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Dicing with Death, Ep. 04 - Guatemala: Land of the Maya

Dicing with Death, Ep. 04 - Guatemala: Land of the Maya

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Guatemala, a small country in Central America, ranks among the world's most violent nations. In 2018, it recorded nearly 4,000 murders, with a homicide rate 20 times higher per capita than France. The violence is primarily attributed to street gangs known as Maras, who control drug trafficking, prostitution, and racketeering, striking fear into the population. These gang members don't hesitate to use lethal force against rivals and even ordinary citizens who defy them.

After several weeks of negotiations, we gained an insider's perspective on these gangs, including individuals like Pedro, a leader of one of Guatemala's most powerful Maras. Pedro stopped counting his homicide victims after the eighteenth. We also met Oscar, a bus driver—one of the country's most perilous professions. Maras killed 250 drivers last year as a means to extort transport companies. Having survived eleven gunshot wounds, Oscar can't perform his daily job without constantly checking his mirrors, always vigilant for potential threats. Faced with rising crime and the inadequacy of the under-equipped police force, some residents have formed citizen's militias, patrolling the streets at night with guns, swords, or baseball bats. However, this is a risky endeavor, with five of them already losing their lives."

Series Description
Dicing with Death showcases individuals who brave extreme dangers and risk their lives to earn a living through vehicle driving. They navigate treacherous routes across the globe, crossing seemingly impossible terrain daily to reach their destinations. These courageous individuals put their lives on the line in the pursuit of survival.

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