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Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired By Bach

Conceived by cellist Yo-Yo Ma, this series of films presents a multi-faceted celebration of Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello. In collaboration with artists from different disciplines, Ma uses each Bach suite as a starting point for a completely new work in that artist's medium. We hear the magnificence of the Bach suite, see the work that has resulted from the collaboration, and share the insights and inspirations the artists have found in Bach's work.

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The Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired By Bach includes the following titles:

Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Falling Down Stairs - imageYo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Falling Down Stairs

Bach's '3rd Suite for Cello' interpreted through dance.

Bullfrog Films | 1998 | 55 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Sarabande - imageYo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Sarabande

Feature film maker Atom Egoyan weaves a tale inspired by Bach's "4th Cello Suite."

Bullfrog Films | 1998 | 55 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Six Gestures - imageYo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Six Gestures

Torvill and Dean interpret Bach's 'Suite No. 6'.

Bullfrog Films | 1998 | 55 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Struggle for Hope - imageYo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - Struggle for Hope

Kabuki actor Tamasaburo Bando interprets Bach.

Bullfrog Films | 1998 | 55 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - The Music Garden - imageYo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - The Music Garden

An exploration of Bach's music as interpreted through gardening.

Bullfrog Films | 1998 | 57 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - The Sound of the Carceri - imageYo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach - The Sound of the Carceri

Yo-Yo Ma performs Bach in a virtual prison designed by Piranesi.

Bullfrog Films | 1998 | 55 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult

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