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Crossing the Andes, Ep. 03 - Technological Paradise

Crossing the Andes, Ep. 03 - Technological Paradise

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Stef Biemans travels to Argentina’s southernmost tip, and discovers an impressive electronics industry among the penguins. Since it has become known that there are jobs to be had in Tierra del Fuego, the capital of Ushuaia contains countless South American fortune seekers. What is this growth doing to the mountains surrounding the town?

Terra del Fuego is the new migrant’s paradise of South America. Since word has gotten out that on the southern tip of the continent you can easily find work in an Argentinian electronics plant, the capital of Ushuaia has boomed. The Argentinian government has declared the area a tax free zone, meaning companies have thrown up smartphone and television plants.

Growth is so rapid here that it feels like a threat to many people. Because what is the impact on the nature of the surrounding mountains? Shouldn’t Tierra del Fuego’s biodiversity be kept intact? In Tierra del Fuego, Charles Darwin studied man and animal, and discovered the principles of his theory of evolution. Can modern day inhabitants adapt to these changes? Or are they stuck in the past? And how bad would that even be?

Series Description

The Andes – in all their diversity – are the spine of South America. We traverse six countries, focusing on work, economy, health, and migration, to find out how South America is doing and which changes are taking place in the continent some call an investors paradise, while others say is still a mess…

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