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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 67 titles with a criteria of Subject is Sexuality

The Archivettes

For more than 40 years, the Lesbian Herstory Archives has combated lesbian invisibility by literally rescuing history from the trash.

Women Make Movies | 2018 | 61 minutes

Ask the Sexpert

A longtime sex advice columnist gains popularity against the backdrop of a ban on comprehensive sex education in schools in India.

GOOD DOCS | 2017 | 83 minutes

Ask the Sexpert

A longtime sex advice columnist gains popularity against the backdrop of a ban on comprehensive sex education in schools in India.

GOOD DOCS | 2017 | 59 minutes

Autism in Love

Autistic adults navigate the challenges of dating and romantic relationships.

GOOD DOCS | 2015 | 75 minutes

Bastards: Outcast in Morocco

Documents one woman's fight to have her sham marriage recognized and her daughter legitimized by the Moroccan judicial system.

Icarus Films | 2014 | 83 minutes

Between Two-Spirit

Neither man nor woman, Chris is a 'Two-Spirit,' in between genders.

Icarus Films | 2012 | 76 minutes

Beyond Boobs

Boobs. Melons. Bazookas: American director Kristen Vermilyea has large breasts, neck pain, back pain and balance issues. Her decision to get a reduction triggers questions about identity, aging and bodies. Kristen departs on a series of humorous adventures before going under the knife.

First Hand Films | 2018 | 52 minutes

Bisexual Virgins

Tina and Samantha are unsure about their sexual identity but want to explore the possibility that they may be bisexual.

The Fanlight Collection | 2008 | 43 minutes

The Body Beautiful

This bold, stunning exploration of a white mother who undergoes a radical mastectomy and her Black daughter who embarks on a modeling career reveals the profound effects of body image and the strain of racial and sexual identity on their charged, intensely loving bond

Women Make Movies | 1992 | 23 minutes

Born This Way

Risking everything — gays and lesbians in Cameroon.

GOOD DOCS | 2014 | 55 minutes