AIDS and Family is Kristen Ashburn's intimate portrait of African mothers,…
Life 8 - Reclaim the Condom
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Twenty-two year old Sheila is a trained advice columnist. In her office at the North East Secondary school in Maputo, she listens to students' stories about love, sex, birth control and AIDS, and offers advice and free condoms. But out of 8,000 students, only 40 or 50 come to collect the condoms on offer. The problem, Sheila reckons, is the condom's image, which is medical, off-putting, and inextricably linked in people's minds with sickness and death. Sheila knows sex and romance sell - so why not use them to promote condoms, and change perceptions? She's launching a campaign to promote condoms as sexy contraceptives - not weapons in the fight against HIV and disease.
'Life continues to discover new and thought-provoking topics around the world...Manjate is a true hero in the campaign to make condoms not only available but ordinary, and she takes her message all the way to national AIDS officials. As the film reminds us (as if we need reminding!), her message in on the edge, but the debate may, finally, be moving her way. Suitable for mature high school and for college courses in cultural anthropology, medical anthropology, anthropology of sex/gender, and African studies, as well as general audiences.' Jack David Eller, Community College of Denver, Anthropology Review Database
'There is a continuous challenge of trying to strike a balance in the film[s]...[The films] can be used successfully in stimulating a discussion amongst the youth about the negative aspects of such a life as well as an exploration of alternatives.' Teboho Moja, Clinical Professor of Higher Education, New York University
Main credits
Sonnenschein, Bert (Director)
Bradshaw, Steve (Narrator)
Other credits
Music, Marllen; camera and sound, Bruno Sorrentino; editors, Ken Pugh, Sotira Kyriacou.
Distributor subjects
African Studies; Anthropology; At-risk Youth; Developing World; Education; HIV/AIDS; Health; Millennium Development Goals; Reproductive Rights; Social Psychology; Sociology; Women's StudiesKeywords
00:00:08:20 00:00:09:20
Bradshaw: ABC—
00:00:09:21 00:00:11:05
Be Faithful, Condoms—
00:00:11:06 00:00:14:12
is the widely accepted message
against HIV/AIDS.
00:00:14:13 00:00:17:00
President Bush
would like to stress A and B.
00:00:17:01 00:00:19:08
President Obama—
well, it's still early days.
00:00:19:09 00:00:22:18
But campaigners for condoms
hope this is their moment.
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In Mozambique,
we found one young woman
00:00:24:29 00:00:27:23
on the edge of the debate.
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[dramatic music]
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♪ ♪
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[lively dance music]
00:01:04:18 00:01:11:28
♪ ♪
00:01:13:08 00:01:15:17
Like all countries
in southern Africa,
00:01:15:18 00:01:19:08
Mozambique suffers
from HIV/AIDS.
00:01:19:09 00:01:21:03
Every year,
millions of dollars are spent
00:01:21:04 00:01:22:21
on prevention campaigns,
00:01:22:22 00:01:25:21
including promoting condoms.
00:01:25:22 00:01:28:00
But the battle is far from won,
00:01:28:01 00:01:30:25
and one person thinks
she knows why.
00:01:34:02 00:01:35:17
- [speaking native language]
00:01:35:18 00:01:38:26
- I don't know how many students
there are.
00:01:38:27 00:01:41:13
Maybe 8,000.
00:01:46:04 00:01:49:08
To pick up condoms?
00:01:49:09 00:01:55:12
I have the records here.
00:01:55:13 00:02:00:12
Maybe 100 per month.
00:02:00:13 00:02:02:05
Bradshaw: At the Northeast
Secondary School
00:02:02:06 00:02:04:01
in the capital Maputo,
00:02:04:02 00:02:08:06
22-year-old Sheila is a trained
sexual health counselor.
00:02:11:05 00:02:13:16
In her office,
young people come to her
00:02:13:17 00:02:17:16
with their intimate problems.
00:02:17:17 00:02:18:25
- [speaking native language]
00:02:18:26 00:02:20:28
- I'm having a problem
with my girlfriend.
00:02:20:29 00:02:23:03
We have been going steady
for three years now,
00:02:23:04 00:02:25:06
but lately her behavior
has changed,
00:02:25:07 00:02:28:21
and we quarrel a lot.
00:02:28:22 00:02:31:19
So I would like your advice.
00:02:31:20 00:02:33:02
We were afraid of pregnancy,
00:02:33:03 00:02:35:15
but AIDS was never on our minds.
00:02:35:16 00:02:36:28
- You trusted her before?
00:02:36:29 00:02:37:28
- I did.
00:02:37:29 00:02:39:09
- And you did not use a condom?
00:02:39:10 00:02:40:22
- Often we didn't use it.
00:02:40:23 00:02:42:26
- Because you trusted her?
00:02:42:27 00:02:45:12
- I risked it
because I trusted her,
00:02:45:13 00:02:47:17
but I mistrust her
at the same time.
00:02:47:18 00:02:50:16
- And when you are with
the other girls?
00:02:50:17 00:02:52:25
- I've got my girlfriend,
the one I plan to marry,
00:02:52:26 00:02:54:27
but I have also a friend.
00:02:54:28 00:02:58:06
With her, I never have sex
without a condom.
00:02:58:07 00:02:59:20
But with my girlfriend,
00:02:59:21 00:03:01:23
very often we have sex
without a condom.
00:03:01:24 00:03:03:01
- Because you trusted her?
00:03:03:02 00:03:04:15
- I trusted her.
00:03:04:16 00:03:06:10
- But now she's become like
your other friend.
00:03:06:11 00:03:08:02
- Exactly.
00:03:08:03 00:03:09:24
- You don't need to let her
00:03:09:25 00:03:14:06
that you don't trust her
00:03:14:07 00:03:16:20
The woman is more horny
in her fertile days,
00:03:16:21 00:03:21:16
and it's exactly then
that you guys stop having sex.
00:03:21:17 00:03:24:06
You introduce the condom
as contraception
00:03:24:07 00:03:27:00
to avoid these stops
that are not good for you,
00:03:27:01 00:03:28:28
nor for her.
00:03:28:29 00:03:30:26
To ejaculate outside,
00:03:30:27 00:03:34:15
because at that moment,
you lose your concentration.
00:03:34:16 00:03:36:00
- You're right.
00:03:36:01 00:03:38:25
- But a condom allows you
all this.
00:03:38:26 00:03:40:20
The message is clear.
00:03:40:21 00:03:43:21
Selling condoms as barriers
against HIV
00:03:43:22 00:03:46:19
can suggest couples
don't trust each other,
00:03:46:20 00:03:50:02
so Sheila's convinced
it's easier to sell condoms
00:03:50:03 00:03:51:20
as contraceptives.
00:03:51:21 00:03:53:02
Today in her office,
00:03:53:03 00:03:55:27
she's tearing down
the public health posters.
00:03:55:28 00:04:00:15
For Sheila, condoms are the main
weapon against HIV/AIDS,
00:04:00:16 00:04:03:01
but they must have
the right image.
00:04:03:02 00:04:04:27
The unbranded white condoms
00:04:04:28 00:04:07:28
are the ones distributed
in schools and clinics.
00:04:07:29 00:04:12:28
Must better, she says,
those more sexy branded ones.
00:04:15:06 00:04:17:17
Sheila lives at her grandma's.
00:04:17:18 00:04:19:02
A churchgoing Christian,
00:04:19:03 00:04:21:16
she wants to train as a lawyer.
00:04:21:17 00:04:28:05
She says what some in the big
health agencies think privately.
00:04:30:22 00:04:35:03
- The condom is too associated
with HIV,
00:04:35:04 00:04:39:04
and so it's become stigmatized
in the people's minds.
00:04:42:05 00:04:44:21
She's backed by market research,
00:04:44:22 00:04:47:01
which shows trust
in relationships
00:04:47:02 00:04:51:00
is the main reason
for not using condoms.
00:04:51:01 00:04:53:04
Sheila knows sex and romance
00:04:53:05 00:04:56:23
so why not use them
to promote condoms?
00:04:59:27 00:05:01:22
She's working on a radio program
00:05:01:23 00:05:04:24
to try her message
on a wider audience.
00:05:04:25 00:05:06:00
- [speaking native language]
00:05:06:01 00:05:07:24
- Grandma!
00:05:11:10 00:05:13:06
It's for 99 FM,
00:05:13:07 00:05:18:08
a popular national
radio station.
00:05:18:09 00:05:22:08
Today is the big sell.
00:05:24:20 00:05:25:29
- [speaking native language]
00:05:26:00 00:05:31:07
- I'm very nervous.
00:05:31:08 00:05:33:29
I'm in the hands of God.
00:05:39:09 00:05:42:04
Bradshaw: Sheila's off to see
the head of the station,
00:05:42:05 00:05:47:00
but will he buy
her maverick message?
00:05:52:14 00:05:54:08
- [speaking native language]
00:05:54:09 00:05:56:17
- Okay, I see more or less
what you want.
00:05:56:18 00:06:00:12
This radio station is not
engaged in condom promotion
00:06:00:13 00:06:03:19
or any of these campaigns
the National AIDS Council does,
00:06:03:20 00:06:05:16
because I think the approach
they have taken
00:06:05:17 00:06:07:24
has not been very effective.
00:06:07:25 00:06:10:18
- Our idea is to make
a pilot program.
00:06:10:19 00:06:13:01
- Yesterday, I attend
a nonreligious ceremony
00:06:13:02 00:06:14:07
in Chibuto.
00:06:14:08 00:06:16:05
They had a box with condoms
like this one.
00:06:16:06 00:06:17:19
I didn't want to take any.
00:06:17:20 00:06:18:28
- Exactly.
00:06:18:29 00:06:20:19
- But what are we going to say
in the program?
00:06:20:20 00:06:21:26
"Not your dad's condom"?
00:06:21:27 00:06:23:28
Or are we going to say,
"AIDS condom, yes"?
00:06:23:29 00:06:27:05
- No, our objective is to say
yes to the condom.
00:06:30:08 00:06:31:14
You have to come.
00:06:31:15 00:06:35:04
It was great,
but I was nervous.
00:06:38:02 00:06:43:23
Make sure you bring
some good ideas.
00:06:43:24 00:06:47:15
00:06:47:16 00:06:50:12
[lively dance music]
00:06:50:13 00:06:58:13
♪ ♪
00:07:00:23 00:07:03:08
Bradshaw: Not only have they
given her airtime,
00:07:03:09 00:07:08:02
99 FM has given Sheila
her own team.
00:07:08:03 00:07:13:19
Their slogan:
"For Your Up Moments."
00:07:13:20 00:07:20:03
♪ ♪
00:07:20:04 00:07:22:05
Public health campaigns
find it difficult
00:07:22:06 00:07:26:16
to link condoms with pleasure.
00:07:26:17 00:07:33:03
♪ ♪
00:07:33:04 00:07:35:26
But can you really
sell condoms better
00:07:35:27 00:07:39:18
branding them with sex
than with illness?
00:07:39:19 00:07:43:16
- [speaking native language]
00:07:44:27 00:07:48:11
- [speaking native language]
00:08:05:23 00:08:09:01
Bradshaw: Sheila was trained
by the UN Population Fund,
00:08:09:02 00:08:10:13
the UNFPA.
00:08:10:14 00:08:12:26
They've set up youth corners
like Sheila's
00:08:12:27 00:08:16:15
at secondary schools.
00:08:18:07 00:08:22:02
She's learned that addressing
concerns about love and sex
00:08:22:03 00:08:26:13
is what sells condoms.
00:08:26:14 00:08:28:22
The UNFPA is sympathetic
00:08:28:23 00:08:31:09
but doesn't officially endorse
her approach.
00:08:31:10 00:08:33:28
So in a diverse society
like Mozambique,
00:08:33:29 00:08:37:17
how openly can you talk
about sexuality?
00:08:44:05 00:08:46:23
- Dr. Patricia, do you think
we are winning the fight
00:08:46:24 00:08:50:14
against HIV/AIDS?
00:08:50:15 00:08:54:29
- In this country, HIV/AIDS
is a very serious problem,
00:08:55:00 00:08:58:00
but we are working together
with the government
00:08:58:01 00:09:02:23
so that all young people
have information,
00:09:02:24 00:09:04:15
that they have access—
00:09:04:16 00:09:08:21
access to the condom—
00:09:08:22 00:09:13:21
and that it is easy to use
for them,
00:09:13:22 00:09:15:22
that they feel comfortable
00:09:15:23 00:09:20:26
and that they are preventing
00:09:20:27 00:09:25:23
- The UNFPA programs
have a more open approach.
00:09:25:24 00:09:29:23
I would like to know if that
doesn't shock the communities.
00:09:32:23 00:09:36:12
- But it is very important
that the message that goes out
00:09:36:13 00:09:40:27
to the youth is in sync
with their reality.
00:09:40:28 00:09:46:09
Certainly there will be
conflicts sometimes.
00:09:46:10 00:09:49:20
Bradshaw: Sheila's concerned
that the white unbranded condoms
00:09:49:21 00:09:53:18
distributed in schools and
health clinics put people off.
00:09:53:19 00:09:55:15
To find out if that can change,
00:09:55:16 00:09:57:11
she's off to
the National AIDS Council.
00:09:57:12 00:10:00:24
They coordinate Mozambique's
prevention strategy.
00:10:00:25 00:10:03:28
- [speaking native language]
00:10:03:29 00:10:10:00
- This package, doesn't it give
the impression of a medicine?
00:10:10:01 00:10:17:10
If it is a medicine, people will
think it's for curing the sick.
00:10:17:11 00:10:20:04
Is there a chance to change this
00:10:20:05 00:10:22:05
into something that young people
would like to use
00:10:22:06 00:10:27:11
in their relationships?
00:10:27:12 00:10:30:15
- No.
- No?
00:10:30:16 00:10:32:12
- The order, for they come
in two years,
00:10:32:13 00:10:35:06
was put in last year.
00:10:35:07 00:10:37:06
- And they come like this?
00:10:37:07 00:10:38:22
- Exactly.
00:10:38:23 00:10:41:28
- But we can expect a change.
00:10:41:29 00:10:46:02
- Who am I to block
that possibility?
00:10:54:25 00:10:57:25
- Okay?
- Yeah.
00:10:57:26 00:10:59:28
It was okay.
00:10:59:29 00:11:02:18
00:11:02:19 00:11:04:19
I need to think about
00:11:04:20 00:11:06:23
but it was good.
00:11:06:24 00:11:09:24
It was very good.
00:11:15:16 00:11:19:26
So since he said that he's
putting the order,
00:11:19:27 00:11:23:04
my mission is to gather proof.
00:11:23:05 00:11:27:27
And with that proof,
I want them to cancel the order.
00:11:34:24 00:11:36:26
Sunday, and time for church.
00:11:36:27 00:11:38:24
Sheila's evangelical.
00:11:43:28 00:11:46:12
Here, abstinence and fidelity
00:11:46:13 00:11:50:07
are seen as weapons
against AIDS.
00:11:50:08 00:11:53:07
The Vatican would like to ban
condoms altogether,
00:11:53:08 00:11:57:08
but Sheila wants
an inclusive approach.
00:11:57:09 00:12:02:06
- [speaking native language]
00:12:19:02 00:12:24:15
[all shouting indistinctly]
00:12:27:22 00:12:30:27
- Those who go to church
00:12:30:28 00:12:34:00
but there are those
that don't go.
00:12:34:01 00:12:38:05
If one day this person accepts
to go to church,
00:12:38:06 00:12:40:25
that's fine.
00:12:40:26 00:12:46:19
If not, we have to give them
other options.
00:12:46:20 00:12:48:21
We are not simply going
to abandon them
00:12:48:22 00:12:52:08
because they did not want
to come to church.
00:12:57:00 00:12:59:07
Next day, the local market.
00:12:59:08 00:13:00:15
She's buying things
00:13:00:16 00:13:02:18
that will make people feel sexy
and at ease
00:13:02:19 00:13:05:01
during her interviews.
00:13:08:11 00:13:11:21
In the cities, people can buy
sexy branded condoms,
00:13:11:22 00:13:16:21
the kinds Sheila reckons
that people will use.
00:13:16:22 00:13:19:24
She's also collecting
the white condoms.
00:13:19:25 00:13:23:18
Is there any way
she can sell these to people?
00:13:23:19 00:13:26:04
Sheila's got an idea.
00:13:33:02 00:13:35:22
It's late night
at Sheila's house.
00:13:35:23 00:13:41:13
She's with a friend who
repackages goods for a living.
00:13:41:14 00:13:43:10
They're repackaging
the white condoms
00:13:43:11 00:13:48:06
together with branded condoms.
00:13:48:07 00:13:53:03
- [speaking native language]
00:13:53:04 00:13:57:21
- We want our condoms to have
the same message.
00:13:57:22 00:14:01:29
That's why we are packaging them
00:14:02:00 00:14:05:06
to show they are all the same.
00:14:13:16 00:14:14:21
Early morning,
00:14:14:22 00:14:16:29
and time to take the show
on the road.
00:14:17:00 00:14:18:29
Today, to Chinhanguanine,
00:14:19:00 00:14:24:00
100 kilometers north
of Maputo.
00:14:24:01 00:14:26:29
For her program, Sheila wants
people to talk openly
00:14:27:00 00:14:29:04
about their sex lives.
00:14:29:05 00:14:30:22
She hopes their stories
will reveal
00:14:30:23 00:14:33:12
why they should use condoms.
00:14:33:13 00:14:35:16
But will people talk?
00:14:35:17 00:14:39:25
- [speaking native language]
00:14:39:26 00:14:42:10
00:14:42:11 00:14:44:05
- She may choose.
00:14:44:06 00:14:46:07
It's to make her feel
more girlish.
00:14:46:08 00:14:49:12
Do you remember
the good old times?
00:14:49:13 00:14:51:26
How was it,
the first time?
00:14:51:27 00:14:53:15
The first child?
00:14:53:16 00:14:55:22
- It happened when I was
fooling around.
00:14:55:23 00:14:57:16
I cannot lie about that.
00:14:57:17 00:14:59:29
- Did you go out at night?
00:15:00:02 00:15:01:09
- Yes.
00:15:01:10 00:15:05:03
- And when you went,
what did you say at home?
00:15:05:04 00:15:06:29
- I didn't say anything.
00:15:07:00 00:15:08:26
I just sneaked out.
00:15:08:27 00:15:14:09
If I had told, Mom would never
have let me go.
00:15:14:10 00:15:17:09
- They never noticed?
00:15:17:10 00:15:18:28
- They only noticed
when I fell pregnant.
00:15:18:29 00:15:23:17
That's when they discovered
00:15:23:18 00:15:26:18
In the morning,
she took me to his house to ask,
00:15:26:19 00:15:29:26
and the guy denied.
00:15:29:27 00:15:32:00
"And now how are you going
to be,
00:15:32:01 00:15:36:01
if you'd buy some pills
to abort it?"
00:15:36:02 00:15:37:28
I said, "No, I don't want that.
00:15:37:29 00:15:40:24
I want to stay with
this pregnancy."
00:15:40:25 00:15:43:00
Bradshaw: Sex and birth control,
says Sheila,
00:15:43:01 00:15:45:11
that's why condoms
were invented.
00:15:45:12 00:15:48:01
It's common ground
that brings partners together,
00:15:48:02 00:15:53:14
when talk of HIV
can drive them apart.
00:15:56:05 00:15:58:27
She's taking the message
to the local school
00:15:58:28 00:16:00:06
to see how it plays
00:16:00:07 00:16:03:16
together with the repackaged
00:16:03:17 00:16:05:20
- [speaking native language]
00:16:05:21 00:16:12:11
- Our mothers fell pregnant
at the age of 14, 15, 16, 17.
00:16:12:12 00:16:13:29
They lived their sexuality
00:16:14:00 00:16:18:10
at the moment they felt
the time had come.
00:16:18:11 00:16:20:09
I want you to tell me,
00:16:20:10 00:16:24:29
what do you do to live
your sexuality,
00:16:25:00 00:16:30:29
without having the same problems
our mothers had?
00:16:31:00 00:16:33:24
What did you say?
00:16:33:25 00:16:35:03
- I used a condom.
00:16:35:04 00:16:37:03
- You used a condom?
Thank you.
00:16:37:04 00:16:38:19
Another one.
00:16:38:20 00:16:40:00
What do you do?
00:16:40:01 00:16:46:26
[all speaking native language]
00:16:52:13 00:16:53:29
- Condom.
- Huh?
00:16:54:00 00:16:55:14
- Condom.
- Condom.
00:17:05:15 00:17:07:01
- Be faithful to my boyfriend.
00:17:07:02 00:17:08:23
- Be faithful to your boyfriend.
00:17:08:24 00:17:10:28
I have to be faithful
to my boyfriend,
00:17:10:29 00:17:13:13
but I also have to be faithful
to the condom,
00:17:13:14 00:17:15:21
because the day my boyfriend
drops me,
00:17:15:22 00:17:19:08
the condom will stay with me.
00:17:19:09 00:17:22:08
- [singing in native language]
00:17:22:09 00:17:30:09
♪ ♪
00:17:40:29 00:17:43:12
[upbeat dance music]
00:17:43:13 00:17:45:10
Bradshaw: Sheila's taking
her message to people
00:17:45:11 00:17:49:04
that may never have seen
sexily packed condoms before.
00:17:49:05 00:17:53:05
But will her approach shock?
00:17:53:06 00:18:01:08
♪ ♪
00:18:03:15 00:18:05:28
AIDS campaigners are now
finding out
00:18:05:29 00:18:10:01
that infections are increasingly
within married couples.
00:18:10:02 00:18:13:12
So can Sheila find a reason
for introducing condoms
00:18:13:13 00:18:16:07
in a married relationship?
00:18:27:16 00:18:33:03
Sheila and colleague Arthur are
going to try and persuade David
00:18:33:04 00:18:35:02
along with shining his shoes.
00:18:39:24 00:18:40:28
- [speaking native language]
00:18:40:29 00:18:41:28
- No, no.
00:18:41:29 00:18:43:29
I never used a condom,
00:18:44:00 00:18:45:21
and I will never use it.
00:18:45:22 00:18:49:21
With Moses, I say,
mate on mate,
00:18:49:22 00:18:53:13
an eye for an eye,
and a tooth for a tooth.
00:18:56:26 00:18:59:02
- A woman,
when she gets pregnant,
00:18:59:03 00:19:01:25
needs the time to recover
for the child to grow
00:19:01:26 00:19:06:07
before she can fall pregnant
00:19:06:08 00:19:11:04
Can you hang on and abstain
from having sex with her?
00:19:11:05 00:19:13:16
- Yes.
00:19:13:17 00:19:18:17
I can abstain for six months,
two months, four months.
00:19:18:18 00:19:26:04
That means nothing for a man
who loves his wife.
00:19:26:05 00:19:28:08
- Two months for a baby?
00:19:28:09 00:19:29:20
Can you hang on for two years
00:19:29:21 00:19:32:11
before you have sex again
with your wife?
00:19:32:12 00:19:35:09
- No, of course not.
00:19:35:10 00:19:36:27
- What would you do?
00:19:36:28 00:19:41:15
- I will go without a condom.
00:19:41:16 00:19:43:28
- So because you've never used
a condom,
00:19:43:29 00:19:48:18
you can try this one
to start with.
00:19:48:19 00:19:50:18
This is a condom.
00:19:50:19 00:19:54:14
There is this one
and this one.
00:19:54:15 00:19:56:23
This is a mixture
of three different types—
00:19:56:24 00:20:01:04
this type, that type,
and the other type.
00:20:01:05 00:20:03:26
So you try,
and the one you like most,
00:20:03:27 00:20:07:08
you start using always.
00:20:07:09 00:20:10:12
Later, time for a call to David.
00:20:10:13 00:20:14:00
- Oh, so you've decided
to use them?
00:20:18:23 00:20:20:06
You loved it?
00:20:20:07 00:20:22:25
Perhaps another condom convert.
00:20:22:26 00:20:25:02
- So when your wife
falls pregnant,
00:20:25:03 00:20:27:05
you don't have to abstain;
00:20:27:06 00:20:30:21
just use a condom.
00:20:30:22 00:20:33:10
Bradshaw: The road show stops
for the night;
00:20:33:11 00:20:37:19
condoms on offer
to any passerby.
00:20:37:20 00:20:40:06
In fact, these are all
white condoms,
00:20:40:07 00:20:42:07
but Sheila has disguised some,
00:20:42:08 00:20:45:09
repackaging them
as branded condoms.
00:20:45:10 00:20:47:24
Will anybody complain?
00:20:47:25 00:20:50:29
- So we're going to offer you
00:20:51:00 00:20:52:11
For free.
00:20:52:12 00:20:54:24
- For free?
- No, you pay for them.
00:20:54:25 00:20:57:02
- You're crazy.
Paying for condoms?
00:20:57:03 00:20:58:02
To who?
00:20:58:03 00:21:00:02
- We're joking.
00:21:06:09 00:21:08:04
- Instead of giving us money,
00:21:08:05 00:21:12:17
they came to give us condoms
with AIDS.
00:21:12:18 00:21:14:24
- I'm not afraid.
00:21:20:19 00:21:23:25
- Hey, look.
00:21:23:26 00:21:26:23
You fooled me.
00:21:26:24 00:21:29:20
You used them yourself,
and now you give me this one.
00:21:29:21 00:21:32:16
Look, this is my favorite brand.
00:21:32:17 00:21:34:06
- Look, my packing is different,
00:21:34:07 00:21:37:01
but the condoms in there
are all the white ones.
00:21:37:02 00:21:39:03
- The condoms that were here,
where are they?
00:21:39:04 00:21:40:24
- You don't like this?
00:21:40:25 00:21:44:02
- No.
We don't like them.
00:21:44:03 00:21:45:19
- Why?
00:21:45:20 00:21:49:14
- They smell rubber.
00:21:49:15 00:21:52:14
Even a child would not make
a football out of them.
00:21:52:15 00:21:53:18
- What would you like?
00:21:53:19 00:21:56:20
- I like the scented ones.
00:21:56:21 00:21:59:05
Bradshaw: Sheila reckons
linking condoms to HIV
00:21:59:06 00:22:02:10
is not just useless,
but confusing,
00:22:02:11 00:22:07:28
encouraging rumors that condoms
actually contain the HIV virus.
00:22:07:29 00:22:10:22
- Those who say we are bringing
AIDS, you lose out now.
00:22:10:23 00:22:12:08
Do these have AIDS?
00:22:12:09 00:22:14:23
- No, these have no AIDS.
00:22:14:24 00:22:16:20
- So you're going to use
all of this?
00:22:16:21 00:22:22:07
- Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
00:22:22:08 00:22:25:19
- God bless you.
00:22:25:20 00:22:27:13
Sheila's found different reasons
00:22:27:14 00:22:30:00
for condom use
in each of her interviews,
00:22:30:01 00:22:33:15
even though no one
mentioned AIDS.
00:22:33:16 00:22:37:06
She takes her findings back
to the National AIDS Council.
00:22:37:07 00:22:39:03
But with the scale
of the pandemic,
00:22:39:04 00:22:44:02
can they risk abandoning
the public health message?
00:22:45:11 00:22:47:12
- Do you admit that before
00:22:47:13 00:22:49:13
we had the the problem
of pregnancy and abortion
00:22:49:14 00:22:51:16
that has always been there?
00:22:54:26 00:22:59:24
- Unwanted pregnancy
is a localized problem.
00:22:59:25 00:23:01:14
AIDS is a central problem.
00:23:01:15 00:23:03:17
- Of the government.
00:23:03:18 00:23:06:00
- A central problem of today
00:23:06:01 00:23:10:01
is that I have an infection rate
of 16%.
00:23:10:02 00:23:15:18
I have got 1,600,000 people
00:23:15:19 00:23:18:06
and that could compromise
the development prospect
00:23:18:07 00:23:19:22
of the country.
00:23:19:23 00:23:23:22
That is the central problem.
00:23:23:23 00:23:25:01
Bradshaw: For those responsible
00:23:25:02 00:23:27:12
for mitigating the impact
of the pandemic,
00:23:27:13 00:23:31:02
Sheila's message may be
far too risky.
00:23:31:03 00:23:35:03
It is a message
on the edge of the debate.
00:23:35:04 00:23:40:04
But the debate may be moving
her way.
00:23:40:05 00:23:43:15
- Probably it is necessary
for me, one day,
00:23:43:16 00:23:47:20
to invite Mr. Diogo to take off
his suit, put on shorts,
00:23:47:21 00:23:50:09
a T-shirt,
a pair of flip-flops,
00:23:50:10 00:23:54:11
and enter the communities,
00:23:54:12 00:23:57:07
and take with him the message
of pregnancy,
00:23:57:08 00:23:59:28
abandoned women,
00:23:59:29 00:24:01:12
00:24:01:13 00:24:04:03
sex after pregnancy,
00:24:04:04 00:24:09:27
and make those messages
the image of the condom,
00:24:09:28 00:24:11:23
and solve the problem,
00:24:11:24 00:24:16:26
based on the problems
of the people.
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 26 minutes
Date: 2011
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 10-12, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
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