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A Way to B

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A Way to B is a dansant portrait of several members of the flamboyant, Catalan dance collective Liant La Troca, led by dancer and choreographer Jordi Cortés Molina.

The film’s hybrid style, in which documentary and dance continually merge and diverge, follows several of the group’s dancers as they shape their individual stories in performances. These dancers have physical disabilities: one walks in a steel corset, another is spastic. Some performers are in wheelchairs, one has one leg, another has no legs at all, is blind or sees a little less every day.

Sensual, exuberant and provocative choreographies alternate in the theatre, a square, a forest, a living room. At the same time, the dancers give candid insights into the challenges of everyday existence.

Constructed as an autumn day in and around Barcelona, A Way to B offers an unusual look at human resilience and love.

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