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The Docuseek Complete Collection (subscription)

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The Docuseek Complete Collection (subscription) includes the following titles:

Lucanamarca - imageLucanamarca

In the Peruvian Andes, in the town of Lucanamarca, old wounds are re-opened when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission arrives to investigate a massacre from 20 years ago.

Icarus Films | 2009 | 69 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Lucia - imageLucia

A dramatic film about the cost of an oil spill to a fishing village in the Philippines.

Bullfrog Films | 1994 | 89 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Luckey - imageLuckey

A portrait of a family in crisis and one man's effort to create a new life in the wake of a devastating accident.

The Fanlight Collection | 2008 | 84 minutes
Lunch Love Community - imageLunch Love Community

Passion, creative energy and persistence come together when Berkeley advocates and educators tackle food reform and food justice in the schools and in the neighborhoods.

Bullfrog Films | 2015 | 78 minutes | 7 - 12, College, Adults
MANA - Beyond Belief - imageMANA - Beyond Belief

Feature-length visual essay on the power of objects. People, all people, all over the world have their own versions of mana, residing in their minds or in the objects themselves.

Strange Attractions | 2005 | 92 minutes
Madam Phung's Last Journey - imageMadam Phung's Last Journey

Madam Phung and her transgender singers travel around Vietnam, sparking fascination and hostility from the local people.

Icarus Films | 2014 | 87 minutes
Made Over in America - imageMade Over in America

In a culture where bodies seem customizable, how do we perceive body image, and how are desires for a better self influenced by reality television and the makeover industry?

Icarus Films | 2007 | 65 minutes | 9-12, College, Adult
Made in Thailand - imageMade in Thailand

In Thailand, women make up 90 percent of the labor force responsible for garments and toys for export by multinational corporations. This powerful, revealing documentary about women factory workers and their struggle to organize unions exposes the human cost behind the production of everyday items that reach our shores.

Women Make Movies | 1999 | 30 minutes | College, Adults
Mademoiselle and the Doctor - imageMademoiselle and the Doctor

A profile of Dr. Lisette Nigot, proponent of the right-to-die, and counsellor to those who want control over their own deaths.

Icarus Films | 2004 | 55 minutes | 11-12, College, Adult
Magic Radio - imageMagic Radio

In Niger, where more than 80% of the population is illiterate, radio is the main means of mass communication.

Icarus Films | 2007 | 54 minutes

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