Browse Films
Showing 1 - 10 of 107 titles with a criteria of Subject is Disabilities
Able to Laugh
Enter the world of disability as interpreted by six professional comics, who happen to be disabled.
The Fanlight Collection | 1993 | 27 minutes
Acting Blind
Takes audiences behind the scenes as a company of non-professional actors rehearse a play about life without sight. The performers have no problem imagining themselves in these roles: they are blind themselves.
The Fanlight Collection | 2006 | 52 minutes
Four women with disabilities attend an empowerment workshop where they develop tools to confront the gender violence they face.
Pragda Films | 2021 | 65 minutes
Autism in Love
Autistic adults navigate the challenges of dating and romantic relationships.
GOOD DOCS | 2015 | 75 minutes
Bad Steps, Ep. 03 - Limitless Sports
Two BMX athletes with disabilities show how nothing is more inspiring than seeing others overcome adversity, and their talents take them to places where nothing is impossible.
Pragda Films | 2019 | 26 minutes
Being Michelle
A deaf woman with autism who survived incarceration and abuse uses her artwork to depict the trauma and heal from her past.
GOOD DOCS | 2022 | 80 minutes
The terrible aftermath of dropping cluster bombs during the secret air war in Laos and the international campaign to ban them.
Bullfrog Films | 2002 | 57 minutes
Boy from the Blaze
After an accident left him severely burned, Aleixo is unable to live a normal life. Music and family giveshim hope. Will performing bring him back?
Pragda Films | 2020 | 90 minutes
Boy In The World
Following four-year-old Ronen, a young boy with Down syndrome, this intimate documentary concretely demonstrates that inclusive preschool classrooms benefit both children with special needs and their typical peers.
The Fanlight Collection | 2007 | 44 minutes
The Boy Inside
The distressing story of the filmmaker's son Adam, a 12-year-old with Asperger Syndrome, during a tumultuous year in the life of their family.
The Fanlight Collection | 2006 | 47 minutes