The aftermath of 9/11: the war on terror, the Patriot Act, the looming…
XXI Century: civilization
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Part 5 is a history lesson. Iraq after all was the cradle of Western civilization. Zainab Baharani is an art historian at Columbia University who was born in Baghdad. With her we retrace the famous civilizations of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians. Her colleague historian Victoria de Grazia relates the events that shaped the history of today's Iraq, such as World War I, and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. NYU Middle East expert Timothy Mitchell and investigative reporter Greg Palast examine more recent events such as the Iran-Iraq war, the relationship of the Reagan and Bush Administrations with Saddam Hussein, and the events leading up to the first Gulf War.
That war was followed by sanctions against Iraq imposed by the UN and enforced by the US and the United Kingdom with aerial bombardments. The sanctions resulted in the deaths of a half million Iraqi children and a public health disaster due in part to the use of depleted uranium during the war. Also destroyed in large part was Iraq's infrastructure, as well as its architectural and artistic heritage.
Amongst those featured are Victor Sidel of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Norman Solomon of the Institute for Public Accuracy, William Hartung of the World Policy Institute, filmmaker and activist Jacqueline Soohen, and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Also speaking at demonstrations we hear from Harry Bellafonte, Jessica Lange, Susan Sarandon and Danny Glover.
'An exceptionally well done panorama of significant political events surrounding September 11th, 2001 and the American Empire.' Willliam Blum
'Highly revealing! A documentary which celebrates the peace movement while fueling your rage to danger levels.' Red Pepper
Main credits
Zamparini, Gabriele (film director)
Zamparini, Gabriele (film producer)
Zamparini, Gabriele (screenwriter)
Zamparini, Gabriele (director of photography)
Meccoli, Lorenzo (film producer)
Meccoli, Lorenzo (screenwriter)
Meccoli, Lorenzo (director of photography)
Meccoli, Lorenzo (editor of moving image work)
De Grazia, Victoria (on-screen participant)
Bahrani, Zainab (on-screen participant)
Mitchell, Timothy (on-screen participant)
Palast, Greg (on-screen participant)
Sidel, Victor W. (on-screen participant)
Normand, Roger (on-screen participant)
Clark, Ramsey (on-screen participant)
Solomon, Norman (on-screen participant)
Megally, Hanny (on-screen participant)
Alvarez, Jose (on-screen participant)
Hartung, William D. (on-screen participant)
Goering, Curt (on-screen participant)
Other credits
Editor, Lorenzo Meccoli [and 5 others]; camera, lighting, and sound, Lorenzo Meccoli, Gabriele Zamparini.
Distributor subjects
American Studies; Anthropology; Art/Architecture; Conflict Resolution; Ethics; Foreign Policy, US; History; Human Rights; Humanities; International Studies; Iran; Iraq; Middle East Studies; Social Justice; Sociology; United Nations; War and PeaceKeywords
00:01:03.280 --> 00:01:09.544
It\'s probably better known the story of
the British attitudes toward aerobes
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Through Egypt I mean it was often
said that the Egyptians were good
00:01:14.045 --> 00:01:18.844
for nothing but to help dig
in archaeological sites.
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There was always toward
00:01:21.724 --> 00:01:26.449
the Middle East efforts on the part
of the British particularly to
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classify and to diminish the Arabs
with respect to each other.
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So it was a history of high I had did miss.
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And if you want enormous disrespect
based on fear and there\'s no question
00:01:43.595 --> 00:01:51.595
that the British in proportion
to their fear of the locals
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Do the. the more elaborate racist ideas.
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Much documentation about the attitudes
of major leaders like Churchill.
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Racism was what mode with the Arabs was
also well-known toward the Indians.
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In particular the figure of Gandhi
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It was a justification for
not allowing the self-rule
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but they were two backward
to make it possible.
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But again this is a legitimation
of the fact that it was known that
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the Iraqi areas represented
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a very evolved area of the Ottoman Empire
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but it was always true that the
most evolved areas first Egypt.
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And then the area of Mesopotamia
were treated as backward
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Backwardness with large measure
result the pressures in the way
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these areas where we\'re divided Re
divided ruled by colonial powers.
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Ancient Mesopotamia is
so important in terms of
00:03:27.200 --> 00:03:31.474
archaeology and history because
it is considered to be
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the world\'s first urbanized
culture the world\'s
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first civilization where people started to
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build cities it\'s the place where writing
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was invented where the wheel
was used for the first time.
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It\'s the place where we have the earliest
00:03:52.115 --> 00:03:54.739
use of monumental architecture
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the earliest literature poetry
scientific texts mathematics.
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All of these occur first in
00:04:03.440 --> 00:04:08.569
Mesopotamia the the people who were
the first to use writing are called
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the Sumerians of they had
control of the south of
00:04:12.560 --> 00:04:18.034
Iraq from the fourth to the end
of the third millennium BC.
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After that time we have the Babylonians
coming the most famous Babylonian king is
00:04:23.270 --> 00:04:29.914
Hammurabi of Babylon whose law code
is known to all schoolchildren.
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Babylon was the most important
city in the second millennium BCE.
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But by about 100 BC the north of Iraq
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becomes important and we have the
rise of the Assyrian empire.
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They were very learned people.
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They had libraries on they had schools.
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They had a very educated
elite with all sorts of
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texts that survive on astronomy
this sciences medicine.
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The reason that the ancient
Mesopotamian civilization is so
00:05:03.650 --> 00:05:07.789
important is that many many
aspects of our own culture
00:05:07.790 --> 00:05:11.059
today in the West actually derives from
00:05:11.060 --> 00:05:16.474
the practices of the ancient Assyrians and
the Babylonians and even the ancients
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And the Marion\'s so much of that
written knowledge trickle-down or was
00:05:21.950 --> 00:05:27.694
borrowed from the Babylonians and the Assyrians
but through to the Greeks and the Romans.
00:05:27.695 --> 00:05:32.490
And then from the Greeks and the
Romans down to our own time
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Another period in time in which
Iraq\'s history is very important is
00:06:08.690 --> 00:06:13.999
the Abbasid medieval
period of Islamic history.
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So we are talking about
a period between the
00:06:18.245 --> 00:06:22.834
eighth and the tenth centuries
AD when Baghdad was
00:06:22.835 --> 00:06:27.344
the capital when Baghdad was the
center of the Islamic world and
00:06:27.345 --> 00:06:32.569
Caliph of Baghdad were very interested in
00:06:32.570 --> 00:06:37.579
The knowledges of all sorts and this was
the time when universities were built.
00:06:37.580 --> 00:06:42.769
The oldest university was
built in Baghdad in 100 AD.
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This was the time when
00:06:44.735 --> 00:06:50.059
all of the ancient Greek texts the
things that were written by Plato and
00:06:50.060 --> 00:06:57.244
Aristotle and all of the famous Greek classical
writers that we know of and admire today.
00:06:57.245 --> 00:07:02.599
These texts were copied
down were translated into
00:07:02.600 --> 00:07:08.119
Arabic and were kept in libraries
and archives in medieval Baghdad.
00:07:08.120 --> 00:07:11.299
Whereas in the west nobody cared about
00:07:11.300 --> 00:07:15.334
them and if not for that
preservation and translation
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The adolescent Caleb\'s all of
00:07:17.930 --> 00:07:24.034
that magnificent knowledge of the ancient
Greeks would be lost to us today.
00:07:24.035 --> 00:07:29.719
United States policy in Iraq
today has to be seen in
00:07:29.720 --> 00:07:33.649
a century long history of
brake pressure exercised
00:07:33.650 --> 00:07:37.579
by the Western great
powers in the Middle East.
00:07:37.580 --> 00:07:43.534
That was the main zone of contention
re division of imperial spoils.
00:07:43.535 --> 00:07:48.229
The European great powers had been
involved at least since the time of
00:07:48.230 --> 00:07:54.379
Napoleon to push back the
Ottoman Empire to dissolve it.
00:07:54.380 --> 00:07:57.539
So starting with 1878
00:07:57.540 --> 00:08:03.489
the pressure and then the colonization
of Egypt\'s taking it away from
00:08:03.490 --> 00:08:06.219
the Ottoman Empire and then continuing with
00:08:06.220 --> 00:08:11.139
the conflicts Germany France
France Italy over North Africa.
00:08:11.140 --> 00:08:14.754
Concluding with the
seizure of Libya in 1912.
00:08:14.755 --> 00:08:22.755
So The Great War World War one was seen
very clearly in all sorts of secret records
00:08:22.945 --> 00:08:26.859
as being the moment in which
this entire area would be in
00:08:26.860 --> 00:08:31.989
effect taken away and recolonize
by the Western powers.
00:08:31.990 --> 00:08:39.990
Already during the war the Sykes and
pico to administrative entrepreneurs
00:08:40.500 --> 00:08:42.289
representing the French.
00:08:42.290 --> 00:08:45.079
And the British had signed
an agreement a secret
00:08:45.080 --> 00:08:49.129
agreement which provided at
the end of the war the area
00:08:49.130 --> 00:08:52.699
of which Iraq is now exists was
00:08:52.700 --> 00:08:56.479
going to be divided as the French are
going to take Syria and Lebanon.
00:08:56.480 --> 00:09:02.029
And the British would take the area of
these great provinces extending through
00:09:02.030 --> 00:09:04.893
the Tigris and the Euphrates
which is present-day
00:09:04.894 --> 00:09:08.959
Iraq and the war ended the secret treaties.
00:09:08.960 --> 00:09:14.119
Although denounce publicly and publicized
by Lenin to the great distress of
00:09:14.120 --> 00:09:17.524
the allies as well as the
Russians who catalog
00:09:17.525 --> 00:09:22.519
taking part in the despoiling
of the Ottoman Empire
00:09:22.520 --> 00:09:27.589
preceeded. When the Arabs
found out about it at
00:09:27.590 --> 00:09:31.279
the Versailles they had expected
00:09:31.280 --> 00:09:35.329
their freedom editing and supported the
Allies and the effort to get that freedom.
00:09:35.330 --> 00:09:37.969
There was terrible distress.
00:09:37.970 --> 00:09:43.084
And when it was indeed found out that
they would not be liberated as expected.
00:09:43.085 --> 00:09:45.379
There was great uprising in
00:09:45.380 --> 00:09:50.209
1920 which the British put down in
their area with enormous violet.
00:09:50.210 --> 00:09:54.559
So violets which given the techniques
that time and technologies of that time
00:09:54.560 --> 00:09:59.524
is in many respects similar to that exercise
by the United States and the first Gulf War.
00:09:59.525 --> 00:10:04.819
And then in the second Gulf War as well
enormous superiority of arms there was
00:10:04.820 --> 00:10:11.730
A talk about using poison gas there wasn\'t a
slaughter thousands and thousands of Iraqi.
00:10:24.310 --> 00:10:28.969
Now that was the area the
area out of which Iraq is
00:10:28.970 --> 00:10:34.684
created which was considered to be the
most advanced area of the Mid East.
00:10:34.685 --> 00:10:40.789
And it was the area which was most
irregularly divided up which is to say
00:10:40.790 --> 00:10:47.193
that rack the new state that was emerging
was prevented from having access
00:10:47.194 --> 00:10:51.664
to the Persian Gulf by the creation
of this mini state of Kuwait.
00:10:51.665 --> 00:10:54.949
And it was protests it
from the very outset.
00:10:54.950 --> 00:10:59.899
It was expected that the state of
Kurdistan would be created but
00:10:59.900 --> 00:11:04.338
that was prevented by the
parcel realization of the Kurds
00:11:04.339 --> 00:11:09.799
into partly into a new Persian State
partly into the state of Iraq and partly
00:11:09.800 --> 00:11:17.224
into the emerging state of Turkey which
was given therefore a greater shape.
00:11:17.225 --> 00:11:22.639
So it was a bird that was
in many ways monstrous.
00:11:22.640 --> 00:11:25.744
The British did would stay in Iraq
00:11:25.745 --> 00:11:29.494
constantly because it was a
source of constant rebellion.
00:11:29.495 --> 00:11:33.619
This status quo an area where there was
00:11:33.620 --> 00:11:38.989
constant protest against this
enormous abuse of power as it was
00:11:38.990 --> 00:11:43.489
viewed from the moment of the
Versailles when it was discovered
00:11:43.490 --> 00:11:49.009
that the freedom for peoples
that was spoken about my Wilson.
00:11:49.010 --> 00:11:51.949
The notion that there would be
a just peace that would free
00:11:51.950 --> 00:11:57.199
particularly the Arabs who were led to believe
that it would be supported by the British.
00:11:57.200 --> 00:12:01.729
But this delusion was such that there
will be a constant history than up
00:12:01.730 --> 00:12:09.390
enormous rebellious snus and animosity and
particularly around the state of Iraq
00:12:14.290 --> 00:12:18.874
Saddam Hussein first came
to attention in 1963.
00:12:18.875 --> 00:12:22.549
In 1963 the government of Iraq was
00:12:22.550 --> 00:12:25.579
overthrown with the assistance of
00:12:25.580 --> 00:12:28.894
the United States and that brought
to power the Ba\'ath Party.
00:12:28.895 --> 00:12:34.129
And Saddam Hussein was a junior
activist in the bath party.
00:12:34.130 --> 00:12:41.134
That party stayed in power only briefly
but came back into power in 1968.
00:12:41.135 --> 00:12:47.464
In the meantime having when it was briefly
in parents 63 had been killed off many of
00:12:47.465 --> 00:12:51.919
the Democratic opponents who
had been in power before
00:12:51.920 --> 00:12:58.174
that Saddam then reemerges in 1968
when the bath seizes power again.
00:12:58.175 --> 00:13:02.734
And he is essentially
number two in the regime.
00:13:02.735 --> 00:13:07.879
From 1968 for the first decade through till
00:13:07.880 --> 00:13:12.814
1979 he\'s very much as a
strong man behind the scenes.
00:13:12.815 --> 00:13:19.399
He\'s organizing the party apparatus is
he\'s organizing the security operators.
00:13:19.400 --> 00:13:23.449
He\'s also organizing the oil
industry and taking control of
00:13:23.450 --> 00:13:26.209
The resources of the oil
industry and putting them in
00:13:26.210 --> 00:13:28.924
the hands of the party and of himself.
00:13:28.925 --> 00:13:33.499
After Saddam Hussein
becomes president in 1979.
00:13:33.500 --> 00:13:37.579
He begins to consolidate
his control on power.
00:13:37.580 --> 00:13:43.774
And that happens to coincide with
the Islamic Revolution in Iran.
00:13:43.775 --> 00:13:51.439
There\'s been a history of conflict
between those two regimes Iran and Iraq.
00:13:51.440 --> 00:13:55.309
And a dispute over territory in the South.
00:13:55.310 --> 00:13:58.849
Saddam Hussein decides to take
advantage of the weakness
00:13:58.850 --> 00:14:02.343
of Iran in the aftermath of
the revolution and invades
00:14:02.344 --> 00:14:07.204
his neighbor officially the United
States is neutral in the Iran-Iraq war.
00:14:07.205 --> 00:14:12.469
And officially it supports UN resolutions.
00:14:12.470 --> 00:14:16.339
Embargoed arms to both
sides behind the scenes.
00:14:16.340 --> 00:14:20.434
However it begins to do two things.
00:14:20.435 --> 00:14:24.949
First it supports Saddam Hussein.
00:14:24.950 --> 00:14:28.474
And secondly and at the
same time it also supports
00:14:28.475 --> 00:14:33.394
and allows the channeling of funds to
the other side in the war as well.
00:14:33.395 --> 00:14:38.524
To Iran. The US support for Saddam Hussein
00:14:38.525 --> 00:14:44.434
begins very early on in and becomes
more significant with time
00:14:44.435 --> 00:14:47.029
Because it doesn\'t want
this support to be public.
00:14:47.030 --> 00:14:52.309
It mostly goes through third parties through
allies such as Egypt for the supply
00:14:52.310 --> 00:14:58.744
of arms to allies such as Saudi Arabia
Kuwait for helping to finance the war.
00:14:58.745 --> 00:15:04.039
We have a president going completely
berserk about Saddam Hussein\'s pieces of
00:15:04.040 --> 00:15:09.349
a nuclear weapon who gave it to him the
Saudi Arabians is our information.
00:15:09.350 --> 00:15:14.509
And we\'re confident of it gave Saddam
Hussein $7 billion to build an atomic bomb.
00:15:14.510 --> 00:15:20.344
They pulled out before he could finish
it but they still gave them $7 billion.
00:15:20.345 --> 00:15:22.129
And they could not do that without
00:15:22.130 --> 00:15:26.254
the US government\'s support that was
during the Reagan and Bush administration
00:15:26.255 --> 00:15:32.449
In the 19 eighties when we are happy
to use Saddam Hussein to contain
00:15:32.450 --> 00:15:39.829
Iran the direct US assistance takes the form
particularly of intelligence information.
00:15:39.830 --> 00:15:46.639
Which they share with the Iraqi regime
particularly two years into the war.
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Around 19831984 when the Iranians begin
to recover from the initial attack and
00:15:53.765 --> 00:16:01.474
turn around and start to threaten Iraq more
directly from very early on in the war.
00:16:01.475 --> 00:16:04.444
And particularly from that moment
00:16:04.445 --> 00:16:08.164
once the Iranians begin
to take the offensive.
00:16:08.165 --> 00:16:15.094
We now know that the Iraqi forces
turned to the use of chemical weapons.
00:16:15.095 --> 00:16:19.699
While the Iraqi regime was using those
chemical weapons to the knowledge of
00:16:19.700 --> 00:16:24.769
the international community the United
States went on supporting him and
00:16:24.770 --> 00:16:28.189
even helping him in the US because the US
00:16:28.190 --> 00:16:31.609
was doing most directory was giving
him the battlefield information
00:16:31.610 --> 00:16:34.669
about the arrangement of
00:16:34.670 --> 00:16:39.529
Iranian forces Iranian forces against whom
the Iraqis were using chemical weapons.
00:16:39.530 --> 00:16:42.844
There were subsequent occasions
in which they were used
00:16:42.845 --> 00:16:46.984
including the better-known one later on
towards the end of the war as the war ended
00:16:46.985 --> 00:16:51.589
He turned to reconquer the northern
part of the country the Kurdish part of
00:16:51.590 --> 00:16:57.244
the country and used
chemical weapons again.
00:16:57.245 --> 00:17:01.309
This time against the Iraqis themselves
against the Kurds in the north.
00:17:01.310 --> 00:17:06.289
We were giving a wink and a nod to allow
Saddam Hussein\'s chemical weapons.
00:17:06.290 --> 00:17:12.319
If he so chose not only the Kurds were affected
were attacked but also the Marsh Arabs.
00:17:12.320 --> 00:17:18.049
Around Basra were also attacked
and that didn\'t bother us at
00:17:18.050 --> 00:17:20.599
all didn\'t bother American all
that both sides are like just
00:17:20.600 --> 00:17:23.449
chewing up people and poisoning
them in the later part of the war.
00:17:23.450 --> 00:17:29.419
One other important form of support was
direct financial aid to supply food aid
00:17:29.420 --> 00:17:33.949
iraq which again helped it to continue
to pursue the war against Iran.
00:17:33.950 --> 00:17:38.569
The United States also gave diplomatic
support to Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war.
00:17:38.570 --> 00:17:44.659
In particular insisting that the
attempts by the UN to bring an end to
00:17:44.660 --> 00:17:50.899
the war were carried out in a way that
was favorable to the Iraqi government.
00:17:50.900 --> 00:17:56.029
Specifically the US blocked
attempts by the UN to impose.
00:17:56.030 --> 00:18:00.814
A settlement that would name Iraq
as the aggressor in the war.
00:18:00.815 --> 00:18:04.729
The significance of that is that if Iraq
was named as the aggressor it would be
00:18:04.730 --> 00:18:11.119
liable for reparations for paying financial
compensation to Iran at the end of the war.
00:18:11.120 --> 00:18:15.469
The end of the Iran-Iraq War in 19881989.
00:18:15.470 --> 00:18:19.159
The US at that time was very keen to
00:18:19.160 --> 00:18:24.799
establish closer ties with
Iraq called Saddam Hussein.
00:18:24.800 --> 00:18:28.399
The force for moderation in
the region was a little bit
00:18:28.400 --> 00:18:33.739
uncomfortable about his attack on the
curves but with that behind him.
00:18:33.740 --> 00:18:38.839
The US was looking for closer
ties and Saddam Hussein.
00:18:38.840 --> 00:18:40.489
The Iraqi government now had a dispute with
00:18:40.490 --> 00:18:42.199
another neighbour dispute
with its neighbor to
00:18:42.200 --> 00:18:46.189
the south Kuwait was a
dispute over two things OIL.
00:18:46.190 --> 00:18:50.464
Shared oil field between the
two countries and also about
00:18:50.465 --> 00:18:51.724
financial issues.
00:18:51.725 --> 00:18:56.134
Kuwait had subsidized the war for Iraq
00:18:56.135 --> 00:19:00.649
and was now demanding the
repayment of debts and Iraq
00:19:00.650 --> 00:19:05.299
was in very severe economic straits after
00:19:05.300 --> 00:19:11.389
the war needed funds for its own rebuilding
and consider those demands unreasonable.
00:19:11.390 --> 00:19:14.659
Us master glass be told
00:19:14.660 --> 00:19:19.189
Saddam Hussein that the Bush administration
no problem if he attacked Kuwait
00:19:19.190 --> 00:19:23.329
however the deal was he was only
supposed to attack their oil fields and
00:19:23.330 --> 00:19:28.009
the border areas because Kuwait
was illegally stealing Iraqi oil.
00:19:28.010 --> 00:19:32.759
What they were doing is that they were
drilling into a common pool of oil
00:19:32.760 --> 00:19:37.539
While the Iraqis could not because
their system had been destroyed by
00:19:37.540 --> 00:19:42.879
the Iranians the joint production agreement
that they had was being violated.
00:19:42.880 --> 00:19:50.574
Now George Bush the daddy are first Bush
president was an oil man as his son.
00:19:50.575 --> 00:19:55.644
If you break your agreements in
an oil field you get punished.
00:19:55.645 --> 00:19:59.259
And so he told Saddam go punish
those guys where it Saddam
00:19:59.260 --> 00:20:03.729
did is that he said oh listen
moving in ten miles is easy.
00:20:03.730 --> 00:20:05.499
Let\'s go the rest of the way
00:20:05.500 --> 00:20:08.889
united states told Iraq that it
had no particular position on
00:20:08.890 --> 00:20:15.644
its dispute with Kuwait and the Iraqi
regime seems to have interpreted that
00:20:15.645 --> 00:20:20.959
Giving them a free hand to
threaten Kuwait as they
00:20:20.960 --> 00:20:26.614
saw fit and what they actually did was
invaded Kuwait in August of 1990.
00:20:26.615 --> 00:20:29.869
In fact the United States was not
00:20:29.870 --> 00:20:34.369
happy about that and that was the moment
at which relations suddenly changed.
00:20:34.370 --> 00:20:40.294
When we unleashed the attack on Iraq and
00:20:40.295 --> 00:20:48.295
January January 169091400 today
00:20:51.340 --> 00:20:58.174
Our area or short-ish a
packing the people of Iraq.
00:20:58.175 --> 00:21:06.175
Kinda gone claims a 110 thousand aerial
short-ish by US aircraft upon every 30 Savage.
00:21:08.945 --> 00:21:16.945
And I remember every hour every day for
42 days he is 88,500 tons of bombs.
00:21:18.140 --> 00:21:23.524
Such a pentagon tells us
it\'s equivalent to 7.5.
00:21:23.525 --> 00:21:29.359
Here machines could kill less Jewish bear.
00:21:29.360 --> 00:21:34.394
I wouldn\'t former secretary of the
navy said at least 200 thousand.
00:21:34.395 --> 00:21:42.395
Cornell POW who you want show much
softer respect was asked You\'re a sauce.
00:21:42.520 --> 00:21:50.520
How many Iraqis and you say she\'s killed and
he said quote frankly that\'s not a question.
00:21:50.860 --> 00:21:58.860
I\'m very interested in
different kind of wind up.
00:21:59.840 --> 00:22:03.460
Let\'s work.
00:22:30.940 --> 00:22:37.380
What are
00:22:52.120 --> 00:22:54.840
the factors.
00:22:58.510 --> 00:23:00.960
00:23:54.580 --> 00:24:02.580
The Iraq war and war against Iraq in 1991
00:24:02.900 --> 00:24:06.949
produced on thousands tens of thousands of
00:24:06.950 --> 00:24:11.284
military casualties as well
as civilian casualties.
00:24:11.285 --> 00:24:17.208
In some ways even more important the
aftermath of the war the destruction of
00:24:17.209 --> 00:24:23.839
the power supplies of the destruction of
hospitals other kinds of damage in Iraq
00:24:23.840 --> 00:24:31.840
Led to a vast amount of disease and disability
can lead to deaths among civilians.
00:24:32.135 --> 00:24:35.119
In the succeeding years I helped organize
00:24:35.120 --> 00:24:38.644
the first fact-finding mission to
Iraq three weeks after the Gulf War.
00:24:38.645 --> 00:24:40.759
The first Gulf War in 1991.
00:24:40.760 --> 00:24:43.189
What we found is that contrary to
00:24:43.190 --> 00:24:46.699
the public image here in the United
States have a clean war that
00:24:46.700 --> 00:24:49.909
the US led coalition by targeting
the infrastructure and
00:24:49.910 --> 00:24:54.439
particularly the electricity had
caused a massive humanitarian crisis.
00:24:54.440 --> 00:25:01.354
The chain of events was attack the
electricity water and sanitation stops.
00:25:01.355 --> 00:25:06.134
It\'s Iraq is a modern countries 70% urban.
00:25:06.135 --> 00:25:09.699
Which means that suddenly the
population which was used to getting
00:25:09.700 --> 00:25:16.749
clean water taps at home had to
scavenge for water dirty water and
00:25:16.750 --> 00:25:20.259
given the war and given the collapse
of the public health system
00:25:20.260 --> 00:25:23.619
you had a huge increase in
disease and death due to
00:25:23.620 --> 00:25:27.459
simple diarrhea which hadn\'t
happened for years in
00:25:27.460 --> 00:25:29.979
Iraq and mostly children of course because
00:25:29.980 --> 00:25:32.709
children are most vulnerable
to diarrheal disease.
00:25:32.710 --> 00:25:35.664
So what we found after
the first war was that
00:25:35.665 --> 00:25:40.419
over a 100 thousand civilian
casualties deaths mostly as
00:25:40.420 --> 00:25:48.420
a result of disease not of being hit by bombs
and mostly children not soldiers or adults.
00:25:48.555 --> 00:25:52.099
It was clearly not an attack
against the Iraqi military.
00:25:52.100 --> 00:25:57.934
It was an attack against the Iraqi economy
which meant civilians suffered the most.
00:25:57.935 --> 00:26:02.824
And in fact this is a war crime
because under international law
00:26:02.825 --> 00:26:05.914
the two most important
principles are that you must
00:26:05.915 --> 00:26:09.769
always hit only military targets
never civilian targets.
00:26:09.770 --> 00:26:15.139
And we saw many civilian targets that were
hit systematically not not by accident.
00:26:15.140 --> 00:26:19.879
And the second principle of
international law is that even if you
00:26:19.880 --> 00:26:24.844
hit a legitimate military target you can\'t
have excessive civilian casualties.
00:26:24.845 --> 00:26:27.829
And that means that when you
hit something like electricity
00:26:27.830 --> 00:26:32.194
which which should not even be
a legitimate military target.
00:26:32.195 --> 00:26:36.034
But when you hit electricity and you
cause tens of thousands well over
00:26:36.035 --> 00:26:41.104
a 100 thousand deaths mostly among
children clearly that\'s disproportionate.
00:26:41.105 --> 00:26:44.134
And so clearly that was a
violation of the laws of war.
00:26:44.135 --> 00:26:46.980
We impose sanctions first.
00:26:47.890 --> 00:26:54.120
There\'s the sixth which
is Hiroshima Day 1990.
00:26:55.120 --> 00:27:03.120
And we\'ve locked medicine
and we want to answer 1997
00:27:06.880 --> 00:27:13.699
Unicef hope for children\'s Jill its final
00:27:13.700 --> 00:27:17.884
variable reported in August
of 91 that there were
00:27:17.885 --> 00:27:23.989
47,500 children identified dad
as a result of the sanctions.
00:27:23.990 --> 00:27:29.014
The Food and Agriculture Organization
which we really worked at it.
00:27:29.015 --> 00:27:31.594
Could eliminate hunger.
00:27:31.595 --> 00:27:38.049
Could eliminate malnutrition soft and
we ought to think about seriously and
00:27:38.050 --> 00:27:46.050
do reported in October of 1996575 thousand
00:27:49.010 --> 00:27:54.439
children under the age of five who
have died as a direct result of
00:27:54.440 --> 00:27:59.839
manufactured and forced impoverishment and
00:27:59.840 --> 00:28:03.079
deprivation of needed food median maximum
00:28:03.080 --> 00:28:07.470
needed health care treatment
dead because of that
00:28:36.180 --> 00:28:42.309
I thought about Madeline Albright when I went
to the commensurate Children\'s Hospital in
00:28:42.310 --> 00:28:49.434
Baghdad I thought about her interview
on the CBS program 60 minutes in 1996.
00:28:49.435 --> 00:28:53.019
When at that point she
was the US Ambassador to
00:28:53.020 --> 00:28:57.909
the United Nations soon to become
the US Secretary of State.
00:28:57.910 --> 00:29:02.829
And the network correspondent
Lesley Stahl asked her about
00:29:02.830 --> 00:29:10.830
the UN estimate of 500 thousand
children who had been already dead
00:29:11.505 --> 00:29:19.249
who had already passed away because
of the US led sanctions on Iraq.
00:29:19.250 --> 00:29:24.438
And the Madeline Albright\'s response
was yes this is very troubling
00:29:24.439 --> 00:29:30.214
but and this is a direct quote from Mrs..
All right we think it\'s worth it.
00:29:30.215 --> 00:29:34.159
And so it\'s clear that in the minds
of elites and you know you have
00:29:34.160 --> 00:29:37.909
to look at Tony Blair in Britain or
00:29:37.910 --> 00:29:41.779
Berlusconi in Italy and other leaders of
00:29:41.780 --> 00:29:46.444
countries that became accomplices
to this crime of war.
00:29:46.445 --> 00:29:53.329
A calculation has been present very similar
to the one that Madeline Albright enunciated.
00:29:53.330 --> 00:29:54.799
We think it\'s worth it.
00:29:54.800 --> 00:29:57.019
You know we\'re willing to lead
00:29:57.020 --> 00:30:00.544
the sanctions were willing to
drop the 2 thousand pound bombs.
00:30:00.545 --> 00:30:04.699
Send the cruise missiles
because we decided it\'s
00:30:04.700 --> 00:30:09.469
worthwhile their estimates by unicef
by other international agencies.
00:30:09.470 --> 00:30:12.259
That hundreds of thousands
of children perhaps
00:30:12.260 --> 00:30:19.068
as many as 500 thousand children were directly
affected by the sanctions by the aftermath
00:30:19.069 --> 00:30:23.749
of the Gulf War and therefore
suffered many of them dying over
00:30:23.750 --> 00:30:29.479
the course of this period because of
nutrition because of lack of medical care
00:30:29.480 --> 00:30:33.409
Because of disease we were
the first group to do
00:30:33.410 --> 00:30:37.864
surveys Public Health Surveys and
show that 0.5 million children.
00:30:37.865 --> 00:30:41.809
This was in 1996 had died
as a result of sanctions.
00:30:41.810 --> 00:30:46.759
This is from increased mortality rates
again due to the fact that not only was
00:30:46.760 --> 00:30:49.639
the infrastructure destroyed
in the 1991 war but
00:30:49.640 --> 00:30:52.864
sanctions prevented the full
rebuilding of the infrastructure.
00:30:52.865 --> 00:30:55.564
And of course under sanctions you had
00:30:55.565 --> 00:30:59.329
a marginal economy people couldn\'t
work people didn\'t have an income.
00:30:59.330 --> 00:31:00.904
You had enormous inflation.
00:31:00.905 --> 00:31:05.899
What you had actually it was really quite
incredible and unprecedented in history.
00:31:05.900 --> 00:31:11.704
The United Nations was presiding over the
systematic impoverishment of an entire nation.
00:31:11.705 --> 00:31:14.479
And so whereas Iraq previously was a was
00:31:14.480 --> 00:31:17.449
a fairly wealthy country
with a strong middle class.
00:31:17.450 --> 00:31:24.394
By the end of sanctions certainly by 95-96
which was before the first Oil for Food.
00:31:24.395 --> 00:31:26.179
Program was instituted.
00:31:26.180 --> 00:31:30.469
You had incredible poverty you had
hunger and starvation in a in a country
00:31:30.470 --> 00:31:35.494
sitting on top of Black goal many
children had to work on the street.
00:31:35.495 --> 00:31:38.929
There\'s a lot of a lot of poverty that they
00:31:38.930 --> 00:31:42.394
were used to a very high standard
of living very educated.
00:31:42.395 --> 00:31:47.134
And all of a sudden they were put in
this incredibly demeaning position.
00:31:47.135 --> 00:31:51.094
They had their face stuck in the
mud over and over and over again
00:31:51.095 --> 00:31:57.154
As a human rights organization we take the
view that sanctions are also a tool of war.
00:31:57.155 --> 00:32:01.879
And during wartime there are
rules that are applied.
00:32:01.880 --> 00:32:04.819
And the sanctions are not
an exception to that.
00:32:04.820 --> 00:32:12.820
And one has to look at the limits to the use
of power in a wartime situation or one looks
00:32:13.340 --> 00:32:16.819
at the prohibitions that safeguard
00:32:16.820 --> 00:32:22.759
civilians during a war civilians
are not supposed to be targeted.
00:32:22.760 --> 00:32:27.829
Deliberately done people said
that it was the sanctions were
00:32:27.830 --> 00:32:33.394
intended to create pain on a
population so that they would revolt
00:32:33.395 --> 00:32:39.514
And topple Saddam Hussein this
particular approach has a real problem.
00:32:39.515 --> 00:32:45.379
If you don\'t think revolt is
actually politically viable.
00:32:45.380 --> 00:32:48.739
It also is of course quite inhumane.
00:32:48.740 --> 00:32:55.729
That is to the extent that it imposes huge
humanitarian cost as apparently it has
00:32:55.730 --> 00:32:58.549
whether it\'s prompted
by the sanctions or by
00:32:58.550 --> 00:33:03.559
the cynical manipulation of the sanctions by
Saddam Hussein the result is still the same.
00:33:03.560 --> 00:33:06.019
And so at that point you
then have the oil for food
00:33:06.020 --> 00:33:09.289
deal which was not meant to end sanctions.
00:33:09.290 --> 00:33:11.254
It was not even meant to really
00:33:11.255 --> 00:33:15.349
I restore the Iraqi people to their
previous position in a sense it
00:33:15.350 --> 00:33:21.034
was pain management was making the
sanctions a little bit better.
00:33:21.035 --> 00:33:25.504
It did increase the nutritional status
of Iraq and the Iraqi children.
00:33:25.505 --> 00:33:30.109
But you still had a tremendous tremendous
mortality rates so that when unicef did
00:33:30.110 --> 00:33:34.579
their survey a nationwide survey
in 1998 they confirmed what
00:33:34.580 --> 00:33:39.049
we had found which was more than
a doubling of child mortality
00:33:39.050 --> 00:33:43.924
and the figures again were more
than 500 thousand excess deaths.
00:33:43.925 --> 00:33:47.359
If wars upon us because
Saddam Hussein has made
00:33:47.360 --> 00:33:53.179
that choice we have it\'s the best
equipment available for our troops
00:33:53.180 --> 00:33:56.404
The best plan available for victory.
00:33:56.405 --> 00:34:02.389
And we will respect innocent life any
rank and since the first Gulf War there\'s
00:34:02.390 --> 00:34:06.379
kind of a new American way
of warfare which focuses
00:34:06.380 --> 00:34:10.764
on aerial bombardment precision munitions.
00:34:10.765 --> 00:34:15.409
In the case of the cluster bomb it\'s
A-bomb which contains many small bomb.
00:34:15.410 --> 00:34:21.709
What\'s sometimes a 100 or 200 which can
spread over an area of several 100 yards.
00:34:21.710 --> 00:34:23.869
So that means if you\'re trying to take out
00:34:23.870 --> 00:34:27.529
concentrated troops you can
kill and injure many troops.
00:34:27.530 --> 00:34:30.919
But it also means if you drop it
into civilian area you can hit
00:34:30.920 --> 00:34:35.089
many civilians and many
of these little omelets
00:34:35.090 --> 00:34:37.584
remain unexploded on the ground.
00:34:37.585 --> 00:34:41.119
So for example in Afghanistan the canisters
00:34:41.120 --> 00:34:45.154
or yellow the same color as the food
packets that they were dropping.
00:34:45.155 --> 00:34:48.649
And kids would pick these things up
because they are small but it looks like
00:34:48.650 --> 00:34:52.354
a toy and they would lose their
arms there would be killed.
00:34:52.355 --> 00:34:54.679
Human Rights Watch and other
groups have said that
00:34:54.680 --> 00:34:58.264
these weapons should be banned
because they\'re indiscriminate
00:34:58.265 --> 00:35:04.684
they have a relatively high
dud rate or unexploded rate.
00:35:04.685 --> 00:35:06.559
They don\'t explode when they hint.
00:35:06.560 --> 00:35:09.949
And so for those that moms
that don\'t cluster bombs
00:35:09.950 --> 00:35:13.909
that don\'t explode they
are in effect landmines.
00:35:13.910 --> 00:35:18.679
And they\'ve fallen in in in people\'s
gardens in their backyards.
00:35:18.680 --> 00:35:26.680
And we\'ve seen many cases in Iraq where
unexploded cluster bombs have later
00:35:26.810 --> 00:35:30.484
exploded when children
have pick them up and
00:35:30.485 --> 00:35:36.229
sometimes whole families have been
decimated by these cluster bombs.
00:35:36.230 --> 00:35:39.589
We haven\'t heard as much about
the extent of depleted uranium.
00:35:39.590 --> 00:35:43.219
And that can be used for
artillery shells for some of
00:35:43.220 --> 00:35:47.839
the bombs that are dropped from
attack planes like the ten.
00:35:47.840 --> 00:35:51.379
Some of the helicopters can also far
these shells and they\'re also used to
00:35:51.380 --> 00:35:55.954
shield the tanks to as armor for the tanks.
00:35:55.955 --> 00:36:01.009
And what was learned after that war was
that although the uranium is depleted so
00:36:01.010 --> 00:36:02.719
it\'s not highly enriched
like it would be for
00:36:02.720 --> 00:36:06.094
a bomb but it still has very
negative health effects.
00:36:06.095 --> 00:36:08.119
And once you explode something with
00:36:08.120 --> 00:36:11.884
depleted uranium and you spread
the dust all over an area.
00:36:11.885 --> 00:36:16.399
People breathe IT soldiers are in close
quarters in the tanks exposed to it.
00:36:16.400 --> 00:36:20.689
It\'s believed that it\'s contributes to a
lot of the illnesses that have been seen
00:36:20.690 --> 00:36:25.579
both among Iraqis and among veterans
of that war Gulf War veterans.
00:36:25.580 --> 00:36:28.429
Gulf War veterans came home and
I had been sick all along and
00:36:28.430 --> 00:36:31.219
been flight into good recognition
you know right now today.
00:36:31.220 --> 00:36:36.489
And it was 607 thousand Gis men and
women serve as men or women reserved
00:36:36.490 --> 00:36:44.490
A storm today over 226 thousand of
them are disabled according to the VA.
00:36:44.850 --> 00:36:49.219
There\'s 36% the necessary account
in the people that they turned
00:36:49.220 --> 00:36:55.039
away during desert storm they say oh we
haven\'t lost anyone 293 people or kill.
00:36:55.040 --> 00:36:58.099
I think there was a number. 293. Today it\'s
00:36:58.100 --> 00:37:01.594
over ten thousand ten thousand
two hundred and thirty four.
00:37:01.595 --> 00:37:02.974
People are dead.
00:37:02.975 --> 00:37:06.289
They were Desert Storm soldiers
according to their VA from
00:37:06.290 --> 00:37:09.949
military contamination
from depleted uranium from
00:37:09.950 --> 00:37:13.309
the PB pills for news and
drag jazz from eliza
00:37:13.310 --> 00:37:18.994
thing depleted uranium is another concern of
Amnesty International\'s. And we\'ve called
00:37:18.995 --> 00:37:26.995
Since the heavy use in earlier wars and
the concerns about the long-term and
00:37:28.070 --> 00:37:32.599
maybe even short-term medical effects
of depleted uranium that dust
00:37:32.600 --> 00:37:37.384
that\'s inhaled or the areas
around where they have been used.
00:37:37.385 --> 00:37:42.679
You could walk into any single
hospital in Basra and not only was it
00:37:42.680 --> 00:37:48.469
completely filthy and was there complete lack
of equipment and complete lack of drugs.
00:37:48.470 --> 00:37:51.349
But the wards were simply
the children\'s wards
00:37:51.350 --> 00:37:54.544
especially were just
crowded crowded with kids
00:37:54.545 --> 00:37:59.329
who were suffering from leukemia
or suffering from tumors.
00:37:59.330 --> 00:38:02.749
And they had absolutely
no chance of survival.
00:38:02.750 --> 00:38:04.909
And the doctors were very very blunt.
00:38:04.910 --> 00:38:07.729
We\'d meet a child and they would say
00:38:07.730 --> 00:38:12.154
this child has one week or this
child has one month to live.
00:38:12.155 --> 00:38:17.509
And this happened over and over again
over the course of that time were in Iraq
00:38:17.510 --> 00:38:24.004
a I saw a couple of children who
literally died in front of me.
00:38:24.005 --> 00:38:30.049
And there was almost even more heartbreaking
to meet a child to have a conversation with
00:38:30.050 --> 00:38:32.869
them to learn about them to
meet their family and come back
00:38:32.870 --> 00:38:36.659
a week later come back a month
later and they were dead.
00:38:36.660 --> 00:38:40.119
And the other effect of that was is that I
00:38:40.120 --> 00:38:43.569
spent a lot of time with the women in
Iraq and a lot of time with the women in
00:38:43.570 --> 00:38:50.694
Basra and women were when they
could k pregnancy to term.
00:38:50.695 --> 00:38:52.929
They were always afraid
but a lot of the time
00:38:52.930 --> 00:38:55.359
women would simply try to
avoid having children.
00:38:55.360 --> 00:38:57.969
They try to avoid getting
pregnant because they were so
00:38:57.970 --> 00:39:02.424
afraid of what their children
would look like because
00:39:02.425 --> 00:39:06.504
the horrible pictures
that you see of children
00:39:06.505 --> 00:39:10.389
with no faces with no organs
with organs as those are
00:39:10.390 --> 00:39:14.559
real that the congenital deformities
that have been the result
00:39:14.560 --> 00:39:19.559
of depleted uranium are real
and people are really afraid
00:39:19.560 --> 00:39:23.704
Um during the 1991 Gulf War
00:39:23.705 --> 00:39:30.304
some damages did occur two important
sites there was the ziggurats of
00:39:30.305 --> 00:39:34.759
or in the south of Iraq where there were
00:39:34.760 --> 00:39:40.039
bomb craters found around it and the the
southernmost side of the cigarette was
00:39:40.040 --> 00:39:44.359
damaged although remain standing
the arch of the capital city of
00:39:44.360 --> 00:39:51.559
SESS Yvonne was cracked and is in
danger of collapsing at any minute.
00:39:51.560 --> 00:39:53.734
A few minaret.
00:39:53.735 --> 00:39:59.059
The Middle Ages were toppled
because of bombs that went astray.
00:39:59.060 --> 00:40:03.514
Several mosques of the Middle
Ages received some damage.
00:40:03.515 --> 00:40:06.169
Some museums were hit.
00:40:06.170 --> 00:40:11.509
And then after the war was over
all the museums were looted and
00:40:11.510 --> 00:40:16.789
about 5 thousand between 45
thousand objects were looted from
00:40:16.790 --> 00:40:20.239
museum collections and
archaeological sites and
00:40:20.240 --> 00:40:24.870
appeared for sale in the
Western antiquities market
00:40:50.110 --> 00:40:54.829
No repairs could be made in the
aftermath of the war because
00:40:54.830 --> 00:40:59.749
the Iraqi government at that time
requested from unesco to send
00:40:59.750 --> 00:41:03.889
teams of international scholars to survey
00:41:03.890 --> 00:41:09.034
the sides to assess the damages
and to bring materials to rebuild
00:41:09.035 --> 00:41:13.489
and to protect these ancient
sites unesco did take
00:41:13.490 --> 00:41:18.559
the proposal to the United Nations
twice and it was twice vetoed
00:41:18.560 --> 00:41:21.574
by the United States and Great Britain.
00:41:21.575 --> 00:41:25.609
During the 1991 war there was
00:41:25.610 --> 00:41:30.184
a great deal of damage but I imagine
that this war will result in
00:41:30.185 --> 00:41:34.654
even a much larger amount
of damage especially given
00:41:34.655 --> 00:41:41.209
the campaign on that they have called the
shock and awe campaign over Baghdad.
00:41:41.210 --> 00:41:44.134
So that really doesn\'t
leave much to be hoped for
00:41:44.135 --> 00:41:47.899
especially for the medieval
standing monuments the
00:41:47.900 --> 00:41:51.139
ancient University that most
I\'m sorry are the days to
00:41:51.140 --> 00:41:55.159
1233 the abbess and Palace from 1179.
00:41:55.160 --> 00:42:00.559
I imagine that monuments like
that will have fallen will have
00:42:00.560 --> 00:42:04.249
and Freud. One of the places that\'s under
00:42:04.250 --> 00:42:08.719
attack right now is the city of
Karbala and this out of Iraq.
00:42:08.720 --> 00:42:11.899
I think many people in the
West realized that for
00:42:11.900 --> 00:42:17.149
the Shiite Muslims this is
the holiest sites anywhere.
00:42:17.150 --> 00:42:22.114
It\'s a pilgrimage sites and Muslims come
from all over the world to visit it.
00:42:22.115 --> 00:42:25.699
And if the mosques there are damaged or
00:42:25.700 --> 00:42:30.409
destroyed it would really be like
destroying St. Peter\'s in Rome.
00:42:30.410 --> 00:42:36.720
And I think Muslims everywhere
would be incredibly outrage
00:42:43.030 --> 00:42:48.079
Also the children are incredibly afraid even
from the bombings and make the bombings in
00:42:48.080 --> 00:42:51.829
198819801999 and the continual bombings in
00:42:51.830 --> 00:42:55.999
the no fly zone in the south have
just really traumatized kids.
00:42:56.000 --> 00:42:59.974
They some of them stopped speaking.
00:42:59.975 --> 00:43:04.534
A lot of them that they just they
can\'t relax like normal children
00:43:04.535 --> 00:43:09.799
relax and when the closer the war came
and the more they heard about it.
00:43:09.800 --> 00:43:13.909
The more you can see the fear
in their eyes and they they
00:43:13.910 --> 00:43:18.660
just talked about the voices of the bombs
and how scared they were of the voices
00:43:28.750 --> 00:43:32.104
So a woman\'s face in that paper.
00:43:32.105 --> 00:43:34.729
She was from Iraq.
00:43:34.730 --> 00:43:37.234
I was looking at her.
00:43:37.235 --> 00:43:45.235
And she was living around
back and r as the distance.
00:43:46.325 --> 00:43:54.150
Such a human insistence demanding
answers and asking questions.
00:43:54.490 --> 00:44:01.830
How can you do this and I\'ll add
on she does something to stop it.
00:44:02.290 --> 00:44:06.109
These briefcase killers
ease bureaucrat thirds.
00:44:06.110 --> 00:44:07.594
These pushes the bullets
00:44:07.595 --> 00:44:10.159
Hundreds of drugs and these
kernels and statesmen
00:44:10.160 --> 00:44:14.044
these newspaper drones this idiot
system that\'s Heart of Stone.
00:44:14.045 --> 00:44:18.769
Don\'t look don\'t see don\'t hear don\'t
think sit back relax have a smoke.
00:44:18.770 --> 00:44:20.269
Take a drink. Go to work.
00:44:20.270 --> 00:44:25.824
Come home watch TV watch the game that then
read bit babies in year ignorant name and
00:44:25.825 --> 00:44:32.374
then they\'re asked me all
the thousands of mile.
00:44:32.375 --> 00:44:40.050
Millions of agony is reaching
reminding and tearing the blankness.
00:44:40.570 --> 00:44:47.340
Can you do this then Lanham
she does something to stop it
00:44:49.150 --> 00:44:53.524
So each one of you from
around this country to
00:44:53.525 --> 00:44:59.329
the spirit world who join
00:44:59.330 --> 00:45:06.030
together in this quest for
peace or just send a message.
00:45:09.160 --> 00:45:15.570
This administration is on
is wrong and we checked.
00:45:17.680 --> 00:45:24.229
It is an MRO war that they are
beginning and we must not be
00:45:24.230 --> 00:45:32.230
silenced treat to be able to stand up
and say no we have people you know
00:45:33.580 --> 00:45:39.589
because our right to dissent and I\'ll
00:45:39.590 --> 00:45:47.590
put in a true democracy has been
hijacked by the administration.
00:45:50.710 --> 00:45:58.710
Because we stand in the way we process
because they are brutal agenda and
00:46:01.310 --> 00:46:06.443
administration whose devotee
and greed is it satiable
00:46:06.444 --> 00:46:13.680
we stand at this threshold of
history and say today I\'m not.
00:46:15.160 --> 00:46:18.479
And his rule it out sad.
00:46:18.480 --> 00:46:21.784
Or it isn\'t enough to talk about pays.
00:46:21.785 --> 00:46:24.374
One must believe in it.
00:46:24.375 --> 00:46:27.364
Even enough to believe in it.
00:46:27.365 --> 00:46:30.064
One must work at it.
00:46:30.065 --> 00:46:33.589
And we hear today working at it.
00:46:33.590 --> 00:46:36.229
This is not the first time.
00:46:36.230 --> 00:46:44.230
We as a people have been misled by the
leadership role misled by those who
00:46:45.290 --> 00:46:48.949
created the falseness of
00:46:48.950 --> 00:46:56.259
Tang pin which also gives
Edison to all well Vietnam.
00:46:56.260 --> 00:47:04.260
Whereas if we could not and did not when we
lie to the American people about Grenada.
00:47:04.970 --> 00:47:09.684
And what was going on in
that tiny island right
00:47:09.685 --> 00:47:17.259
people people that will solve other
Cuba and many places in the world.
00:47:17.260 --> 00:47:21.829
We stand here today so that
those people and others
00:47:21.830 --> 00:47:28.414
know and America is a
vast and diverse country.
00:47:28.415 --> 00:47:31.939
And we are part of the greater truth.
00:47:31.940 --> 00:47:37.234
What makes operation and I just came from the
United Nations I just met with Kofi Annan.
00:47:37.235 --> 00:47:38.824
And we told him
00:47:38.825 --> 00:47:42.529
People now in 660 cities around
the world today that are
00:47:42.530 --> 00:47:47.134
marching saying no to war and that one
looking to the UN to take the lead.
00:47:47.135 --> 00:47:50.239
And it\'s very important that we
see the UN and the context of
00:47:50.240 --> 00:47:53.659
this anti-war mobilization the British
and the American government\'s
00:47:53.660 --> 00:47:55.909
we\'re supposed to put
forward a resolution today
00:47:55.910 --> 00:47:59.959
which basically authorize the use of
military force by the Security Council.
00:47:59.960 --> 00:48:03.469
They were they were forced to withdraw
this resolution because of what
00:48:03.470 --> 00:48:05.089
the French and the Russians the Chinese did
00:48:05.090 --> 00:48:07.264
yesterday and what billions
of people did today.
00:48:07.265 --> 00:48:09.059
So I\'m hopeful we bought a month.
00:48:09.060 --> 00:48:12.094
The next meeting of the Security
Council will be on March 14th.
00:48:12.095 --> 00:48:16.114
And I\'m hopeful that there will be
the ability of those who opposes war
00:48:16.115 --> 00:48:21.904
continue to rise up and expand their numbers
so that there\'s no way President Bush.
00:48:21.905 --> 00:48:25.279
Could ever think about waging
war with Iraq in and try and
00:48:25.280 --> 00:48:28.519
pretend that it\'s somehow has
the mandate of the people just
00:48:28.520 --> 00:48:33.394
before the large demonstrations
that took place in New York City in
00:48:33.395 --> 00:48:38.929
mid February poets the international
physicians for the prevention of
00:48:38.930 --> 00:48:45.409
nuclear war and an international association
of lawyers conducted a press conference.
00:48:45.410 --> 00:48:48.679
At the United Nations New York City site.
00:48:48.680 --> 00:48:53.659
And at that press conference I
paint BMW introduced a letter that
00:48:53.660 --> 00:48:59.024
had been sent to coffee anon the
Secretary General of the United Nations
00:48:59.025 --> 00:49:06.999
A letter to President Bush calling on the
United Nations Security Council not to
00:49:07.000 --> 00:49:10.809
permit attack on Iraq calling on
00:49:10.810 --> 00:49:15.770
the United States and not to
conduct an attack on her OK.
00:49:51.850 --> 00:49:54.280
00:50:25.630 --> 00:50:33.630
We can
00:50:46.620 --> 00:50:48.930
00:51:04.780 --> 00:51:07.550
The man
00:51:33.580 --> 00:51:35.929
00:51:35.930 --> 00:51:38.900
wishes to change.
00:51:54.280 --> 00:51:56.620
00:52:29.360 --> 00:52:31.720
00:53:11.530 --> 00:53:13.920
And what
00:53:24.370 --> 00:53:27.090
this means.
00:53:53.760 --> 00:53:56.100
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 54 minutes
Date: 2005
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 10-12, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
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