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Philosophers: Debates and Dialogues

In 1971, a Dutch initiative called the International Philosophers Project brought together the leading thinkers of the day for a series of one-on-one debates. The participants included intellectual superstars Alfred Ayer and Arne Naess, Karl Popper and John Eccles, Leszek Kolakowski and Henri Lefèbvre, and - most notably, in a now justifiably famous exchange - Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault.

This set collects all four remarkable conversations, along with introductions and commentary by Dutch philosopher and writer Fons Elders. Elders moderated the original debates - hand-picking each of the participants after spending some time getting to know them. Now, looking back four decades later, he offers perspective and context, summarizing the arguments and highlighting the key moments of each debate.

Each of these conversations captures the intellectual and social ferment of the late 1960s and early 1970s, when dramatic social and economic transformation seemed imminent - and philosophical questions underpinned discussions about what form the new society would take. Though many of the questions under discussion are timeless, this social and political context gives them a particular sense of urgency.

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The Philosophers: Debates and Dialogues includes the following titles:

Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault - imageNoam Chomsky and Michel Foucault

The now legendary 1971 conversation between Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault on the subject of human nature.

Icarus Films | 1971 | 80 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Alfred Ayer and Arne Naess - imageAlfred Ayer and Arne Naess

Analytic philosopher Alfred Ayer and Arne Naess, father of the deep ecology movement, discuss skepticism, fact, and truth.

Icarus Films | 1971 | 74 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Karl Popper and John Eccles - imageKarl Popper and John Eccles

Karl Popper and neuroscientist John Eccles discuss falsifiability, truth and fact, and the open society.

Icarus Films | 1971 | 80 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Leszek Kolakowski and Henri Lefebvre - imageLeszek Kolakowski and Henri Lefebvre

Leszek Kolakowski and Henri Lefebvre discuss the ongoing significance of Marxism and the concept of alienation.

Icarus Films | 1971 | 77 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult

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