Based on a true story, this poignant and inspirational film follows the…
Guillen Project
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Guillén Project unfolds against the backdrop of Monzón, Huesca, where dedicated schoolteacher Javi faces a daunting challenge: one of his elementary school students, Guillén, is diagnosed with cancer. A typical teacher-student relationship transforms into a profound journey of determination when Guillén's illness forces him out of the classroom. Javi initiates "The Guillén Project," an educational endeavor designed to ensure Guillén remains connected with his classmates through special videos, predating the widespread use of platforms like Zoom.
Recognized by The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, "The Guillén Project" earns Javi the prestigious Francisco Giner de los Ríos Award for its impact on education. The documentary delves into the challenges of unconventional educational methods and celebrates solidarity in times of adversity. The film is a testament to the enduring spirit of hope and the unwavering commitment to ensuring equitable access to education.
Main credits
Lorenzo, David (film director)
Lorenzo, David (screenwriter)
Campo, Elena (screenwriter)
Mur, Javier (on-screen participant)
Other credits
Cinematography, Elena Campo [and 3 others]; editing, Lucía Algarra, Alberto Díaz-Guerra, David Lorenzo; music, Marta Jurado.
Distributor subjects
Disabilities; Education; Biography; Youth; Iberian Studies; Short Films; Health + AgingKeywords
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It's about a king who has a son and loves cherries, but doesn't know how to bone them.
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Then that king sends a magician to invent a formula to stone-thaw the cherries.
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Tells him he'll need three months and not to be disturbed.
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Then the king after a month goes and says to him, "Is this how you study the magicians?
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killing flies?” “Yeah, it helps keep him out of trouble”.
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He goes to the second month and finds him smoking a pipe, “That's how you magicians study?
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smoking a pipe?”. And he goes and says, "yeah, that helps us focus”.
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And the third one says to him, “Look, here you have the wand, a wand that bones cherries”.
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And the king sends his farmers to bring a box of cherries, but they tell him that there are no more left.
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That there are no more cherries left and they can no longer be made. The moral there I think is
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that you don't have to be impatient to do whatever you want.
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Are you impatient?, sometimes.
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On the last day we do so a little party, with water balloons and so on,
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and indeed he was there, but he was sick, he couldn't play and it was very strange on him to watch him play like that.
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He started in the third grade with a stomach ache, and then in the fourth... he stopped coming to class.
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I have images that come right away and I do have the image of seeing him sitting on a bench,
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crying because he can't go out to do the final year performance, I have that image...
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right here. They were all in disguise, they were all there and he didn't come out because it hurt so much.
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We had to go down to the hospital three times, the first time they ruled out appendicitis,
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they gave him a painkiller and we went home, the second time they did an X-ray,
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they discarded... we were told it was a colic, a colic, gastroenteritis.
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When he was in third grade, he complained of stomach pains for several days,
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he complained, he complained, but apparently the doctors couldn't find anything.
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The next time we went to the pediatrician and she sent us directly to emergencies
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and we weren´t suposed to leave the hospital until the pain was gone.
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And well... On that occasion they didn't give him any painkillers or anything else,
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and we were seeing how the child was falling in a tailspin for hours.
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A candle fading asway, that was Guillén.
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And then, when we were supposed to be discharged, the pathology results came back,
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on July 1, and they told us it was cancer, that it was cancer.
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And that he should start the chemo.
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It was very hard, very hard, it was a sledgehammer.
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When I found out that Guillén was not going to return to class and I know why,
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since the first thing I thought was that I didn't want Guillén to stay out of the classroom,
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I wanted Guillén, even though he wasn't in the classroom, to keep in touch with his classmates,
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I wanted it to be the least hard for a process that it was already going to be hard.
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So, I wanted to try to help because what I knew was that I couldn't do nothing.
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He told us that Guillén had a disease
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and that we could help him to learn better,
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s it could also help him lift his spirits, which would help him feel better.
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Were you good at school?
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Yeah... no... more or less.
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Something that was initially dramatic and that was a very difficult situation,
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because I remember. The first day in class, when you arrive,
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the children begin to comment between them... Guillén whatever...
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sure, you know it but you know that they know more than you.
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“Who's that?”, ”Us!” “Ah, ok.
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Hey, girls, come on in!”
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He suggested that we could help him understand the classes while he was gone,
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and we could also go over them ourselves.
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The king couldn't get up.
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My whole body hurts as if a Persian cavalry trampled on me.
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If you don't bring me the inventor of pitted cherries tomorrow, I'll have you punished.
My whole body hurts as if a Persian cavalry trampled on me.
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If you don't bring me the inventor of pitted cherries tomorrow, I'll have you punished.
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And with the stripe on top, that would be 10000.
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I didn't know Guillén much more than I knew any other student.
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I knew all the students.
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It was Javi who contacted us and told us, “Hey, look, I have a problem,
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the kids are very unmotivated and I have come up with this idea, what you think abou it.”
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How are you going to say no, how can I not agree that you help my son
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and that he can continue with his education and not be disassociated from the school , right?
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A phrase from a volunteer who came there from Aspanoa helped me a lot, he told us
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“I spent it with a son of mine and with the passage of time this is lived as a Kit - Kat,
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you park it there in time and forget it,
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you always remember it when you need something good or something bad from the experience,
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but from usual, or from the usuality that stands on the dark side of the brain,
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and it's true, it's true,
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this happens and also overlaps one
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and if you have to say something to a father or a mother
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is that they should not reject any good face,
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that they do not reject any help, that they do not reject anything, because everything helps.
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The Guillén project is a project born out of the need to maintain contact with a student
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who is not going to be in the classroom for a prolonged period of time, for a medical reason.
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When a new child arrives here to oncopediatrics, as when Guillén arrived in his moment,
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what we do in principle is to know the child, to know the family,
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the illness he has and the time foreseen, especially if he cannot access the educational centre.
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There is a system of teacher at home and communication between the center and the classroom of the hospital
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because to continue as good as you can see some of the topics that have to do in class.
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I joined the Guillén Project on November 3, 2014.
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My role from the first moment was to be Guillén's private teacher
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and to coordinate the project with Javi, so that Guillén could follow the rhythm of the class,
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without being the class in person.
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With Vero, the truth is that we did have a quite fluid relationship,
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because every week we were updating ourselves on what had been worked,
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how far it had advanced and perhaps also with her because of her proximity.
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Because it's not... the hospital you want is not in Zaragoza, we're in Monzón,
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and we do have a much closer relationship with it...
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there was a lot more communication about how the educational process was going, the educational part of Guillén.
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My first impression, it impacted me, it impacted me a little how Guillén was at that moment.
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But when I left there I left with a very gratifying feeling
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because I had been with Guillén for an hour and a half
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and had seen that he really wanted to continue learning
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and that was the feeling I took with me when I left his house.
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She was like a postman who brought me letters from school, homework...
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I did my homework and handed it to the school and there they corrected it.
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I started teaching with him at 9:00 in the morning.
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We always started at 9 in the morning and depending on the hours we had to teach,
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on the hours we had accumulated, we gave from 9 to 10.30 or to 11.00 11.30...
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It was depending.
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In those 7 hours that we had weekly classes we had to teach
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language, mathematics, English and natural sciences.
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One of the hardest parts of the project is the one she had to face
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because arriving home and one day finding it with more strength, with less strength,
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with more desire, with less desire... and knowing how to turn that around
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and create a learning situation so that a person
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who is in a difficult situation can take advantage of it has a merit and a brutal job on her part.
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When Guillén came here, he would bring proposals from his teacher who was at home,
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he would bring work proposals.
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And when he was here hospitalized, as long as his conditions allowed it,
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we would continue the work that had already been organized from Monzón.
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The routine was more or less...
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Soon in the morning it was breakfast,
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bathing, going to the classroom, eating...
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eating, watching a movie or sleeping, snacking...
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And then again there were like volunteers who were there to play with me.
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That period of treatment and the period of recovering the defenses
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out of isolation was the period in which he, well,
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in the mornings he could do something in the classroom of the center could... well...
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Or when we were here with Vero...
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Or go out in the afternoons, or it was when Javier came home.
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I remember that on Wednesdays when I could he would come here to my house to teach me Roman numerals
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or to teach me to make divisions much faster, to multiply much faster...
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Whenever children miss out on school for a long time,
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our idea is to tell the tutors that please don't forget that they are still part of the class.
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And that they never forget to take them into account in any activity that they can participate in from home,
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that they take them into account. In the moment that they are going to do any activity in the playground
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in the afternoon, that he can approach to see them, even if it is from the go, whenever they call him.
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In other words, what we want is for you not to lose contact in any way.
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I came up with the idea of, in the blog we already had in class,
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to articulate that they were the ones who were going to explain things to them, being realistic
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and knowing that when he is in the hospital, precisely, he is not in the mood for anything pedagogical.
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We had a blog, called the 4th blog,
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where we would send each other comments...
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What I did there was to involve his classmates to get him hooked on the contents
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and have a little illusion to see that his life and the life he had before he got sick was waiting for him.
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We started giving ideas to start it. Each one with his idea and we finish with all the ideas.
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And we were really looking forward to it, because we knew we were going to do it right.
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Hello Guillén, I'll explain the approximations with the material we have in the sports center, in physical education.
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The children were very involved. It stimulated them a lot, come on.
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They were perhaps paying more attention to everything they had to prepare and everything.
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Another thing I was very clear about was that I didn't want to tell them what to do.
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It had to be them, because I came to tell them make me a video
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and give them even the made script didn't make any sense.
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We divided the tasks according to... One wanted..... The other "okay"...
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Javi in that was also very good..... From being in class and if you have to do this, work, whatever...
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but at the time that all these things were being prepared,
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I said what had to be done and the rest was autonomous everything.
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He always used to say the same sentence:
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Think that Guillén doesn't have to feel out of class, so what
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you think is more important, transmit it to him so that he can continue in class.
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2 x 7 and multiply it, which in this case is 14.
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I realized that when Guillén was watching the videos of his classmates
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it was when he really felt that he was learning more,
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either because he was much more interested in how they explained the subject matter to him,
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he contents that he had to learn and also because it was much more...
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much more familiar.
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Because we're his age and we have another way of explaining it.
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Not like teachers - more like their age -, who sometimes explain it in a different way than children.
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They explain it in their own way. Sometimes you don't understand. We understand each other.
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Yes, yes, yes. We have the same language.
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Yes, I'm not going to deny that the first few weeks were absolute chaos.
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But you can see that little by little they are entering the dynamic and I think
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it wasn't even two weeks ago that everyone already knew what they had to do.
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Come again. 3... since Diego arrives, Diego arrives... 3, 2, 1... now.
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If he hadn't explained all that to us, we couldn't have explained it to Guillén.
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He had to explain it to us several times until the group caught him.
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I had absolutely no idea of mounting videos, absolutely no idea of recording...
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I had a camera and with that, well, we'll get started.
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Come on... let's send him a mood video... And we made a mood video...
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Again, please, without the two of them.
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I send you forces...
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I didn't even know how to make the video, because I had no idea, I mean, I had no idea.
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Guillén this is dedicated to you and we hope you will come with us soon.
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A hug!
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We hope you Guillén!
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We hope you return soon to school, a very strong hug.
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We hope you recover.
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We miss you.
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I hope you recover soon.
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Guillén, my friend, we'll be waiting for you soon here at school.
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Guillén will be waiting for you.
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Guillén friend, we wait for you.
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Guillén friend, we wait for you.
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Then we tried the news, which was a total and absolute fiasco.
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Hello, good afternoon, we start with the weather. I'll put you through to Mauro.
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Hello Guillén, it's going to rain in Monzón...
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A failure because we had no idea, I, first, had no idea how we could do it...
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Of course, you set up a table, you're with the camera... four children recording, twenty children watching...
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One who speaks, one who doesn't speak, one who laughs... You say... it doesn't work like that.
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One of the videos that... the first videos that worked best was that of the senses
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and from there on, as if they liked putting themselves in front of a camera to explain.
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They started with the senses, but then they were the vertebrate and invertebrate animals...
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the accentuation... and now, well, we move on to this type of content.
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Today I'm going to explain to you the Sierra Natural Park and the Guara Canyons.
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That to Guillén as it served him a little carrot, motivation to say, well,
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if my teammates go there, I have to stay there too.
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I liked them because I knew that when they could,
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they could make some time for me.
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And it was also cool because when I saw them, I felt like a classmate.
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It got better because, first of all, he was much more motivated,
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that he liked the subject of the videos very much and he also wanted to be part of those videos.
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So the first video we made was explaining a division,
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how a division was made and how the test was done.
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Hello friends, I'm going to explain how to make a division.
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Since 3 is smaller than 8, we take 35...
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I sent two videos. One was from a Christmas story, which I sent them how to make gifts,
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and another was how to make a division of two numbers.
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If the division has gone so well, why something you don't like at all, such as writing essays,
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I can't take advantage of this resource and carry it out as well.
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The boy, whose name was Guillén,
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left home to live his life
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and invented the gift tree.
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And it was like...
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very emotional that his companions saw Guillén congratulating them on Christmas
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with a story he had made.
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So, the truth is that I think it's a very, very good point of the project,
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when Guillén also stands in front of a camera to talk to his classmates
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and to be one more.
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he same thing they're doing in class, he's doing it, which is to record videos for the classmates.
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I'll tell you the secret of the tree.
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First, we open the gift.
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Then we keep the toy.
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Then we plant the wrapper.
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And next year, a gift tree.
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Good Christmas, have a good vacation.
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The project managed to turn the situation around and that many students did not see...
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I don't know if they were aware, when they were doing Project Guillén,
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of how Guillén really was.
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Because we turned it around. In other words, it is not "there is an empty desk",
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it is "we are working so that the person who is here when he returns to the classroom, because he is going to return..."
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because the message is not "we don't know if he is going to return or not".
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Our message is "we're working for you when you get back."
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We felt responsible for the tasks we each had to do.
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And we learned more... to know that we had to do it for Guillén and for ourselves.
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And it was also a great experience, because even though we were kids, Javier gave us a great responsibility...
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It's true, Javier gave us a great responsibility.
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At least I felt a little more adult.
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And because I felt that if my group was this row, without Alba it would not be the same,
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without me it would not be the same, without Judith it would not be the same...
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Putting yourself in front of a camera, being able to talk...
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I don't even know if I'm capable now,
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but I assure you that two years ago I had no idea.
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The fact that they stand in front, the ability to develop communicative skills,
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their ability to speak, without working on it specifically, but we are putting activities
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that force them to work on oratory, public speaking, metacognition,
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knowing what is what they know and what they don't know.
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Because when you get stuck and you don't know what to explain to him, you realize that you have to go over that.
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Because we spent it, apart from when we did it, we learned more.
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It's another way of learning how to do things. More fun than there at the table...
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They were geniuses. In other words, for me, those who have the merit of how well this turned out
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were they because they are the ones who started with videos explaining the content,
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doing plays, they invented them, the scripts they made them...
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Some were comics, which we took from the book... And then we made like stories.
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Others we made up. At the end of the course,
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we all ended up doing plays on different themes, because we liked doing that better.
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From the mother's point of view, I never saw them overwhelmed with saying no...
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is that we have to make a recording. It was everything... On the contrary,
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in other words, we have to learn this well, because we have to explain it to Guillén on video
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and it has to look good and good... it was one more motivation to study and review.
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Learning from my classmates is that they can teach me more things and that while they teach me,
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they can also learn other things and then teach them to me.
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With Javier we talked when he came here, "but are you fulfilling the objectives of the course?"
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And Javier said that yes, thanks to Vero's support and to what they were doing with the Guillén Project,
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that he reached the minimums of the course.
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Then, in that aspect, Javier gave us enough tranquility, telling us
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"don't worry because the course is going to overcome it.
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Education is something different from what we were used to.
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Nor is it necessary to do something radically different, but that education can be something else
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and can work very well.
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So above all it's motivation to see different ways of doing things,
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to value your students, to be willing to catch up with them...
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It's a new way of learning and supporting the one who's having a hard time.
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As a team. It's a very nice detail for the person who's suffering.
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If what we want is to form only citizens with knowledge,
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then we will have a society with people who are very brilliant at the knowledge level, but we will not have human people.
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And I think that in education it is also super important to put all this more humanistic knowledge,
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more values, more emotions, more empathy, more respect, more tolerance ...
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that ultimately will help to have a society that in the future is better.
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Now we were commenting, also from the project they did with Javier and with Guillén ...
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And then there are four brushstrokes, four calls of attention, so that any tutor
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when he has one of these children in his classroom, or a girl, has that motivation,
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in other words, has that memory of how it can be done so that they do not lose contact with their classmates.
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Well, thanks to the dissemination that the project has had, several teachers who see themselves in similar situations,
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have contacted me directly and I have been able to give them a cable on how it worked.
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And I am aware that this project has already been replicated in several cabbages and with satisfactory results.
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Making a crisis, taking out a great opportunity, which can be copied and which does not require
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large budgets or much investment, requires intention and will.
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Guillén's return to the classroom was progressive, little by little.
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In the beginning I would come some afternoons, some hours in the afternoon, then I would come some day loose,
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and in the end I already incorporated in the day to the day of the routine of the classroom.
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He came and he was happy to be with us and we were happy to be with him.
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And we realized that the whole class was important and that without one `then everything was emptier.
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It was a little more boring, because if one is missing, sometimes it's different, you feel weird.
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It's like a puzzle without a piece.
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Well, I felt very happy because all of a sudden I saw all my classmates
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there, all of them together again in class... And then I felt much better because we were together.
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I think he learned more humanity, values, than knowledge.
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It was almost as if he hadn't been absent during those months.
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So really, the goal we had was to keep him in touch with his classmates,
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even though he wasn't in the classroom, I think it went quite well.
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Guillén did not have to recover a site he had lost.
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Guillén returned to the place that was waiting for him. And he never stopped being there.
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Not losing course for them is hope.
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The hope that life will continue as it was until now and that has been a short break,
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but that this has not prevented him from continuing with his classmates and know that you have finished the course
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and are going to move to fifth, that gives you a hope in life.
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That in the end the effort and how long it took us to do it has paid off.
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It's a good way to learn. It's been a great experience to be able to do that.
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I think they put a lot of work into it.
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I was very aware that all this was going to help the students and it was going to help them a lot.
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So good, then at the level of creativity... the creativity they developed...
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There are things I didn't know existed, I didn't know what could be done...
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And, frankly, it's that the students went to places where I didn't even know it existed.
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Then I think it's brutal.
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Javier knew how to handle it very well, very naturally.
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I imagine that he would find it difficult to digest and assimilate at the time, but then here he treated it...
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come on, it's that with a lot of affection. In fact Guillén says many times,
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the best teacher I've ever had is Javier.
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I think he's the best for doing all that in such a short time.
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Almost at night, I don't even think I slept to do the project.
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I think it's the best.
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I assure you that the best prize of all was when Javier returned to class in the month of May,
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after seven months away. Thank you Guillén for not losing the desire to learn,
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for continuing to fight every day, you are an example for us.
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Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 29 minutes
Date: 2019
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish
Grade: Middle School, High School, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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