A Brazilian take on contemporary alienation, loosely based on the Edgar…
Burning Night
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Paulo starts driving a cab to pay his bills and to cover child support for his son. Passengers' stories intertwine with his own while he drives at night through Rio de Janeiro - a chaotic city in permanent reinvention. Even though each passenger has a different destination, Paulo is always the one steering the wheel, hoping for better days in a city falling apart.
Eryk Rocha's edgy, impressionistic chronicle of the nocturnal encounters of a Rio cab driver vividly captures the strange unpredictability of a rapidly changing world.
"There is plenty to like here, with Rocha delicately merging art and life to deliver a poignant and persuasive piece about loneliness, survival, and the quest for reinvention." Donna, Frankly, My Dear UK
"Burning Night is seen, heard, and acted like few other Latin American movies." - Javier Porta Fouz, La Nación
Main credits
Rocha, Eryk (film director)
Rocha, Eryk (screenwriter)
Rocha, Eryk (film producer)
Andrade, Fábio (screenwriter)
Ariani, Julia (screenwriter)
Boliveira, Fabrício (actor)
Colen, Bárbara (actor)
Jay, Cadu N. (actor)
Other credits
Cinematography, Miguel Vassy; editing, Renato Vallone.
Distributor subjects
Economics + Social Class Issues; Family; Labor Studies; Urban Studies; Afro-LatinKeywords
00:03:01.000 --> 00:03:02.833
Evening, Radar family.
00:03:03.000 --> 00:03:05.125
I'm driving past Ribalta,
just starting work.
00:03:05.291 --> 00:03:08.541
Looks like it just closed,
there's lots of taxis here.
00:03:09.125 --> 00:03:11.333
There's a huge crowd outside Ribalta.
00:03:11.500 --> 00:03:14.416
Only, I don't know
if they're arriving or leaving.
00:03:40.416 --> 00:03:42.416
Shit, man!
I've been driving since 5pm.
00:03:42.583 --> 00:03:45.500
R$ 82 in my pocket,
I've filled up twice already.
00:03:45.666 --> 00:03:48.375
I'm not even making enough
to pay the bills.
00:03:48.541 --> 00:03:51.166
Yesterday, I took home R$ 112.
00:03:51.333 --> 00:03:53.250
And today? R$ 50.
00:04:27.791 --> 00:04:29.333
Hey, Gil.
00:04:29.833 --> 00:04:32.750
Gimme a rundown on the situation.
Where should I go?
00:04:33.333 --> 00:04:36.416
Chile Ave is closed,
but there's passengers at both ends.
00:04:36.583 --> 00:04:39.583
On Tiradentes Sq.,
people are fighting for taxis.
00:04:40.041 --> 00:04:43.500
I'm in Copacabana now,
but I'm rushing back there.
00:05:13.833 --> 00:05:17.750
I'm in Lapa, been parked here
since early in the evening.
00:05:19.500 --> 00:05:20.458
But it's OK.
00:06:13.125 --> 00:06:14.291
That's lame.
00:06:14.458 --> 00:06:16.666
- Hello.
- Hey, man.
00:06:17.125 --> 00:06:19.125
I nearly banged a chick
in the bathroom.
00:06:19.291 --> 00:06:21.416
You're shit-faced, man.
00:06:21.583 --> 00:06:24.083
- Let's split.
- Right on.
00:06:24.250 --> 00:06:26.291
Off to Jockey Club square.
00:06:26.458 --> 00:06:29.125
- Hi.
- Hello. Lower Gávea?
00:06:29.666 --> 00:06:31.333
No, to Jockey Sq.
00:06:31.500 --> 00:06:34.541
It's the same thing,
Jockey is on this side of Gávea.
00:06:34.708 --> 00:06:37.333
Let's go check it out.
00:06:37.500 --> 00:06:41.291
Hey, there's lower Bota as well.
Stays open late.
00:06:41.458 --> 00:06:42.875
Lower Bota?
00:06:43.041 --> 00:06:45.208
00:06:45.875 --> 00:06:48.416
Let's go to Botafogo, man!
00:06:48.583 --> 00:06:51.000
- Let's go to Jockey.
- Deal!
00:06:51.166 --> 00:06:54.083
Check out that ass, dude!
00:06:54.500 --> 00:06:58.291
That ain't no ass,
it's a fuckin' table!
00:06:58.458 --> 00:07:01.875
Holy cow!
I could put my beer on it.
00:07:02.041 --> 00:07:03.458
Jesus Christ!
00:07:03.625 --> 00:07:05.458
I wanna know where we're going.
00:07:05.625 --> 00:07:07.958
Botafogo, Jockey or fuck it?
00:07:08.125 --> 00:07:09.375
00:07:09.666 --> 00:07:11.375
Let's go to Jockey, man.
00:07:11.541 --> 00:07:14.416
- Let's do it.
- There's restaurants, parties...
00:07:14.583 --> 00:07:18.750
You guys have any cash?
Or only cards?
00:07:18.916 --> 00:07:21.208
Aren't you paying for us all?
Yes, you are...
00:07:21.375 --> 00:07:24.666
- You want cash for the taxi?
- Just asking, man.
00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:26.416
You got any cash?
00:07:26.583 --> 00:07:28.625
Don't listen to them, it's Botafogo.
00:07:28.791 --> 00:07:33.041
This taxi doesn't take cards.
What the fuck!
00:07:34.208 --> 00:07:38.500
This service has been around for ages,
and they don't all take cards.
00:07:38.666 --> 00:07:42.250
How has the night been so far?
Quiet or frantic?
00:07:42.416 --> 00:07:46.000
- At least, there's no traffic.
- This is the best time.
00:07:46.166 --> 00:07:48.625
- Let him talk.
- Sorry, man.
00:07:50.000 --> 00:07:51.875
What's your name, bro?
00:07:53.250 --> 00:07:55.500
- Juvenal?
- He doesn't wanna talk.
00:07:56.000 --> 00:07:58.583
- Some respect, he's working.
- I do respect him.
00:07:58.750 --> 00:08:01.166
That's Mr. Respectful Worker talking.
00:08:01.583 --> 00:08:04.875
- You're fucking with him, he's working.
- No, we're not!
00:08:05.041 --> 00:08:06.833
Look what time it is.
00:08:07.000 --> 00:08:08.666
You're all over the place.
00:08:08.833 --> 00:08:11.541
Tell him to go to Lower Botafogo...
00:08:11.708 --> 00:08:13.583
No way, dude...
00:08:14.583 --> 00:08:17.750
Did you pass through Botafogo
not long ago?
00:08:18.500 --> 00:08:19.583
You didn't?
00:08:19.750 --> 00:08:23.083
There's always people there, right?
It never closes.
00:08:23.250 --> 00:08:25.416
Hey man, stop touching me, OK?
00:08:27.166 --> 00:08:28.250
Good one!
00:08:28.791 --> 00:08:29.750
He's right.
00:08:29.916 --> 00:08:31.916
You OK back there or still sick?
00:08:32.083 --> 00:08:34.666
- Wind down the window.
- No, I'm...
00:08:34.833 --> 00:08:38.333
Go on, wind it down.
You never know.
00:08:38.500 --> 00:08:41.791
At least you'll puke outside,
not inside the taxi.
00:08:41.958 --> 00:08:43.875
Don't worry, he's not gonna puke.
00:08:44.041 --> 00:08:47.666
If I throw up, I'll do it out the window,
not on your head.
00:08:47.833 --> 00:08:49.750
- Just in case.
- He didn't like that.
00:08:49.916 --> 00:08:52.625
I do have a sense of decency.
00:08:54.833 --> 00:08:56.666
It's just a precaution.
00:08:56.833 --> 00:08:59.583
We don't want to screw it up
while you're working.
00:08:59.750 --> 00:09:02.750
I left the chick
'cause I nearly puked all over her.
00:09:02.916 --> 00:09:06.458
Holy fuck! You couldn't even close
your eyes to kiss her.
00:09:06.625 --> 00:09:10.500
You close your eyes, you feel sick.
You get the spins.
00:09:11.708 --> 00:09:15.125
But I'm all right, man.
I'm not gonna throw up in your taxi.
00:09:15.291 --> 00:09:17.416
It has leather seat covers, though.
00:09:17.583 --> 00:09:18.833
00:09:22.125 --> 00:09:26.541
I held my beer against the seat
for a sec, nothing much.
00:09:27.333 --> 00:09:29.583
Rio de Janeiro!
00:09:30.166 --> 00:09:31.416
Fuck me!
00:09:31.583 --> 00:09:33.666
I vote for Botafogo.
00:09:36.208 --> 00:09:38.666
Why are you pulling up here?
00:09:38.833 --> 00:09:41.125
- Get out.
- C'mon, man!
00:09:41.291 --> 00:09:43.375
What's up with you?
00:09:43.541 --> 00:09:46.041
- Pay the ride.
- Are you leaving us here?
00:09:46.208 --> 00:09:48.000
Is it about money?
00:09:48.166 --> 00:09:50.375
- Come on out.
- Why are you so aggressive?
00:09:50.541 --> 00:09:53.666
- Enough! Get out.
- Chill out, man!
00:09:53.833 --> 00:09:56.583
If it's about money, we got cash.
00:09:56.750 --> 00:09:58.416
It says R$ 9 there.
00:10:00.375 --> 00:10:02.416
- Calm down, I'm still in here.
- Get out.
00:10:02.583 --> 00:10:05.833
You don't know
who you're talking to, buddy.
00:10:06.333 --> 00:10:08.333
- Get out.
- Are you kicking me out?
00:10:08.500 --> 00:10:11.541
- He'll pay!
- Do it now, R$ 9.
00:10:12.166 --> 00:10:13.625
R$ 9, pay up.
00:10:13.791 --> 00:10:14.958
00:10:15.666 --> 00:10:17.875
Here's your money, buddy.
00:10:18.333 --> 00:10:21.083
- Don't fuckin' spit on it!
- Easy there!
00:10:21.791 --> 00:10:23.875
Don't fuckin' spit on it!
00:10:24.041 --> 00:10:26.541
I'm gonna spit in your face,
00:10:26.708 --> 00:10:28.541
00:10:30.083 --> 00:10:34.375
Take it easy, dude.
Your money's here, look.
00:10:34.541 --> 00:10:35.666
00:10:37.791 --> 00:10:39.250
- You don't want it?
00:10:39.750 --> 00:10:41.208
You don't?
00:10:42.791 --> 00:10:46.500
You're fucking with me in my taxi
at 6 in the morning!
00:10:46.666 --> 00:10:49.041
- Fuck you!
- Get outta here!
00:10:49.208 --> 00:10:50.666
He lost his shit.
00:10:50.833 --> 00:10:52.500
You're paid to serve us!
00:10:53.083 --> 00:10:54.416
How about my change?
00:11:03.708 --> 00:11:05.041
00:11:08.625 --> 00:11:10.333
What's wrong with you?
00:11:13.625 --> 00:11:15.000
Go to hell.
00:15:19.625 --> 00:15:22.166
Your attention, please.
Diogo the mechanic,
00:15:22.333 --> 00:15:26.125
please answer the phone in your area.
00:15:54.666 --> 00:15:55.916
Here you are.
00:18:55.875 --> 00:18:57.333
Good morning, Lívia.
00:18:59.250 --> 00:19:00.750
It's Paulo.
00:19:04.083 --> 00:19:07.250
I'm calling to know
what time you're coming back
00:19:08.416 --> 00:19:10.416
from your parents' place.
00:19:11.000 --> 00:19:12.458
What day?
00:19:13.208 --> 00:19:16.500
I want to pick my son up
at the airport.
00:19:17.625 --> 00:19:20.250
Let me know
when you have the details.
00:19:20.750 --> 00:19:24.666
Also, I'm gonna deposit
Mateus' support money this month.
00:19:25.791 --> 00:19:28.291
So let me know, I wanna see him.
00:19:29.416 --> 00:19:30.625
Talk to you later.
00:20:28.500 --> 00:20:31.333
There's going be a rise
in gas and diesel prices
00:20:31.500 --> 00:20:34.333
at Brazilian refineries
as of this Friday.
00:20:34.833 --> 00:20:36.583
Gas is going to rise
00:20:36.750 --> 00:20:39.416
by 4.3%.
00:20:39.583 --> 00:20:42.208
And diesel, by 2.2%.
00:21:40.958 --> 00:21:43.291
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
00:21:44.000 --> 00:21:46.041
- Elías is about to call me.
- Now?
00:21:46.208 --> 00:21:48.666
- It'll only be a minute.
- At this very moment?
00:21:48.833 --> 00:21:52.250
No longer than a minute.
I need to speak to him.
00:21:52.875 --> 00:21:55.083
We're in the red, Graciela.
00:21:56.458 --> 00:21:58.708
We're in the red,
we're hugely overdrawn.
00:21:58.875 --> 00:22:01.416
- Can't you talk to him tomorrow?
- Listen.
00:22:01.583 --> 00:22:04.708
In the red?
What exactly does that mean?
00:22:04.875 --> 00:22:07.666
When did I last sell
an orthopedic implant?
00:22:07.833 --> 00:22:11.500
When was the last time
that I sold an orthopedic...
00:22:11.666 --> 00:22:13.083
or a dental implant?
00:22:13.375 --> 00:22:15.500
Chinese ones cost 2.20 pesos.
00:22:15.666 --> 00:22:17.583
You know it, I had to sell the boat.
00:22:17.750 --> 00:22:19.750
Do you really have to talk to him now?
00:22:26.750 --> 00:22:28.083
Yeah, sure.
00:22:30.833 --> 00:22:33.000
- Just a second.
- Sure.
00:22:36.125 --> 00:22:38.416
Hey. Listen.
00:22:39.166 --> 00:22:40.625
Cover me first thing tomorrow.
00:22:40.791 --> 00:22:45.041
I don't care how,
you promised you'd do it if necessary.
00:22:45.208 --> 00:22:47.958
We'll sort it out later.
Promise me you'll do it.
00:22:48.125 --> 00:22:51.625
I'm begging you, Elías.
Will you do it?
00:22:51.958 --> 00:22:54.666
Thank you so much!
I really appreciate it.
00:22:55.750 --> 00:22:57.083
I'm sorry.
00:22:57.458 --> 00:22:58.833
Look how gorgeous.
00:22:59.000 --> 00:23:00.541
Come on out.
00:23:02.416 --> 00:23:04.583
Excuse me.
00:23:07.000 --> 00:23:11.041
Could you take a picture of us two?
00:23:11.208 --> 00:23:12.541
Of course.
00:23:12.791 --> 00:23:14.541
Just press there.
00:23:16.291 --> 00:23:18.000
Get the sight behind us.
00:23:18.375 --> 00:23:20.166
Make sure the sight is in it.
00:23:22.000 --> 00:23:23.291
00:23:23.458 --> 00:23:25.250
Is it gone?
00:23:26.083 --> 00:23:28.125
- Has it closed?
- It has.
00:23:34.291 --> 00:23:37.583
- There, push the white button.
- Sure.
00:23:42.083 --> 00:23:46.416
Get Sugarloaf Mountain
in the background.
00:23:46.583 --> 00:23:48.166
Let him do it.
00:23:48.333 --> 00:23:49.916
OK, any way you want.
00:23:52.250 --> 00:23:53.291
Your memory card is...
00:23:53.458 --> 00:23:55.625
- It's OK, let's just go.
- Later then.
00:23:55.791 --> 00:23:58.958
If you like,
I can do it with my cellphone.
00:23:59.125 --> 00:24:02.041
- No, it's OK.
- We'll come back later.
00:24:03.916 --> 00:24:04.875
00:24:05.291 --> 00:24:08.666
If you trusted me,
you'd have told me at once.
00:24:08.833 --> 00:24:11.625
- I couldn't.
- Because you don't trust me.
00:24:11.791 --> 00:24:15.541
- Trust is a mutual thing.
- I had to sort it out quickly.
00:24:15.708 --> 00:24:19.958
I didn't want to worry you.
You'd have cancelled the trip.
00:24:20.125 --> 00:24:22.291
You'd have gotten scared.
00:24:23.833 --> 00:24:26.875
- Now we're here, and it's sorted.
- Is it?
00:24:27.041 --> 00:24:31.416
It is! The overdraft has been covered,
we'll see about the rest later.
00:24:32.625 --> 00:24:34.583
We'll get back the boat,
00:24:34.750 --> 00:24:37.666
the beach house
and everything we deserve.
00:24:43.875 --> 00:24:46.000
I wish I could get
something else back.
00:25:21.625 --> 00:25:23.625
A crash with a victim
00:25:23.791 --> 00:25:25.208
here in Cachambi.
00:25:25.375 --> 00:25:27.500
In front of Pizzeria Dellano,
00:25:27.666 --> 00:25:29.583
going towards Madureira.
00:25:30.541 --> 00:25:32.333
A car and a motorbike crashed.
00:25:47.583 --> 00:25:48.833
00:25:49.916 --> 00:25:52.458
To Vila Isabel, please.
Silva Pinto St.
00:25:53.000 --> 00:25:54.875
- Near 28 September St?
- Yes.
00:26:24.083 --> 00:26:25.750
Is that your son?
00:26:30.208 --> 00:26:31.666
00:26:34.541 --> 00:26:37.166
He was 7 in this picture.
00:26:39.416 --> 00:26:41.458
Now he's 10.
00:26:47.500 --> 00:26:49.416
He's 10 now?
00:26:50.708 --> 00:26:52.625
Same age as my goddaughter.
00:26:56.666 --> 00:26:58.708
- Do you have any children?
- No.
00:26:59.458 --> 00:27:00.916
Only my goddaughter.
00:27:01.083 --> 00:27:02.166
00:27:08.791 --> 00:27:11.958
It must difficult to work nights
when you have a child.
00:27:15.666 --> 00:27:17.208
I prefer it actually.
00:27:18.583 --> 00:27:21.666
Less traffic on the roads,
it's cooler.
00:27:34.375 --> 00:27:36.875
Were you visiting someone in hospital?
00:27:37.333 --> 00:27:39.125
No, I work there.
00:27:49.833 --> 00:27:51.458
Are you a doctor?
00:27:51.625 --> 00:27:53.041
I'm a nurse.
00:28:08.416 --> 00:28:12.208
It's that building over there
past those cars.
00:28:12.375 --> 00:28:13.958
On the left.
00:28:14.583 --> 00:28:16.625
Just pull up anywhere you can.
00:28:29.625 --> 00:28:30.958
How much?
00:28:32.125 --> 00:28:33.583
Let me check.
00:28:34.458 --> 00:28:35.750
R$ 10.
00:28:42.333 --> 00:28:44.583
I have change.
00:28:51.208 --> 00:28:52.875
Here you are, R$ 10.
00:28:54.375 --> 00:28:55.541
00:28:56.541 --> 00:28:58.041
Thank you.
00:28:58.708 --> 00:29:02.041
I'll give you my number
in case you need a taxi.
00:29:02.208 --> 00:29:04.500
I'm always working around this time.
00:29:05.583 --> 00:29:08.750
I usually get a lift home,
but it can come in handy.
00:29:09.916 --> 00:29:12.666
- What's your name?
- Paulo.
00:29:13.541 --> 00:29:15.625
I have a pen here somewhere.
00:29:32.750 --> 00:29:33.916
Here it is.
00:29:35.291 --> 00:29:38.041
- Sorry I don't have a card.
- That's all right.
00:29:38.416 --> 00:29:40.250
- Thanks, Paulo.
- You're welcome.
00:29:40.583 --> 00:29:44.166
- Good night and good luck.
- Thanks, good night.
00:31:42.875 --> 00:31:46.666
Go to Presidente Vargas Avenue,
central lane.
00:31:46.833 --> 00:31:49.750
Joaquim Palhares St, Rio de Janeiro.
00:31:53.708 --> 00:31:58.583
Question, is Presidente Vargas closed
going downtown?
00:31:58.750 --> 00:31:59.958
It is, isn't it?
00:32:00.375 --> 00:32:02.833
Reaching Central Station
is gonna be a nightmare.
00:32:06.208 --> 00:32:09.583
Fake news can
have devastating consequences.
00:32:09.750 --> 00:32:13.916
This type of misinformation
that spreads quickly on social media
00:32:14.083 --> 00:32:16.208
can change the results of elections,
00:32:16.375 --> 00:32:19.416
and even claim lives,
in extreme cases.
00:32:30.083 --> 00:32:31.250
00:32:52.208 --> 00:32:54.625
As soon as I get there, I'll call you.
00:32:54.791 --> 00:32:58.208
But no need to worry,
we'll be celebrating tomorrow.
00:33:06.583 --> 00:33:09.750
I mean, it was really tense.
It was insane.
00:33:09.916 --> 00:33:12.458
They let everyone in...
00:33:12.625 --> 00:33:14.458
Hold on a second.
00:33:14.750 --> 00:33:19.250
I'm going to Prudente de Moraes St,
the Country Club in Ipanema.
00:33:26.375 --> 00:33:29.291
You've made a lot of money, man.
00:33:29.833 --> 00:33:32.000
So have I, of course.
00:33:32.791 --> 00:33:36.583
Sure, man.
I also deserve my share.
00:33:38.750 --> 00:33:40.750
I also deserve my share!
00:33:43.500 --> 00:33:45.958
In 1.9 km,
00:33:46.458 --> 00:33:48.791
turn right at access number 4.
00:33:48.958 --> 00:33:50.791
It's a cultural center.
00:33:53.708 --> 00:33:55.666
Whatever, some cultural place.
00:33:55.833 --> 00:33:58.791
Say, five or six blockbusters
and that's it.
00:33:59.666 --> 00:34:02.291
Some big theaters, you see?
00:34:06.250 --> 00:34:08.791
No worries, I'm with you guys.
00:34:10.541 --> 00:34:12.791
I'm with you guys, leave it to me.
00:34:13.625 --> 00:34:15.125
No, it won't.
00:34:15.541 --> 00:34:17.958
You must think positive.
00:34:18.958 --> 00:34:22.500
Of course,
we're gonna redevelop the whole place.
00:34:22.666 --> 00:34:24.291
It's about rehabilitating.
00:34:24.791 --> 00:34:27.000
Rehabilitating is key.
00:34:28.791 --> 00:34:31.541
Who on earth
wants those people there?
00:34:31.708 --> 00:34:33.291
Who wants them there?
00:35:23.958 --> 00:35:25.916
00:35:57.500 --> 00:36:00.958
I think it's gonna get ugly,
just being realistic.
00:36:01.583 --> 00:36:03.916
In about ten days, taxis are gone.
00:36:07.041 --> 00:36:10.333
Listen, Felipe,
I don't think taxis will be gone.
00:36:11.500 --> 00:36:13.125
00:36:14.000 --> 00:36:17.541
It's gonna get really tough!
That's for sure.
00:37:27.666 --> 00:37:29.166
00:37:29.333 --> 00:37:33.041
what each person learned
from his or her parents
00:37:33.208 --> 00:37:34.458
leads to failure.
00:37:34.625 --> 00:37:37.166
Having everything planned ahead
leads to failure.
00:37:37.333 --> 00:37:39.333
Knowing everything you're going to do
00:37:39.500 --> 00:37:42.333
not only this Christmas and New Year's
00:37:42.500 --> 00:37:44.666
but also for years to come.
00:37:44.833 --> 00:37:49.041
Anything that doesn't introduce novelty
leads to failure,
00:37:49.208 --> 00:37:51.625
anything that
doesn't involve discovery.
00:37:51.791 --> 00:37:55.125
Discovering is about unveiling
what is covered.
00:37:55.291 --> 00:37:58.833
And what is covered?
The mystery of life.
00:37:59.000 --> 00:38:00.958
If they both manage, together, to...
00:39:08.583 --> 00:39:10.250
Mateus, my son,
00:39:11.375 --> 00:39:13.208
is everything OK with you?
00:39:14.166 --> 00:39:16.625
How's the holiday
at your grandparents'?
00:39:16.791 --> 00:39:18.291
Are you happy?
00:39:18.458 --> 00:39:20.000
Are you having a good time?
00:39:20.750 --> 00:39:22.291
You been going to the beach?
00:39:24.416 --> 00:39:26.916
Right now, your dad is driving a taxi.
00:39:29.000 --> 00:39:31.958
I imagine you'd be happy
to be here with me.
00:39:34.875 --> 00:39:36.666
Your dad loves you.
00:39:38.041 --> 00:39:39.708
I miss you.
00:40:29.125 --> 00:40:32.125
Traffic is flowing so well
I can't believe it.
00:40:33.125 --> 00:40:36.500
I left Icaraí at 7:50,
guess where I am now.
00:40:36.666 --> 00:40:40.083
Already in Irajá.
00:40:42.500 --> 00:40:45.041
Since I've been using
Google Translate,
00:40:45.208 --> 00:40:47.583
I've had Japanese passengers.
00:40:47.750 --> 00:40:49.750
Some of them speak English, though.
00:40:49.916 --> 00:40:52.333
I've even had some guys from Iran,
00:40:52.500 --> 00:40:54.666
they speak Persian.
00:40:56.833 --> 00:40:59.916
This is the best weather.
Rainy weather.
00:41:02.125 --> 00:41:06.333
There's no beating it. One day,
I'll live in a freezing cold city.
00:41:07.541 --> 00:41:09.666
In cold weather cities,
00:41:09.833 --> 00:41:12.916
people are classier,
they wear nicer clothes.
00:41:13.250 --> 00:41:15.208
I think it's nicer.
00:41:46.833 --> 00:41:48.500
00:41:56.291 --> 00:41:57.833
Yes, I remember you.
00:42:08.583 --> 00:42:10.250
I am free.
00:42:11.000 --> 00:42:14.666
I can come right now.
Are you already done?
00:42:20.333 --> 00:42:21.625
Be right there.
00:42:39.166 --> 00:42:41.208
- How's it going?
- Fine.
00:42:59.250 --> 00:43:00.666
Where are you going?
00:43:01.291 --> 00:43:04.083
I'm going home.
Do you remember where it is?
00:43:05.625 --> 00:43:07.875
- I'll direct you.
- I remember.
00:43:08.041 --> 00:43:09.750
Same route.
How are you?
00:43:09.916 --> 00:43:11.250
I'm fine.
00:43:11.708 --> 00:43:12.833
How about you?
00:43:13.000 --> 00:43:16.333
I'm good. The usual.
00:43:18.875 --> 00:43:22.208
Are you still working a lot longer?
What's your plan?
00:43:25.750 --> 00:43:29.166
- What time did you start?
- I started at 6.
00:43:30.000 --> 00:43:33.541
- So you're still...
- I'm working late tonight.
00:45:02.500 --> 00:45:04.541
Straight A's in style and tone
00:45:04.708 --> 00:45:08.708
You are the nice scent of wood
from my guitar
00:45:09.708 --> 00:45:12.708
You are the Penha Church festival
São Cristóvão Market
00:45:12.875 --> 00:45:14.833
You are Pedra do Sal
00:45:15.791 --> 00:45:19.041
You are Troupe Intrépida
Guadalupe Arena
00:45:19.208 --> 00:45:21.833
Leme and Pontal beaches
00:45:22.458 --> 00:45:24.125
Don't let me down
00:45:24.291 --> 00:45:28.375
You are the song
I have finally been able to write
00:45:29.083 --> 00:45:32.375
You are my favela
You are a madhouse
00:45:32.541 --> 00:45:35.041
Vila Isabel neighborhood
00:45:35.625 --> 00:45:38.750
You are Estácio Square
The cove of Copacabana
00:45:38.916 --> 00:45:41.250
Everything Rio has given me
00:45:42.041 --> 00:45:46.541
My samba steps
00:45:48.625 --> 00:45:53.500
My Candomblé house
00:45:55.541 --> 00:45:58.583
The hand that caresses me
00:45:59.125 --> 00:46:01.541
Glória on my hilltop
00:46:02.208 --> 00:46:06.541
Everything for the heart
of a Brazilian man
00:47:46.083 --> 00:47:49.708
Hacker attacks have shut down
the IT systems
00:47:49.875 --> 00:47:51.833
of several public bodies
in the country.
00:47:52.000 --> 00:47:56.291
Over 45,000 cyberattacks
have been perpetrated in 74 countries.
00:47:56.458 --> 00:48:00.000
Rio's Public Prosecutor's Office
has taken precautionary measures
00:48:00.166 --> 00:48:02.958
to secure its IT systems.
00:48:03.125 --> 00:48:06.041
You work the whole day,
then you pay the car rent...
00:48:06.208 --> 00:48:09.833
You're left with R$ 20 to take home.
00:48:10.000 --> 00:48:13.333
You have to pay the car owner.
What do you do?
00:48:13.500 --> 00:48:15.583
I often go home with no money at all.
00:48:16.041 --> 00:48:18.416
'Cause I need to pay the taxi rent.
00:48:18.583 --> 00:48:22.208
My wife says we're broke,
I must work on the weekend.
00:48:22.375 --> 00:48:24.125
Right, that's the way it is.
00:48:24.750 --> 00:48:27.166
You got a rent to pay,
you got three kids.
00:48:27.333 --> 00:48:28.708
How do you manage?
00:48:29.333 --> 00:48:30.666
When's your day off?
00:48:30.833 --> 00:48:32.000
There's no day off.
00:48:32.166 --> 00:48:33.791
You sleep in the car.
00:48:33.958 --> 00:48:36.958
Your wife thinks you're fooling around.
00:48:37.125 --> 00:48:39.208
At night you're on your own, man.
00:48:39.375 --> 00:48:41.750
Anything can happen.
00:48:41.916 --> 00:48:43.708
You're on your own.
00:48:43.875 --> 00:48:46.000
At night it's rough.
00:48:46.166 --> 00:48:50.000
An old chap who drives by day
can't handle nights.
00:48:50.166 --> 00:48:52.500
It's a whole other story.
00:48:52.666 --> 00:48:57.125
You must take a blue pill
before starting to hold out 12 hours.
00:48:57.916 --> 00:48:59.833
- You sell them or what?
- The pace is...
00:49:00.000 --> 00:49:03.500
How do you mean?
Viagra before going to work?
00:49:03.666 --> 00:49:05.833
Sure. To hold out, dude.
00:49:06.375 --> 00:49:10.000
You've been doing this for 20 years,
you need Viagra!
00:49:10.166 --> 00:49:12.833
Don't worry, buddy,
you'll get there yourself.
00:49:13.000 --> 00:49:15.708
You're laughing now,
but you'll get there.
00:49:20.125 --> 00:49:22.958
It's even worse for rogue cabs.
00:49:23.125 --> 00:49:27.416
You're laughing now 'cause you're young,
but it won't last forever!
00:49:27.583 --> 00:49:29.208
00:49:34.083 --> 00:49:35.375
Hey guys.
00:49:36.166 --> 00:49:39.416
Latest update on traffic jams,
listen up.
00:49:39.583 --> 00:49:40.708
28 September St.
00:49:43.708 --> 00:49:45.041
In a complete halt.
00:49:45.583 --> 00:49:46.958
Both ways.
00:49:47.625 --> 00:49:50.583
What is happening to the city?
00:49:50.750 --> 00:49:53.541
OK, it's Friday, but still...
00:49:54.000 --> 00:49:58.041
This usually only happens
on Brasil Ave and the Red Line.
00:49:58.708 --> 00:50:02.208
And in some areas leaving downtown,
but here...
00:50:02.750 --> 00:50:04.875
I can't believe it.
00:50:05.333 --> 00:50:07.041
At 9:10pm.
00:50:13.666 --> 00:50:14.916
00:50:17.375 --> 00:50:18.916
To the bus station.
00:50:19.083 --> 00:50:20.208
00:50:32.541 --> 00:50:34.083
Hi, sweetheart.
00:50:35.916 --> 00:50:38.833
Are you OK, my love?
How's it going?
00:50:42.500 --> 00:50:45.708
No, not yet.
I'm nearly at the bus station.
00:50:46.500 --> 00:50:49.916
Don't worry.
As soon as I get there, I'll call you.
00:50:50.083 --> 00:50:51.416
I love you.
00:51:08.750 --> 00:51:11.500
Could you turn up the volume, please?
00:52:04.125 --> 00:52:06.375
- I'm sorry about this.
- It's all right.
00:52:06.541 --> 00:52:08.750
- I'm sorry.
- We must get out.
00:52:14.833 --> 00:52:16.041
Your papers, please.
00:52:17.750 --> 00:52:19.083
Go on.
00:52:27.833 --> 00:52:29.333
Where are you going?
00:52:53.875 --> 00:52:58.208
Hey, a guy just got killed
in the tunnel by Rio Sul Mall.
00:52:58.375 --> 00:53:00.000
Talk about a shoot-out.
00:53:00.416 --> 00:53:03.625
There's a dead body
on the way towards Copacabana.
00:53:15.833 --> 00:53:18.166
One of them
is still bleeding from the ears.
00:53:18.333 --> 00:53:21.000
The other one is handcuffed.
There's two of them.
00:53:21.166 --> 00:53:24.833
Two in the tunnel.
They ate some lead, those guys did.
00:53:25.208 --> 00:53:27.416
The cops fired
like there's no tomorrow.
00:53:28.208 --> 00:53:31.958
It's an L200 pick-up truck.
00:53:32.375 --> 00:53:34.666
It's riddled with bullets.
00:53:34.833 --> 00:53:36.125
That'll teach them!
00:54:50.250 --> 00:54:52.208
I'm tired, Paulo.
00:54:56.458 --> 00:54:59.291
I sleep but don't feel rested.
00:55:02.041 --> 00:55:05.250
I have the feeling I'm always tired.
00:55:08.333 --> 00:55:12.166
Yesterday we had three patients
with bullet wounds at the hospital.
00:55:13.083 --> 00:55:15.833
They all got there at the same time.
00:55:17.666 --> 00:55:21.333
And there weren't
any beds available for them.
00:55:28.583 --> 00:55:30.958
Things are really tough over there now.
00:55:31.666 --> 00:55:35.500
The number of shooting victims
has risen dramatically.
00:55:35.666 --> 00:55:38.041
They keep coming any day,
any time.
00:55:38.208 --> 00:55:39.916
And they're victims...
00:55:40.083 --> 00:55:42.375
They're people shot at with rifles.
00:55:42.541 --> 00:55:45.166
There's this gun called AK-47,
00:55:46.166 --> 00:55:48.416
which is also a war weapon.
00:55:49.291 --> 00:55:51.416
There are grenade injuries,
bomb injuries...
00:55:55.750 --> 00:55:59.875
Yesterday there was girl
who got shot outside her school.
00:56:00.500 --> 00:56:01.791
She's 13.
00:56:15.625 --> 00:56:17.375
What a country...
00:56:29.041 --> 00:56:31.291
Makes me think about my son.
00:56:32.333 --> 00:56:34.666
I miss Mateus.
00:56:42.416 --> 00:56:45.000
I didn't have a father, he vanished.
00:56:46.708 --> 00:56:49.000
My mother brought us up.
00:56:54.291 --> 00:56:57.708
There are so many women
raising their children by themselves.
00:57:00.666 --> 00:57:02.708
Reminds me of my grandmother.
00:57:03.333 --> 00:57:05.666
She was a nurse as well.
00:57:18.000 --> 00:57:21.666
Sometimes when I despair
at the hospital,
00:57:22.625 --> 00:57:24.791
feeling hopeless,
00:57:26.958 --> 00:57:30.333
I think about her
and everything she went through.
00:57:35.583 --> 00:57:38.250
Why she did the things she did.
00:57:48.708 --> 00:57:50.875
I also miss her a lot.
00:58:04.750 --> 00:58:06.833
Missing someone is a good thing.
00:58:07.666 --> 00:58:10.208
Or at least it should be.
Only that.
00:58:36.291 --> 00:58:39.291
My pain
00:58:52.875 --> 00:58:54.916
00:58:56.416 --> 00:58:59.875
I can feel it
00:59:21.291 --> 00:59:24.208
you sight,
00:59:26.791 --> 00:59:33.458
you see me
00:59:38.750 --> 00:59:45.708
I'm a blackbird thru the night
00:59:46.291 --> 00:59:54.333
take me away from my homeland
00:59:55.166 --> 00:59:56.666
I lost my job.
00:59:56.833 --> 00:59:58.666
I was in the shit, completely broke.
01:00:00.083 --> 01:00:02.041
Lívia, my ex-wife,
01:00:02.833 --> 01:00:06.416
had to support the household,
pay the bills,
01:00:07.000 --> 01:00:09.333
until I could get my act together.
01:00:09.625 --> 01:00:11.708
But things weren't fine in my head.
01:00:14.125 --> 01:00:15.791
So we split up.
01:00:15.958 --> 01:00:18.916
She went to her parents' place
with Mateus.
01:00:22.000 --> 01:00:24.250
I'm already paying child support.
01:00:30.416 --> 01:00:32.750
I think I wasn't there for my son.
01:00:34.916 --> 01:00:37.250
He's going back to school now.
01:00:42.916 --> 01:00:45.125
What are you going to do?
01:03:34.833 --> 01:03:35.875
Come here.
01:03:36.041 --> 01:03:37.375
01:03:39.750 --> 01:03:40.916
Thanks, good night.
01:03:41.083 --> 01:03:42.333
Good night.
01:03:45.500 --> 01:03:46.875
Thanks, good night.
01:03:47.041 --> 01:03:48.291
Good night.
01:05:15.291 --> 01:05:16.541
01:05:17.208 --> 01:05:20.625
R$ 20. You can collect it
from my colleague. Thanks.
01:05:21.291 --> 01:05:22.500
01:05:24.875 --> 01:05:26.125
Thank you.
01:05:47.583 --> 01:05:49.291
Here at the Tall Glass
01:05:49.458 --> 01:05:52.458
you can quench your thirst
while saving your pennies.
01:06:55.416 --> 01:06:56.666
01:06:57.875 --> 01:07:00.625
I've already deposited
Mateus' support money.
01:07:04.250 --> 01:07:06.791
I thought we had sorted things out.
01:07:07.500 --> 01:07:09.208
I want to see my son.
01:12:24.333 --> 01:12:26.166
Yeah, I can hear you.
01:12:27.916 --> 01:12:30.541
Yes, I am.
I'm getting ready to head out.
01:12:30.708 --> 01:12:32.500
It's OK, go ahead.
01:12:35.666 --> 01:12:37.500
No, just a second.
01:12:40.500 --> 01:12:42.208
Go on, tell me.
01:12:58.958 --> 01:13:00.250
I see.
01:13:12.500 --> 01:13:13.583
01:13:17.250 --> 01:13:19.250
Weren't you taking the pill, Karina?
01:14:38.416 --> 01:14:39.791
Hello, Paulo.
01:14:42.666 --> 01:14:45.458
I saw you deposited the money.
01:14:48.291 --> 01:14:50.041
Mateus is fine.
01:14:50.208 --> 01:14:53.833
Glad you're finally doing something,
it's been hard for me too.
01:14:54.000 --> 01:14:56.500
You can't only show up
when you feel like it.
01:14:57.000 --> 01:14:58.916
We discussed it,
01:14:59.083 --> 01:15:03.041
we had an agreement,
you didn't stick to it.
01:15:03.208 --> 01:15:06.250
I have thought a lot about it
on this trip.
01:15:06.416 --> 01:15:08.166
I've talked to my mother.
01:15:08.333 --> 01:15:10.958
And I've decided to hire a lawyer.
01:15:11.500 --> 01:15:15.791
I want to let you know
that I'm starting legal proceedings
01:15:16.416 --> 01:15:19.458
so we can share the expenses fairly,
01:15:19.625 --> 01:15:22.541
and all the responsibilities
regarding our son.
01:15:23.083 --> 01:15:25.000
Yes, we can talk about it.
01:15:25.583 --> 01:15:28.458
But I want you to know this now.
01:15:35.208 --> 01:15:37.541
I need your address.
01:15:56.416 --> 01:15:58.291
I demand priority.
01:15:58.458 --> 01:16:00.625
A category 1 hurricane
01:16:01.000 --> 01:16:04.833
is going to hit the coast
in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday.
01:16:05.000 --> 01:16:08.583
I need a full report so I can share it
01:16:09.416 --> 01:16:11.750
with all favelas.
01:16:12.333 --> 01:16:14.375
It's gonna rain like hell on Sunday.
01:16:14.541 --> 01:16:16.833
We're gonna pay for all our sins.
01:16:17.000 --> 01:16:21.208
A cyclonic vortex of 994 hPa
over Rio de Janeiro.
01:16:21.375 --> 01:16:23.875
It can cause a disaster.
01:19:44.083 --> 01:19:48.708
Listen, Paulo,
I had a pregnancy test done at the lab.
01:19:48.875 --> 01:19:52.583
My period was late,
so I decided to do the test
01:19:52.750 --> 01:19:54.875
and get it off my mind.
01:19:55.833 --> 01:19:59.291
Everything is OK, it was negative.
01:20:17.541 --> 01:20:20.666
If I was pregnant,
I wouldn't keep the baby.
01:20:23.000 --> 01:20:26.666
I don't think there's any room for that
in my life now.
01:20:30.000 --> 01:20:32.375
I don't know if I want to be a mother.
01:23:00.250 --> 01:23:01.291
01:25:52.333 --> 01:25:53.250
I'm gonna fall.
01:25:58.666 --> 01:25:59.958
My poor heart.
01:27:37.916 --> 01:27:43.458
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 98 minutes
Date: 2019
Genre: Narrative
Language: Portuguese; Spanish
Grade: High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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