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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 14 titles with a criteria of Subject is Performance Artists

The Amazing Amy

Using humor and a love of fantasy, "The Amazing Amy" Harlib connects with audiences through performing strenuous yoga-based contortion acts in New York City. But behind the showmanship lives an incredibly lonely human being.

MediaStorm | 2011 | 13 minutes


Chronicles the gravity defying life of Bill Shannon, an internationally renowned artist, breakdancer and skate punk—on crutches.

Bullfrog Films | 2021 | 96 minutes

Eat the Kimono

Hanayagi Genshu, a Japanese feminist and avant-garde dancer and performer, has spent her life defying her conservative culture's contempt for independence and unconventionality.

Women Make Movies | 1989 | 60 minutes

Fight Hate With Love

Prison-survivor and activist Michael Ta’Bon leads a one-man movement in his community to help other young men avoid the revolving door of the prison system he’s been trapped in since he was a teen.

MediaStorm | 2017 | 79 minutes


Writer, artist and pioneer of the queer movement in Latin America, Pedro Lemebel shook up Chilean society during Pinochet’s dictatorship.

Icarus Films | 2020 | 96 minutes

Maguy Marin

Offers remarkable footage of live performances, as well as first person interviews with the choreographer, Maguy Marin, whose work is daring, moving and continues to defy convention.

Distrib Films | 2020 | 105 minutes


Maiko Nishino is 32 and at the top of her career as a prima ballerina for the Norwegian National Ballet. When she decides to start a family, Maiko is forced to make decisions that might jeopardize everything she has worked for.

First Run Features | 2015 | 70 minutes

MnM - Queer Futures

An exuberant portrait of chosen sisters Mermaid and Milan, two emerging runway divas in the drag ballroom community.

GOOD DOCS | 2023 | 15 minutes

One Man Brand

Robert Burck couldn't get anyone to listen to his music, until he made a simple discovery. In One Man Brand, we meet a man who has transformed himself from a penniless outsider into one of the Big Apple's most visible attractions.

MediaStorm | 2008 | 7 minutes

The Passionate Pursuits of Angela Bowen 

THE PASSIONATE PURSUITS provides a window into the life of Angela Bowen who grew up in inner city Boston during the Jim Crow era, and went on to become a classical ballerina, a legendary dance teacher, a Black lesbian feminist activist organizer, writer and professor.

Women Make Movies | 2016 | 73 minutes