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Secrets of the Salt Marsh

Secrets of the Salt Marsh

A general overview of salt marsh ecology is captured here beautifully with crisp aerial, underwater and time lapse photography.

To most people it looks like dead grass and mud, but the salt marsh is one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, teeming with life, from the microscopic plankton to the grand snowy egret. Marshes protect the mainland from flooding, filter sediment and some pollutants from the water, and are home to many species of fish, shellfish and birds.

Seasonal changes in the plant and animal community highlight the immeasurable value of this habitat. Migrating birds use the marsh area as a resting and breeding stopover point on the way to tropical winter homes. And that classic of biology study, the food chain, is seen in action among the diverse life forms of the salt marsh, including grass shrimp and fiddler crabs, and terrapin turtles.