A young autistic man obsessed with radio engineering tries to find some…
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Yo is a strong young man, but with limited mental skills. He says he is fifteen years old, although he seems to be older. He lives and works in his mother's restaurant by a busy freeway. Yo loves his mother but hates her lover. One day he meets Elena, an eleven-year-old girl, who will change his life forever.
The film is based on the short story by French writer and Literature Nobel Prize winner Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio.
Main credits
Meyer, Matías (film director)
Meyer, Matías (screenwriter)
Meyer, Matías (film producer)
Silva Gómez, Raúl (actor)
Mendoza, Elizabeth (actor)
Rojas Nieto, Ignacio (actor)
Auger, Alexandre (screenwriter)
Bárcenas, Julio (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Gerardo Barroso; editing, León Felipe González; music, Galo Durán, Chac Moola.
Distributor subjects
Mental Health, Disabilities, Youth, Family, Literature, SociologyKeywords
00:01:39.333 --> 00:01:40.750
My name is Yo.
00:01:41.041 --> 00:01:42.625
I am fifteen years old.
00:01:42.958 --> 00:01:44.750
That's what they tell me.
00:01:45.083 --> 00:01:48.000
People come to the restaurant
and they ask me:
00:01:48.333 --> 00:01:50.291
"How old are you, Yo?"
00:01:50.750 --> 00:01:54.000
I count with my fingers:
"One, two, three..."
00:01:54.500 --> 00:01:55.916
00:01:56.250 --> 00:01:58.375
They laugh at me
but I don't care...
00:01:58.666 --> 00:02:01.916
...because once it's over,
they give me a coin.
00:02:58.666 --> 00:03:00.125
00:03:04.708 --> 00:03:06.041
00:03:10.375 --> 00:03:11.708
00:03:50.458 --> 00:03:52.666
Give the chicken
some food!
00:04:58.541 --> 00:05:01.416
00:05:21.916 --> 00:05:23.625
00:05:38.291 --> 00:05:40.833
Be careful,
you're hurting me.
00:05:41.541 --> 00:05:42.958
00:08:12.666 --> 00:08:14.500
Go fetch me a chicken.
00:09:23.291 --> 00:09:25.250
There, there.
00:09:33.041 --> 00:09:34.458
00:11:22.708 --> 00:11:25.583
- Tripe soup, really?
- I'm serious.
00:11:26.416 --> 00:11:29.625
- Are you going to help me?
- It's just that the--
00:11:30.291 --> 00:11:31.916
What's up, Yo?
00:11:34.791 --> 00:11:38.125
When I was little, there was
a bad man just like Pady...
00:11:38.416 --> 00:11:40.125
...who wanted to beat me.
00:11:40.416 --> 00:11:43.125
I was so scared that
I wet myself.
00:11:45.416 --> 00:11:48.916
But I'm not scared anymore
because I'm strong.
00:12:43.833 --> 00:12:45.625
The river is overflowing!
00:12:46.083 --> 00:12:47.916
The river is overflowing!
00:12:48.958 --> 00:12:50.833
The river is overflowing!
00:12:51.208 --> 00:12:53.708
- What's the matter?
- The river is overflowing!
00:12:55.833 --> 00:12:57.833
The river is overflowing!
00:12:59.750 --> 00:13:02.291
- The river is overflowing!
- He is delirious, again.
00:13:04.000 --> 00:13:06.125
- We have to go!
- All right, let's go.
00:13:06.500 --> 00:13:07.875
We have to go!
00:13:25.375 --> 00:13:26.791
00:14:04.583 --> 00:14:06.208
Hush, now.
00:14:10.250 --> 00:14:12.083
Don't worry about it.
00:14:23.208 --> 00:14:24.916
Let's take a walk.
00:14:42.958 --> 00:14:46.583
Mom, why are you
sleeping with that guy?
00:14:47.916 --> 00:14:51.125
Mom doesn't answer,
she just shrugs.
00:14:52.041 --> 00:14:54.125
It's her way of telling me
to shut up.
00:14:54.458 --> 00:14:56.416
One day I hit her
and I asked:
00:14:56.708 --> 00:14:59.041
"Why do you let that guy
sleep in your bed?"
00:14:59.833 --> 00:15:04.583
I punched and kicked her,
she hit the closet and bled.
00:15:05.083 --> 00:15:08.625
The man came in and asked
what had happened.
00:15:08.958 --> 00:15:14.500
I was crouching on the floor,
I was so mad I couldn't breathe.
00:15:15.125 --> 00:15:19.958
The man grabbed a rod to beat me
but my mom wouldn't let him.
00:17:37.500 --> 00:17:39.166
Yes, that's true.
00:17:42.875 --> 00:17:47.500
Remember that joke about
how to compliment a donkey?
00:17:48.000 --> 00:17:51.708
I don't know that one.
I'm not good with jokes.
00:17:53.208 --> 00:17:55.916
You say: "Hey, nice ass!"
00:17:57.833 --> 00:17:59.250
00:18:12.791 --> 00:18:14.500
Take a seat, Lis.
00:18:18.625 --> 00:18:20.750
What's wrong with
your son?
00:18:23.000 --> 00:18:24.750
Don't mind him.
00:19:56.750 --> 00:19:59.208
That's the guy, ask him.
00:19:59.625 --> 00:20:01.041
Leave us alone.
00:20:06.791 --> 00:20:10.291
Hey, can you dream that
I'm able to walk again?
00:20:14.083 --> 00:20:15.500
00:20:17.500 --> 00:20:18.916
Thank you.
00:21:36.000 --> 00:21:38.333
I'm glad to have you here.
00:21:39.625 --> 00:21:43.166
Let me explain what we do
here in the restaurant.
00:21:43.541 --> 00:21:45.750
We have seven tables,
they're numbered.
00:21:46.083 --> 00:21:50.041
That's number one, two, three,
four, five, six, and seven.
00:21:50.416 --> 00:21:52.500
That's seven tables you
have to keep clean.
00:21:52.791 --> 00:21:56.583
Those are the bathrooms,
clean them twice a day.
00:21:56.875 --> 00:21:59.583
- All right, that's fine.
- This is my son, Yo.
00:22:01.208 --> 00:22:02.583
00:22:02.875 --> 00:22:07.333
This is the kitchen where
we cook and all that.
00:22:07.750 --> 00:22:10.041
- What do you think?
- I'll take the job.
00:22:10.375 --> 00:22:15.416
Good, I'll take you outside to see
the chickens and the grill.
00:22:36.000 --> 00:22:37.666
Is it yummy?
00:22:54.333 --> 00:22:56.708
- Do you like my kitten?
- Yes.
00:22:58.541 --> 00:23:00.208
It's very cute.
00:23:04.166 --> 00:23:05.916
What is his name?
00:23:07.083 --> 00:23:09.833
- His name is "No-name."
- No-name?
00:23:10.166 --> 00:23:12.083
Yes, No-name.
00:23:15.250 --> 00:23:17.416
Does he hunt mice?
00:23:18.916 --> 00:23:24.333
No, but when he's around,
the mice don't come out.
00:23:40.791 --> 00:23:42.625
How old are you?
00:23:43.458 --> 00:23:46.166
Eleven, what about you?
00:23:47.166 --> 00:23:48.666
00:23:50.125 --> 00:23:52.583
You're not fifteen,
you're older.
00:23:53.125 --> 00:23:55.125
You're thirty-something.
00:24:10.250 --> 00:24:12.291
Can I hold your kitten?
00:24:34.958 --> 00:24:37.500
- They're good, right?
- Uh-huh.
00:25:02.541 --> 00:25:04.500
- Want another one?
- Mh-hm.
00:25:39.875 --> 00:25:42.250
What's that on your face?
Let me see.
00:25:42.541 --> 00:25:45.291
Were you eating chocolate?
Who gave it to you?
00:25:45.625 --> 00:25:47.041
Yo gave it to me.
00:25:47.416 --> 00:25:51.125
I don't like you eating sweets,
let's go.
00:25:52.250 --> 00:25:54.333
- Do you like Yo?
- Yes.
00:25:54.750 --> 00:25:57.166
- Is he nice to you?
- Yes.
00:25:58.125 --> 00:25:59.541
That's good.
00:26:00.208 --> 00:26:02.958
I like it when she wears
her school uniform:
00:26:03.291 --> 00:26:06.875
A red-checkered skirt
and a white shirt.
00:26:07.291 --> 00:26:10.000
She looks all clean
and pretty.
00:26:10.666 --> 00:26:12.333
She looks like a doll.
00:28:08.125 --> 00:28:09.541
00:28:11.583 --> 00:28:14.291
Can Elena and I go
down to the river?
00:28:18.000 --> 00:28:20.541
You should ask
Mrs. Elia first.
00:28:23.250 --> 00:28:26.416
Well, all right, but...
00:28:26.916 --> 00:28:29.666
...don't take too long,
and bring a jacket.
00:28:42.333 --> 00:28:44.083
They're so fast!
00:28:46.666 --> 00:28:48.791
They're tickling my feet!
00:29:12.416 --> 00:29:14.750
You're tickling me!
Stop it, stop.
00:29:15.291 --> 00:29:17.208
That's enough, Elena.
00:29:24.958 --> 00:29:27.958
It's too hot out here,
let's find some shade.
00:29:42.291 --> 00:29:45.000
- What about our things?
- Leave them there.
00:31:09.000 --> 00:31:11.250
Stop it, come on!
00:31:12.791 --> 00:31:14.208
00:31:20.125 --> 00:31:23.291
Stop it, or I'll tell on you.
00:31:25.875 --> 00:31:27.291
I'm sorry.
00:31:33.333 --> 00:31:35.625
Don't tell my mom
or Mrs. Elia...
00:31:36.250 --> 00:31:38.916
...or they won't let us
come here anymore.
00:31:39.666 --> 00:31:41.083
00:31:44.208 --> 00:31:45.625
I promise.
00:31:46.375 --> 00:31:49.416
But don't call her "Mrs. Elia,"
she's just my mom.
00:31:51.333 --> 00:31:53.458
All right, I promise.
00:32:49.291 --> 00:32:52.541
There is also this story
that people like to hear.
00:32:52.916 --> 00:32:55.791
It makes them laugh
and I laugh with them.
00:32:56.083 --> 00:32:58.291
One day, the man said:
00:33:01.875 --> 00:33:03.958
Your mother wants
a chicken.
00:33:05.625 --> 00:33:06.958
Go on.
00:33:15.666 --> 00:33:17.291
Bring the fattest one!
00:34:19.666 --> 00:34:21.666
Are you sad, Mom?
00:34:22.291 --> 00:34:24.041
No, it's the onions.
00:34:29.666 --> 00:34:34.583
Why did you kill that chicken?
We have no customers.
00:34:35.083 --> 00:34:36.916
But Pady asked me to.
00:34:44.375 --> 00:34:47.333
What are you waiting for?
Bring it back to life!
00:35:11.166 --> 00:35:14.625
I can't do it!
He doesn't want to breathe.
00:35:34.208 --> 00:35:35.666
Keep trying!
00:36:02.291 --> 00:36:05.666
The man often tells this story
to make people laugh.
00:36:05.958 --> 00:36:11.375
People ask me if it's true I can
bring chickens back to life.
00:36:12.041 --> 00:36:14.958
I pretend to laugh because
they don't believe me...
00:36:15.250 --> 00:36:18.416
...but I know I could do it
if I wanted to.
00:36:18.750 --> 00:36:23.000
Give them back the breath
the Hoover took from them.
00:37:49.083 --> 00:37:52.833
Elena told me it was
her twelfth birthday.
00:37:53.875 --> 00:37:57.083
I thought she wanted a present
but I had nothing to give her.
00:37:57.416 --> 00:38:02.041
I told her she could take
No-name as a birthday gift.
00:38:02.666 --> 00:38:04.166
She kissed me.
00:38:04.541 --> 00:38:06.625
It was my first time.
00:38:07.000 --> 00:38:10.750
I felt her lips as they softly
brushed my cheek.
00:38:11.125 --> 00:38:13.208
It made me feel weird...
00:38:13.500 --> 00:38:15.583
...like I was falling.
00:39:10.666 --> 00:39:12.083
See that?
00:39:12.458 --> 00:39:13.875
Here you go.
00:39:15.583 --> 00:39:18.666
Do it harder so it skips
more times, all right?
00:39:35.250 --> 00:39:36.666
Try this one.
00:39:40.250 --> 00:39:43.666
- Three times!
- I knew you could do it.
00:39:46.083 --> 00:39:48.458
I'm not doing it right,
take mine.
00:40:06.333 --> 00:40:08.416
Does the sun bother you?
00:40:24.208 --> 00:40:26.916
Did I tell you about
how my mom--
00:40:27.750 --> 00:40:29.958
- What?
- Listen.
00:42:42.666 --> 00:42:44.208
Hurry up, Yo!
00:42:44.500 --> 00:42:45.958
I'm coming!
00:43:27.666 --> 00:43:29.250
They're here.
00:43:34.500 --> 00:43:36.166
Where were you?
00:43:37.708 --> 00:43:39.666
Why are you so late?
00:43:40.666 --> 00:43:42.625
- I fell asleep.
- What do you mean?
00:43:42.958 --> 00:43:46.416
You can't go to the river
anymore, we're leaving.
00:43:47.083 --> 00:43:48.791
I was worried sick.
00:43:49.666 --> 00:43:54.000
I just stood there as I watched
Elena leaving with her mom.
00:43:55.083 --> 00:43:57.958
I went to the river to scream
out of earshot...
00:43:58.250 --> 00:44:02.000
...because I don't want
the customers thinking I'm crazy...
00:44:02.291 --> 00:44:04.000
...and an idiot.
00:46:46.833 --> 00:46:49.416
I don't dare to ask
about Elena.
00:46:53.375 --> 00:46:56.875
I want to learn how to write
to send her a letter.
00:47:02.708 --> 00:47:04.125
00:47:04.875 --> 00:47:06.125
00:47:09.458 --> 00:47:11.291
No, I hadn't heard.
00:47:15.333 --> 00:47:18.666
I understand, don't worry.
00:47:21.500 --> 00:47:23.250
What was that about?
00:47:25.458 --> 00:47:28.083
It seems the river burst
through the dam...
00:47:30.000 --> 00:47:32.416
...and overran
the highway.
00:47:34.625 --> 00:47:37.166
I told you and you
didn't believe me!
00:47:39.000 --> 00:47:40.666
Don't be silly!
00:47:41.000 --> 00:47:44.708
It was a coincidence,
you must've seen it on TV.
00:47:44.958 --> 00:47:47.541
- No, Mom. I had a vision.
- Shut your mouth!
00:47:53.916 --> 00:47:58.291
Mom didn't want us to talk about it
but the man told some people.
00:47:58.666 --> 00:48:00.666
After that, they came
and asked:
00:48:01.041 --> 00:48:03.875
"Is it true that your son
saw the river in a dream?"
00:48:04.333 --> 00:48:09.500
Mom didn't answer, but people
thought I could see the future.
00:48:10.041 --> 00:48:13.291
They said that the devil
had sent me that dream.
00:49:16.416 --> 00:49:20.458
Now that we have this machine,
we won't need you anymore.
00:49:22.833 --> 00:49:25.750
You'll be able to get
a real job.
00:49:27.791 --> 00:49:30.875
I can talk to some friends,
if you like.
00:50:26.291 --> 00:50:28.458
Let's take this table.
00:50:28.958 --> 00:50:31.208
Welcome, good afternoon.
00:50:39.125 --> 00:50:41.833
You'll have a chance to try
our delicious chicken.
00:50:44.791 --> 00:50:46.875
Go get me four chickens.
00:55:00.250 --> 00:55:05.083
The good news is the man is gone,
he no longer sleeps with Mom.
00:55:06.000 --> 00:55:09.791
She asked him to leave because
he was stealing from her.
00:55:10.125 --> 00:55:14.125
Now she and Mrs. Elia
do everything themselves.
00:55:37.541 --> 00:55:41.416
- See you later, Yo!
- Yeah, see you tonight.
00:55:41.791 --> 00:55:43.708
- Take care, bye.
- Bye!
00:55:46.416 --> 00:55:48.833
- How was your day?
- Good.
00:55:51.041 --> 00:55:54.125
Hugo and Poncho invited me
to the karaoke tonight.
00:56:26.041 --> 00:56:27.666
So, what do you think?
00:56:28.541 --> 00:56:29.958
It's good.
00:56:30.541 --> 00:56:32.291
Tastes like cranberry.
00:56:32.833 --> 00:56:35.375
Thanks for bringing me
to the karaoke.
00:58:43.125 --> 00:58:45.750
I'm Jenny.
What's your name?
00:58:47.416 --> 00:58:49.083
My name is Yo.
00:58:50.000 --> 00:58:52.958
So, have you ever been
with a woman?
00:58:58.125 --> 00:59:00.333
Do you know how
to make love?
00:59:01.916 --> 00:59:03.458
Yes, I do.
00:59:08.166 --> 00:59:09.583
00:59:10.541 --> 00:59:14.708
...I'm going to be nice to you,
will you be nice to me?
00:59:16.375 --> 00:59:17.833
Yes, Jenny.
01:01:39.375 --> 01:01:41.833
Look at you,
you're a mess!
01:01:45.166 --> 01:01:47.375
You reek of alcohol.
01:01:52.083 --> 01:01:54.125
I'm disappointed in you.
01:02:06.375 --> 01:02:09.083
I bet he'll break it!
01:02:09.416 --> 01:02:12.625
What do you say, guys?
Will he break it or not?
01:02:13.333 --> 01:02:16.666
A hundred pesos says he won't.
He won't break it.
01:02:17.000 --> 01:02:18.333
Here it is.
01:02:18.666 --> 01:02:20.708
Place your bets,
01:02:21.458 --> 01:02:23.791
I bet fifty pesos that
he will break it!
01:03:18.208 --> 01:03:20.083
He did it, hurray!
01:03:20.666 --> 01:03:24.000
- Time to split our earnings.
- Give it here.
01:03:29.000 --> 01:03:31.125
We got less than you did!
01:03:33.958 --> 01:03:37.166
Well, the brain always
gets a bigger cut.
01:03:41.000 --> 01:03:44.000
Lunch break is over!
Back to work!
01:04:30.083 --> 01:04:32.333
Will you light my cigarette?
01:04:43.833 --> 01:04:45.916
My name is Luisa,
what's yours?
01:04:46.500 --> 01:04:47.916
My name is Yo.
01:04:48.333 --> 01:04:50.208
So, what do you do?
01:04:51.416 --> 01:04:53.125
I'm a masseuse.
01:04:54.000 --> 01:04:58.000
A masseuse? Mhhm,
my whole body hurts.
01:04:59.166 --> 01:05:02.875
I can give you a free
massage if you want.
01:05:03.875 --> 01:05:06.916
I give them to my mom
and they help her.
01:05:07.541 --> 01:05:10.416
Really? I would love one.
01:05:11.791 --> 01:05:13.958
- Really?
- Sure.
01:05:23.333 --> 01:05:25.291
Which country
are you from?
01:05:26.250 --> 01:05:27.791
I'm from Belize.
01:05:31.416 --> 01:05:33.583
Tell me about your country.
01:05:36.166 --> 01:05:38.750
In my country,
the sky is so blue.
01:05:40.041 --> 01:05:41.666
It's hopeful.
01:05:42.041 --> 01:05:45.958
The sky is as blue
as the sea is turquoise.
01:05:47.625 --> 01:05:50.250
In Belize the sand
is so fine...
01:05:50.666 --> 01:05:54.041
...that you find it in
the weirdest places.
01:05:56.333 --> 01:05:57.833
Like where?
01:06:01.666 --> 01:06:03.416
You find it in books...
01:06:05.583 --> 01:06:07.166
...inside beers...
01:06:08.500 --> 01:06:11.125
...in packs of cigarettes...
01:06:14.000 --> 01:06:16.083
...and in jars of jam.
01:06:18.208 --> 01:06:19.958
You find it in beds...
01:06:20.958 --> 01:06:24.958
...and in socks,
especially in socks.
01:06:44.750 --> 01:06:49.000
Who do you like better, Yo?
Jenny or Luisa?
01:06:51.125 --> 01:06:52.541
Luisa is my friend.
01:06:52.875 --> 01:06:55.625
Did you hear that, Poncho?
His friend, he says.
01:06:56.041 --> 01:06:58.125
Leave him alone.
01:07:13.791 --> 01:07:15.708
You can stay with us.
01:07:16.166 --> 01:07:19.750
- Can I take the top bunk?
- I don't think it will hold you.
01:07:20.250 --> 01:07:23.333
Maybe you should
help me up instead.
01:07:40.750 --> 01:07:43.166
I'm trying to sleep here,
you assholes.
01:10:17.250 --> 01:10:20.791
- Yo, come here.
- Yes, sir.
01:10:21.625 --> 01:10:24.708
- I'm very happy with your work.
- Thank you, sir.
01:10:25.083 --> 01:10:28.083
Would you like to work
with me on the coast?
01:10:28.541 --> 01:10:30.250
The coast?
01:10:32.208 --> 01:10:35.791
Don't you want to?
It's the coast.
01:10:37.791 --> 01:10:41.166
There's palm trees,
sea, and sand.
01:10:41.791 --> 01:10:46.166
- Palm trees, like in Belize?
- I don't know, never been there.
01:10:49.833 --> 01:10:51.833
Think about it, OK?
01:10:56.166 --> 01:10:58.375
Is the coast far away?
01:12:09.375 --> 01:12:13.125
- I'm going to miss you.
- I'll miss you too, Luisa.
01:12:13.916 --> 01:12:15.875
Maybe you can visit.
01:12:16.208 --> 01:12:19.625
The coast has palm trees
and a sea like in Belize.
01:12:20.875 --> 01:12:23.416
- Luisa? Luisa!
- What?
01:12:24.333 --> 01:12:26.750
Tell him the truth,
or I'll do it.
01:12:27.541 --> 01:12:30.083
- What do you mean?
- You know what I mean.
01:12:32.041 --> 01:12:33.666
01:12:40.125 --> 01:12:41.625
What's this about Luisa?
01:12:41.916 --> 01:12:45.000
If you care that much,
go ahead and tell him.
01:12:46.041 --> 01:12:48.250
I don't mind telling him.
01:12:50.916 --> 01:12:52.666
Luisa is a man.
01:12:55.291 --> 01:12:58.583
That's not true, you liar!
01:12:59.916 --> 01:13:01.875
You shouldn't lie!
01:13:02.708 --> 01:13:05.458
So, don't believe me
if you don't want to.
01:13:13.208 --> 01:13:16.083
- Tell me the truth.
- Easy, you're hurting me.
01:13:18.875 --> 01:13:20.416
Leave her alone.
01:13:20.875 --> 01:13:22.291
- What's wrong with you?
- Tell me the truth!
01:13:22.541 --> 01:13:25.208
- Leave me alone!
- Just tell me the truth.
01:13:47.083 --> 01:13:48.875
They took my clothes.
01:13:49.166 --> 01:13:50.875
They cut my hair.
01:13:51.791 --> 01:13:54.833
I'll be and old man
by the time I get out.
01:13:58.166 --> 01:13:59.875
Get up, son.
01:14:12.333 --> 01:14:14.375
Your super shake
is ready.
01:14:46.166 --> 01:14:48.833
That's all I had to say...
01:14:49.833 --> 01:14:52.291
...that's all for now.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 80 minutes
Date: 2015
Genre: Narrative
Language: Spanish / English subtitles
Grade: Middle School, High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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