The Price of Progress forces viewers to confront the multifaceted interests…
The Path of the Shepherd
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A journey through the vocation of six shepherds who see how the profession they love comes to an end. A journey over the course of a year that allows us to understand what has brought them there and where they are headed. A reflection on a way of life that tries to preserve an ancient profession that seems to have no place as society evolves.
Main credits
Pradas, Silvia (film director)
Pradas, Silvia (screenwriter)
Other credits
Cinematography, Juan Plaza Gómez; editing, Iván Castell; music, Marc Jovani, Salil Bhayani.
Distributor subjects
Environment + Sustainability; Economics + Social Class Issues; Labor StudiesKeywords
00:00:45.399 --> 00:00:46.759
Many years ago,
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a man who governed this country
ruined many villages
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and it was instilled
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that villagers should move to the cities
because they were yokels.
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Now there's a trend
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for people to go out herding for a day,
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to learn about beehives
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and to make honey and so on.
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So I don't think we're such idiot yokels
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when people are coming here to learn.
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The shepherd profession
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is a pleasant one,
but as society sees it
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whoever chooses to be a shepherd
is no good at anything else.
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That's kind of how it was seen years ago,
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which we must admit, regretfully,
because that's how it was.
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You depend on the weather, the markets,
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the government.
If at least they showed interest,
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but they only show interest
during election years
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then you're on your own for three years.
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We are the last of the Mohicans
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and unfortunately, it's happening fast.
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You find two completely different worlds.
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Those who see it like,
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"Everything is so beautiful,
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I love it,
I hope everything stays this way,
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I hope it never changes," like Heidi.
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And then what it's really like here.
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Life has changed and youngsters
have a different way of life,
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many people learn about us from museums,
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from what they read
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or a photograph they see.
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If things carry on like this, 30 years
from now there won't be any sheep,
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there will be less.
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My grandad always had sheep
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and I remember him
going out shepherding
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all day
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he only came home for a while.
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Lorena is a hard-working person
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and her character and frame of mind
come forth when she's with the sheep.
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I studied Forestry Engineering
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which I then validated
with the Forestry Engineering Degree.
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When I finished
I did a postgraduate course,
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and then I worked
at the university for a while
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with the Forest Sciences Centre
of Catalonia
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and then I decided to go back home,
because that's where I like to be.
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I've studied away from home,
living in place, a city,
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in a bigger place
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and I've realised it's not what I want.
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It isn't feasible to be 24 hours a day,
365 days a year
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because no one can withstand that,
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our grandparents did,
my grandad was a shepherd
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for the rich family in the village
for a piece of bread,
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but that's unfeasible now.
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We take the sheep up the mountain
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because we have to make the most
of the pastures we have,
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they aren't journeys lasting several days
as a transhumance shepherd would do,
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we have the mountains
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relatively close by,
a couple of hours away on foot.
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The sheep have lots of food there,
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they have a lot of land to roam
and it's great for them,
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they come back lovely and fat.
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The young people,
the majority of us are all friends,
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you've no choice,
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if you reduce your circle of friends
you end up on your own.
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I look after Lorena's sheep
as if they were mine,
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Lorena mine as if they were hers
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and the rest do the same.
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The shepherd profession
is a disappearing profession
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but there's still
that base of young people
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which encourages you
because when you hear
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that things aren't going well,
and you hear it a lot,
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you end up thinking
that things aren't going well
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and you end up closing down the farm.
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When I told my mum that I'd do this
when I finished my studies
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she didn't take it too well
because she said,
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"After all that studying, it's a shame..."
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They experienced
a much harsher way of farming
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and they don't want
the same for their children,
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therefore this handing down
to the next generation is disappearing.
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I have to go to work and I don't think,
"Hell, I have to go to work."
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Not at all, I do it happily.
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I don't care if it's Saturday or Monday,
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I go happily every day.
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Obviously there are bad days, you're tired
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or it's raining or snowing
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and you have to go shovelling
and you think...
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but I'm delighted.
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older women come and say,
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"Wonderful, a shepherd!"
I say, "Excuse me, I'm his mother"
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"and I'm female, I didn't need to have
a boy." They say, "What about the lad,"
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"will he be a shepherd?"
And I say, "Well,"
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"he can do whatever he wants,
I'll teach him,"
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and from very early on
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I've been taking him to see the sheep
and the cows, if he likes it later on...
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I'm the only woman in the valley.
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it's been seen as a job for men.
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Women have always worked with the animals,
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but in the shadows
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because they weren't the farm owners.
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So, it isn't that people
want to discriminate you,
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it's just that many women
don't even consider it now.
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My partner
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has never had animals, and he'd say,
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All you have to do is feed them!
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Why is it taking you so long?"
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And I'd say, "Hey, listen,"
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"I have to do
lots of other things as well!"
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This year he's had to do it
and I'd say, "Are you coming now?"
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and he'd say,
"Do you think it's just feeding them?"
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"I've got lots of things to do!"
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So anyway, at least he's aware now
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of all the work that has to be done.
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The way stock farmers are looked upon,
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as individuals with no qualifications
and not very literate...
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We're a group of young people
with degrees here in the valley
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and we are with animals,
so we're an example that this isn't true.
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There's a general view
that we do little work
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and that we're only here to cash in
and nothing else.
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But I can assure you,
the majority haven't worked out
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that formula.
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During the lambing season,
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you go out in the morning
and you find loads of lambs,
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it's chaos.
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Two lambs, no one wants them.
Well, this sheep wants them both,
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right then, I'll put them in a pen.
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She wants them, fine.
I went back later and she had four lambs.
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The thing is,
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when sheep are about to give birth
they want all the lambs they can find,
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and I didn't look any further,
she wanted them, fine,
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and since she had lots more,
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I just set her aside,
then I had to search for real
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to see where they belonged.
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The shepherd profession is disappearing
for different reasons.
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What is happening
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is the same as is happening in Spain
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and in the rest of the world,
it's not exclusive to this area.
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I think the main cause
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is the amount of time
that the animals need to be tended to,
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it's more convenient to look for a job
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that allows you to work eight hours
and have two days off and so on,
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rather than something like stock farming
which implies being there every day.
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I hope sheep farming doesn't disappear.
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But it will have to change,
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this idea we have
of the shepherd with his sheep,
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like you see
in children's stories and so on,
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or how it was before,
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if we keep to that idea,
then yes, quite easily,
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it will end up disappearing.
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I always dreamed of buying a tractor,
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I always dreamed of having 600 sheep,
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I don't know why that number,
but my dream was to have 600 sheep.
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But my mother was the first to say,
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"No one will want to marry a shepherd.
That's the last thing you want to do."
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We have both tried
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to turn the world of stock farming around.
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We started off with about 200 sheep
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and very little land.
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I've always thought
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that in this sector
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it's very hard for me to have a job
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and him another.
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It's better if you work together,
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otherwise you don't understand things.
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To be honest,
we do what we do thanks to my wife,
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I couldn't do it on my own.
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The dreams we've been fulfilling,
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living them from the start
until we've reached the end
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to be honest it's been a demanding path.
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Very often,
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they have been Utopias,
you've reached the end of the dream
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and you think,
"Christ, all I've done is work harder."
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The obstacle
that most embitters him and me
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is the government,
knowing that you're working every day,
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you're working long hours,
and from all the work you're doing
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you can't live off it,
you depend on the government,
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and the government
makes you do things their way.
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Lamb which we are producing here,
an artisanal product,
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if you put it on the market,
no one would be able to buy it,
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it would be a very expensive product,
so what was the solution?
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We'll give them grants
so we can offer people cheap food,
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which is why
intensive farming is profitable:
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pigs or chickens, because they produce
a lot of meat in little time.
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In the end we're only favouring
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the large farms.
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family farms are destined to perish,
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which is what really exists here.
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The day the people you have
start to fail you,
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you realise that the work
a well-trained dog does for you
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is the work of two or three people.
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We'd always had our grandparents'
age-old way of training dogs,
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but you realise
it's done differently in other countries.
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It's always been done
the same way here, telling the dogs
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to go up or down
and if they didn't go down,
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you'd shout, "No!"
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And they'd run in a different direction.
That's how it's always been done.
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And the dogs would always bite.
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Dogs here have always tended
to bite the sheep,
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and you'd shout, "Stop it!"
Calling on all the saints in the missal
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and finally they'd stop.
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In the end I thought,
"We have to do something
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to at least come to some understanding
with the dogs
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so it's less aggressive,"
because all you hear is shouting.
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You'd hear the shepherds
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and all you'd hear was shouting.
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The selection here was: whoever went most
to the pub and spoke well of his dogs,
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sold the most dogs
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and perhaps he had the worst dogs.
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The first
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is 12 years old
and it all started with this dog,
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it's retired,
it's 13 and has health problems.
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I guess it must have osteoarthritis
because these dogs
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go all out.
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It was the first dog
and it will end its days here.
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Educating your children, for example,
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is the same as educating dogs,
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you often have to assert yourself
without a word.
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Hitting them
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is no use at all. You can hit a dog
as you hit another person or a child,
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all you'll find is fear.
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And fear isn't good at all.
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In the end,
you can assert yourself in other ways.
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Getting involved
in this world of dog training has been...
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well, almost a hobby
which allows you to take a bit of a break,
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sheep take up your time 24 hours a day,
you don't do anything else.
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This has been my salvation almost.
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We have to realise
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that in this trade
we depend on outsiders all the time.
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When it comes to shearing,
there are no shearers here,
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there is no shearing culture
like in other countries.
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There were those who even thought
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that it wouldn't matter
if the sheep weren't sheared once.
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Personally, I think it would be mad.
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In the end, it's just added stress.
It's like us wearing
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two fleece jumpers,
a puffer coat and a duvet,
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and spending the whole summer
with a duvet on our back.
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I guess we'd be flat out on the floor
stifled in August.
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It would be the same for the sheep.
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Sheep need to shed their wool.
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It did a lot of damage here,
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Gloria, that famous storm
that left its trail
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throughout the whole region.
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Those were chaotic days
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because one of our warehouses collapsed.
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We didn't have time
to get live animals out,
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lambs that drowned,
there were sheep floating on the water...
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Finally we were able to get them out,
risking our lives.
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I don't know if it's climate change
but something is changing,
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you can sense it in the climate,
the animals,
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the biodiversity, everything,
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in the end
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I suppose what they're saying
about climate change is what it is.
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It's a job that apparently anyone can do,
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there seems to be an image that
the stupidest person can be a shepherd,
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but it isn't as easy as it looks.
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It isn't easy
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for someone to come here
and get involved in a business like this.
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It's very hard to find people
who are willing to do this job,
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you have to be a jack of all trades
to make ends meet.
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When I was a child a shepherd was a person
00:23:40.079 --> 00:23:41.720
who took the animals out,
00:23:41.839 --> 00:23:45.240
out into the fields,
and he brought them back to the barn.
00:23:46.079 --> 00:23:49.720
If you haven't evolved
there may still be people who do that.
00:23:49.880 --> 00:23:51.880
But if you want to evolve
00:23:52.000 --> 00:23:53.799
you have to do much more.
00:23:56.920 --> 00:23:58.319
In the end, the native breeds,
00:23:58.440 --> 00:24:01.119
many of which are in danger of extinction,
00:24:01.240 --> 00:24:03.200
in the end we'll lose them
00:24:03.359 --> 00:24:06.400
and losing this is like losing
the Basilica of Our Lady
00:24:06.599 --> 00:24:10.039
or losing a church.
Lots of village churches are renovated,
00:24:10.160 --> 00:24:12.680
even though no one lives there.
00:24:13.720 --> 00:24:16.279
A church or a Roman bridge can be heritage
00:24:16.400 --> 00:24:18.559
just as a breed of sheep can be,
00:24:18.720 --> 00:24:21.039
a breed that has been preserved
over centuries
00:24:21.200 --> 00:24:23.079
by the inhabitants of a certain area.
00:24:47.680 --> 00:24:49.440
We always had sheep at home,
I liked them,
00:24:49.559 --> 00:24:53.000
but my family said
it was a slave-like job and so on,
00:24:53.119 --> 00:24:56.079
it was a tough job with no days off.
00:24:56.200 --> 00:24:59.480
And in the end when I finished studying,
00:24:59.680 --> 00:25:02.319
my uncle still had sheep,
00:25:02.519 --> 00:25:03.920
but because they'd told me
00:25:04.039 --> 00:25:06.680
not to go into sheep farming,
he sold them.
00:25:08.640 --> 00:25:12.720
Six months after he'd sold them,
I insisted that I wanted to do it,
00:25:13.160 --> 00:25:16.880
and I had to buy a herd of sheep,
00:25:17.079 --> 00:25:20.319
and when you buy sheep,
they sell you anything but good ones,
00:25:20.960 --> 00:25:22.480
and I started from scratch.
00:25:29.119 --> 00:25:30.079
My mum,
00:25:30.640 --> 00:25:32.920
the problem was the distance,
00:25:33.079 --> 00:25:36.400
she was going to have to come
more often to Pobar.
00:25:39.799 --> 00:25:41.440
She knows what sheep farming is,
00:25:41.640 --> 00:25:46.039
but seeing it was what I liked
and what made me happy,
00:25:46.279 --> 00:25:48.160
what else could she say,
00:25:48.279 --> 00:25:50.480
if that was what I wanted?
00:25:54.880 --> 00:25:58.839
My dad fell ill
and it changed our life a great deal.
00:26:00.160 --> 00:26:03.759
If my dad were here now,
I think he'd be with me
00:26:04.039 --> 00:26:08.799
and he probably
wouldn't have had to come to Soria,
00:26:09.319 --> 00:26:13.759
but anyway, it's for the best,
I mean, that's how it is,
00:26:14.799 --> 00:26:17.440
and things have turned out fine for me.
00:26:24.799 --> 00:26:28.960
So many bad things wouldn't have happened
to me, which I've learned from,
00:26:29.400 --> 00:26:35.319
they're bad at the time
but in the long run, they're good clouts.
00:26:46.559 --> 00:26:50.559
Everyone said,
"It's going to change your life..."
00:26:50.759 --> 00:26:54.079
On the fifth day Manaslu was with me
in the fields as a shepherd.
00:26:56.839 --> 00:26:58.880
Manaslu spent the whole lambing season
00:26:59.039 --> 00:27:02.480
in a hammock on top of a bale of straw
inside the barn,
00:27:02.720 --> 00:27:04.279
and he was fine.
00:27:15.640 --> 00:27:20.400
I want him to adapt to the circumstances
and learn the values of all this
00:27:20.880 --> 00:27:24.640
so he will be responsible, I mean,
we worked for ourselves before,
00:27:24.759 --> 00:27:29.559
but now we do it for him,
to give him everything we can,
00:27:29.680 --> 00:27:31.240
the necessary things.
00:27:48.039 --> 00:27:51.200
Many rural villages need young minds,
00:27:51.359 --> 00:27:53.319
but I think it's difficult,
00:27:53.440 --> 00:27:56.960
because this society
is used to a different way of life,
00:27:57.519 --> 00:28:02.200
you're taught to live differently,
to have everything, and in a village...
00:28:05.519 --> 00:28:09.359
I don't think those things are necessary,
00:28:09.799 --> 00:28:12.480
it's materialism to me,
and I can't live off that.
00:28:14.720 --> 00:28:16.599
Manaslu has been brought up this way
00:28:16.880 --> 00:28:18.640
and he's fine
00:28:19.519 --> 00:28:21.119
but it's the mentality of society,
00:28:21.240 --> 00:28:24.960
nowadays you have to be in a chic place,
00:28:25.200 --> 00:28:26.480
nicely painted,
00:28:27.000 --> 00:28:29.440
with a huge smart TV...
00:28:52.480 --> 00:28:54.279
They call us grant hunters, no way.
00:28:54.559 --> 00:28:57.400
See if they'd survive without grants.
00:29:01.599 --> 00:29:04.839
Receiving payment for the new start-up
00:29:05.039 --> 00:29:06.359
took three years.
00:29:06.759 --> 00:29:09.240
After spending
months and months every morning
00:29:09.359 --> 00:29:11.720
in government offices, what do you think,
00:29:11.839 --> 00:29:15.960
the herd is in the barn, not yet fed
and I've been here four hours.
00:29:34.640 --> 00:29:36.640
If you let Manaslu loose in a city,
00:29:37.519 --> 00:29:39.440
he'd run rings round them all,
00:29:39.559 --> 00:29:42.279
if you let them loose half a mile away,
00:29:42.480 --> 00:29:43.920
they wouldn't know how to get here.
00:29:45.680 --> 00:29:49.400
I can tell you lots of things
about the countryside,
00:29:49.759 --> 00:29:51.960
pastures, herbaceous plants, shrubs,
00:29:52.079 --> 00:29:54.720
trees, birds.
00:29:55.039 --> 00:29:58.799
You often don't have any bread,
and as I say,
00:29:58.920 --> 00:30:01.319
lots of villagers know how to make bread,
00:30:01.759 --> 00:30:04.759
and others, well,
they look it up on Google now.
00:30:05.960 --> 00:30:07.200
If the grandparents are alive,
00:30:07.720 --> 00:30:09.319
I think they'll carry on coming,
00:30:09.480 --> 00:30:10.960
but once they die,
00:30:11.079 --> 00:30:14.160
the ivy and the brambles
will devour many houses,
00:30:14.279 --> 00:30:17.039
I hope not, I really do.
00:30:23.440 --> 00:30:25.839
Those who get it handed down,
00:30:25.960 --> 00:30:28.119
getting the herd from their parents
00:30:29.720 --> 00:30:31.440
or grandparents or whatever,
00:30:31.559 --> 00:30:34.759
that's the easy way
because 90 per cent of the work is done.
00:30:34.960 --> 00:30:37.519
Those people can pull through,
00:30:37.799 --> 00:30:39.799
but those who start from scratch,
00:30:40.519 --> 00:30:42.039
it's a huge investment.
00:30:50.799 --> 00:30:52.480
You have to move to a village.
00:30:53.240 --> 00:30:55.440
It's all well and good
00:30:55.559 --> 00:30:57.960
for city folk to say
they like animals and so on,
00:30:58.079 --> 00:31:01.599
but then they see animal droppings
or go into the barn and it smells,
00:31:10.599 --> 00:31:11.480
At first
00:31:11.599 --> 00:31:15.160
I lived in Magaña for two years,
there were no houses in Pobar to live in
00:31:15.799 --> 00:31:17.799
and Magaña is five miles away from Pobar.
00:31:17.960 --> 00:31:21.599
In winter
I perhaps had to walk there and back
00:31:21.720 --> 00:31:23.359
because the snowplough didn't come.
00:31:23.480 --> 00:31:27.920
I'd get to the barns in Pobar
with my hair frozen,
00:31:28.559 --> 00:31:33.000
I'd look at the sheep, weep and walk back
because I had no fodder for them.
00:31:44.599 --> 00:31:47.359
During the first winter,
and I'm not exaggerating,
00:31:47.599 --> 00:31:51.119
almost one hundred sheep died,
00:31:51.880 --> 00:31:56.200
because they were old,
it's like taking an 85-year-old person
00:31:56.319 --> 00:31:58.400
to the North Pole,
00:31:59.160 --> 00:32:02.319
and feeding them on lettuce all day,
00:32:02.599 --> 00:32:04.240
in the end,
00:32:04.359 --> 00:32:06.440
that person won't cope.
00:32:06.559 --> 00:32:09.359
I had a rough time,
and on my own, of course,
00:32:09.680 --> 00:32:10.519
if I got ill
00:32:10.640 --> 00:32:14.799
or whatever,
I had to let the herd run free.
00:32:33.799 --> 00:32:35.640
Now there are more farms
00:32:35.640 --> 00:32:40.599
belonging to women
and they run them, either on their own
00:32:40.599 --> 00:32:41.720
or with their partner,
00:32:41.720 --> 00:32:43.559
00:32:43.559 --> 00:32:48.400
they still do the housework,
I don't think we've progressed much there.
00:33:17.720 --> 00:33:19.759
I mean, with two kids now,
00:33:20.400 --> 00:33:23.920
I go to the fields,
I gave birth three weeks ago,
00:33:24.200 --> 00:33:27.960
but from day four the baby girl
has been going to the fields too.
00:33:35.640 --> 00:33:37.640
We've always worked more
00:33:37.759 --> 00:33:41.920
and we've always carried
the biggest bales of hay on our back.
00:34:05.680 --> 00:34:06.960
It's a job
00:34:07.200 --> 00:34:10.800
that has evolved in very few aspects.
00:34:11.599 --> 00:34:13.440
I don't know anyone
00:34:13.880 --> 00:34:18.880
with a full-time shepherd
who would do anything for the sheep,
00:34:19.119 --> 00:34:20.360
on a full-time contract.
00:34:20.480 --> 00:34:23.599
There aren't any, you can't find anyone.
00:34:32.880 --> 00:34:34.800
In my mind, grazing is still done,
00:34:35.119 --> 00:34:38.159
I mean, taking the animals out to graze,
00:34:38.400 --> 00:34:42.159
as it was done thirty odd years ago,
as it's always been done.
00:34:43.760 --> 00:34:46.239
I think it should carry on the same way,
00:34:46.920 --> 00:34:48.639
we can't lose all that,
00:34:49.039 --> 00:34:53.719
I think they have it in their genes.
If you cut that gene, goodbye sheep.
00:35:15.119 --> 00:35:17.360
He gets up at about half past seven.
00:35:17.480 --> 00:35:20.039
He gets up and feeds the sheep.
00:35:21.239 --> 00:35:24.840
Then he comes, he has breakfast
00:35:25.239 --> 00:35:27.360
and he goes off again for a while.
00:35:27.559 --> 00:35:30.360
We kind of follow the daylight.
00:35:36.960 --> 00:35:39.719
A shepherd's job is hard,
you work long hours,
00:35:40.519 --> 00:35:42.159
it takes up your time,
00:35:42.559 --> 00:35:46.760
and the more you work with the sheep,
in the end
00:35:46.880 --> 00:35:47.880
you get hooked.
00:35:50.320 --> 00:35:55.440
I remember when I was young,
my grandad had sheep.
00:35:56.239 --> 00:35:58.880
He had 200 sheep
and then on my dad's side,
00:35:59.159 --> 00:36:01.719
we always had sheep at home,
00:36:01.920 --> 00:36:04.840
stock farming has been
a lifelong family tradition.
00:36:11.800 --> 00:36:16.320
Spending ten hours a day in the fields
with the sheep, that has to change,
00:36:16.960 --> 00:36:21.400
or organise things
so that you can have some free time.
00:36:26.880 --> 00:36:29.599
You need to have a better quality of life
00:36:29.719 --> 00:36:31.440
which is what we all aim for.
00:36:42.159 --> 00:36:44.280
The extinction of shepherding is real.
00:36:46.320 --> 00:36:48.679
The main reason
is that mutton isn't producing
00:36:48.960 --> 00:36:52.880
the money it should be producing nowadays.
00:37:17.679 --> 00:37:19.519
We both help one another,
00:37:19.639 --> 00:37:21.159
but I'm at home more.
00:37:26.559 --> 00:37:28.960
I'm quite aware of the job he has,
00:37:29.079 --> 00:37:31.440
it requires many hours of dedication,
but still,
00:37:32.000 --> 00:37:34.679
the family is just the same,
or even more so.
00:37:38.599 --> 00:37:40.280
Because, obviously,
00:37:40.400 --> 00:37:43.519
your children grow up
and you have to be with them,
00:37:43.639 --> 00:37:45.280
you can't leave them to one side.
00:37:53.840 --> 00:37:55.599
There's a rural population drift,
00:37:55.760 --> 00:37:57.960
there are very few people here.
00:37:58.639 --> 00:38:01.360
People don't stay in the village,
00:38:01.559 --> 00:38:03.280
the capital has more services
00:38:03.400 --> 00:38:06.119
and not only services, I think it's more
00:38:06.440 --> 00:38:08.719
when your children move away.
00:38:22.480 --> 00:38:25.159
Parents themselves...
00:38:25.519 --> 00:38:26.840
have encouraged their children
00:38:27.360 --> 00:38:31.280
to go and study and get trained
rather than staying.
00:38:31.480 --> 00:38:35.119
"If you can stay in the city,
don't come back,"
00:38:41.400 --> 00:38:42.920
The rural population drift...
00:38:43.760 --> 00:38:46.119
I think we've got there a bit late.
00:38:46.440 --> 00:38:48.119
Some people are coming back,
00:38:48.400 --> 00:38:49.559
but the population drift
00:38:49.679 --> 00:38:52.559
is an issue
that is hard to tackle these days,
00:38:54.440 --> 00:38:55.519
and it's true
00:38:55.679 --> 00:38:57.559
that within a few years,
00:38:58.039 --> 00:39:01.239
there will be almost deserted villages
00:39:02.079 --> 00:39:03.159
and it's a shame
00:39:03.280 --> 00:39:04.800
because rural environments are fine,
00:39:05.000 --> 00:39:09.440
children can grow up
and gain an academic education
00:39:09.559 --> 00:39:11.079
the same as in a city.
00:39:11.400 --> 00:39:14.119
Everyone is to blame really.
00:39:23.639 --> 00:39:27.800
When you start out,
when you're young you start out very keen,
00:39:27.920 --> 00:39:30.159
you're going to do everything,
00:39:30.519 --> 00:39:33.119
all the work that comes along,
all the jobs,
00:39:33.320 --> 00:39:35.119
then as time goes by
00:39:35.239 --> 00:39:38.559
you realise
that work and money are important
00:39:38.679 --> 00:39:40.400
but there are other things too,
00:39:40.519 --> 00:39:43.679
you need to have time to yourself,
00:39:44.480 --> 00:39:45.960
a social life,
00:39:46.079 --> 00:39:48.480
friends, your children,
00:39:48.760 --> 00:39:52.039
if you don't spend time
with your kids when they're young
00:39:52.159 --> 00:39:54.199
you never will, that time is lost.
00:39:56.960 --> 00:39:58.599
You have your family.
00:40:03.920 --> 00:40:07.000
Linked with our profession is the idea
00:40:07.119 --> 00:40:10.159
of how far you can get with work,
to be able to live,
00:40:10.880 --> 00:40:12.800
but you have to...
00:40:12.960 --> 00:40:15.360
you have to have time
for other things too.
00:40:28.880 --> 00:40:31.960
I think it's important
to raise society's awareness
00:40:32.079 --> 00:40:35.280
because the job that sheep do
00:40:35.920 --> 00:40:37.559
is extraordinary.
00:41:03.960 --> 00:41:07.000
He loves animals,
00:41:07.400 --> 00:41:10.440
he has a gift that others don't have.
00:41:14.719 --> 00:41:18.079
He only went to school
when he had his first communion,
00:41:18.360 --> 00:41:20.840
and later on, when he was 14,
00:41:21.320 --> 00:41:23.159
for a year I think, that's all.
00:41:33.920 --> 00:41:36.000
I had a brother who sheared sheep,
00:41:36.119 --> 00:41:39.119
so he'd come to our house
to shear sheep and stay with us,
00:41:39.239 --> 00:41:40.880
and that was how we met.
00:41:44.199 --> 00:41:46.280
After my military service
we started with the sheep,
00:41:46.400 --> 00:41:50.280
we'd sleep at her house,
at my father-in-law's, he was nice man.
00:41:50.639 --> 00:41:54.159
We'd go out at night
for a coffee and so on, and well...
00:41:54.480 --> 00:41:55.960
close contact breeds affection.
00:41:56.440 --> 00:41:58.159
We courted for a year,
00:41:58.320 --> 00:42:01.719
and we wanted to be together
so it was best to get married.
00:42:02.360 --> 00:42:06.320
Her family wouldn't let us
be alone together one single minute,
00:42:06.440 --> 00:42:07.400
I don't know,
00:42:08.320 --> 00:42:09.880
it was a case of: get married
00:42:10.039 --> 00:42:11.679
and live together.
00:42:33.320 --> 00:42:36.039
No one will take up this profession,
00:42:37.039 --> 00:42:38.760
let alone transhumance.
00:42:46.360 --> 00:42:52.760
Transhumance is walking along slowly
with the animals so that they can feed.
00:42:56.599 --> 00:43:01.119
When the snow comes,
if you're here, you have to buy food,
00:43:01.440 --> 00:43:05.960
so with transhumance,
you move on of course, you spend less.
00:43:14.960 --> 00:43:20.639
It was hard because when you're young,
when you're 18, 19 or 20,
00:43:22.000 --> 00:43:26.280
staying with the sheep down below
when your pals are up here,
00:43:27.079 --> 00:43:28.440
it's hard.
00:43:30.960 --> 00:43:33.960
When I became pregnant with Laura,
00:43:34.519 --> 00:43:36.519
it all seemed so overwhelming,
00:43:36.719 --> 00:43:38.360
I thought, "If I get in a bad way,"
00:43:39.039 --> 00:43:41.119
"who will I call to help me?"
00:43:42.239 --> 00:43:44.280
Joaquín said to me,
00:43:45.280 --> 00:43:47.880
"Go up to the mountain pass
and I'll go up,"
00:43:48.000 --> 00:43:49.760
but I said, "No,"
00:43:50.920 --> 00:43:53.440
"I got married to be with you."
00:43:59.760 --> 00:44:04.559
You have to have that liking, that love
for animals to be with them every day.
00:44:06.239 --> 00:44:09.519
That's why I think
transhumance is disappearing.
00:44:16.920 --> 00:44:21.199
I think sheep need a lot of attention,
00:44:21.559 --> 00:44:23.840
for giving birth
00:44:24.280 --> 00:44:28.880
and illnesses. Sheep are delicate,
they need looking after.
00:44:30.360 --> 00:44:33.480
With no shepherds
and no one looking after them...
00:44:34.280 --> 00:44:35.800
little profit.
00:44:49.280 --> 00:44:50.719
I'm good at cooking,
00:44:51.360 --> 00:44:53.800
I was happy to do it, making dinner.
00:44:53.960 --> 00:44:55.159
It never changed though,
00:44:55.480 --> 00:44:57.440
I'd have potatoes and rice one day,
00:44:57.800 --> 00:44:59.840
and rice and potatoes the next,
00:45:00.039 --> 00:45:02.920
we didn't know how to cook anything else.
00:45:03.280 --> 00:45:06.599
But I found it hard to do the washing
00:45:08.000 --> 00:45:09.719
because going to wash my clothes,
00:45:10.000 --> 00:45:12.079
we felt embarrassed going with the women,
00:45:12.239 --> 00:45:16.239
we'd go to the washing place at night,
all lit up, washing on both sides...
00:45:18.719 --> 00:45:20.679
and my pal would say to me, "Look!"
00:45:20.679 --> 00:45:23.480
"How does my wife do it?"
He was older and married,
00:45:23.679 --> 00:45:25.519
"How does she do it? Look at my shirt!"
00:45:26.159 --> 00:45:27.639
A hole this big.
00:45:27.800 --> 00:45:30.320
The same with his underpants,
good heavens!
00:45:31.400 --> 00:45:32.440
If they were white,
00:45:32.559 --> 00:45:36.519
the white would fade and they'd end up
yellow, it was impossible.
00:45:36.679 --> 00:45:39.840
Soap and more soap
and a couple of scrubs...
00:45:40.079 --> 00:45:40.880
00:45:46.559 --> 00:45:48.280
We have adapted.
00:45:49.880 --> 00:45:53.599
Now he takes a sandwich for mid-morning
and lunch and a bottle of water,
00:45:54.119 --> 00:45:56.239
an umbrella and a raincoat,
00:45:56.639 --> 00:45:58.000
and that's it.
00:46:10.199 --> 00:46:12.800
If we want to have lunch together
I have to go with him,
00:46:12.960 --> 00:46:14.360
and I sometimes do,
00:46:15.079 --> 00:46:17.119
the job is the job,
00:46:17.840 --> 00:46:20.679
you have to understand it
and experience it.
00:46:29.199 --> 00:46:30.920
She has often come with me,
00:46:31.119 --> 00:46:32.880
and our daughters too.
00:46:33.239 --> 00:46:37.079
Their entertainment on Sundays
was going with their dad with the sheep.
00:47:06.239 --> 00:47:10.679
You have to retire and change
your way of life, but I wouldn't retire.
00:47:10.880 --> 00:47:12.800
I'd carry on, I'm happy.
00:47:13.320 --> 00:47:15.320
He won't be here forever.
00:47:15.519 --> 00:47:20.760
Don't people who work in banks retire
when they are 55?
00:47:20.880 --> 00:47:23.519
He's 67 now, he's done his share!
00:47:39.000 --> 00:47:42.079
Retiring is like starting a new chapter,
00:47:43.039 --> 00:47:44.239
but it's a bit of a shame.
00:47:45.360 --> 00:47:47.519
It's like you can see the end coming.
00:47:54.880 --> 00:47:55.960
The day I sold them
00:47:56.079 --> 00:47:57.079
I nearly cried.
00:47:57.199 --> 00:47:59.920
I phoned an agent and they were sent
00:48:00.639 --> 00:48:03.639
to La Mancha, a long way off,
I don't see them anymore.
00:48:04.880 --> 00:48:07.840
But it's hard, for sure.
You've reared them
00:48:07.960 --> 00:48:10.480
and it's a radical change.
00:48:10.840 --> 00:48:12.519
I kept these twelve,
00:48:13.760 --> 00:48:15.239
and they felt the same as I did,
00:48:15.360 --> 00:48:19.000
they'd go to the door
to see if they could hear the others,
00:48:19.119 --> 00:48:22.079
they'd look around
and listen out for them.
00:48:22.679 --> 00:48:25.840
It's like being with your family
all your life then being left alone,
00:48:25.960 --> 00:48:27.360
until you come to terms with it.
00:48:27.480 --> 00:48:29.920
I've lost interest in them and everything,
00:48:30.199 --> 00:48:32.199
I'm more interested in eating at home.
00:48:36.719 --> 00:48:38.760
I keep myself occupied
with my grandchildren.
00:48:39.760 --> 00:48:42.719
He'll keep himself occupied, he'll go out
00:48:42.840 --> 00:48:44.679
with the excuse of feeding them.
00:48:44.800 --> 00:48:47.079
He'll come home for lunch,
which he's never done.
00:49:10.760 --> 00:49:13.440
When I looked at my father
when he retired,
00:49:13.559 --> 00:49:16.679
I thought,
"Christ, he's close to death's door now!"
00:49:16.800 --> 00:49:18.079
Now I am.
00:49:18.199 --> 00:49:20.400
If you analyse it,
00:49:20.880 --> 00:49:24.519
it's the end,
you're better off not thinking about it.
00:49:24.920 --> 00:49:26.519
I've enjoyed it,
00:49:26.800 --> 00:49:29.440
I liked doing it and I've been happy.
00:49:29.559 --> 00:49:32.239
Our time is coming to an end,
we've got less time.
00:49:32.480 --> 00:49:35.360
You have to enjoy life if you can!
00:49:35.599 --> 00:49:39.639
An afternoon tea,
lunch out at a restaurant or whatever...
00:49:39.800 --> 00:49:41.920
Whatever will be, will be.
00:49:46.400 --> 00:49:51.039
And something else, hell, enjoy things,
00:49:51.199 --> 00:49:55.559
this is what life is,
life is about enjoying time with family,
00:49:55.679 --> 00:50:00.000
enjoying food, being with friends,
this is what life is.
00:50:04.599 --> 00:50:06.079
I think, in the end,
00:50:06.199 --> 00:50:10.360
the important thing is
to do what you like, what makes you happy,
00:50:10.480 --> 00:50:16.039
but everything has to evolve
and well, we're working on it.
00:50:20.320 --> 00:50:22.400
Work doesn't bring you happiness,
00:50:22.519 --> 00:50:24.760
other things make you happy, right?
00:50:24.880 --> 00:50:28.280
It's just that
the thorn in your side is...
00:50:28.400 --> 00:50:32.719
so many generations,
we work to death and it's not appreciated.
00:50:44.000 --> 00:50:46.639
I think I'm strong psychologically
00:50:46.760 --> 00:50:49.360
because I've never thought
of throwing in the towel.
00:50:49.480 --> 00:50:53.239
I could be really pissed off
with tonnes of snow,
00:50:53.480 --> 00:50:56.039
but I'd carry on and on and on...
00:50:56.360 --> 00:50:58.719
I've got used to living with very little.
00:51:00.719 --> 00:51:02.400
I've started a family,
00:51:02.519 --> 00:51:07.760
we've got a house,
I've gone up in the world, not down.
00:51:24.320 --> 00:51:26.840
When I came here
I know they made bets on me.
00:51:27.960 --> 00:51:31.760
I should ask them now
how much money they had bet
00:51:31.880 --> 00:51:35.960
because they'd have to give it all to me.
No one has come to save my ass.
00:51:36.679 --> 00:51:37.719
No one.
00:51:46.360 --> 00:51:49.599
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 52 minutes
Date: 2021
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish
Grade: Middle School, High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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