:25:45.684
- [Narrator] As part of
its birth control effort,
01:25:45.684 --> 01:25:48.434
the administration
quietly distributed a memo
01:25:48.434 --> 01:25:50.809
to federal clinics across the country
01:25:50.809 --> 01:25:52.851
informing them that for the first time
01:25:52.851 --> 01:25:55.392
War on Poverty funds could be used
01:25:55.392 --> 01:25:58.475
to cover the costs of sterilizations.
01:26:00.642 --> 01:26:03.809
- It was program that became abused
01:26:03.809 --> 01:26:05.225
because the people at the top
01:26:05.225 --> 01:26:07.142
who were distributing the money
01:26:07.142 --> 01:26:11.726
never bothered to issue
the rules and regulations
01:26:11.726 --> 01:26:15.851
that would have made sure
that adult women and men
01:26:17.892 --> 01:26:21.309
who were interested in family planning
01:26:21.309 --> 01:26:24.142
and interested in contraception
01:26:24.142 --> 01:26:25.976
could get what they wanted,
01:26:25.976 --> 01:26:30.350
and instead, it became a
program that for many people
01:26:30.350 --> 01:26:33.559
resulted in forced sterilizations.
01:26:33.559 --> 01:26:36.142
(somber music)
01:26:38.059 --> 01:26:39.851
- [Narrator] Joseph Levin filed a lawsuit
01:26:39.851 --> 01:26:42.559
against the Nixon administration
after he discovered
01:26:42.559 --> 01:26:45.934
that two young girls, Minnie Relf, age 14
01:26:45.934 --> 01:26:49.767
and Mary Alice Relf,
age 12 were sterilized
01:26:49.767 --> 01:26:53.392
at a clinic in Montgomery, Alabama.
01:26:53.392 --> 01:26:55.559
- At no time prior to the surgery
01:26:55.559 --> 01:26:58.809
did any physician discuss with
the girls or their parents
01:26:58.809 --> 01:27:01.100
the nature or consequences of the surgery
01:27:01.100 --> 01:27:04.142
to which Minnie and Mary Alice
were about to be subjected.
01:27:04.142 --> 01:27:04.976
The girls were--
01:27:04.976 --> 01:27:05.809
- [Narrator] The girls\' mother
01:27:05.809 --> 01:27:08.475
was given a consent form by the doctor.
01:27:08.475 --> 01:27:10.392
He knew she couldn\'t read.
01:27:10.392 --> 01:27:13.726
And clinic workers pressured
Minnie to sign a consent form
01:27:13.726 --> 01:27:15.934
falsely stating she was 21.
01:27:18.601 --> 01:27:21.309
- Dr. Warren Hern, working
at the War on Poverty,
01:27:21.309 --> 01:27:23.142
develops these guidelines,
01:27:23.142 --> 01:27:25.392
and these guidelines say
that no one can be sterilized
01:27:25.392 --> 01:27:28.225
without informed consent and
there can be no coercion.
01:27:28.225 --> 01:27:30.142
So, these guidelines
actually would\'ve prevented
01:27:30.142 --> 01:27:32.892
the sterilization of the Relf sisters.
01:27:32.892 --> 01:27:33.726
- [Narrator] But his guidelines
01:27:33.726 --> 01:27:35.892
were never delivered to the clinics.
01:27:35.892 --> 01:27:38.684
They were being held
up at the White House.
01:27:38.684 --> 01:27:40.309
- I got a call from Dr. Cooper telling me
01:27:40.309 --> 01:27:44.851
that I must refrain from any
contact with White House or OMB
01:27:44.851 --> 01:27:46.851
and I said I was just trying to do my job
01:27:46.851 --> 01:27:49.726
and find out where the guidelines were.
01:27:49.726 --> 01:27:51.767
My attempts to find out about
them were met with hostility,
01:27:51.767 --> 01:27:54.142
harassment, and attempts at intimidation,
01:27:54.142 --> 01:27:56.684
and pointed invitations to resign.
01:27:56.684 --> 01:27:59.392
- Finally, he realized they
weren\'t gonna distribute them
01:27:59.392 --> 01:28:00.642
and so he quit.
01:28:01.726 --> 01:28:04.309
(sullen music)
01:28:06.892 --> 01:28:10.642
- So these guidelines were
never distributed to clinics.
01:28:10.642 --> 01:28:13.309
Even the 200 copies that
Dr. Hern had himself
01:28:13.309 --> 01:28:16.309
were taken out of his office
and put in a safe place,
01:28:16.309 --> 01:28:17.684
and in the following investigation
01:28:17.684 --> 01:28:19.601
about what happened to these guidelines,
01:28:19.601 --> 01:28:22.059
the White House responds
to the questions by saying,
01:28:22.059 --> 01:28:23.976
it suited our purposes.
01:28:25.434 --> 01:28:30.434
It suited our purposes to
suppress these guidelines.
01:28:30.434 --> 01:28:33.767
- We came to learn that maybe
there were as many as 500
01:28:33.767 --> 01:28:37.059
of these clinics functioning
throughout the United States,
01:28:37.059 --> 01:28:40.018
and it was sort of up to
the nurses and the doctors
01:28:40.018 --> 01:28:43.225
as to who got what, and
they made their judgment
01:28:43.225 --> 01:28:46.434
about who was worthy and who wasn\'t.
01:28:46.934 --> 01:28:49.934
(sullen music)
01:28:49.934 --> 01:28:53.559
- We are suing HEW for
non-enforcement, non-monitoring
01:28:53.559 --> 01:28:56.309
of the sterilization regulations.
01:28:57.226 --> 01:29:01.850
We are also seeking concent
forms in Spanish and--
01:29:01.850 --> 01:29:04.850
- I\'m talking about the
deprivation and the genocide
01:29:04.850 --> 01:29:06.142
of American Indian people.
01:29:06.142 --> 01:29:10.683
I\'m talkin\' about our women,
42% who were sterilized
01:29:10.683 --> 01:29:12.392
from 1971 to 1975,
01:29:12.392 --> 01:29:16.559
and not a whimper of
indignation from this country.
01:29:17.683 --> 01:29:19.226
- [Narrator] The U.S. district court judge
01:29:19.226 --> 01:29:21.226
who resided over the Relf case
01:29:21.226 --> 01:29:23.683
found that during the
Nixon administration,
01:29:23.683 --> 01:29:26.892
nearly 400,000 poor people were sterilized
01:29:26.892 --> 01:29:29.683
without being fully informed.
01:29:29.683 --> 01:29:31.267
There was evidence, the judge said,
01:29:31.267 --> 01:29:35.309
that an indefinite number had
been coerced into operations
01:29:35.309 --> 01:29:39.101
under the threat of
losing federal assistance.
01:29:39.101 --> 01:29:43.767
Many other were sterilized
without their knowledge.
01:29:43.767 --> 01:29:45.226
- It almost sounded as if
01:29:45.226 --> 01:29:48.642
we were talking about some Nazi-era plan.
01:29:49.642 --> 01:29:51.767
It really was a practice of eugenics
01:29:51.767 --> 01:29:55.559
because these clinics
didn\'t see anything wrong
01:29:55.559 --> 01:29:59.476
with controlling the birthrate of people
01:29:59.476 --> 01:30:02.226
who they viewed as a burden on society.
01:30:02.226 --> 01:30:03.518
It\'s that simple.
01:30:03.518 --> 01:30:05.267
- The hospital after three days.
01:30:05.267 --> 01:30:08.767
- The Relf lawsuit resulted
in Judge Gerhard Gesell
01:30:08.767 --> 01:30:10.392
requiring the federal government
01:30:10.392 --> 01:30:13.309
to issue stringent
guidelines on sterilization
01:30:13.309 --> 01:30:15.184
and that included a ban
01:30:15.184 --> 01:30:19.518
on the sterilization on
any minor, anyone under 18.
01:30:19.518 --> 01:30:22.642
So what we have here is a real
triumph for the Relf family.
01:30:22.642 --> 01:30:23.892
They take this case all the way
01:30:23.892 --> 01:30:26.267
to federal court in
Washington D.C. and they say,
01:30:26.267 --> 01:30:28.476
you know what, this
happened to our daughters,
01:30:28.476 --> 01:30:29.642
but we\'re not gonna let it happen
01:30:29.642 --> 01:30:32.683
to anybody else\'s daughter ever again.
01:30:32.683 --> 01:30:34.850
And after this litigation, they win,
01:30:34.850 --> 01:30:36.850
and this stops the entire second wave
01:30:36.850 --> 01:30:40.059
of sterilizations in the United States.
01:30:42.392 --> 01:30:43.642
- [Narrator] After the Relf case,
01:30:43.642 --> 01:30:46.434
there were few open
calls for sterilization
01:30:46.434 --> 01:30:49.683
or other extreme eugenic proposals,
01:30:49.683 --> 01:30:52.850
and the fight for equality continued.
01:30:52.850 --> 01:30:54.934
- [Cesar] That we were
fighting for our dignity.
01:30:54.934 --> 01:30:58.518
We\'re empowering the
least educated among us,
01:30:58.518 --> 01:31:00.184
the poorest among us.
01:31:00.184 --> 01:31:02.309
01:31:02.309 --> 01:31:04.725
- [Reporter] Five to 600
people in wheelchairs,
01:31:04.725 --> 01:31:06.892
with walking canes, and hearing aids
01:31:06.892 --> 01:31:10.351
to stop discrimination
against the disabled.
01:31:10.351 --> 01:31:12.392
- [Narrator] At the same time
that rights have expanded
01:31:12.392 --> 01:31:14.975
for some people over the last 40 years,
01:31:14.975 --> 01:31:18.767
we\'ve also seen increasing
inequality for others,
01:31:18.767 --> 01:31:21.434
as well as the reemergence
of eugenic ideas
01:31:21.434 --> 01:31:25.101
that were prominent in
the first Gilded Age.
01:31:27.226 --> 01:31:28.975
- You have a kind of prevailing belief
01:31:28.975 --> 01:31:32.725
amongst the ruling elite
in Social Darwinism,
01:31:32.725 --> 01:31:35.267
and it\'s a closet, it\'s kinda
come in through the back door.
01:31:35.267 --> 01:31:37.476
Very few people are prepared
to actually come out with it
01:31:37.476 --> 01:31:40.600
and say, I think women are
born different from men,
01:31:40.600 --> 01:31:42.975
I think the poor are born inferior,
01:31:42.975 --> 01:31:47.434
but that actually is what they
believe if you talk to them.
01:31:47.434 --> 01:31:50.059
They don\'t really believe
in the redemptive power
01:31:50.059 --> 01:31:54.226
of society to change
the conditions of people
01:31:54.226 --> 01:31:57.476
to create much more equality.
01:31:57.476 --> 01:31:59.059
- [Narrator] We\'ve also seen a resurgence
01:31:59.059 --> 01:32:01.309
of the laissez faire ideology
01:32:01.309 --> 01:32:05.767
that dominated the early years
of industrial capitalism.
01:32:05.767 --> 01:32:10.518
- Their view is, harking back
to survival of the fittest,
01:32:10.518 --> 01:32:12.725
the market should determine
01:32:12.725 --> 01:32:17.142
whether or not people,
for example, survived.
01:32:17.142 --> 01:32:19.142
The government should play no role,
01:32:19.142 --> 01:32:23.267
and so the last 30 years have
been saturated with the idea
01:32:23.267 --> 01:32:27.600
that the social change we
saw in the \'60s and the \'70s,
01:32:27.600 --> 01:32:30.725
uh, that was a blip on
the screen, unfortunate.
01:32:30.725 --> 01:32:34.892
What\'s really important,
everybody for themselves.
01:32:36.351 --> 01:32:38.184
- [Narrator] Ronald
Reagan finished the job
01:32:38.184 --> 01:32:39.975
that Nixon started.
01:32:39.975 --> 01:32:42.142
As someone who had
opposed every major piece
01:32:42.142 --> 01:32:45.642
of Civil Rights legislation
and Great Society programs,
01:32:45.642 --> 01:32:49.934
Reagan rolled back major
gains made by social movements
01:32:49.934 --> 01:32:53.351
and like Nixon, he used
language coded with racial
01:32:53.351 --> 01:32:58.267
and class prejudices that
appealed to many white voters.
01:32:58.267 --> 01:33:00.600
- Reagan has the image of social welfare
01:33:00.600 --> 01:33:02.559
as being undeserved.
01:33:02.559 --> 01:33:04.309
It is the undeserving poor.
01:33:04.309 --> 01:33:06.642
There are people on welfare
who are driving Cadillacs,
01:33:06.642 --> 01:33:09.767
and that\'s one of the mantras he\'s using.
01:33:09.767 --> 01:33:12.101
- [Narrator] This strategy
was described by Reagan\'s aide
01:33:12.101 --> 01:33:16.392
and campaign political
director, Lee Atwater.
01:33:16.392 --> 01:33:18.518
- [Lee] You start oud in 1954 by saying,
01:33:18.518 --> 01:33:20.184
nigger, nigger, nigger.
01:33:20.184 --> 01:33:22.226
By 1968, you can\'t say, nigger,
01:33:22.226 --> 01:33:23.518
that hurts you, it backfires,
01:33:23.518 --> 01:33:26.518
so you say stuff like forced busing,
01:33:26.518 --> 01:33:28.642
states\' rights, and all that stuff.
01:33:28.642 --> 01:33:31.101
Now, you\'re talking about cutting taxes
01:33:31.101 --> 01:33:33.017
and all of these things
you\'re talking about
01:33:33.017 --> 01:33:36.476
are totally economic things
and the byproduct of them is,
01:33:36.476 --> 01:33:39.309
blacks get hurt worse than whites.
01:33:40.559 --> 01:33:41.683
- I raised some of the questions
01:33:41.683 --> 01:33:44.975
discussed by the scholarly
work of Charles Murray
01:33:44.975 --> 01:33:47.309
in the public interest.
01:33:47.309 --> 01:33:49.392
At the time, this wasn\'t
exactly fashionable,
01:33:49.392 --> 01:33:52.309
but since then, things have been changing.
01:33:52.309 --> 01:33:54.059
(tense music)
01:33:54.059 --> 01:33:55.850
- [Narrator] The Reagan
administration found
01:33:55.850 --> 01:33:58.725
a convenient justification
for cutting social programs
01:33:58.725 --> 01:34:02.850
in social scientist Charles
Murray\'s early writings.
01:34:03.850 --> 01:34:06.226
- You called for scrapping
the entire federal welfare
01:34:06.526 --> 01:34:09.234
and income support structure,
Medicaid, food stamps,
01:34:09.234 --> 01:34:11.192
unemployment, workers\' compensation,
01:34:11.192 --> 01:34:12.275
subsidized housing, the whole thing.
01:34:12.275 --> 01:34:13.150
- The whole thing.
01:34:13.150 --> 01:34:14.150
- [Interviewer] And
such a step would leave
01:34:14.150 --> 01:34:16.859
working class person with
no recourse whatsoever
01:34:16.859 --> 01:34:19.067
except the job market,
family members, friends,
01:34:19.067 --> 01:34:22.776
and public and private
locally-funded services.
01:34:22.776 --> 01:34:25.818
(sullen music)
01:34:25.818 --> 01:34:29.651
- The implication was, why
should we provide welfare
01:34:29.651 --> 01:34:33.067
and other public benefits to these people.
01:34:33.067 --> 01:34:36.609
We don\'t want them to
take over our society.
01:34:36.609 --> 01:34:40.776
The society, in order to be
fit, needs to have, in fact,
01:34:41.609 --> 01:34:43.651
again, not stated explicitly,
01:34:43.651 --> 01:34:47.734
but this was the implicit
message, fewer of them.
01:34:48.983 --> 01:34:50.942
- We see a lowering taxes on the rich.
01:34:50.942 --> 01:34:52.900
We see a shredding of the safety net.
01:34:52.900 --> 01:34:55.567
We see an attack on unions.
01:34:55.567 --> 01:34:58.025
We see a million kids
taken off school lunches.
01:34:58.025 --> 01:35:00.234
We see a million elderly people
01:35:00.234 --> 01:35:02.359
and disabled knocked off Medicaid.
01:35:02.359 --> 01:35:05.192
We see half a million
people taken off welfare.
01:35:05.192 --> 01:35:08.025
So, this was an enormous
change in American policy
01:35:08.025 --> 01:35:09.942
from the Great Society.
01:35:12.983 --> 01:35:15.067
- Well, let me say, I
read Charles Murray\'s
01:35:15.067 --> 01:35:17.275
latest article on this,
01:35:17.275 --> 01:35:19.317
and I think he did the
country a great service.
01:35:19.317 --> 01:35:20.526
I mean, he and I often have disagreed,
01:35:20.526 --> 01:35:22.609
but I think his analysis
is essentially right.
01:35:22.609 --> 01:35:24.818
Now, whether his prescription
is right, I question,
01:35:24.818 --> 01:35:26.818
and let me say why,
01:35:26.818 --> 01:35:28.734
there is no question that we need to,
01:35:28.734 --> 01:35:33.567
that if we reduced aid to
families with dependent children,
01:35:33.567 --> 01:35:34.401
it would be some incentive for people
01:35:34.401 --> 01:35:37.776
not to have dependent
children out of wedlock.
01:35:37.776 --> 01:35:40.109
I think we oughta ask
ourselves whether it is right,
01:35:40.109 --> 01:35:41.776
is it morally right?
01:35:41.776 --> 01:35:44.442
If it is right, we oughta do it.
01:35:46.150 --> 01:35:48.526
- [Narrator] Ultimately, Bill
Clinton worked with Congress
01:35:48.526 --> 01:35:51.109
to propose legislation with draconian cuts
01:35:51.109 --> 01:35:53.359
to social programs.
01:35:53.359 --> 01:35:56.900
Many Democrats spoke out against the bill.
01:35:56.900 --> 01:35:59.526
- America is not about bashing children
01:35:59.526 --> 01:36:01.609
because they\'re born out of wedlock.
01:36:01.609 --> 01:36:06.526
It is not about bashing women
as illicit and unfit mothers.
01:36:06.526 --> 01:36:08.818
- Just how many millions of infants
01:36:08.818 --> 01:36:11.900
will be put to the sword is not yet clear.
01:36:11.900 --> 01:36:16.067
Those involved will take this
disgrace to their graves.
01:36:17.317 --> 01:36:18.983
- [Narrator] The final welfare reform law
01:36:18.983 --> 01:36:21.776
that Congress approved
not only ended federal aid
01:36:21.776 --> 01:36:23.734
to families with dependent children,
01:36:23.734 --> 01:36:25.942
it also deprived hundreds of thousands
01:36:25.942 --> 01:36:28.109
of documented immigrants\' access
01:36:28.109 --> 01:36:30.692
to basic government aid like disability
01:36:30.692 --> 01:36:34.025
and slashed child nutrition programs.
01:36:34.025 --> 01:36:35.609
Analysts predicted the bill would push
01:36:35.609 --> 01:36:38.859
more than a million children into poverty.
01:36:38.859 --> 01:36:41.734
President Clinton signed it anyway.
01:36:44.109 --> 01:36:47.067
20 years later, studies
show the welfare legislation
01:36:47.067 --> 01:36:50.025
actually led to more than
three million children
01:36:50.025 --> 01:36:53.317
living on less than $2.00 a day.
01:36:53.317 --> 01:36:55.526
- There is no more food at this time.
01:36:55.526 --> 01:36:58.109
You can come back next
Monday at two o\'clock.
01:36:58.109 --> 01:36:59.526
(speaking in foreign language)
01:36:59.526 --> 01:37:00.859
That\'s it, mommy, that\'s it.
01:37:00.859 --> 01:37:03.067
No sir, I\'m sorry, no more.
01:37:03.067 --> 01:37:05.651
(sullen music)
01:37:07.067 --> 01:37:07.942
- [Man] Please raise your hand
01:37:07.942 --> 01:37:10.109
if you\'re here to see the dentist.
01:37:10.109 --> 01:37:11.526
- [Man With Megaphone] A lot
of other good doctors here,
01:37:11.526 --> 01:37:15.734
cancer doctors, bone
doctors, heart doctors.
01:37:15.734 --> 01:37:17.942
- We got children and
diabetics and stuff out here
01:37:17.942 --> 01:37:21.734
that can\'t, they can\'t sit
here till three in morning.
01:37:21.734 --> 01:37:25.317
- The reason why so
many people are in need
01:37:26.609 --> 01:37:30.317
is not because they are inherently unable
01:37:30.317 --> 01:37:32.526
to make something of themselves.
01:37:32.526 --> 01:37:36.692
It\'s because we\'ve had a
catastrophic economic situation
01:37:37.526 --> 01:37:40.651
that began when Wall Street blew up,
01:37:40.651 --> 01:37:43.401
nearly taking the rest
of the economy with it.
01:37:43.401 --> 01:37:45.900
Americans have struggled
and many of those Americans
01:37:45.900 --> 01:37:50.067
desperately need the safety
nets in order to survive.
01:37:51.818 --> 01:37:54.317
- And if you tell the truth about it,
01:37:54.317 --> 01:37:56.900
it\'s a complex set of problems,
01:37:56.900 --> 01:37:58.818
you need a complex set of solutions
01:37:58.818 --> 01:38:01.526
that will include inevitably government.
01:38:01.526 --> 01:38:03.359
If you don\'t like government,
01:38:03.359 --> 01:38:05.818
you can\'t even tell the
truth about the problem.
01:38:05.818 --> 01:38:07.401
You make up the reason.
01:38:07.401 --> 01:38:10.567
The reason is you just got
some people are just born dumb.
01:38:10.567 --> 01:38:11.776
Well, that\'s a good simple reason
01:38:11.776 --> 01:38:13.401
and then you got a good simple solution.
01:38:13.401 --> 01:38:17.192
Don\'t do anything, but you
get a terrible outcome,
01:38:17.192 --> 01:38:21.192
and that\'s the great danger of
this Social Darwinist fantasy
01:38:21.192 --> 01:38:23.234
taking over bigger and bigger parts
01:38:23.234 --> 01:38:25.359
of the American imagination.
01:38:25.359 --> 01:38:28.109
(sirens wailing)
01:38:28.109 --> 01:38:30.734
- [Narrator] Continuing cuts
in critical social services
01:38:30.734 --> 01:38:33.526
are resulting in millions
of premature deaths,
01:38:33.526 --> 01:38:36.234
especially for people of color.
01:38:36.234 --> 01:38:37.359
Poor children in this country
01:38:37.359 --> 01:38:41.025
are now twice as likely to die
in their first year of life
01:38:41.025 --> 01:38:43.359
than if they were born wealthy,
01:38:43.359 --> 01:38:44.942
often because they\'re malnourished
01:38:44.942 --> 01:38:47.150
and their parents can\'t
afford the critical healthcare
01:38:47.150 --> 01:38:49.900
they need during that first year.
01:38:52.317 --> 01:38:54.818
People are dying from
poverty and inequality
01:38:54.818 --> 01:38:59.651
at similar rates as other
leading causes of death,
01:38:59.651 --> 01:39:01.275
demonstrating that the United States
01:39:01.275 --> 01:39:03.484
has been implementing on a large scale
01:39:03.484 --> 01:39:07.651
what would otherwise be
considered a eugenic program.
01:39:11.818 --> 01:39:14.442
And there are troubling
signs that other cruel
01:39:14.442 --> 01:39:17.692
eugenic policies of the
past are reemerging.
01:39:17.692 --> 01:39:20.192
(crowd shouting)
01:39:20.192 --> 01:39:23.442
- We face a choice that
will echo through history.
01:39:23.442 --> 01:39:27.942
In 1924, a racist, xenophobic,
antisemitic congress
01:39:27.942 --> 01:39:31.109
passed legislation slamming the doors shut
01:39:31.109 --> 01:39:32.484
on Jewish and Italian and Greek
01:39:32.484 --> 01:39:34.942
and Eastern European immigrants.
01:39:34.942 --> 01:39:37.150
We must not do so again.
01:39:37.150 --> 01:39:38.859
To stop thousands of desperate people
01:39:38.859 --> 01:39:41.651
who are fleeing unspeakable
violence is unconscionable.
01:39:41.651 --> 01:39:45.067
We might as well take down
the Statue of Liberty.
01:39:45.067 --> 01:39:47.359
- When Mexico sends its people,
01:39:47.359 --> 01:39:49.484
they\'re not sending their best.
01:39:49.484 --> 01:39:51.234
They\'re bringing drugs,
01:39:51.234 --> 01:39:54.692
they\'re bringing crime, they\'re rapists.
01:39:54.692 --> 01:39:56.317
- You cannot rebuild your civilization
01:39:56.317 --> 01:39:58.317
with somebody else\'s babies.
01:39:58.317 --> 01:40:02.776
We\'ve essentially phased out
the promotion of assimilation
01:40:02.776 --> 01:40:05.818
and we promoted instead
multiculturalism and diversity
01:40:05.818 --> 01:40:08.067
as if it were our strength.
01:40:09.484 --> 01:40:11.275
- We have to be willing
to say to all those
01:40:11.275 --> 01:40:14.526
who are non-European, we wish you well,
01:40:14.526 --> 01:40:16.651
but this territory is for us.
01:40:16.651 --> 01:40:17.818
- So, you want me to leave?
01:40:17.818 --> 01:40:20.900
- Under certain circumstances,
yes, we would ask you to go.
01:40:20.900 --> 01:40:23.442
Unless whites are prepared
to exclude people,
01:40:23.442 --> 01:40:25.359
then they will be shoved aside.
01:40:25.659 --> 01:40:29.826
That is the fate which I will
fight until my last breath.
01:40:31.534 --> 01:40:34.450
- It\'s when people get a chance to see
01:40:34.450 --> 01:40:38.200
the actual outcome of these
ideas, they are repulsed.
01:40:38.200 --> 01:40:40.659
Not just Americans, people
all around the world.
01:40:40.659 --> 01:40:42.450
It is not who humans are.
01:40:42.450 --> 01:40:44.159
It\'s not who we are.
01:40:44.159 --> 01:40:46.118
We\'re not a sink or swim country.
01:40:46.118 --> 01:40:47.742
We\'re a better country than that.
01:40:47.742 --> 01:40:51.617
♪ Marching out to freedom land ♪
01:40:51.617 --> 01:40:54.200
(sullen music)
01:40:56.409 --> 01:40:57.784
- [Narrator] There is a growing awareness
01:40:57.784 --> 01:41:02.118
about what has been done
in the name of the gene.
01:41:02.118 --> 01:41:04.076
- My name is Willie C. Lynch.
01:41:04.076 --> 01:41:07.118
I\'m from Littleton, North
Carolina, 77 years old,
01:41:07.118 --> 01:41:11.283
and I was operated on in
1948 when I was 14 years old.
01:41:14.909 --> 01:41:16.325
- My name is Elaine Riddick.
01:41:16.325 --> 01:41:18.492
I am a victim of eugenics.
01:41:19.617 --> 01:41:21.242
- [Narrator] Sterilization survivors,
01:41:21.242 --> 01:41:23.242
such as Elaine Riddick Jessie,
01:41:23.242 --> 01:41:25.826
have become strong advocates for justice
01:41:25.826 --> 01:41:28.409
and have made eugenics a national issue,
01:41:28.409 --> 01:41:31.617
and some governors have made
formal apologies to victims
01:41:31.617 --> 01:41:33.701
and offered compensation.
01:41:35.159 --> 01:41:37.742
Significant gains are also being made
01:41:37.742 --> 01:41:39.826
against the gene defense.
01:41:39.826 --> 01:41:42.325
Fidelma Fitzpatrick and her legal team
01:41:42.325 --> 01:41:44.951
won a landmark judgment in California
01:41:44.951 --> 01:41:48.118
against the lead pigment industry.
01:41:48.118 --> 01:41:49.784
The money is funding a program
01:41:49.784 --> 01:41:52.283
to inspect tens of thousands of homes
01:41:52.283 --> 01:41:54.867
and to remove toxic lead paint.
01:41:57.534 --> 01:42:00.367
In the future, we\'ll look
back at the gene concept
01:42:00.367 --> 01:42:02.575
as pseudoscience in the same way
01:42:02.575 --> 01:42:05.909
we look back at royal blood, skull size,
01:42:05.909 --> 01:42:07.867
and other determinist theories
01:42:07.867 --> 01:42:11.242
that justified oppression and inequality.
01:42:12.159 --> 01:42:14.992
- Realizing the concept
of the gene is really
01:42:14.992 --> 01:42:18.534
just an empty word is an
incredibly liberating thing.
01:42:18.534 --> 01:42:20.742
You come to realize that yes,
01:42:20.742 --> 01:42:23.826
we are actually very dynamic organisms
01:42:23.826 --> 01:42:27.992
that are influenced and can
influence everything around us.
01:42:29.492 --> 01:42:30.951
- [Teacher] Add a little bit
of water, I can tell by your--
01:42:30.951 --> 01:42:32.742
- [Student] I know.
01:42:32.742 --> 01:42:35.325
(mellow music)
01:42:36.492 --> 01:42:40.701
- It\'s very freeing to dispose
of this genetic determinism.
01:42:40.701 --> 01:42:43.659
The real question is, do
we have the political will,
01:42:43.659 --> 01:42:46.742
at this time in history,
to make the changes
01:42:46.742 --> 01:42:50.118
that will allow us to fulfill
that American project.
01:42:50.118 --> 01:42:52.701
(gentle music)
01:43:02.575 --> 01:43:06.742
- I am extraordinarily
confident that we will continue
01:43:09.034 --> 01:43:12.701
with the project that
we set out on in 1776.
01:43:13.784 --> 01:43:16.367
01:43:16.367 --> 01:43:18.034
- [Announcer] Burma.
01:43:19.118 --> 01:43:19.951
01:43:21.492 --> 01:43:22.325
01:43:23.742 --> 01:43:25.575
- It\'s become really
fashionable to be cynical
01:43:25.575 --> 01:43:29.909
about the American Dream
in public discourse,
01:43:29.909 --> 01:43:33.450
but every single American
when they see a child,
01:43:33.450 --> 01:43:35.325
they believe in their heart that that kid
01:43:35.325 --> 01:43:39.283
should be able to make it, to
work hard and get somewhere.
01:43:39.283 --> 01:43:42.742
It is the defining quality
of being an American
01:43:42.742 --> 01:43:44.200
is that you believe that\'s true.
01:43:44.200 --> 01:43:46.575
Now, that doesn\'t mean
you believe it is true.
01:43:46.575 --> 01:43:49.867
It means that you believe
it should be true.
01:43:49.867 --> 01:43:51.951
That dream is a powerful dream.
01:43:51.951 --> 01:43:54.784
It is the magnet that
brought us all here together,
01:43:54.784 --> 01:43:56.200
and if you throw it away,
01:43:56.200 --> 01:43:58.992
that thing that helped us come together,
01:43:58.992 --> 01:44:01.575
if it\'s gone, we will come apart.
01:44:01.575 --> 01:44:02.909
We\'ll come apart as a country.
01:44:02.909 --> 01:44:04.492
We\'re either gonna turn to each other
01:44:04.492 --> 01:44:07.118
or on each other in this new century.
01:44:07.118 --> 01:44:09.867
(dramatic music)
01:44:20.534 --> 01:44:23.118
(gentle music)
01:46:48.575 --> 01:46:51.076
(tense music)
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 106 minutes
Date: 2017
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 10 - 12, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
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